Yoga for NECK PAIN Relief – 10 minutes to Feel Better

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welcome to yoga and to this 10-minute neck stretch sequence of mobility exercises for the neck and upper spine to help with neck tension relief and neck pain my name is Joelle and you're welcome to do this yoga sequence sitting on the floor or you can do it in a chair find whatever is comfortable and let's start today by simply looking all the way over the right shoulder and then over the left going side to side a couple more times so we're just starting to warm up the neck here by taking it in all the directions that the neck can actually move in before we move into our neck mobility stretches very good so finishing up that last one and then coming back to Center and let's nod the chin to the chest and come back up so not the chin and come back up keep going at your own rhythm make sure it's just the neck that's moving so no rounding of the shoulders keep the upper back still and what we're doing here is not only warming up the next muscles but also loosening the bones in our neck which can become almost fused when our necks are tight so we want to teach those different bones segments to work independently as they really should throughout this routine keep the upper and lower teeth gently together just to make sure you aren't doing funky things with your jaw and now let's drop the right ear towards the right shoulder and then gently moving towards left ear to left shoulder so again the shoulders don't move here we're just taking the neck through it's full independent range of motion which is so important for neck tension relief and for mobility in our neck and upper spine and also to improve our neck posture [Music] so one or two more times here and then coming back to Center and we're just gonna tuck the chin back so giving ourselves a lovely double chin here and then move it forward so tucking back holding a moment here and coming forward keep going you can kind of imagine a chicken pecking for grain here just if you want to feel especially sexy and who doesn't in yoga and this is a great forward head posture stretch so also known as combatting the dreaded text neck then now interlace the hands behind the head rock the chin back to the chest with a little bit of extra weight this time and then lift the chin and tilt the head back and just keep going forwards and back reason I like holding the hands the head with the hands here is because the head is very heavy so when it comes to neck stretches or neck tension relief it's important not to place more strain in our weakest position which is when were looking up and wonderful let's release the hands and then wiggle around so you're actually sitting on top of both hands with the palms right under the booty bring the chin to the chest once more and start to just circle towards the right all the way back around and then simply circling left so the ear to the shoulder rolling back you're coming over to the right shoulder looking to the right and gliding the chin along the chest and just take one more in each direction so going right the reason I like to sit on my hands here by the way is to lock the arms and the shoulders in place to make sure that it's just the neck moving in the controlled articular rotation I'm coming around to the left last time keeping the teeth together run great work so take the hands back out not the chin to the chest once more and just hold here it's moving into our neck mobility stretches now clasp the hands behind the head for that little bit of extra weight and now we're just going to push the back of the head back into the hands and resist not too hard about 20 percent of your effort just holding here push push push and then let the neck come forward for a little bit more flexibility and just switch which leg was in front if you were sitting cross-legged interlace the hands behind the back this time and bring them over towards your left hip as you turn your head to look over the right shoulder so your left elbow is poking out straight to the side here and you should feel this stretch through the left side and maybe back of your neck so the scalene and trapezius muscles and keeping everything still just bring the chin down about 45 degrees as if you wanted to rest the nose on the right shoulder and hold here so changing the angle of the stretch just slightly you may close the eyes here and think about really sending your breaths into the back of your neck breathing comfortably sends our nervous system the message that everything is okay and it's it's okay to release any neck pain or neck tension then keeping the position we'll do one more stretch by rocking the head up about 45 degrees now so looking up and to the right you can shift around a little to find the angle that's best for you and just take a conscious breath in through the nose and release it out through the nose as well thinking yourself for taking these ten minutes to take care of yourself today and release will simply switch sides so bring the clasped hands to the right hip now maybe switching which thumb is on top and then simply look to the left way back over the left shoulder our neck does so much work here holding up our head all day long and if we don't look after it it can weak in other parts of the body are our upper back our chest muscles can get weaker or tighter so it's really important to give our neck muscles the release that they deserve so now bring the head down 45 degrees imagine brushing the nose against the left shoulder and this video was actually requested ava geureon commented on my video for stretching and strengthening the wrists which I will link in the description box below asking for a video for neck and shoulders so thank you Eva I hope this helps and I'll plan another video specifically for the shoulders and if there are any topics you'd like me to cover in a future video please leave me a comment so I can do my best to help you out so now let's rock the head up 45 degrees looking up and towards the left and holding here finding the angle that's best for you maybe closing the eyes again focusing on the breath checking in to see if you are maybe clenching anywhere that could be released perhaps the jaw or the hips just relieving tension throughout the entire body let's release that shake it out a little smile and now extend the left arm out flex the hand up and lean the head to the right bringing the ear back towards the shoulder and as you continue to reach the head in the left hand away from each other bring the right hand to the top of the head and push the head into the hand imagine that you were trying to bring the left ear and left shoulder together but your hand is in the way resisting your own strengths so three two one and then release and let's do the other side so the right arm extends to the side flex in the hand and bringing the left ear towards the left shoulder remember to keep the teeth together and just stretch hold here imagine pulling the head in the right hand apart and the hand comes to the top of the head again so this time you're trying to pull the right ear and right shoulder together but your hand is holding you back and someone's pulling on your right wrist so resisting here resist resist resist and then just release and let the ears sink a little bit closer to the left shoulder as the neck let's go great work so now let's come into a standing forward fold so just make your way up to your feet to the feeder maybe a little bit wider than hips width apart keep the knees softly bend to avoid any strain on the hamstrings then you might take hold of opposite elbows for a moment or you might once again interlace the fingers behind the head for that little bit of extra weight here so we're just giving our neck another opportunity to release a few moments where it doesn't have to do the work of actually holding up the head and you can even use the hands to move the neck around so let the neck go limp here is you use the hands to rock the head left and right maybe forward and back maybe ear to shoulder just recreating those dynamic movements from the beginning of our sequence but in a really relaxed passive and again just letting go of any tension and when you're ready you can bend the knees release the hands back to the floor to find your way into a seated or kneeling position for one final stretch so come to Eagle arms with the left elbow under the right wrapping the palms together keeping the back of the hands together now gently tilt the hands towards the right and bring the left ear towards the left shoulder for really deep neck release this is one of my favorites keeping the elbows high here just enjoy the stretch wonderful and we'll just change sides so this time the right arm comes underneath the left the hands will tilt towards the left and the head tilts towards the right I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking these stretches with me today even just 10 minutes even if sometimes that's all you've got can make a difference in our bodies and minds if you enjoyed this sequence please hit the like button and subscribe and you can release the arms here roll the shoulders a couple times move the neck around to see how you feel and have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Yoga with Joelle
Views: 101,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 minute neck stretch, mobility exercises for neck, Yoga for neck tension relief, Yoga neck pain relief, neck mobility stretch, neck and upper back yoga, forward head posture stretches, neck and upper back stretches, neck pain relief exercise, neck pain relief stretch, neck mobility exercises, tight neck stretches, yoga neck pain, yoga for neck pain relief, yoga for neck, yoga for neck pain beginners, yoga for neck pain, mobility exercises for neck and upper back
Id: XVSIztlmQqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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