(YMR 2020) Female Kingdom Warriors - Sisters' Session

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[Music] [Music] [Music] away [Applause] i am you i [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] and you are a lady by now you know that you are a kingdom warrior by now you know that you are a fearful kingdom warrior nothing comes before you and remains you know that you have the sword of the spirit you know you are the warrior of the monster god do i have kingdom warriors on the houses this afternoon kingdom warriors give the lord a shout [Music] glory to god hallelujah i am so excited to be with us this afternoon i am so excited i am much more excited because we actually filled this auditorium it's like the men are not even around at all like we filled the entire auditorium women are now in god if there is any joy i have any desire my highest desire apart from my highest desire to be like jesus which is our attaining spiritual maturity but my next highest desire is to see women who are fearfully in god women who are fierce women who are on fire for god women who are burning for god women with a fairy passion for god that is my desire that is my desire and to see so many of you here this afternoon it gladdens my heart but we we we've just started we've just started the kingdom of this world must become the kingdom of our god we will bring salvation onto all men all men your life you will enter a family as a wife and you will transform the entire family because because you stepped in the whole family we know somebody has entered some things happened in my family recently my mother-in-law my mother in love called me she said i love you i love your legs let me say the yoga i said yes mo what's this mommy mo famous says something like that because since you came to this house so many good things have just been coming we are warriors not just to speak in tongues in church but when you enter your marriage when you enter your family this begins to turn around when you come into a new church they know somebody has arrived because the spirit of the lord the spirit of wisdom the spirit of excellence is upon you there are not many things that god that in the bible that god said his favor but the bible says either find it a wife find it a good deal and obtain favor from the lord do i have people that are favors from the lord here do i have wives here you are a good thing and you are a gift from god to any man any man you are a blessing from god can you celebrate yourselves oh if i were you i would do better celebrate yourself princesses hallelujah you can have your seat god bless you oh glory to god lord we thank you we thank you for this moment thank you for your hand upon us my heart is so gladdened i am so excited because of what you have in store for the women of this generation i am so excited because of your great plans for horse i am so excited thank you jesus have your way in this meeting oh god in jesus mighty name amen praise the lord so how many of us have gotten back to ground fight for your spiritual good please get it even though on christmas day i gave the soft copy free online but it's but when you have a hard copy i love ad copy books i get to underline i write i highlight and you can pick it anytime and go check what you wrote down so it's always good to have ad copy books now let me brief you on that um sometimes in august no june about june last year and god began to steer in my heart the the way to stay on fire for god you have to fight for it the bible says fight the good fight of faith we live in a world that is corrupted we live in a world where so many things are there to distract you so many things are pulling you from every side but then if you understand that your race regard eternal life you need to fight for it you need to lay hold on it you need to hold on to your salvation and your walk with god guide it jealously because the devil is going about like a roaring lion looking for womb to the wall and when the lockdown started so many people could not attend church they were doing online service and it affected so many people they started falling back into sin and they were reaching out to me please help me please help me ma and the holy spirit brought this inspiration to me and we have we had a spiritual growth boot camp over 3500 ladies registered and the testimonies i get from that meeting every day i'm still amazed because when god gave me that assignment just like i was teaching this morning all i did was to say yes i didn't know how i didn't know if people would even register but they registered until tomorrow i'm still getting messages my my life has changed i have not fallen back down spiritually anymore and then the holy spirit put it in my heart all the things we learned today put it in a book a book that people can pick up and walk on it and read and they know that their spiritual life will spark from there and that is why we have this book to the glory of god and on christmas day it was for free so even if you say i don't have 500 naira you can download it for free download the soft copy for free and study it right about now god has blessed us in yml 2020 with graces gracious and i'm so excited so we'll be having a family a partner session where we talk to you you can start writing your questions now because the brothers will soon come and tell us to leave it's not going to we're not going to take too much of your time but we want to pour out our hearts to you so that you can run with it in 2021. so right now please help me celebrate mrs hope hey jimmy please come forward man [Applause] mrs ilda alison sinto [Applause] mrs grace jaffet put your hands together is that how you celebrate why am i 20 20. and the beautiful thing is that we have a mother in our midst she is a relationship counselor a marriage counselor and she has a a program on dove television i mean if you know living couples on dog tv we have in our midst today mrs grace adel ye go da del ye forgive me ma gold adel ye put your hands together thank you so much for accepting us accepting this little invitation thank you so much are grateful please want to hear help us with the sound please okay so um right about now we'll do a quick introduction you tell us your name and what you do and let's let's go like that praise the lord hallelujah i'm grace jeffers i'm a copywriter and a fashion designer she's a pastor's wife mommy okay praise the lord i'm grace jaffet i'm a copywriter and a fashion designer [Applause] okay praise the lord i am gold at doa i am a psychologist i am a professional counselor and i am a therapist did you hear okay you can hear this mic right all right praise the lord everybody i am gold at deo yee i am a psychologist i am a professional counselor i am a therapist and the ceos are my good fabrics bracelet my name is hilda jaisinto [Applause] i'm a broadcaster by profession i'm a war wife i'm a relationship counselor too thank you good afternoon everyone my name is hope ajim i'm an economic stone baker i i help women to profit from their passions like whatever function it is you have i can help you to make profit from it you might have to increase our mind so we don't keep passing the mind hallelujah okay all right so my first question for you mark uh ushers can help us with the questions ushers can help us to get questions from everybody okay so my first question now so our team is female kingdom warriors every woman should be a warrior you're not married you're married or you are a christian warrior your relationship with god is dear to your heart so i will just ask maybe two of us will answer this another person will answer the next one about your relationship with god even before you got married or i believe before you got married how was it how was your relationship with god what are the things that you held on to that helped you pull through that even after marriage everything did not just water down so share with us we want to learn we want to know how to stay on fire for god even as a single lady with so many brothers disturbing you okay so let me have her praise the lord okay well i would love to start that when i introduced my first myself the first time mama said a pastor's wife so well my journey to being a pastor's wife wasn't something i planned to do definitely i wouldn't want to be a pastor so i've left to myself but then i knew that god was taking me through that part and i couldn't run away from it for so long and i had to confirm to the will of god and my spiritual life as a single compared to my spiritual life as a married person as being on a two parallel line well as a single person it's easy to serve god because you're not pet up with the issues of marriage you're not perfect with the issues of family life or the things surrounding you and again as a pastor's wife you're not put up with having issues with your members or how to cater for someone that has a family issue or an education issue or some sort of issues like that so it's easy as a single person to focus on gorge and just on him alone and maybe your personal and business life and your job but then by the time i got married i discovered that if the grace of god that was upon my life as a single person was enough for that stage but the moment i got married it doubled up i realized that god's grace had doubled up on me and it would have been an error for me to sit back and still do the things i was able to do as a single because as a married person you've come into a different union you've come into a different and i think a double anointing that of yourself and your husband and then when you're called into ministry like we we ministers have said that the grace of god upon each and every one of us is different definitely so and then you realize that when god calls you to a certain part he impacts something in you for that part so it will be an error for you to do below that which god has called you to do so as a married person i realized that the grace which god had called me into was higher was on a double level and it would have been an error for me to sit back and do the things i was doing as a single person so i was no longer praying for myself as a married person i was no longer praying for the things i want to do i found myself even though at night i intentionally woke up to pray for myself to pray for my business and my family but i found myself unconsciously praying for my husband at the point i had to sit back and ask god you see that you love my husband more than myself because most nights when i wake up to pray for myself i realized i was praying for my husband i was praying for his ministry and everything i had to pertain to him and then god told me if your husband feels you failed yes so for you to ensure that you succeed in life your husband has to succeed so at that point i realized that there was more responsibility on me at the home front than my husband on the pool page i don't need to be on the property to prove myself as long as i'm doing what i'm supposed to do at the home front then i know my husband is secured and i realized that like i told my husband a couple of times when i was single i was doing well in business i was having a lot of income i i was in abuja before i moved to uh but after i got married i realized that my business was moving at a slow pace not because i wasn't putting in much effort but by the time i sat back and i was doing a review the holy spirit told me i didn't call you here for yourself that's why you have to leave all behind because i want you to be dependent on me for so long you've been dependent on yourself so i had to bring you out from your surplus to somewhere else so that you realize that i am your source and not your hard work so at that point it was hard for me like i'm somebody that in abuja i did like two jobs plus my fashion designing um job and i was comfortable but then god had to bring me out of that because he's taking me to some place so he had to make me dependent on him by removing all that i had so what god did was that he didn't make the income i was seeing before coming as much as as what i was seeing now and then he made sure that i had jobs jobs came to me as a matter of fact my dad gave me a federal job which i turned down i didn't know why i turned down that joke because i was to walk outside i was someone i told my husband after after we get married i'm not going to relocate to you to you i was really very stubborn so the holy spirit had to break me because it was bringing me into something so i realized that your spiritual life as a single is different from your spiritual life as a married person once you become marriage you do not have a life on your own at that point not that your life belongs solely to your husband no but then you realize that the moment you've come under the real language of the holy spirit it will be easier for you to command your husband let me use that word it will be easier for you to command your husband a wife does not come under the government and will of the holy spirit cannot command the husband you know the bible says that the heart of the king is in the easing god and then he turns it well so why he relates so the heart of a king if your husband is your king the heart of your husband is not in your own hands he's in god and for you to be able to turn the heart of your husband to be your favor you have to be under the government of god praise the lord thank you so much thank you so much yes but before she speaks i would like to emphasize on some things that she said and talking about she just went to being a pastor's wife and some people praying to become pastor's wife the lord help you you can't hear me it's obviously can't hear me i said those that are trying praying to become pastor's wife the lord will help you he will strengthen you continue so saying that but i know that faithful is he that has called you and he will do it he will give you if you will find out that where you are now you are going to marry a pastor or god has called your husband to be or you're already a pastor's wife either that's called you it will keep you he will help you in the name of jesus okay mom praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah i can't hear you people praise the lord okay um first i want to say that um singlehood and prayer life is a catapult that sustained you in your marriage you cannot wake up and become a winning warrior in your marriage when you've not learned the principle of sacrifice as being single being single we are we're we are surrounded with so many things social media youtube everything is speaking we are just surrounded with so many things that you ask yourself what have you been busy with that you did not pray and you would think is what your life what life has offered to you so most of all please let's clear this mentality that um being prayerful means waking up at a particular time to pray it's good but there's a season where you graduate from a prayer time to a prayer life you begin to walk prayer you eat prayer you speak prayer not because every other thing is not interested to you but because you know that the devil who is rowing like a lion is around you and because you have to be a king you have to be four step and even faster than him i told you i'm a broadcaster before i got married i was staying in cross river state i was working with crash vested broadcasting corporation and one of those days during the news hours were waiting and we had this break and suddenly the vision missile started playing a song and my boss turned to me how can you call yourself a broadcaster i can't even move your body to these songs i told her i have a song already playing in my mind and i'm trained to listen only to those songs she did not believe that i can be in this kind of sound and everybody is nodding their head and i'm just sitting down waiting for my duty to just do it and go is a mindset i created even before them so being single i had my prayer time i called it a prayer time because i wanted to fulfill religion you will agree with me i wanted to fulfill religion i wanted to keep my peace with god but something happened i met a mentor i'll call his name dr val i don't know if any of you know him please celebrate him in the house i met someone who changed my mentality i began to seek god for myself my parents taught me how to grow in the way of the lord but i followed them this time i was now following god for myself so god was now revealing things and showing me things on my own is not pride it's not pride but as a single person there are marks you cover and it's called one thousand that one thousand might not be in number it might be in the environment you're occupying when i started my ministry i call it war wives fellowship and all and then i realized that it was war actually spiritually it was war there was one time i was in a class this is as a single person i have paid my attention to prayer there was one time i was in a class with dr vowel and he said somebody is going to call somebody in this place and you're going to do a miracle for that person he gives us such assignments and i was praying to god let it be me because i wanted to see a manifestation i had not seen growing up in our churches is only men that come out and pray for the sick men will come out and do deliverance and we will be on the mic singing worship songs can't we do miracles too i had that one guy inside of me as a single person i pray that the call should be me but nobody called me someone now the person actually called another person what was wrong the child was sick and then she prayed for the person the person got instant healing that night i had a call from a war wife who was on a group i had and she told me that his sister is dead i said no this was not the call i was expecting what i was expecting was a sick person's call that was ordained by dr val to come to us and as she was talking she was crying immediately i heard in my spirit this is the call you have been waiting for i left my house i turned behind for the first time i was shaking i did not know why i was shaking i told her take the phone to your sister's room where she's lying and she went there i said put the phone on her ear people were crying first i would have been distracted by that i said what is her name she said blessing i said blessing i know you can't hear me jesus came four days late i am only an hour late i call you back to life that was my first time ma that was my first time i saw god manifested through a phone call i did not have to lay my hands and i had a call she is reading i say it worked from that day see if you see a manifestation as being single you will run for god what you you're still hearing is people testimony the day you make up your mind to create your wonders through god as he has called you to be witnesses you will realize you will not need a doctor to tell you that what you are having will kill you because you have had your weakness as a single person say no with god all things are possible i know this thing is only your report i come from a report where all things are made possible imagine me after my single life i walked into a marriage of course i knew where he was heading the crowd and everything that was coming to him if i had not had this my startup prayer life as a single person i wouldn't have been able to sustain what i'm sustaining and what i will still sustain even more in my marriage right now last month we had an accident that took a life if you notice i see i have bruises in my body right now i was so angry this happened after my conference i was so angry in the spirit why didn't i sense this how come i fell on the floor all of those things came to me and god told me you are in a war and as you're shooting your arrows arrows are coming what you need to do is to protect i stood up this castle seeing in my in my hand was healed in one week when my doctor saw me she said this can only be a miracle i say but i've learned my lesson the devil came late so as a married person i realized that it is discipline that keeps a prayer life yes no matter how tired you are it is discipline because if you think of the things i don't have a child yet i can imagine what mothers are going through i can imagine what mothers are going through but being married alone to a man that the only thing you have to provide for is for you and your husband i see the battles i need to fight to sustain peace to sustain love to sustain everything i realized that it comes from a might you have gathered when you are single and it begins to manifest in your marriage life can you put your hands together wow wow like i felt like standing about just trying to control myself thank you that that that's amazing amazing if you do not have a spiritual life now and all you are thinking about is marriage marriage marriage voila for as in thank you so much for giving yourselves to god thank you so much now i have some questions here but i would like to ask um mummy adeoye and of course of ajiri there are people here that they are single and they been trying to find the right person i want to get married i want to get married i have a question here i'm due for marriage no man is coming how do you how do you know it is time to get married one how do you find the right person if you are the one finding the first place how do you find the right person mummy how long have you been married ma ten years she's been married for 10 almost 10 years so we know we're going to get the best how how do you know this is the right person for me and i also want you to talk to those that they feel i'm already hold no man is coming what am i going to do i'm getting depressed no man is coming to me thank you man okay jimmy are you starting first okay now let me let me start by saying this that for you as a single lady the time that you're single you must understand that if you are somebody walking under god's divine plan and purpose is a time of preparation if you listen to what both uh pastors just said in fact the summary of everything they said was what they can see in their lives now is a play out of the level of preparation they had when they were single so if you are single now and you are struggling with the timing of god for your life number one let me tell you this a lot of single sisters who have the call of god over their life i see a lot of them struggling with divine timing you know why because if god wants to commit a generation into your hands god will not take any level of imperfection from you so he takes you to a process improves you so you are looking at it like a delay it is your time of learning and let me tell you something about god there is no delay in his timing people walk by timing i am 25 i am 21 i am 30 in the timing of god god is a time a god or process so somebody might be uh 25 30 and not fulfilling the agenda the purpose of god for his life okay whereas you are 35 permit me to use that number and you are living according to the problemable support for your life and that is what makes you relevant that is what makes you somebody so if you are looking at a time for marriage let me start by saying this you need to discover purpose until you discover purpose you are not ready for marriage because it is the purpose you discover that will help you pick the right man a sister came to me and said mama uh i have three guys and i'm confused i don't know which of them to marry and then i said okay i you know they said he has made up of his mind her minds rather out of the three guys he has picked one i was really excited and i said okay i'm gonna be in church sunday looks like okay i'm gonna be in church why don't you invite this guy come over for service and then after service we'll just sit and talk and then she said no no ah on sunday the guy is going to be busy he goes to work on monday he goes to work on tuesday he goes to work on wednesday he goes to work on those he goes on saturday and sunday is the only time he has to rest and i looked at her and i said you are a worker in this commission you are running according to the brand of purpose of gotham you are planning to figure those purpose and you want to carry all the endowment of god and go and drop it in the house of a guy who does not have regard for god on a sunday morning where everybody comes up here in zion this guy is sleeping and out of all the guys this is the one you now pick it shows that you don't even understand purpose listen by the grace of god i finished from above from whatever university let me give this under two minutes listen listen listen listen just calm down first when i was in school i had this guy who was all over me romantic ladies listen uh if i wake up in the morning romantic testimony hey babes what's up how are you doing oh i'm fine and i was blushing honestly this guy fits into the romantic lifestyle that i wanted now in fact the guy would say once he calls me he would say he was saying your back which fellowship would look to have right because then it's zedda fellowship or sports center where we pray so he will just ask me which he knows my life cannot be more than the two so then he now looked at money and said god this you are just the kind of a woman i want to marry you fit into please marry me and then i looked at him and i said yes you are romantic you are good you are this but i have seen a future where god is taking me to you don't fit in you may be romantic you may have other physical physique you might have all the money to if the guy had the right all he does back in front of boc for those of you that finished you know you pick me up and we are going to a la carte i say fine you may have all the money but you don't have the capacity to sustain my vision the place i am going to so it's not about the romance it's not about the height it's not about the pros test it's not about the the the physical look it's about my own purpose and then one day to finish it the guy told me i said i would like to marry you i promise you i know you are a church again every time i will drop you in the entrance of the church honestly well hold on i promise you guys i will drop you in the front of the church but me i won't enter and i looked at him now and i said and i look at the future you see what i'm doing today some other things i'm doing god has already given me a little glimpse of what the future looks like and i look at myself how do i picture in a few in the future where i will finish speaking maybe in a conference to sisters and then god forbid somebody will just give me a call your husband is in the club drinking and then i told myself yes this guy has so much hold on me emotionally but for the sake of the future for the sake of the purpose i want to fulfill i will let go to it then my hobbies once showed up let me tell you outside that time let me give you i am igbo my husband is europa as at that time my family members gave me a street warning you can't marry another female person so when he came he he enlightened but because of the differences i i didn't want to give him attention but god said this is it and i saw him as the person that was fitting into the purple so the time you are ready for marriage is the time you have discovered purpose so now that you are in ymr instead of you wasting time and praying god give me that man give me that man why don't you ask god to give you a future of the future you want to feature it so that when it gives you a future of that picture of that future it will be easier for you when three men come listen to me some of you that are planning to marry a pastor do you know that it's not every person that you can even marry so when you when you are even praying and say god i want to serve you you have given me a call listen our husband is a pastor my husband is almost all of us but the calling of our husband i may not be able to fit into it the calling of my own husband she may not be able to fit in so god has designed me to suit my own husband so if you are here the reason why god has not brought that man he's preparing you so the look the earlier you come to wyoming as a lady and submit to god and say god i am ready prune me take those things you don't want i am ready to say yes to your prophet with then you see that man show up you are delaying yourself because you have not yet ready to say yes to the total perfect will of god let me rest my case here [Applause] okay so mommy and answered the question but i'll just add a few points for me i'm going to be addressing those who are like passing a particular age and are getting worried and saying oh god when will i get married and all of that i always say that i always ask this question what do you believe i have never in my life believed that i wouldn't get married so some of us are projecting the fears of our experiences oh in my family the ladies don't get married oh in my family this is what happens and then you're beginning to believe those things first of all this cut that fear how can you a child of god a daughter of god say you don't think you marry like god has not prepared a man for you just delete that thought and have it settled in your heart that god has prepared a man for you the bible says sorry let me the bible says every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly light who does not change like shifting shadows so if you believe that god gives good gifts why would you believe that you wouldn't have somebody to marry you get delete that thought from your heart no matter how old you are there is still somebody special that god has preserved for you and that person is going to locate you by the special grace of god then secondly in preparation to get married you have to work on yourself and be somebody who a man would see and love to marry you know sometimes you'll be saying oh i'm not meeting anybody to marry and all of that but if you notice there's something that everybody here has in common we're cheerful like when i met her she was already smiling when i met everybody is smiling like most of most of the time ladies you're looking for a man to marry and then you're strong in your face like it doesn't work that way i'm just talking from my own experience like campus days everybody knew me like when you just call my name hope hope smiles like the first thing you meet once you meet me is a smile so it's just little tips that you add to yourself that makes you more desirable as a woman like you can't just you have to be nice to people like you have to be show yourself like um something my husband said earlier he said that if you want favor then you must show yourself as a likable person as somebody who can receive favor from people so as you live your life ask yourself the way i am like this am i a friendly person and can i attract the kind of person that i want to attract to myself praise god sorry pmo let me i forgot the letter part of that question i would just like to add this to what pastor jimmy just said look the bible says either finds a wife find the guten and obtain favor from god so it means that there is a level of evil a lady will carry before she can be noticed by god and let me tell you this is africa we're not ignorance or devices of the devil for you to carry some level of favor especially when you notice that you're already getting towards a certain age number one service service some of you are in church immediately the close service you cannot encourage here and you are expecting the brother to say hi to you for the past one week for four weeks the brother has been looking for you just ordinary high quality you are not there austria you are not there even where am i we are not part of the people uh current yes look at the beautiful lady that welcomed me when i came in yesterday if i have a younger brother i would recommend her i told her she carried my back so well with a beautiful smile if i am a man myself have you asked god baby what's up for some of you sister here you will not carry back for anybody listen whatever gracious whatever service you saw he says it i've carried back some people encourage you click yes so when i see it happen now i am not too biased i just pray for grace to continually be humble okay and then your character some of you there is something called marriage book some of you don't have marriage book rather you have the beauty a brother cannot mistakenly step on your shoe you are like when fried bun is on fire they put water greninja and then the brother is shocked he there was a brother that ran back on the day he wanted to propose to his sister he said mommy do you know i was going to propose to her and then i mistakenly stepped on now the way she talked to me i could not even see anything so please no but those two things your favor and your character please hold it to what pastor uh jimmy have said and then god will surely open his family thank you so much thank you so much mr jimmy thank you so much for that i have given them some of your questions and they will be able to and they will be able to answer them so let's start the questions yes okay so someone is asking what should i do if i discover that my spiritual leader doesn't have a leader he or she follows personality although he learns from great men well kaposo romer said if you can't trace a man to a man then you trace him to the devil why is that because for the sake of accountability now how did you come to earth a man brought you to earth and for you to be where you are is because someone had nurtured you irrespective of the fact that whether you lost your parents as a tender age or you had no one to catheter for you but the truth remains that someone nurtured you to the stage you are now no man existed by his or herself so it's very important especially in ministry to have someone that heads over you now imagine you're submitting over somebody or submitting over a pastor that doesn't have someone he submits to who is he accountable to it means that pastor to himself is a god on his own no one can correct call him correct him no one can scold him and no one can tell him when he has done something wrong if you follow such a person trust me you're heading to error thank you because once a man is accountable to someone else there's this responsibility that comes up to him that irrespective of the fact that i i lead a very large crowd i i have a background where i'm coming from i have a picture i'm looking at and i cannot do less than that picture as believers we have christ we look up to christ but for us we know very well that here on earth god uses men to bless us so if you do not have somebody that you are accountable to that you can run to for wisdom sake that you can run to for maybe you're in need of something or you need counseling it means that the devil is going to take privilege of that void in you and he's going to use it to his own glory or to his own purpose so if you're if you're submitting on that somebody that doesn't have a spiritual health i think you have to pray to god and listen to what god has to say because it's not in your place you can't tell your pastor that i cannot submit under you anymore because you do not submit under anybody thank you very much i would also like to hide if you are going into a relationship with somebody that is not accountable to anybody no spiritual father no mentor no pastor let me use walla again there are people like that they believe that only it's only spirits holy spirit will lead them they don't need any mentor they don't need any guide don't enter a relationship with somebody that feels nobody can talk to him that feels nobody can correct him guard yourself the bible says do we you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way and it will show you your teachers right now we have ten minutes more and they have about two two questions each with them so i would like them to take three minutes and answer each of their questions okay i want to answer these four questions under 80 minutes to two minutes for each number one this one said um i am not good at anything i have no talent or skill my parents would allow me learn anything while in school even in my academics i have been on 4.2 gp rights from my 200 level which after trying my best i can seem to basically see myself i see myself as useless without value please what can i do look there are some realities and there are some facts sometimes you're going through some realities things you things you can see but they're not the facts of your life it sees a deceit from the pit of hell everybody goes straight no matter how anointed you are there's a time you feel so down that you are like ah what is happening to me so that is what i want to tell you that this could be a face don't use what you're going through now to determine your entire life okay don't call yourself that you're useless okay so please for this person i just want to encourage you that don't write off yourself that you don't have values it's still boys that's what we've been saying to the beginning of uh ymr that you can self-develop yourself you can self-develop you see laziness won't allow us break from some protocols some things we already used to and then you don't want to inconvenience yourself you you just want to keep revolving around the body circle so please break away from it and stop telling yourself that you don't have value number two this one says i was abused as a child and it affected me psychologically and emotionally since then i don't see marriage as important and i know it is not normal i need help yes it is not normal you are right okay for people who go through abuses they feel that what love could come from a man who has sexually taken my pride but you see one of the things i have learned about this life is if you don't go through emotional abuse you go through several other abuse have you been offended by someone before somebody very close to you because people are here seated if we give everybody my care it might not be sexual abuse but somebody must have done something to them but you know what we do we leave it for the sake of christ personally yesterday was saying because you want to stand to fulfill a prophecy you make yourself to obey some principles so that when that good prophecy wants to come to fulfillment god see that you have aligned yourself well enough now this might be hard for you and that is why i want to tell you i want to recommend that you probably see a psychologist or you see a psychotherapist but in the meantime i still tell people when they come to counseling there is no psychotherapy that is more than the holy spirit even for me once people come to my office for counselling i pray before i start because i understand that for you to reach out to the soul of a man there must be a deep coming from you i remember in my final year one of my lecturers was teaching on psychotherapy and he was telling us about the expression of body coming out your your soul coming out of your body and i could trace that to the holy spirit sometimes i'm praying name a spirit and i am gone in fact it happens to me recently that when somebody touched me i i forget i'm not i don't remember the environment where i am it's until somebody touched me that i remember oh because sometimes i just suddenly see myself in his presence and i'm lost so for emotional abuse i want you to get closer to the holy spirit okay please don't lose your confidence in the holy spirit one of the strategy of the devil is to make you lose less oh you you are coming you that just committed an abortion you that they just raped you are you good you are good you are valued if you are not good jesus wouldn't have come to die for you i remember i was ministering to lately i saw her in the front of the house my boyfriend's house i didn't even know it was her boyfriend's house and she looked at me and said do you know the way i'm sitting now i am bleeding i said jesus what happened she said this is my fourth abortion and she pointed and said i am living in this house with this boy we are bought in school and the bad thing is that i can't even pack out of his house and then i see the hold that darkness could have on people keeping them perpetually submitted to things they don't want to do but there is freedom in the realm of the spirit when you submit yourself to the holy spirit it might not be easy you are coming to why am i some of you are praying in the spirit blah blah blah blah you see yourself sleeping continue continue you will get to a threshold where you will break loose and then things will begin to show up for you so look i i got when i came in yesterday and i saw people all over this place i i didn't just i i kept it to myself i saw fire on everybody everybody so you are here today you don't you i congratulate you because you don't have an idea of what your future what you would do in the future by the time you start seeing it is then you realize please because of time number two number three unfortunately for me i became a pastor's wife too i had to depend on okay i just want to take my own okay okay we're talking about the question she said unfortunately sorry yes this person i thought you were not happy fortunately okay this person said unfortunately for me i became oh sorry unfortunately for her because i'm a pastor and i want to be very careful of my words this was this unfortunately for her she became a pastor's wife too she has to depend on anyone but presently okay she ah she hates to depend on anyone but presently she's it looks as if she's depending on her husband she had to drop some of her school okay i covered this with the blood of jesus this one says i have to drop out i have to drop some of my school as a part-time teacher because of distance and the holy spirit will not permit me to do other jobs this looks painful but i must obey what do i do to support my home apart from free praying i mean financially now let me tell you mommy is it possible that all these people say you're not doing that i'm going to see let me tell you something sometimes we attach something to the holy spirit and by the time he hears it he's wondering is he me how can you say the holy spirit says you should not do anything when the holy spirit is the one that will teach you all things it's not scripture listen you know i was so impressed when uh pmo said she just wrote a book look you guys can be an ass wife write books sell chinchin do look i i sit here and as a fabric person the online sales that comes is even more than the ones in shop because people are busy how many people want to come to your shop and start something for fabrics how many people want to come and even sit down in therapy with you some people even want to do counseling they don't even want to see their face so you can be in that your husband's house and be ministering to people and be doing something and god is a god of respect what you give out finances will come when you sow you will reap so stop making look the devil make us believe so many lies how can you have said the holy spirit doesn't want you to do anything how many books have you written how many cities have you made what is it that you know how to do chin chin puff off and grow sell them okay and again she said something don't miss interpreter the way she's saying she's making money it does not mean if her husband comes today and give her even if she has one million an husband gives her ten thousand she will take her women we are like that so don't think depending on your husband is a default it is normal you are meant to depend on your husband so this one you are saying here that you are depending on your husband and you don't like it always do you want to depend on my owner's man so depend on your husband so whatever gives to you so please there is no problem with you it's just a mindset let me hold happy but please put your hands together for a moment all right my two minutes please praise the lord my parents praise the lord hallelujah my parents marriage is one i don't want to replicate somehow i get scared that i might replicate such marriage what should i do man danielle okay did you hear me my parents marriage is one i don't want to replicate i get scared that i might replicate such a marriage what should i do ma daniel 1 verse 8 but danielle did her mind in his heart that he would not defile himself by the marriages of the palace did you read that scripture did you see it he determined in his heart that he will not defile himself he went into an environment he saw something he said no this is not what i want to follow the first thing to escape something to go out from any environment you don't want to is to determine in your heart that this is not your portion please ladies we have to learn how to study the word thy word have i hid in my heart so that when you face trials and tribulation you will bring it out as a weapon most times the questions we are asking are already in the word of god but because we've not found time to study are you getting me colossians 1 verse 20 he said their blood has restored us back to the original intention of the garden of eden have you seen that scripture that means everything you need everything you're supposed to be existing on is as it was in the beginning how was it in the beginning god created man he created woman he brought them together and called it a union flesh to flesh he did not say this is what will happen it was sin that brought about abuse it is sin that is making a man to hit a woman it is sin that is taking a woman to commence come it is sin that is making you see marriages and say god forbid i will not have this kind of marriage it is sin but the bible says this sin has been canceled and he has taken us back to the original intention that was what the blood came to do for you if you can hold this as your confession every day you will see it in your eyes that you will not have that kind of marriage another thing please follow people who have good marriages start giving your eyes something good to see if you're in a council of those who are bad be watchful so gather yourself around people who you know are having good marriages gather yourself around the possibility of the marriages god has created you're not going to have the kind of marriage your parents have in jesus name i've been praying to encounter god and grow spiritually but god has been quiet i have never experienced him or felt his presence i really want him but i don't know what i'm doing wrong is something wrong with me i have never fallen during any ministration no matter how anointed he is even if he lays his hands on me praise the lord are we together are we together i would have asked this person to come out let me lay hands on her i'm serious i would have asked this person to come out please please please listen to me listen to me listen to me listen to me if you want to experience god i don't know mentorship is very important there are messages you need to unlearn and there are things you need to learn right now you don't know the kind of prayer you're even praying there is a part and a guideway to something if i ask you now who is your mentor in times of in terms of experiencing god i might not get an answer i love this woman called katrin kumar i know what i want from god i listen to her messages okay i hear her i hear the way she prays i hear the ways though she's late but her messages are on youtube benny hinn is dead daddy adeboye is here so if you want to encounter god who are you following because you can be praying i was also praying until i encountered dr val i encountered him in my dream and when i woke up i knew there was something i needed to follow so i started listening to his messages his messages made me realize new things i did not know from the scriptures i've already been reading so yes there is nothing wrong with you but there are some things you need to unlearn because right now your head is filled up with things from the religion aspect of life there is something god wants to teach you in the new spirit and then you need someone to follow if you know you want to encounter god there are people with great and spiritual testimony people who rain down cement from heaven to build churches now i know these people because that's the dimension i want to operate and i cannot do without reading their i don't have their contacts most of them are dead but their books are on youtube your social your phone is not just for picture purposes and liking photos on facebook these are things that have given us access to great men who were here before us and they did wonders so i'm asking you today if you want to know god follow somebody whose part has revealed the manifestation of god and you will see the truth on how he did it praise the lord thank you so much thank you so much so the first question is is it possible to build my passion without getting or thinking about the financial constraints okay so is it possible to build my passion without getting or thinking about the financial constraints now with every project you're going to embark on there will always be the financial aspect of whatever projects you're embarking on but as it is with everything you are about to do if you think about the constraints then you won't have the willpower to start so i would say that the world has become more of an online global community now and there are so many things that you can build without money if you want to start a business now you don't necessarily need money to start the business i don't know what business you're talking about you are not really specific but i would say that that idea that you have if you don't have enough words to convince someone to give you money then the business will not even succeed because most times when we're thinking of business we're only thinking of production let's say as a baker now i'm thinking that okay i want to be a cake seller and all i'm thinking of is how to get money to produce the cake instead of thinking of how to convince my sister to buy the cake if i cannot convince her to give me money to go and buy ingredients and bake the cake and then bring it back to her then i'm not yet in business so for that person don't start thinking of how to start thinking of the money constraints think of how to learn how to sell and how to market that product so you can convince people to get the money from them first before producing the product okay the second question is how can i be a kingdom warrior as a single in my business okay as a businesswoman i know that my business is god's gift to me as a trust and it's a tool that he has given me for kingdom advancement so i know that my business is not separate from my ministry and that my business is a part of my life and it's something i'm still going to stand before god to give account of so i see my business as a tool so that's what you're going to first of all see your business as a tool for ministry so if you come to my um catering school you know that you're going to learn the character of the kingdom you're going to learn everything about god like the whole three the whole three weeks three to four weeks that you're going to spend with me it's a trust that god has given me to transfer the mindset of god into you remember what pastor chintok said about being wise as a serpent so when people come to me i have i'm i stay in the north and i have even muslims who come to learn from me by the time you will notice that by the time they are done learning the culture of the kingdom is transferred to them like everybody starts behaving like me so it's a consciousness that you have knowing fully well that this thing is a tool for kingdom advancement and anybody who comes to me i'm going to use this me this business that god has given me as a tool to advance his kingdom praise god thank you so much um what would we have two minutes more so still our mummies are here i will still look for a way they can answer our questions hopefully we can get another time but there are two questions here that i want us to deal with this one a lot of people ask this question is kissing doing a relationship a scene the question says is kissing during a relationship a scene please when you are kissing whoever asks this question when you are kissing that brother what do you hear from god [Applause] now i want to know do you lift up holy hands and sing praises to god when you are kissing that brother they are see there are things you don't ask so you are trying to say is romance is sin there are things but might not point out as the tenth commandment that came as a sea but you should know that being a foolish virgin will not allow you to see god when he arrives did you hear that being a foolish virgin takes off your light i don't want to go deep please don't do it thank you somebody okay somebody was asking i am 25 and i'm still a virgin is he still relevant and i told her that look it is as relevant as relevance can be you see all these things that we're striving for in fact the question is the guy was actually telling her okay you can't hear me okay i said somebody asked me that she's 25 and there is a brother who is saying if i don't dis vegin you i won't marry you and then she's asking what should she do listen you may be judging her because you are not in her shoes let me tell you this okay the truth is she's not supposed to give up but the reality is that she's at a face whereby the flesh is drawing her and god destroying her now my advice to you is that every point in your life always raise the standard of purity above your reality raise the standard of purity above your reality listen there are some people there is something in a woman called heath period some people experience heat period few days before they are psychologically some people experience their whole health period few days before their menstrual cycle some women experience their own heat period few days after their menstrual cycle and then you are a sincere sister in a relationship or engaged to a brother and then maybe you're 25 and then you want your heat spirit you don't even know it is heat period and then your your your fiance calls you and then you know that our baby voice hello babes what's up what's up how you doing where are you i'm at home okay can i come over yes come over and then the guy shows up do you as a woman the emotion in you just wants somebody to attach to at that time you you want somebody to just put your head on but you see many emotions don't work that way immediately the guy goes he coming and you stand up and you put your head on him his own emotion is telling him oh yeah stand up stand on fire so sometimes we are the ones that because of the things the way god has wired us because we don't understand our own psychology we by ourself walk into danger so the brother comes in and the brother will think you want sex no you once said you are just being vulnerable because of your that period okay it is a cycle there are some times that your sex someone will be high it will shoot up all these things are normal they are only a proof to you that you are going to be a woman in the future don't allow the devil to take advantage of it that you only hit period does it mean every dick should be inserted into your vagina listen the vagina is like an elastic tube the more you allow twisting it will become white and by the time you marry six years into sex four years it says depleting cannot hold again and the man is not looking outside but by the time you stay firm you stay chased ten years into marriage the man is still going and the teen is sweet the man is saying yes correct ah you bring him i could see he promised me to use that word because i know you hear it outside right but now you are giving and sharing it in fact some people even call you on the streets anima shahoo it's not a good name let me rest my case here thank you so much mommy i i want to establish this to every woman listening to us right now christian women we must create a standard for the world the world should not create a standard for us i want to beg you those things that you are watching and you are listening to they are corrupting your mind they are putting imaginations in your head because you are watching telemundo too much you are looking for somebody to kiss you because you are watching you are staying with company or people that are talking about the boy that was doing it to them youtube you're looking for a boy to do to you can you change your secular friends can you change your conversations can you change the things that you watch the things that you listen to be a kingdom woman be a woman of difference let people come in contact with you and when they want to have some conversation they know that ah yeah sushi she will not listen to it praise god are we together are we together okay so there is this very last question please sir one more minute there's this very last question i was listening i was reading it and i felt so so bad she has been in a relationship for seven years since she was 21 now she's 28. the guy gets angry he beats her he talks to her anyhow he disrespects her but she had the dream that he is the one run a wave on the way pick up your shoes and run away please god god is not a wicked god he will give a correct song to his own daughter he's already beating you you're not bearing his name he's already beating you you don't have his name he's already about treating you and you're saying he's the one can you move him away so that david will come can you move him away so that boy as we come praise the lord when a man begins to maltreat you excuse yourself don't say something about it okay we're going to know brothers are already coming in if a man might treat you please leave that relationship go and pray again god will open your eyes in jesus name right now can we please rise up on our feet can we say thank you to our mummies thank you so much we're so thankful can we close our eyes and pray father make me a kingdom woman make me who you desire that i be in the name of jesus we'll be praying with you can you join your aims with those you can join your ends with as we pray for you a course lift up your hands everyone please lift up your hands lift up your hands in the name of jesus you will not miss it maritally in the name of jesus you will not she marry in the name of jesus you will not miss it the right man that your eyes have not been opened to see your eyes will be opened to see him his eyes will be open to see you for every pastor's wife here or pastor's wife to be i decree and declare in the name of jesus the strength the enablement the wisdom everything you need to be a pastor's wife the lord will bestow upon you the lord will bestow upon you everyone trusting god for a child everyone right here now trusting god for the food of the womb i decree and declare with this anointed woman in the name of jesus why am i 2021 you're coming with your babies you are coming with your babies you are coming with your babysitter in the name of jesus for everyone with spiritual life is law kanye kardia valia the lord that has helped us in the name of jesus he will help you in the name of jesus he will help you your spiritual life receives fire your spiritual life will cease fire in the name of jesus the grace to remain pure and holy to christ comes even in a corrupt world they're going to remain pure and holy receive in the name of jesus receive in the name of jesus when the lord will come we will all be celebrating in jesus mighty name we are afraid give the lord your shadow praise
Channel: Flaming Network TV
Views: 1,019
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RCCG, Redeemed, winners, Adeboye, church, fire, ministers, Holy, Nigeria naija, African news, Lagos, politics, current affairs, naija.com, nigerian, Muslim, celebrate the new year, streets to wish Nigerians, Nigerians, Nigerians a happy, other Nigerians, news, Nigeria News, street interviews, citizens of Nigeria, Breaking news, updates, news and updates, Nigeria today, Nigeria entertainment news, naija, breaking news, channels news, lagos, crime news, interviews
Id: U_AUiU-vXIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 38sec (4718 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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