YETI Presents: 8 More Seconds
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Channel: YETI
Views: 559,543
Rating: 4.9524856 out of 5
Keywords: yeti, 8 More Seconds, yeti presents, rodeo, bull riding, pro rodeo, bullriding, rodeo bull, cpra rodeo, texas rodeo, professional bull riding, rodeo bull riding, riding a bull, dayton rodeo, robert mims, texas bull riding, texas rodeo bull riding, bull rider, texas cowboy, bucking bull, pro bull rider, professional bull rider, rodeo cowboy, pro bull riding, bullrider, rodeo rider, yeti film, yeti movie, yeti movies, rodeo film, rodeo films, pbr, yeti coolers, yeti cooler
Id: AbMwTctqT-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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