YETI Pictures @ IBC 2019 | Maxon Cinema 4D

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so we are Yeti pictures um Tony's ah Guerrero's and I'm famous Carlos we're a small motion design a 3d animation studio based in Athens Greece we work with the local market of course in Greece aids and assistant production but we had the pleasure to work with many agencies and productions around the world okay so with no further ado we would like you to present our serial okay [Music] so today we're gonna start and talk about how cinema 4d is about us they will teammate to how it helps small studio like us delivering in a short time work that contains quality and can deliver a very nice result to the client and then we're going to talk about two of our favorite personal project it's called Mad scenes and the second one it's called fruitless okay so let's start about talk about cinema 4d and why we believe it's really let's say their ultimate a weapon or tool for us because it's the only software that can adopt different variety of plugging scripts like you know smokes fires liquids everything that can really push the the work of a studio to something that looks a little bit more heavy oriented and VFX okay so we will start and present you a few projects that really cinema 4d with its own system like more dynamics and everything else inside help us to move on okay so the first one it's about Greek TV commercials about snacks they called pita taka and you will see the video and then we will discuss about how cinema helped us a lot [Music] yeah short video it's about 12 to 15 seconds that took us about one week our main goal was to create a still life art inspired video that at the same time you know delivers the message of the client but it has a magical touch ok so here what we did as you see we use the mograph dynamics and all the animation system inside cinema4d and then we combined X particles in order to make all the snacks that they are you know flowing floating around the packets and then getting inside and make them feel like it's magical ok this is the keyword that we have from the client and along with that we used X particles to add you know a little bit of dust and atmosphere so again feels a little bit more mystical and dreamy and atmosphere ok so very fast a result that in combination with the octane with the materials and the life that is being spired you know by paying and buy old paintings really give us a result that the happy was client and we also enjoy that a lot so the next one is about Kit Kats ok heat cat I think it's about a few months ago they launched the new flavor it's the pink one it's called Kit Kat Ruby they send us a tonne of Kit Kat Ruby's but finally we were not able to treat them cause I'm not very tasty not very tasty ok from at least from a side so they're still in the fridge in the office so let's see the video and discuss about again the our workflow a KitKat iMac elliptic roti and Mako's medicines ESO por la tarde me approach many so Cola been a billionaire [Music] citadel d op op oppa / - eros eros so coladas we apologize about the Crick audio we are not able to remove that so again the the technique is pretty similar on the process that we follow Thanos was doing the R&D on how we can break with the Voronoi fracture a sphere that was the big planet you know the pink planet and then we used the real flow inside cinema4d so as these fears being explode we used an animation of the real flow so at the same time we have that burst from the pieces inside the KitKat and if I go one step back what else we did is as these pieces were breaking and the real flow was you know exploding we attached to all the fractured pieces from the sphere that you see X particles so as the sphere was exploding at the same time all these small pieces like Debra's like a small dust and all they you know let's say just from there a sphere was really making it look more detailed and more tasty for the client okay so again the same technique okay so that project and the the snack that you saw before the peanut idea took us about 10 or maximum of 15 days okay because they had to be fast so let's move on to the third one again it's about food it's about ice cream yes we love float food in Greece abuse but we're trying not to so this is about Nestle they they called us to create the product shots about the ice creams okay so let's see the video and discuss about it again topless photos the mechanics in having a peaceful piano bass boost an email Nirvana SoCo Helmand Sandra care dragon acaba hammock value maybe Gallup see a bowl of sticky so call Hadassah come on of the coral Jessica let us say blue super tornado vaneman okay that's it it's mainly product shots so again it's the same theory that we use you know breaking pieces with Voronoi fracture about the almond x particles in order to add more detail to the detailed pieces of the Voronoi fracture and of course we use in a real flow that really makes it look more you know a tasty and look at me more you know high production and ok it's really awesome again how cinema4d helps us okay I can't imagine any other software that can't blend all these you know liquids and particles and all these things ok the key words here as from the client should be tasty should be very nice and well looking and you should achieve photo realism okay so Thanos did all the texturing here that should be very very nice and then we added all the animations and the simulations with X particles and mograph dynamics ok we saw a few commercials ok that are related to more let's say hardcore TV commercials but something else that we are doing in the offices we are doing a lot of style frames ok working with clients abroad we are working with many studios ok that one was for Netflix so patio attacked we work with slanted studios and this is a different let's say side of arrows our studio ok so why we love cinema 4d from the food commercials that you saw we are jumping into something different which is fully design-wise oriented ok so you see here you know just the cloner with nice lighting few VDB volumes ok some mountains here with with lighting and texture and then adding design over and the same here for the same project but with a different style different our direction so it's it's pretty nice how we can use cinema 4d in a way that is more design wise that one is for Netflix again we cooperated with kill two birds studio from Los Angeles and that was for night flyers from Netflix unfortunately second year you didn't make it again X particles inside cinema4d very easily very accessible and with the lighting you can get a really nice result and just to remember you have to do all of these in 24 hours okay because this is how it works okay you must give to the studios its day progress okay and as we're moving on more style frames for more clients the first one is the still life that the PETA tacit TVC was inspired to and the second one is for another work again in the same style and as we're moving forward some more cinematic style frames as you see here with the cinema 4d that we are trying to make them very fast look really nice and sexy which a very six okay very sexy so they look old but they are very you know accessible for us okay so let's see our projects right now that we are going to break down the first one it's called my scenes we did that one year ago and it's a full surrealistic VD okay so let's play the video and Thanos will take over start breaking down a few tips from that [Music] three [Music] okay Donna's taking over right now for the off of the tips thank you so we're gonna break down the first thing of mod scenes it's the scene with the sea that you see here it's a completely procedural set up with no simulations and no keyframes whatsoever so let's go to cinema 4d and get started as you see here I have a cinema for the landscape and a plane that is supposedly to be the same so let me increase a bit my subdivisions here the plane and let's start by creating the sea I'm gonna use here at this place at the former and for those who are not familiar with cinema 4d this place er takes an object points or polygons and does what it's it deformed them so here I'm gonna go to say ding I'm gonna use a cinema 4d noise cinema 4d has a great variety of noises but the one I'm gonna use for this specific task is the electric as you see here I'm going to add some animation speed and something is starting to happen let's increase our scale a bit and let's say this is the very basic start for our C shot okay so the tricky task was how to create the waves here without any dynamics I'm gonna start by using a new plugin by Mark Wilson a very talented developer for cinema 4d and he made this this plug-in called the resupplying so I'm gonna use the slice function and the splat the slice function as you see here it takes the current geometry and finds its segments along the y-axis at the moment so I can reduce the splines increase them I'm gonna go to one and as you see I can offset the spline from the bottom to the top of the mountain and it's completely procedural so let's stay somewhere about there and I'm gonna make my mountain as an instance so I see at the same time let me reduce my resupplying a bit there okay this will be the starting point of my waves I'm gonna make objects flying out from the spline and interact with the plane object I'm gonna take a matrix object a matrix is an emetic cloner in cinema for this just the data of the cloner and i'm gonna go to my matrix object i'm gonna use it in object mode and i'm gonna drag my slice and as you see here i have those little points around this is the matrix I'm gonna increase the count by lot somewhere like this let's say and I want to make it grow all the time I want to make like waves do and grow all the time so I'm gonna go to my matrix I'm gonna add a plane a factor and plane a factor by default it gives me this Y position so as you see here I don't want to move this on the y axis I'm gonna move it let's say somewhere around here and a bit of something like this okay and now I have to make this loop all the time so in order to start resembling the wave since cinema4d are 20 we have this new fall of tab with fields it's very very powerful and I'm gonna use here a freeze field and phrase takes the current state of the matrix and stores it and that's that's a basic function of it and I'm gonna go to my room a pink I'm gonna enable remapping inside the fridge field I'm gonna go to contour I'm gonna use my curve mode and here as you see I have some animation speed increasing that animation speed and pressing play and I start having a move of those mattresses I'm gonna make my spline a linear this means the animation is always leaner coming like this so how we gonna make those objects react with my bottom object I'm gonna use a second display sir okay I'm gonna call the first one see and I'm gonna call this second one waves and I'm gonna drop it as a child of my C object and nothing happens yet but if I drag the matrix in the fall of top of my wave display sir I'm gonna use it as a point object again nothing happens yet because I haven't set a value for the displacer so if I go here and I set a color we start having something it's the beginning of something I'm driving displacement via the matrices okay so let's make this a bit more interesting if I go here to my matrix object to the fall of field of the displacer I'm gonna go and I'm gonna use a new field it's called delay it's the same as the delay effect or for those who are familiar and cinema4d and I'm gonna use it in spring mode to make it as you see the second lines of the wave driving around and I'm gonna use on top of that a decay factor decay does what it says let me increase that to see it leaves a nice trail behind or not rail at all so I'm gonna leave it to the default values and I'm gonna I'm gonna make it a bit more interesting I think if we can push it a bit further so I'm gonna take my matrix object and I'm gonna use a random effector random effector takes the position of the matrices by default and randomizes them so in the random effector tab I don't want any movement on the y-axis I want them to go along the C so I'm making the y 0 and I'm gonna go to my effector tab and instead of random I'm gonna use a noise so as you see this makes it a lot more interesting and fluidly like and I can increase my animation speed they can let me open my sea waves let me decrease a bit action see yeah so we have something that is completely procedural so far we have zero keyframes 0 modeling and why is the risk blind plug-in important because as you see now if I grab my mountain and let's say I'm gonna change the seed I'm gonna make it something different the risk blind plug-in you see here it adapts procedurally to the to the edges of the mountain so no matter the safe I don't have to make all this process again I just everything works just out of the box ok so what else is important in this setup let me hide the matrix from our viewport let's say because of the way this is set up we can also completely offset the matrix let's say I want waves only from this side I don't want from the other side just make it go this way or I'm gonna make it you know this way it's it's very very powerful because like the second I can our direct with many objects interacting with the sea procedurally without any hassle at all what is the next step let's see how we gonna make some foam on these waves I'm gonna take my sea object let me increase my point count 200 so it's a bit more detailed and I'm gonna make my sea object editable so now I have access to my points ok and I'm gonna use a tag called tension which is used in characters to make morphs between states like the arm that it blending and it creates some Maps here some interesting folds so if I go to my first frame I press fixed tension and then I go and check in stretch map and I say make map so it gives me a vertex map and now as you see I can have vertices colored as they stretch up or less or more let me lock this I'm gonna go here and as you see I can reduce it make it more subtle or more as I want it let's leave it with say somewhere around there and now I'm gonna use this information to drive a shader to create to create the foam this is applicable to any render engine I'm gonna use here cinemas for the default render engine so I'm going to effect I'm adding a vertex map in my color channel and inside the vertex map I'm dragging the map I just created and as you see I have a black and white map which I can colorize on top of it so I'm gonna use the colorizer and as you see this looks like a love I think but let's make it more like a sea with waves yeah and I can still go into my tension tag I can make it more or less and as you see this is a very interesting setup because I only did they see editable once and nothing more let's move to the next tip of the presentation which is this crowd orientation you see this crowd cheering around the toaster it's also pretty basic so I'm going back to cinema 4d let me close that and let me go right here and Tony my friend will take over to demonstrate Yuri Thanos has to help me with the microphone okay we are going to show you a little bit how we can play with a crowd how you cannot direct the crowd so you saw in the video excuse me that we had the card toast in the center right now we have our logo or Yeti logo so we have our guy here okay so if I press play yeah he is cheering basically we used mix ammo for that one we texture the guy and that's it you know you will we prefer a lambic okay cause we have it's a little bit faster and we have some control here so what I will do is I will go here I will use a cloner I will drop my guy here okay so right now the mode in the cloner is moved to linear I will use tonic campare okay and by Hana comp array we will explain you why we're doing that okay I will change the orientation okay right now if I glow closer to them you see there are 10 and 10 then the speed it's cool but if I go increase like 40 and 40 you will see that yeah the speed is very very slow so what I can do in order to to fix that I can go to instance mode and change that to render instance so immediately they have their original speed okay and what I can do is to make give a little bit of variety is I can go to here duplicate that and go to offset in the second and Leppink and press five okay I can go there duplicate that again and have enough set about ten okay so we have a crowd that is you know moving fast it has some variety but what we can do in order to are directed okay I will go to the top view okay get a little bit out sorry I will use my sorry I will use my pen tool okay okay so I'm using a drawing a circle okay and it's a bit sloppy right now so what I can do is I can go to X and I can use what it's called spline smooth and I can I can go and applying a little bit stopstop press stop smoking yeah so the spline smooth tool smooth in the spline if you have a very jagged spline and very rough you can smooth it out with the tool it's very very useful okay now we'll name that I would keep that I named that you know control crowd okay so again my perspective view I will go here and why you we use funny compadres because if I go here it's cloner and go here to Morphin spline I can draw on my control crowd okay and here what we see it's really it's like oriented is limiting where the crowd should be okay and if I go here to set sight width and play again with size height okay I can control inside my control spline and if I go here and use it and my points mode and start selecting a point and move it here take another one move it here it's like I have completely control on where my crowd is going you know it's going to be okay so let's go here okay let's say we stop here okay so right now we will see all that people okay they're pretty similar what else I can do is I can open few more guys that we have okay and I will take them any of them I'm going here cloner drop them inside okay so we have a bunch of people happening but in order to make them look more you know not using the clown civitate I will use a clone random okay so they feel a little bit bit more you know random and right now what else I can do is I'm going and searching about random excuse me random effector okay and dropping the random effect on the cloner let's see that it's on site okay use a random effector I will delete the position I will go scale absolute scale and make them a little bit bigger okay so we have a nice crowd happening but you see there is a problem because some of them they are you know heading towards so what I can do in order to to fix that I can go here into the factor go to minimum and Max and I will change the minimum to zero so right now everyone else is you know around the logo everything is cool we'll have a raddimus but what happens is that no one is looking at the logo now they're looking in different directions so what I can do is I can go again and shirts and I will use my target effector okay go in the cloner let you drop the drug target the factor here and right now now they are pointing and all the crowd is looking into a different direction okay so what I have to do is I'm going to target and I'm going to reverse heading okay so from the moment I reverse the heading we see that everyone is looking at the logo okay so wherever the target is I can move it and make people watching the world or the logo is Mary and last one because make it look let's go to more yes you see because Olympics are with no keyframes we we can render instance them and you can have a lot of crowd very very efficiently and very fast without bogging down your viewport yeah and you can find a really nice angle and you can use it in any way you like so with a spline and using honeycomb Perret you are able to control the crowd in a really nice way give some variation and randomness and yeah there it is is there something that for god I think we can move on okay that's much shorter and we should move sorry let's stop it we should move to the next one project it's called fruitless it's again a personal project that we finished like two months ago and let's see that okay and we will guess about a few tips again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah it's it was a bit weird yeah it's like we used any kind of techniques we know like X particles real flow what else turbulence of Lee you know dynamics clothes everything we did a lot of scenes and a lot of tests and we decided at the end oh why don't we make a project out of it yeah we I think there are about 145 scenes okay but we you know at the load we can stop at some point and say let's let's edit them and make a project out of it okay we will see right now a similar effect like that we used a lot of in the project fields and all this stuff so we will see that effect right now okay so we have to jump inside cinema4d again and let's start with with a banana so we're having our banana here okay and right now it's it's a banner it's it's nothing fancy okay so what I'm going to do right now as a first step is I'm going to banana I'm going to simulation tags I'm going to use the cloth okay and if I press play what happens is that the cloth is just falling okay it's nothing funds right now so I'm going to force it I'm going to play it zero for the gravity I'm going to use drag number two and if I go to the tag here what I'm doing the only thing that I'm doing is I'm going to size and place something like 150 okay so and what i have instantly is that one okay first like you know really nice effect and if I open the bananas subdivision surface here it's starting to get a little bit more more detailed okay so this is the first step in order to move and make something you know more advanced so the second step is I will have to create a cube okay it doesn't matter how big it is okay or where it is or where it is but in order to see that the points here excuse me let's see the points here I will drag it up okay I will make it editable it's pretty critical to made it editable I will go to the banana again simulation tags and right now I will use the cloth build okay so using the cloth build I will drop the cube that I just created in the belt and I press set okay right now because I have everything here with the points basically it connects all the points from the banana to the points of the cube okay so right now I don't need the cube so I will hide that okay and I would go to the cloth belt and I will move draw okay because I don't want to see that okay so we'll have a basic setup with cloths and the cloth belt right now but let's move forward okay go to the points okay everything is selected and I will press here in order to create a vertex map okay I will press ok ok so right now nothing happens so moving forward as you know in our 20 we're using fields I will use fields here and I have freeze okay freeze it's like you know storing the current data of the object okay I will go here to the mode and I will use grow okay right now if I press play nothing happens so in order to make that work I should go to the linear field I should use a spherical field here okay I would take it make it smaller and I will go about to that to the top there okay a little bit closer yeah something around here so now if I press play it starts growing okay yeah it's it's cool but it's not very interesting especially here at the edges so firstly about the fries choose something very similar is if I change the radius okay and if I change the effect strength okay it really changes the way it's growing here okay so ready to see how many polygons so if I go lower if I go to four in the radius you see you know it's slower and it reads differently so we'll stop about 12% okay here and right now I go to my spherical field and I will use something that it's called you know trees subfields okay so I will go to the radius going down and I will use what it's called a random field okay let's go down and I will use a random noise okay so that will make it put it on noise it's sorted right now sorry I sold it yeah okay sorry change the noise yeah so you see it's starting to be a little bit more interesting again so I can play here with the scale let's go something higher yeah so it's hard to be different but I will stay about 100 and change about that one okay here so let's go to place yeah it's very organic yeah much control in the way you distribute the vertex knob if if you put the spherical field on the other side of the banana the vertex map starts growing from the other side so yeah exactly so we're moving on now we're going to connect these two setups okay so I'm going to the influence of the belt tag and I'm going to draw my vertex map that we just created and if I press play you see it starting to have an effect but the problem here is that the effect that the effect is starting to be like inversed okay so what we should do right now is we should go here I should you know select these two and I must create a new group field okay so these are together and in order to invert it that should go here invert and right now hopefully yeah and right now this is the right sequence for the project excuse me for the animation okay so it starts to be more accurate in the way that we want it okay so let's see that here okay something else that we can do is I can go to the X bring an attractor place the attractor in the air in the center and now right now it's not cool at all okay and this happens because I have to go to the attractor and give a negative value okay let's let's go minus 10 so it doesn't attract it repels now the object turbans outside it's like pumping it up okay so it's starting to be more more interesting okay so yeah it's cool something else that we can do okay let's bring on the cloth surface okay and let's bring in here let's attach the banana to the closed surface let's move to the close tag here and enabled here okay and if we enabled here we have to lower down the size okay so let's go about fifty okay and let's see what is the result okay and now the result is something again very interesting but in a different way and you can have different results so this is one here if I go to size let's go at something I don't know seventy yeah you have way more different behavior of the cloth okay which is again very very interesting and yeah and if I open the subdivision surface you're getting more detailed okay and the last one I will get subdivision surface zone the last thing that you can do is about you know texturing okay so I think we have already one but I will drop that one okay so i have that banana here okay it's white but what i can do is open it here i can go to the color texture effects vertex map going to my vertex map a dropping inside the vertex map okay I would remove right now the tear so it's very it's more this thing yeah exactly it's more distinct okay and that will change the size again like let's go 150 okay and you see along with the animation we also have a really nice a color movement and the last one is if you go to the texture along with the vertex map you can go here you can add the colorizer okay and if i play now it's like a fire and if i go to gradient right now here I can load preset and you can no choose anything from us that one looks cool like that okay more more graph oriented okay and that one okay so you're able to add you know any color palette that you want anything else that you want you have a total control for the banana effect that we just presented okay straightforward and really nice effect okay yep so let's move forward with Thanos about the next one it's about hanging spoons and Rob's again this is a little bit more advanced so founders will take over I'm the advanced guy brother geek thank you so a problem we faced many times is that I couldn't make some objects some objects hanging and actually drive spline dynamics so let me show you without any delay how I solve this problem here so my first approach is I'm gonna solve this very quick with some lightbulbs that I have here straight from the content browser I'm gonna use the here module to create some splines and and make them as chords of the of the lights so I have this plane I'm gonna put it a bit higher and I'm gonna use here cinema 4d here is a very very powerful tool and it's not all only used for characters you can use it along with more graph and that gives us a lot of opportunities so let me reduce a bit the hair count here by default as you see have some gravity and stuff let me turn around plane you see this is the start of the hair and let's set up some things also let's go - here we go - roots we say as guides which means now that here are exactly as my guides and if I go to my edit to my generate and instead of none I changed it to spline now I can have access to these set points okay so let me grab a cloner object let me drag the lightbulbs as children of the cloner object and I'm gonna use it in object mode this means I'm going to distribute somewhere and I pick my hair as a distribution target so right now you see I have this cluttered effect but if I reduce my count to 1 and if I remove loop and take the start point I'm just dragging this all down to the tip if I go also to my transform table and I think this is yeah this is the correct axis what we have now is this very interesting and very procedural again set up with spline dynamics let me also add some sorry some turbulence here what turbulence does is what it says that's a bit of no wind force and all is cool and dandy but as you see our objects are intersecting and it's actually fake it's very nice but it's fake they don't have they don't give weight to the splines so let's let's explore an other technique here I have my scene open I have a simple clone in linear mode and I have some cubes and from I want to connect these cubes and make them dynamic okay so I'm gonna go to my plugins University guys have made this very very powerful plug-in called CVI Namek connector object and if I just drag my cloner as a child of the connect of the CV dynamic object if I press play now all the tubes fall because instantly they are dynamic but if I go and say uncle start an anchor end it means that the first and the last tube are being attached holes to the world and if I create connector you see all those shapes it's it's a connector object of cinema 4d that connects every cube together so now if I press play I start having something like this which is exactly what I want because it's driven by the actual weight of it loans and this is completely procedural as you see without any changes and without adding any manual work I can add more or less cubes okay so the next step I would do is I'm going to get the torus object put it like this I'm gonna scale it down let's say somewhere around there and I'm gonna make it react with the cubes okay so I'm gonna add a rigidbody tag to my torus I'm gonna go to my collision and instead of say bottom attic I'm gonna use a moving mass otherwise it doesn't recognize the hole in the middle of the torus and if I press play now as you see the torus actually have an effect and and wait on the spline let's see that a bit more clear clear let's go to the mass and if I change it to custom density and if I use like a big loose high number you see the the tube is dragging so much down the the cubes that it's breaking okay so this means this is working let me reset that the wall density and let me very quick make a cylinder using it as a child of the torus I'm resetting the PSR which means it's resetting its coordinates I'm gonna put the cylinder right there and I'm gonna use now a connector manually between those two objects so here's my connector I'm placing it in between those just for visual purposes and what connector does it connects the object a the torus with a cylinder the object may and as you see now the connector is right there but if I make it a child and they're set PSR of my torus now these two objects are connected so all I need to do is go to my cylinder I'm gonna add a rigidbody tag and yes we starting getting something that is very similar to what I did in the previous example and if I make this a group let me add a few copies here and there and press play yeah you see they are doing some weird stuff but we can fix that very easily we go to my project settings the dynamics expert and I'm gonna increase my steps for frame which increases the accuracy of the rigidbody objects and now you see everything is working out should I can even drag some turbulence in there you see they actually drive the spline by adding weight to it and how you would make that spline it's pretty easy you just take a cube sorry the cylinder and the torus and I'm gonna use a tracer object I'm gonna connect all objects let's see yeah we start having splines and you can make the spline dynamic as well etc etc and you can achieve the look that you're after so I think that was it for today this is our Scioscia these are socials is our website is our Facebook and you can find us here you know anything you would like to ask or you know send us an email everything we are and we will be also behind ya we'll also be here so anything you would like to ask or discuss we are free to do that so we will thank you very much and thanks max on and everyone from the internet thank you thanks a lot
Channel: Maxon
Views: 58,632
Rating: 4.9921145 out of 5
Keywords: c4d, cinema 4d, sculpting, bodypaint 3d, maxon, modeling, modelling, 3d, animation, rendering, r21, release21, release 21, ibc, ibc2019, ibcshow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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