Yet another generator shed

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foreign welcome back to the channel everybody today we're going to talk about another generator shed stuff that you can find all over YouTube on how to make these generator sheds out of a slight cast shed like I have here around a spare Lumber you're going to find videos on how to make them even more quiet how to make them more efficient to to cool your generator I have found that what I have done here does just fine for my generator and the power of my house so let's get into it so as you can see here I have a predator 9000 generator that does just fine powering my entire house this is a 30 amp generator I originally bought this generator to power my RV um not thinking too much about what else I may need to power with it um having lived in Northern Virginia for a couple years now I realized that we lose power quite often so I needed to do this and this was about a third of the cost uh instead of doing a generat uh Generac whole home generator system uh this thing again will power the entire house minus my AC unit which is good for the kids I can keep TVs into game systems on for the kids uh refrigerator will stay on to keep the food good and everybody's entertained the house stays comfortable we have a fireplace inside that that heats the entire house so that that's all good so I have an attic fan like most people use uh you can I bought this one off of Amazon um you can pick and choose to see how many CFM you want to move to in and out of your generator shed uh this does this does great for it uh this doesn't come with a wiring so you have to buy a separate wiring harness or a wiring electric cable for it it's really easy to wire up just follow the instructions it plugs right into the generator itself and when the generator takes on the fan kicks on automatically and starts evacuating the Heat here you'll see this is just a a steel uh plumbing pipe that I had and I kind of modified it I had to grind out the inside to fit over the exhaust Port from the generator itself um I left the spark arrestor inside the generator and everything runs just fine uh there's an exhaust wrap on this and you can grab it right now and it's it's kind of warm right now because I was just running the generator but it does just fine this is an aluminum flange that I cut I have one on the inside one on the outside it does great like I'm touching this and this is actually still cool to the touch I just had the generator running for about 10 minutes you know and then here you can see this is still some of the spray foam that I injected throughout the entire generator or throughout the entire shed it's a 3M uh fire retardant foam it does great I use it for the uh for the sound deadening and then also for some of the fireproofing over here uh this is how I run the cable in and out of the shed it's just a blast gate that you use most wood shops use these uh for the filtration systems and for the dust collection and then back here is just the the vent it's got a little screen over it to help keep some of the critters out um it does great um with these two things uh with the blast gate open and that event I'm able to move enough cool air through the generator shed itself and evacuate it out with the with the fan and I have no issues keeping the generator cool um it will probably operate at about 80 85 Degrees no problem uh this is a 10 gauge wire that I used I run it underneath I put a garage mount on here um with uh it's half inch plywood just to support the weight of the generator and then I also have a cable guard you can see the cable guard in there so that the grounding rod or the grounding wire itself isn't sitting directly on the wood in case there is some sort of uh malfunction whatever it may be and then on the back [Music] you can see I have two grounding rods it's it was an eight foot grounding rod that I cut in half and I buried almost all the way down um so it's it's double grounded and then you see where the uh the grounding cable itself comes out I just drilled a tiny quarter inch hole and and ran it through there and then I also have some foam you can see the bulging or the bubbling of the shed throughout that's from the the foam that was injected to to help with the noise and with the the fire system or the fire again Here's the the uh exhaust I'm probably going to put a double on here to help uh direct the the exhaust down so the blowing straight I also help protect from Critters going in because you can see some water's gotten in there starting to rust a little bit but this the aluminum flange will stay cool the entire time the pipe itself will get incredibly hot and then this is the fan this opens up automatically shoes you fire up the generator the fan kicks on that opens up uh you have to cut a hole in the shed itself to make this fit uh which to me uh messes up with the structural structural Integrity of the shed so I just put a wood frame around it to help support it seems to do pretty good so as you can see I went with a little bit different foam than what a lot of other people did I didn't go with the rock wool I went with studio quality uh sound bending material this does really good it is fire retardant you can find the videos on Amazon of this stuff like holding a lighter up to it and it does pretty good it doesn't catch on fire sound doesn't like Direction change which is why I'm more with this one and which is why Studios use these types of standarding materials to help deaden the sound it's really easy to work with this is just glued on for right now and having run this generator and the warm weather and with it running for you know 45 minutes an hour getting over 80 degrees in here it has not had an issue with uh messing with the glue at all so why don't I need insulation on the roof of this shed well I'll tell you what the decision that I made why I didn't think I needed it is in my neighborhood almost everybody around here has a generator that they pull out of the garage and run in their driveway so my entire neighborhood except for one one guy up the road who actually has a Generac almost everybody else though creates a bunch of Racket with their generators so my generator and shed are already immensely more quiet than theirs so I didn't feel the need to make it even quieter just because they're making more racket than I already am so let's fire this thing up I'm sorry I don't have a decibel meter to show you but let's fire this thing up and I'll show you the difference between the shed open the shed closed [Music] [Music] so it feels pretty good keeping it quiet again I'm not too concerned about the noise at this point is between my house and my neighbor's house and all the other neighbors about generators out of their garages so this does pretty good and I'm happy with it let me know what you think in the comments Below have a good day
Channel: Ben does stuff
Views: 65,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vl1IUwgNP6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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