Custom Sound Insulated Generator Shed Video

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so I want to do a quick video of my generator shed set up so maybe this will help somebody else out there as I watched a lot of videos and got a lot of good ideas and pulled and put together what I wanted needed it's a 4x5 generator show that I built sided with LP smartside on a concrete pad that I poured this is the exhaust fan a big 20 inch fan from Amazon I think it's 20 inch I've got a link below puts out a ton of air works really good even in the summer I've also got a solar Tinder or charger a little 2.5 Watt works great just to keep the battery soft off been running this for over a year I never have to charge the battery when the unit's off starts every time let's see walk around the side here that's a cover by the way uh puts your little handles on and made a removable cover just so that when I'm not using it I don't end up with bees or whatever trying to get inside the shed foreign with a door go ahead and open the door I have a win GN 8 25 for 875i inverter generator I've got it hooked up with a US carburation a tri-fuel conversion kit they're a motor snorkel kit right now I've actually got the natural gas line hooked up to it I put quick disconnects on both sides the hose comes with one quick disconnect and I bought another one to put one on the other side so it's real easy to take on and off when I'm running an unnatural gas foreign this side here I got this idea on somebody else on YouTube because it's so close to my house as you can see which is by the way not a carbon monoxide issue it's at least 15 foot from any opening but I sound doesn't bend very well so it's all this idea use it on mine to make a little shoot you see a little trap doors open down there for the intake it's got little magnets that I can shut it when I'm not not in use again to absorb sound the entire shed is lined with rock wool safe and sound which works just wonderfully about absorbing sound and when I'm going to do a video here in a minute showing uh the sound levels before and after so you can see I also ran my power wires which I just recently did this I ran a power wire back feeding to the house yes I have an interlock on the main back feet to the house and I buried it so it comes up that little brown right there service line comes out six three Romex going to a number eight THHN per NEC that way I have the back feet for the house plug in directly in the shed itself I don't have to drag out a cord on the outside if the weather's bad or anything gas line runs to a gas hose here which is a one inch gas hose sized according to the BTU usage with a cut off and again a quick disconnect three quarter inch hose the inside here's what the inside of the generator shed looks like as you can see I went ahead and put the back feed plug which I just did this not too long ago the back feed plug inside of the generator so I don't have to worry about running a cord out and plugging into a box on the side of the house which is the way it was set up so the weather is bad they just I don't have to worry about getting a cord in wet or anything like that I also when I put it went ahead and put a GFI protected Outlet out here too so if instead of using the solar tender what you see hooked up there I can also use just a regular plug-in tender if I want to the exhaust pipe I just changed this I had it set up a different way and I think this way is going to work better the other way was putting a little too much stress on the threads on the exhaust outlet but I took a two inch pipe flange a two inch piece of conduit ground out the threads to where I could get the two inch piece of conduit inside the pipe flange and then welded it together just tack welded it and then went back and used some high temp seal or to sit to seal up the The Junction there between the conduit and the pipe adapter and then I use some eighth of about eighth of an inch sixteenth of an inch rubber gasket material to make an exhaust gasket which is it is a high temp material between where the exhaust Outlet is and my piece there and that goes into a two inch coupler and that goes into the two inch flexible exhaust hose of course I wrapped that all with the fiberglass insulation which helps with the heat actually quite a bit helps insulate and keep some of the Heat from getting so much in the shed a little more explanation on the exhaust I was able to remove the muffler and the exhaust heat shield with just four bolts that held it on take that off did a bun do a bunch of little bolts to take off the Shroud itself and then mount my flange and conduit piece to the Shroud and then bolted back onto the muffler and then I used that as I mentioned that exhaust gasket and as you can see it goes right over where the exhaust hole is so that it's pretty much sealing that exhaust hole and that's what it looks like if you're looking into the flange and conduit piece and what you'd see to show that it's exhausted and sealed that way now I will mention once I start this up I do currently have the generator in eco mode with no real load so it is going to be quieter than it will be when it's on full load but it's not a huge difference just to give you an idea of Ambient sound levels and then what the sound level will be is just when I'm talking and I'm right in front of it holding it obviously and just talking to give you a baseline to compare by we'll go ahead and start her up [Music] [Music] put the pardon the mess I'm working on putting in a paper patio and fire pit this is maybe less than 23 or so so as you can see the shed with the rock wall is doing a fantastic job of insulating the sound but I should say absorbing the sound something I would highly recommend doing if you can hope this was a help to somebody
Channel: How to do stuf
Views: 37,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A1oHkJAiD7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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