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for hello Mrs Hobs hello Dar hello yeah you said to come call on you my name's John Marston I've been sending you the animals for your art I guess you make clothes or something clothes oh no I don't make clothes de come come what do you make I think art Deary art not art but life life as art come come meet my friends come come it's downstairs come meet the world you helped build this is this is this is quite something it's my life work Gary An Almighty struggle I love this little fella he makes me so happy there's so much life in him in a way and look at these three playing poker oh they'll never know who wins because they're all dead only it doesn't look like it sometimes I I I make up little funny voices and I make believe that they're all talking to one another I I call this guy peral I don't know why and these two over here oh they're prize Fighters obviously there isn't any prize because they're both dead I tried this with humans once during a a Cera outbreak no animals are better their fur is so nice and um yeah I think I don't quite know what to say oh oh I often get that reaction I'm sure oh here please take this as a gift because after all we did this together you and I are both like God now in a way thanks I should get going yeah well maybe when you die somebody will stuff you and maybe heaven is just like this did you ever think of that Dar no I never did be well hi what what is that it's art oh that's what they call it
Channel: Player7
Views: 32,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gMgo2ilmIPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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