Yellow Half Sheet Cake by Diane Lovetobake

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hi this is Diane love to bake and what we're going to make well for me at least it's a little bit unusual because I usually don't make uh a cake uh you know this this large we're going to make a very moist 12 whoops I'm sorry a 12 by8 uh yellow uh batter uh sheet cake uh this is what they traditionally call a half a sheet um and I actually um um was at someone's house tasted this cake and it well it was fantastic so I asked for the recipe and I needed to uh bake a um a half a sheet for my church that's coming up in a few days so it you know it worked out perfect and I thought I'd do the video um I do want to tell you I did take my 12 by8 I greased it very well and then I dusted it with um with flour now you know you might want to use use your parchment paper or whatever feel free so let's get started first off you're going to be needing five cups of allpurpose flour five cups you're also going to be putting in a half a cup of corn starch and I really think it's the corn starch that really makes this cake so light um in texture um because I'm kind of used to using um cake flour really for a lot of a lot of cake so I was really pleased to see that I could use allpurpose and then use the corn starch you're going to be putting in um eight teaspoons of baking powder that was eight teaspoons and you're going to be putting in a teaspoon of salt into your dry and then I'm just going to uh with my spoon just stir it together here a little bit and then we're going to set this large bowl aside okay all right uh the next thing that we're going to do is of course we're going to start with our room temperature butter now you'll need four sticks of butter which equals 2 cups I cut it into small pieces because again I thought it would go a lot faster for the video and that type of thing because this you know this recipe is is quite large so I'm going to just break that up and um this recipe it's it's a little bit different and I'll explain it as I go along of how uh it's put together but I just want to break up that butter and cream it now the next thing you're going to need is um four cups of granulated sugar so I'm going to start putting that in you know a little at of time with the butter I'm going to try to keep my mixer down low so it's not you know too uh too loud for you and then I'm going to put the other two cups in okay okay what happens is uh on the next step would see a little unusual in fact when I first was doing it I thought I was doing something wrong and then it it came out so beautiful I I knew I wasn't I was doing okay um what we're going to do is we're going to need milk of course and uh what you need in milk is two cups of milk now you're going to be putting in six eggs I had them at room temperature and the milk at room temperature and I just uh slightly beat them okay so put that in your your milk mixture also you're going to be putting in um vanilla and you'll need four teaspoons and then just stir that in with the milk the eggs and that vanilla you don't have to be real fussy with it just just stir that in okay all right and we'll set that aside here okay this is the part that is a little bit unusual for me I'm actually going to take the dry and start beating it in the uh butter and the sugar and and what I found this recipe to do it has to come out where it looks like you know that it's like little pieces you know that are uh together like little uh balls of the flour and the um butter and the sugar of course this recipe you definitely want to use your stand mixer I've never attempted anything like this with a hand mixer I think it would be very difficult even if it's possible and again you want to stay with it till it comes out where it's like pieces like that little tiny pieces so I want to put the rest of the flour in but I just want to wait just a little bit before I do that cuz I do like to move the video along so you know it's not so long for you folks to have to sit through this okay that's the dry and we're going to just give it a few minutes here or not even a minute I should say and uh to get that all get that all Blended again what you're looking for it to be like I said like little pieces okay all right we're just going to stir that a little bit more here eat it in okay now we're going to start slowly putting in the wet a little at a time and this is when it starts to look you know pretty uh lumpy and you get concerned but don't be it really will come out nice I'm going to raise my speed a little here all right and that's the rest of my liquid while that's mixing I'm going to rinse my hands real [Music] quick now this you do want to stay with it and beat it till it's [Music] smooth since you don't don't want you know lumps in it but you don't want to overbeat it that you know it'll be really dense and heavy either okay now I also like to I put a little bit very tiny amounts of yellow food coloring you don't have to put it in it's going to be up to you uh if you want to uh just put as much as you feel uh to get the color that you want um I find though not to put too much of food coloring cuz I think it dries out the bake uh the baked goods I really do but it just to give it just a little bit of color um and I probably put maybe six drops in that type of thing but um you be the judge of how much do you want to put in just to give it a little bit of color and again you don't have to even do that and it's still a pretty color batter when it's sped up without it I'm G to raise my speed sorry about that I know it's kind of uh kind of noisy I'm going to raise it again to warn [Music] you I just want to try to move it along here okay I'm going to check I'm going to take my beater out of here and then uh take a look at it again set that aside let's pull this off okay and clean the sides just to really you know get down there and look and see if it's been thoroughly mixed and combined and I think it does I think it looks pretty nice there we go if you can kind of see the color and the texture of the batter it really does all come together even though that seems a little bit odd the way we put it together here okay and we're going to of course pour this into our pan here we'll get all of that out and then we'll just make sure to even it all nicely into our pan and again this is a half a sheet it's a 12 by8 you're going to bake it at 3:25 and it's going to take you anywhere from 45 to 50 minutes so do check them and again use your cake tester uh or a uh toothpick to see uh if it's done and then I do like to tap it but I don't want it to be too no noisy for the video but you know tap your pan before you you put it in the oven at 325 I'm going to quickly rinse my hands cuz I want to show you one that's baked up it's unfrosted you can use whatever type of frosting that you want to put on I have several uh frostings and icings uh um very quick and easy ones I have cooked frostings uncooked frosting so please check out my channel if you are looking or you do need um you know a frosting uh for this cake but you can see how beautifully it came up a nice rich golden brown um and when you get it out of the oven of course put it on a cooling rack and let it cool thoroughly before you of course take it out of your pan uh that type of thing well there you have it this is the largest version of a cake that I've ever baked but I was so pleased with the baking of this and then also sampling it at a friend's house well if you're looking for a sheet cake a half a sheet cake I think this is the recipe for you uh give it a try if you do and you like it uh leave a comment cuz I'd like to hear from you um also too um you should probably get about 48 pieces uh uh out of this or cut it again however that you uh that you want so uh again thank you for watching Diane love to bake please subscribe to my channel and I'll see you soon
Channel: Diane Lovetobake
Views: 169,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wedding Cake, Half Sheet Cake, Party Cake, Large Sheet Cake, Banquet Cake, Sheet Cake
Id: e6dj9aNDhHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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