Year 1999 A D

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Amazon prime and microwave dinners... Sounds about right. Pretty spot on for how integrated computers and cameras would/could be.

👍︎︎ 750 👤︎︎ u/FeitoRaingoddo 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Isn't that the Planet of the Apes beach? You maniacs!!!!

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/JohanPollutanpanz 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

I would love to go back in time and explain to the people who made this what a smart phone is. That would be such a cool conversation.

👍︎︎ 99 👤︎︎ u/patrick119 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Where's my damn cleaning closet??

👍︎︎ 142 👤︎︎ u/fingerguncontrol 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Best part: start at 8:08... "Mike, how bout chicken salad?", "Uhhh", "Cheese Omelette?", "CheeseBURGER, some fries and a nice, cold bottle of beer"... Classic Mike... Nothing changes

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/GISNewb 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's kinda strange to see everything painted as being disposable. Disposable clothes and disposable plates. It was the reality for awhile. Now we are realizing just how terrible that is.

Also I love how only the father and the son exercise. Women don't need to exericse! They are just magically thin and beautiful always.

👍︎︎ 634 👤︎︎ u/Slacker5001 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

It may be optimistic, but that music at the opening makes you think mind-control robots are coming, or that Mom is going to turn around and have a brain slug attached to her head.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is that kid still alive?? If so as an adult he must be like yeah I seen this coming

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/tone_loaf 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sci-fi was mostly optimistic up until the 80s. Futurism was huge in the 50s.

👍︎︎ 381 👤︎︎ u/Rookwood 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
man how does the gold fly yeah they ride on the air like an aircar soda what are you building Jamie it's our house can't you tell yes but you haven't finished it what did I forget what's this room at the center where I go to school yes that's where the computer lives and where I go to sleep and where you and Daddy sleep and where we go to swim and where we see the ball game and the symphony won it what did I well you left out the room where you're supposed to scrub behind your ears oh yeah the back court right and there's one more the health center we're daddy exercises its measured right how does the computer know everything I mean like I mean like how many times to exercise and all I haven't the faintest notion that's just too much for your old mother to understand oh not so old but I'll be 40 for next year that's not so not anymore would you sit now I forgot yeah 1999 ad more than a generation away and yet dreams travel faster than light and even now scientists and planners are shaping the lives of our children who will live in the 21st century how will they live perhaps in a honeycomb structure like this the oldest strongest natural shape known hexagon modules that grow with the family size and interests michael schorr 45 husband father is an astrophysicist several days each week he commutes to a distant laboratory where he's engaged in the Mars one project the colonization of the first planet his minor in the Sun 10 years he attended a Midwestern university was botany it is one of his many continuing hobbies he is engrossed on this sunny morning in the study of the cellular structure of a new exotic fruit tree hopefully his experiments will produce a giant peach with a thick protective skin much like that of a tangerine this is one of the many 21st century devices or appliances that are part of the everyday life of the Shore family this workbench with its electronic screen enables Michael to call up photographic sections of the to parent fruit trees from which he began his experiments three years ago at that time he stored the two photographic images in the central home computer which is secretary librarian banker teacher medical technician bridge partner and all-around servant in this house of tomorrow all pertinent information about this family its records its tastes and reference material is stored in these memory banks available instantly to every member of the family master James Shaw eight years old student attends formal school two mornings a week much of his education however is carried on in a kind of education center within the home and so an era that began 500 years earlier with Copernicus and Galileo ends as the first astronaut takes his first haunting steps onto the shores of the Moon and begins a new age of man his assignments are programmed into the home computer and fed into teaching machines which allow him to progress as rapidly as his Awakening mind can absorb the audiovisual lessons you you you this is lecture 102 Galileo's life work and indeed his personal character can perhaps be exemplified by describing one of his early experiments according to Aristotle a body that falls possesses weight those that do not fall have no weight since air does not fall it has no weight Galileo decided to examine this conclusion in his own fashion karenann Shah 43 white mother part-time homemaker hey mom I'm hungry yeah me too how about lunch how about two minutes okay two minutes and Counting 120 all right but you better not show up with a dirty face 115-113 112 my how about chicken salad uh cheese Alma cheeseburger some french fries and a nice cold bottle of beer I'll see like cold roast beef okay be right there fifty-five 74 39 38 37 20 19 18 17 16 9 three - lection is sir split-second lunches color-keyed disposable dishes all part of the instant society of tomorrow a society rich in leisure and taken for granted comforts at the turn of the next century most food will be stored frozen in individual portions the computer will keep a running inventory on all foodstuffs and suggest daily menus based on the nutritional needs of the family when the meal has been selected the various portions are fed automatically into the microwave oven for a few seconds of defying or warming the house of 1999 will be virtually maintenance-free a central atmospheric system will maintain constant year-around temperatures and controlled humidity bacteria pollen and dust clothing of the non-disposable variety will be stored in cleaning closets where a chemical vapor atmosphere and an ultrasonic vibrator will remove dirt particles fingertip shopping will be one of the many homemakers conveniences this video console will be channeled into the store of her choice there a camera will scan a display of wares which she will select by push button another part of this console is a household monitor screen which maintains a watch on critical areas in the house swimming pool or yard you what the wife selects on her console will be paid for by the husband at his counterpart console Paul bills and transactions will be carried out electronically a central bank computer will debit the family's account the amount of purchases and credit the department store for example informing the family's home computer at the same time father at the touch of a button receives an instantaneous printed copy of his budget the amount of taxes he owes the payments left on the car and so forth all documents and household records are available on the video screen for immediate reference also at his disposal is an electronic correspondence machine or home post office which allows for instant written communication between individuals anywhere in the world to maintain these and hundreds of complex electronic circuits a monitor checks all circuits every two seconds inserts a backup circuit if and when trouble develops and alerts the communal service agency for replacement the Home Energy Center with its fuel cell furnishes power provides absolutely pure water burns waste and heats or cools the rooms to computerized to cold the world of tomorrow will be as cold as sunlight tuned through photochromic windows it will be as wide as the ocean which pied not only recreation for the adventurers but an increasing variety of Hydra cultured exotic fresh foodstuffs and tomorrow will be as happy as music a Chopin what's up playing a song ah what's it called I think I you beggar how about playing the song with her and yesterday okay I thought dissipation yes life will be richer easier healthier as space-age dreams come true as part of his everyday regime michael schorr enters this home health center he lies for perhaps 15 seconds on a kind of medical couch his weight temperature pulse respiration blood pressure and electrocardiogram are routinely recorded at the same time his body is scanned for any isolated temperature pockets that signal oncoming disease or a localized infection at the end of the examination period the computer calculates the amount of exercise necessary to balance Mike's food intake and maintain proper muscle tone exercise requirements he did one half minutes bicycle six minutes programme Callanetics law it's ridiculous what's thing can't make a mistake you know your weight increase over 30 days 1.1 kilograms repeat exercise requirements 8 and 1/2 minutes bicycle six minutes program calisthenics confirm please confirm oh the computer now relays any important physical changes to a Central Community Medical Center where Mike's personal physician will be alerted for further diagnosis at conclusion of the exercise period the pertinent data are again recorded for comparison with pre exercise measurements the results are again forwarded to the Community Medical Center for further study if necessary if the computerized life occasionally extracts its pound of flesh it holds out some interesting rewards hi Fred has the old golf game huh don't ask six inches of snow and a blizzard on the way what do you got in mind oh how about some golf at Pebble Beach Saturday afternoon great anything to get out of here alright hold on a minute I don't know the coast looks a little doubtful there's a low moving in let me check Mexico City yeah it looks great alright here's what we'll do we'll meet at the El Centro about noon have some lunch and then we'll tee off great only this time I'm gonna have to get about two strokes aside because I haven't been playing all winter and I'm a little rusty and I know that you've probably been playing every day right sure in a virtually dirt free environment Karen Shaw several hours a week gets her hands very dirty she's a skilled Potter her work decorates their home and the homes and many of their friends during her career years she was a teacher of Fine Arts now she's able to continue practicing her crafts because the household demands on her time have been greatly diminished in the same way Jaime although he has a rigorous lesson schedule is already taking advantage of his electronic world who's your worthy opponent dad oh I'm replaying that game we had Sunday evil Oh looses its Queen now I want to see if I can work that trap that Bobby Fischer used in the world gains your dad will be home soon why don't you wait and play him live okay well I've got things to do in the kitchen what you doing with two oranges I'm fixing dinner old-fashioned way huh the old fashioned way wouldn't you call that stuff well we're having duckling alla orange mallow that's pretty fancy are we having company the shah's are giving a party television and how was your fine oh we finally got clearance from Denver decor to 25,000 feet how are things in Paris be family settle down okay yeah Marge loves it the kids are parlayed booing like me about Vicky in med school well you know she likes to keep busy how's the fishing in the Philippines oh I've never had a fishing like it anywhere in the world I still say you can't beat the Amazon you know I have to catch a live performance of a very sensational you stinger Porto Rico the other night would you like to see love - yeah hey everybody recorded a great hue singer down saying one way the other night would you like to see him oh sure one believed a loved one of a gum Oh the watchin manga tally up with we can do what a yummy Florence cares for Sami are a kidney doctor I get the memo I can rent a con MIGO chinita everybody my mic would you make me a dupe with that I'd like to show it to some friends of ours who spend a lot of time down there sure would I guess you want in 3d yeah we finally made the switch you got to keep up with the times you know yeah but but what well there's a 3-d and 4-d you know what's next what's next you never know you never really know what's next the things you've seen our tech Li possible it remains only to apply what we now know to fulfill these dreams of tomorrow the world of 1999 and Beyond is limited only by the boundaries of our imagination today
Channel: A/V Geeks
Views: 808,919
Rating: 4.8886805 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2013
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