YDAW Mailbag #5: Finally Caught Up!

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[Music] hello and welcome to part two of our mailbag where we're opening the more recent packages parcels i'm gonna call them parcels because it makes me feel like i'm in the old west this is from amy in kansas oh it's a pen with uh some kind of theropod on it and lilo and stitch stationary so this person has good taste so to the team at your dinosaurs are wrong your show is awesome thank you i'm so glad i was it was able to continue even without the national science institute i've always loved dinosaurs ever since i was a kid so finding your show brought me a lot of joy and reignited my love for all things prehistoric especially terrible lizards well i'm glad uh amy just wanted to say thank you for keeping up the dino love y'all are awesome and i can't wait for the next episode p.s i'm an artist but definitely not a paleo artist still have one of my favorite dinosaurs argentinosaurus that appears to be having a good day uh post postscript it's not a toy but i'm quite fond of this dinosaur pen i got either at the sternberg museum of natural history or at dinosaur adventure park in derby kansas i don't remember which now not sure which clearly inaccurate dino it is though maybe you guys could tell me and send it back thanks yeah beyond saying that it's a theropod it has three fingers on its hands so i have to assume allosaurus like that feels like a safe bet right this has some heft to it though it's like it's like the the center of mass is way back on the pen feels like like you have to write important things with this but thank you amy next we have a parcel from scarlet your name is scarlet that's a cool name oh and uh uh coelophysis i think there's correspondence so i guess we'll find out i don't want to break this correspondence but it's been sealed with a dinosaur sticker that i don't want to tear but i think i have to tear it up oh no i tore i didn't tear the sticker but i tore the letter okay sorry tyrannosaurus you don't get legs anymore hello steven and liz i hope you are both doing well i have followed this show for the past year as well as follow your patreon well thank you as you can guess i am a fan i've always been fascinated by dinosaurs i have very fond memories of my mom supporting my obsession uh something we always did together was play the lost world game on the original playstation one this game is the reason why compsognathus is oh it's guys there's a comp song with us it's always been my favorite dinosaur this little guy always seemed so delicate in the game but i can't help but picture him with feathers yet my undying love for the compy made me purchase this toy specifically for your show well thank you very much uh i don't think we had a compsognathus surprisingly okay now that you say that it's the compsognathus from the lost world i can see it i don't know how well y'all can see the head on it but it's pretty clearly the copy from the movie or or at least inspired thereby i can't tell if this oh the jaw moves a bit thank you scarlett and apparently also an envelope full of dino stickers ah a lot of dino stickers of a variety of oh that one's kind of cool it's like some mobius stuff there's a whole spread of these some of them have feathers some of them are clearly cartoons one of them is playing drums so that's cool yes thank you scarlet and now that i've spread them all out on the table i need to put them back in the envelope nick oh next we have uh return address oh it was drop shipped okay there's a pack there's a packing slip but it doesn't say who sent it and no identifying information here so we have some mystery boxes it was shipped from north carolina but that doesn't mean that whoever sent other mugs in theory there we go well we can't show what this one is saying but um it's a it's a dinosaur stating an expletive i think i know who sent these they share artwork from time to time that is of this this genre of oh it's the same thing but with a theropod i think it's supposed to be tyrannosaurus it is funny i just can't share what it's saying but thank you this is from someone in dorset oh my goodness this is from the shaw williams family okay hi steven liz here is a toy of microraptor that we have bought for you i can't wait until amargasaurus is uploaded okay so they sent this between us announcing a margosaurus and before it was released pnso microraptor as you have an iguanodon changing from the old form to the modern form at the end of your episodes perhaps it'd be good to do an episode on iguanodon question mark exclamation point question mark explanation point uh on the front page is part of our fossil collection right now we are reading a book called mary anning's treasures by helen brush which is really good we live only around two hours drive from lime regis which is where uh uh anning collected her fossils it's an iguanodon footprint and an iguanodon bone of some description to do we went for the first time last week we found some ammonites there which was good yeah i imagine you did uh we found some little fossilized shells embedded the rock which had their original white coloring the rock is made from the blue lease mud which we think is known for helping to preserve the color we found the iguana oh they found this okay we found the iguanodon bone and footprint at compton bay on the isle of wight there you can also see lots of iguanidon footprints as i heard of iguanodon walk down to the end of the beach which was a forest in the cretaceous and that is where they met their death morbid perhaps you could also do an episode on microraptor well i would assume since you sent a microraptor please make sure you use the up-to-date plumage coloring uh thank you from the shaw williams family interesting we don't usually get like fossil hunters i it's interesting that they had all that to say about ammonites and iguanodon but then sent a microraptor although we do have a lot of iguanodon at this point should we let people know that they can actually vote to maybe get a guanodon if they become a patron right now if you are at the patron tier five dollars or higher which is the juvenile tier uh you can actually vote on what the next episode will be you can't by the time this video goes up the election might be closed but uh in the future in the future seven dollar tier gets to vote who goes on the five dollar to your ballot because that seems fair if you're if you're supporting the show we should should i open this if you want if you're supporting the show you should get a say in what gets made there we go teach me to cut my fingernails there's instructions but they're in chinese wait this is this microraptor is named it's gao yuan the microraptor huh is that normal do people just nate or do manufacturers just name the oh it's i i halfway expected this to be like a assemble it yourself thing but it's just a wow that's really nice i like the pose as opposed to uh i guess ours isn't out here but we have another microraptor that's more of a um like what you'd see on heraldry it's just holding all four of its limbs like um this this looks like a pose the animal might actually have in like oh no there we go oh it's not supposed to be standing it's supposed to be gliding that's what okay cool thank you again from the shaw williams family we have another box or parcel from tony and christina in california now california way oh this original artwork and a edmontosaurus maybe the artwork is of a spinosaurid of some kind maybe tsukaminus i'm sure they'll tell me he's doing fisty cuffs or something yes i feel i think this might be trackadon but i don't remember what tr i think trackadon is montosaurus now i'm not sure what so they don't think so they think that this is a baryonyx or irritator uh both spinosaurids uh thing washed up on a beach uh in california i think it's more of a baryonyx please do your dinosaurs wrong on these sailor spinosaurids i'd like it back when you're done too sincerely a fan i can see how you would think that it's a um like a pseudominus or something or what did they say baryonyx or irritator but um i i think this is intended as a as a duckbilled hadrosaurid but we do have spina salis sail-less spinosaurus as you call them so we will do an episode on such a thing eventually next we have a package from oh this is from everett he warned me that this was coming hello please enjoy these drawings from everett thanks good ladder everett often shares his artwork with us on the discord and i have never seen one of his pieces in person though only digitally they're much bigger than i thought i don't know why like of course you use the whole page if you're drawing on a piece of paper but for some reason i guess seeing them on a computer screen you just always assume that they're smaller than they are but yeah that's a very nice pachycephalosaurus with some bristles and oh and an archaeopteryx if i could hold my hand still there we go still shaking sorry everett thank you very much he had asked us um to choose dinosaurs and was somewhat um what's the word coy about why he was asking even though it was fairly obvious but thank you very much we have a box from amanda also in california uh what oh there's like instructions about what to do with each thing send back send back send back okay dear your dinosaurs are wrong do you remember sun kissed fun fruit snacks i loved shark bites letters numbers animals and dinosaurs as a kid well the dinosaur one usually came with bonus trading cards these cards happen to be from the late 80s so some classic outdated dinosaurs i have never heard of the trading cards associated with sun-kissed fruit snacks sorry fun fun fruits snacks uh two extra copies of apatosaurus and parasaurolophus i can easily give away but i have only one copy of stenenykosaurus which we haven't covered yet and do please send the card back it's my only copy of it i also have two old postcards of the utah field house of natural history from vernal utah one with ceratosaurus sculpture in front of the building and one of their must chop chat i've never i've never had to say this word m-o-s-c-h-o-p-s i assume it's must chops but it might be like moss ships from the dinosaur gardens these postcards are from a family trip in utah in the early 90s also send them back once done with covering them uh i was thinking of sending a book from 1986 but it's kind of too precious to me to send in the mail it's called dinosaurs and other archosaurs written and illustrated by peter zaligar with a forward by uh olstrom by john h altrum i've never heard of this book but if ostram did a forward i mean it must be legit there's also a really funny looking ceratosaurus from the definitely dinosaurs play school line from 1989 they were often given out as wendy's kids meal toys please send it back after you do an episode on ceratosaurus i feel like we wait don't we have one of those like that specific thing that you're ringing a bell here wendy's kids meal play school ceratosaurus i don't know if it was a ceratosaurus or not it might have been a different one is that what it was okay well i know it arrived in one piece because this is mostly air i've seen actual fossil bones shipped with less of a jacket oh my goodness i do appreciate that amanda sent us something that is clearly so precious to her that she had to package it so much there we go hey it's greener than the than the other playskool cerradosaurus we have but yeah this is familiar he's a happy guy this is a happy tyrannosaurus he's kind of creepily happy actually looking at his face oh wow in protective cases and everything we have a outdated parasaurolophus and some very outdated sauropods dinofacts from the edit dino facts tm from the from the editors of encyclopaedia britannica i know it's encyclopedia but they put an extra letter in there so i always want to say it weird right come on get back in your protection there we go stendanikasara oh oh dear it looks like a weird alien dinosaur with that giant head yeah that's uh that's an 80s depiction of standardicosaurus all right open here carefully you don't know me very well i am incapable of using any kind of tool carefully reckless abandon is the characterization i would what oh there we go what that was just a package for the package if you have items that are this precious to you um no i'm not gonna say don't send them but like you're putting a lot of pressure on me to make sure that i don't harm your stuff i already forgot what this was this is a postcard from the utah field house of natural history from uh vernal utah or a couple of them those are those are rather outdated indeed i wonder if those are still there they would they couldn't be there's a there's a ceratosaurus a really small sauropod and a stegosaurus all all clustered together and then this i don't know what animal that's supposed to be i think it's some kind of um triassic or even permian look at what those animals are called the large lumbering herbivorous uh reptiles that preceded the permian triassic extinction the name's gonna come to me like immediately after we stop rolling because that's how my brain works thank you very much again amanda this one is addressed to stephen bulatini so we got to send it back [Applause] there's nobody here nobody at this address by that name this is from derek he says the figure here is of a dinosukis i thought it would be interesting to do an episode on an animal that is usually depicted just as a big crocodile and show how this reptile differs from modern crocodilians that's a good thought i i am the first to admit that i don't know a ton about extinct sukians i should but um i i meant to learn about them and never got around to it though honestly we get sent toys that i know almost nothing about all the time so that's hardly uh whoa it's i didn't expect it to be squishy that's kind of satisfying to to deform huh gotta got a crocodilian dinosukis thank you derek i can make it talk thank you derek penultimate box is from ashley in new york oh my goodness well we have a i want to say apatosaurus it's not labeled some kind of diplodocued sauropod we have an enormous ceratosaur we already had a big serrated sword it's not out here we had a big ceratosaurus but this dwarfs even that oh that's weird so it's got a nasal horn and a brow horn but it's only got one brow horn you don't usually see that it's like an intermediate morph between classic ceratosaurus and bertrand and we have a giant i want to say dimetrodon it's a sail-backed synapsid of some kind i think we have a correspondence hi steven i'm not sure if you're still making episodes during the pandemic we are but i was cleaning out my closet and i found these the apatosaurus i was right isn't particularly relevant since you've already made a video on it but i think the adafosaurus okay so it's not a dimetrodon oh i could have read the belly yeah that's supposed to be an adaphosaurus okay cool uh and esratasaurus i've sent are especially egregious they are the fact that the generic carnivorous lizard with a sail is actually labeled adaphosaurus is very strange to me and i as it's far less pop culturally known than dimetrodon as for the ceratosaurus i think it speaks for itself i i like that this is the second dinosaur we've gotten today that has a creepy grin in anterior view that square front on its face that's weird uh ps please excuse the smudging in this letter i'm left-handed so this tends to happen it's fine uh ashley just thank you this is the single largest open mouthed hollow toy i've ever seen because you know usually they're the little ones but yeah edaphasaurus okay which i always want to say as adaphrosaurus but i don't know where i got that from and our last box there we go which is from vanessa in alabama i want to say oh there's a lot in this box dear your dinosaurs are wrong these are very special to me when i was a child i received a present of realistic air quotes dinosaur toys for christmas many of these are from that set watching your series has intrigued me and i now act as steven did critiquing dinosaur toys or statues i see with no prompting i feel like i should make a joke here the conditioning is working i can't turn to that camera watching your series have oh right i already said that please take care of these i've held on to them for long enough you both will love them in a fun way and hopefully they appear in the background of a video yes my favorite dinosaurs are long necks and carnotaurus brachiosaurus is by far the most wondrous creature to have walked the earth i disagree but i respect your opinion besides tudes vanessa oh postscript you will notice some paints i added blood to one of these and i also liked to paint their toenails some are missing tails blame my childhood dog herbie you all rock keep on keeping on you too and thank you [Applause] i never painted blood on my toys i did paint the tongue on one because it wasn't red oh an articulated brachiosaurus with a somewhat placid expression on its face wait what there's buttons does it it has long since ceased to function whatever these buttons originally did a second brachiosaurus this is from 1996. seeing if there's another brachiosaurus hiding in here there is a third brachiosaurus from 1992 i like how these all have different head crests like that one it looks more like an actual crest this one it looks like the classic nose with the nostrils in it this one is just a much more uh forward thrust nose again with the nostrils up on the crest oh hey yeah it's the schleich allosaurus i believe and this looks like the classic apatosaurus or maybe diplodocus i have a tiny version of this and i think it's supposed to be diplodocus but i'm not sure the head tells me that it's supposed to be apatosaurus because that looks like the sort of classic horribly reconstructed skull that they used to put on apatosaurus oh my we have a very squat like goblin of a stegosaurus i like the colors game though with the black face and little green bumps we have a raptor of some guy oh oh with an articulated head and tail 1997 ucc and amblin so this is a jurassic park thing oh you waggle the t oh that's clever so you waggle the tail and go [Music] oh it even stands non-tripod cool we have a uh that's an allosaurus from 1992. it it kind of looks like this one yeah no hush metal it looks yeah 1992 uk rd these are the same like line of toys from two different people we got a allosaurus and aguanodon i take solace in the fact that the shattering noise you just heard was not a toy someone sent us it was merely an owl ornament that i put up there for laughs oh what okay so this is a oh it's the baby rex from the lost world the jurassic park sequel where they broke its leg and they had to put a cast on it oh that's weird wait so does the cast come off oh it does the cast comes off and you can like see the the bone or i guess that's just supposed to simulate that it can't stand on that leg i mean you don't see like usually when you have an injury in a dinosaur toy it's in like the we're gonna cut open part of it and there's gonna be red slashes on it you don't usually see like hey it broke its leg and can't walk oh this looks like the same yeah this is also ukrd doesn't have a year but i guess it's supposed to also be an allosaurus but it's got this look on its face it you can see backwards it has binocular vision cuddling why we it looks like a claymation like if if aardman animation or somebody made a made a dinosaur cartoon actually they did make a dinosaur coding for that and uh oh oh we got a jurassic park dilophosaurus with its frill yeah see this is the kind of injury you usually see even though it's not painted like where they just have a slash out of them this feels like a kids meal toy i can't prove it but that's what it feels like to me and a gigantic durant what we have a gigantic pteranodon whose feet are on backwards what why would you do like those are clearly like they have the surface of the bottoms of the the feet and the claws pointing this way so they're they're explicitly backwards who would make such a thing made in china well yeah i figured but that's ridiculous it's heavy too this is like that's got some heft to it well thank you very much vanessa that's a lot of toys and thank you to everyone who sent in toys and art and cards of various descriptions we could not make the show without subject matter so this is very helpful and amusing if you would like to send in a toy or just correspond with us our address is in the description i would ask that you check the list which will also be in the description of all the genera of animals that we've already received toys for and like i'm not going to turn anything away but just know that like we we have ceratosaurus at this point we're good on ceratosaurus but thank you for watching and we hope that you will see us soon did that make that didn't make any sense [Music] you
Channel: Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong
Views: 14,844
Rating: 4.9847765 out of 5
Keywords: ydaw, your dinosaurs are wrong, toy, toys, fan mail, fan letters, viewermail, viewer mail, dino, dinosaurs, jurassic park, plastic, paleo art, drawings art, paleontology, card cards, box boxes, package, parcel, steven bellettini, behind the scenes, behind-the-scenes, blog vlog, unboxing, opening, surprise, carnivore, herbivore, fan art, paleontologists, creatures, monsters, bad design, goofy, silly, educational, science, learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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