Chill Coloring Time! (Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong Livestream)

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hello everyone hello humans you have anybody watching yes we do hey welcome to our experimental remote hangout thing that we're doing what is this remote hangout thanks David today we're going to be hanging out with me and miss Liz and coloring in some coloring pages that we made most of these we actually made a while ago I like like the deinonychus one year I recently updated but a lot of these are from like I want to say 2015 so not all of the all of them are from the art from the episode but some of our episodes are a little out of date now or in the case of where is it in the case of Dimetrodon our episode was not terribly accurate to start with so I I can do that experimental okay so um I revised this recently but it needs more revision like I we need to do another episode about Dimetrodon essentially so we'll go through and talk about everything we got wrong the first time but the main thing that's still wrong with this is the pose like this is opposed they could do but it's not the best communication of the way that they would move around and the feet are too fat essentially but there isn't a source isn't that bad so we're going to start with that guy I have all these crowns that Lee's got me and I have you know what just hold them up to the camera if you need it oh well I have a picture of a bird I'm gonna use this picture of a bird as my color reference and I picked out these crayons so we're gonna do like gray and blue on the body and the wings and then red on the belly and black on the head you have a little by the tripod foot there to put the bird there so people can kind of keep seeing what you're working towards sure I mean that's gonna turn off after a little while but that's true but when you start I'm gonna do dark-blue at the top of the head also you might not know this but your dinosaurs are wrong is made digitally so I am NOT very good with traditional media I can basically hold a pencil and that's the extent of my ability I don't I I don't think I have used crayons since we did that other coloring book thing that we did where somebody sent us a coloring book that they had made and I made a bunch of revisions to it and I colored them in I think that was the last time I touched a crayon it's certainly the last time that I touched these crayons because these are the crimes that I used in that one but now we have fancy new crayons and feel free to ask questions as yes absolutely ask questions missus is monitoring the chat even though I'm not looking at it oh there's a lot of chat cool thanks for tuning in humans oh there goes I guess I could turn off the turning off if I wanted to Oh we'll come back bird so on this bed the black goes under the mouth but then up around the eye I recognize that this is not the most creative way to go about coloring a dinosaur just finding a picture of a bird and copying it but it's my dinosaur and I will color it how I please think right now it's Pachycephalosaurus Pachycephalosaurus is a respectable choice I have no reasoning for this yeah I like it one person asks how are you two all right yeah we're doing okay we're surviving like everyone else hopefully the global pandemic has not impacted our lives too much like we know that some of the people who support us on patreon have not been able to continue doing that which we do not blame them at all but yeah are we we were already working from home so our ability to self isolate is quite high my favorite dinosaur met varies from week to week month to month I'm fond of saying I don't have a favorite dinosaur I have a sort of cluster of favorite dinosaurs pretty consistently in the lineup are Deinonychus Microraptor Allosaurus pentaceratops [Music] you know I can't think of any others that are like regularly in my favorites I'm presently somewhat fond of taco Soros Jake says hey longtime viewer from the UK just wanted to say I mentioned your channel to my partner and a couple a couple of months later she presented me with one of your t-shirts over Valentine's dinner oh that is really sweet for Steven what's your favorite non dinosaur and extinct animal what's your favorite extant animal my favorite extant animal is the Pangolin my favorite wait my favorite non dinosaur extinct animal hmm that's tough hmm - I don't think about them very much I quite like RAM for Incas [Music] calculators are cool knuckle-walking horses favorite I don't think anybody doesn't like lystrosaurus Japan asuras is cool I wouldn't say it's my favorite but I just think they're cool favorite colors I really like greens but not like thinking I can move the crayons so like once you get into the blue greens I'm not as fond of them but I really like the sort of middle of the road yellowy greens those those are my favorite colors can we point out that the box of crayons does not come sorted like that I may have taken some time before we started today to sort out the crayons by color because as I just mentioned I don't work with traditional media so not having a thing of hue lightness saturation to pick a eyedropper from is really disorienting to me so I have to arrange them in some way what was I doing [Music] let's see William asked do you get a lot of requests on dying not swords as a not dinosaurs we get a few we get some people they're like Harry what about you know such-and-such extinct animal or such as I became extinct mammal we get a lot of requests for like mosasaurs or other marine reptiles pert oh sorry yeah sorry yeah I have noticed that especially if like you're just gonna read blogs or just read Wikipedia you're not those at those parts of the paleo internet are not as assiduously edited so like you'll you'll have a dinosaur article and it'll be like 17 pages long and have a whole bunch of sources at the bottom and then you go to one for like a press to suit kit or whatever and it'll be like a stub with one source and it's the description of the animal but yeah I don't I don't know that much about them is the problem I wouldn't be opposed to doing a lot more non dinosaur programming but we'd have to get some outside help I think could I be pressing harder it's been so long since I used crayons well that does make it darker perfect would you be so kind as to take a moment to say hi to Harold and Alexander hi Harold an Alexander barely functional well they didn't ask it they say parents they say say Parasaurolophus right now say Parasaurolophus right now yes because you know some people say at Parasaurolophus I said at Parasaurolophus until I watched the Magic School Bus and they said Parasaurolophus of course they also said Uranus when they went to the planets and I'm not entirely sure that that's how you say that forgive me if I mess up the name at all but send the quinta books asked you guys play Animal Crossing if so any thoughts on the fossils in the game as far as accuracy in search I do not play Animal Crossing but some folks on our discord apparently do and they shared some images of the fossils in the new game fossils in the new game are cool they're pretty accurate I believe the Stegosaurus is outdated like it's got the old fashioned super curved spine on it but other than that no major complaints it it's weird to me that they are accurate though because it's a it's a game with anthropomorphic animals in it so what does that imply about the evolution of life in Animal Crossing did animals pass through a bunch of stages of being more or less the same as animals in our world and then at some point they became humanoid and started having jobs and debt oh and there's like if you look at the floor of the museum in that game again spoilers the phylogeny of dinosaurs in that is weird as heck the what is it they have they have so Apollo morphs as a sister group to a clade containing all other dinosaurs and pterosaurs and they have what is it they have theropods and margin as'f aliens as a sister group it's a very strange topology but is funny because that does mean that like in animal Crossing's universe pick no flavors are apparently also protofeathers and that's a sign apomorphine of that entire pterosaur plus non sauropod a morph dinosaur played about speculative zoology I mean plenty as long as artists are making cool arts I feel fine about it like a lot of people post their dinosaur inspired you know what do you call them chimeras and they look nice I'm less enthused I guess about the speculative biology way it's like this is what this animal would have evolved into if it survived into the Cretaceous even though we don't have any evidence that it survived into the Cretaceous where you're just kind of pretending that an animal that maybe could exist does exist like if you're going to set it in explicitly a fantasy world or if you're going to say oh what if dinosaurs kept evolving up into the present or whatever and have them interacting with humans and stuff like that that's that's fine by me but there is sort of a chance that you might be misleading people if you're doing speculative biology that is still in the distant past if that makes sense but and I'm not saying don't do it I'm just saying that that is maybe a problem with it you have a favorite website or institution to have a favorite website or institution I mean as I previously mentioned the Wikipedia articles for dinosaurs are really extensively cited white people maintain those really well so if you're looking for a place to start looking for research on any particular genus wikipedia page is not a bad place to start favorite institution I mean I like PLoS ONE but not everything gets published on +1 obviously generally open access research I love Oh my phone turned off that's why I can't see my bird cool cats asks did the therizinosaurus use its clothes for any self defense if the therizinosaurus use its claws for any self defense I would not be even slightly surprised if it did I don't think we have any evidence one way or the other you know like with with Stegosaurus we have injuries both on stegosauruses thagomizer and on the animals that it got used on that tells us that yes it used this as a weapon I don't think we have any such injuries for therizinosaurus claws which is what we would want please Stewart clock abdullah morph oh dear this is an extremely vanilla answer but wait till Amarth yeah it's fine it's an extremely vanilla answer but it's post asuka's wait is crocodile crocodile morph is is crocodile mark the clone group or is that I've only seen that word written I think it's capper Succoth I don't have a favorite clown crocodile if that answers your question I probably should they're important animals although I do like living saltwater crocodiles are really cool puppies out oh sorry we have two little dogs that came in here to start a fight with you hmm they're good dogs someone asked why crayons why crayons because otherwise I'd probably be wait what are the options other than crayons I guess I could do watercolor but I'm really bad at watercolor too I could have done I guess I could have done like setup with a tablet and be using you know an art book I'm on the computer which is what I'm comfortable with most of our art comes from either flash illustrator Photoshop or After Effects while everything goes through After Effects ultimately it just depends on where it starts and since a lot of our stuff almost all of our stuff is vector it'll start in either illustrator or flash which are all Adobe products I don't know why I keep turning to this camera as if they can see me on it oh well but like I can notice that they keep turning to it even though I noticed that they don't see me looking at it what's your favorite inaccurate reconstruction of a dino my favorite inaccurate reconstruction of the Dyna [Music] mmm nobody's ever asked that maybe Crystal Palace I'm fond of the Crystal Palace dinosaurs I don't know if I'd call them my favorite though also I don't know if those even count because they were accurate when they were made I feel like an accurate portrayal of a dinosaur needs to mean something that was inaccurate when it was made so if we're going by that criterion probably the dinosaurs from Peter Jackson's King Kong because like they aren't accurate in any sense of the word but they're charismatic and they're really well designed movie monsters and they they feel like real animals in a way that you don't often see like they don't act like real animals because you know they have to chase the protagonists but they at least for the most part feel like animals that could exist in the real world if dinosaurs kept evolving on that isolated island for 65 million years also I just kind of liked that movie what word is this coloring based on I have no idea what bird that is I'm not good at birds you think I would be since I like dinosaurs so much but no I don't even know what bird that is I don't even know where I got that bird photo and I don't thinking about it might be bad that I'm showing you that bird photo because it might not be Creative Commons or public domain or any of those fun things I'm gonna take that bird off the stream you don't get to see that bird anymore I'm sorry I have to protect the artist who photographed that bird if I are smarter I would have like saved the metadata for the photo but no I have a folder on my Dropbox that's just pictures of birds I mean I almost never note what kind of bird it is though when I save the photo because I'm not diligent favorite paleo artist [Music] I can tell you who made my favorite piece of paleo art John Conway has a piece that's Confuciusornis dude like bathing and that's my favorite piece of paleo art just because it's really pretty then I don't know what I would call in my favorite paleo artist because that seems like a unfair thing to say because I like a lot of paleo artists Bulfinch that looks like something that could be called a bowl cinch well the next species to come has already been chosen by our patrons and it will be it will be a Marga Saurus we have elections on our page around and people can select what dinosaur or they select what toy we are going to talk about next but yeah once Velociraptor is out we will be able to have the next election for whatever a dinosaur is after amargasaurus are we done this David no I think we need to put a little more grey on this we just point out laughter coming out sure because we actually have knowledge of that right so as you may have noticed Velociraptor took a long time to make but all of the animation specific to velociraptor episode is done Oh again see me um all the animation specific to Velociraptor is done all that's left is liz's job which is the final cut and sound mixing and music and what else you have to do you have to add titles and color grading and all that stuff that I don't do and yeah it should be out next week and this therizinosaurus should be out right now because it's done should I color the words I'm not going to color the words I'm gonna move to next I'm here so what's next that's a good question I think I'm gonna do deinonychus next somebody asked me to say Paris or office earlier they shoulda asked me to say deinonychus because I might have said deinonychus if pressed because that's how I've always pronounced it until a few years ago well that's a good color Leonardo any museum visit I wish to visit most museums top three are Museum of the Rockies AMNH and the Smithsonian now that the paleo stuff is open again where's my red crayon that's violet red that's not red if you could pick the one dinosaur to have as a pet what would you pick a dinosaur to have as a pet I assume you mean like a non-avian extinct dinosaur that's a good question maybe some it would have to be something small and easy to care for well maybe we should just consult paleo Pines and who would be best or which dinosaur would actually be best mm-hmm I think I'd go with like tianyou long or I guess I could do taco Soros it's showing up in the white shirt looks my phone up a bit oh well in that if they're seeing it in this shop they've kind of earned their copyright infringement but anything that could that could subsist on vegetation alone would probably be first draft although I don't know if a diner could I imagine that some theropods could survive on like some kind of dog food type food so maybe there are options there I'm not sure on the other hand I don't know my sister had a bird and I wound up being the one to care for it because that's how pets work to our house and I didn't like it too much so I don't know if I would necessarily want to dinosaurs it but I would definitely want to dinosaurs a pet if I could have a full pot I think I'd want a Microraptor just because that would be cool can I do one of the guys eating in the Iguanodon at the Crystal Palace can I go to that specific dinner I don't even know who was that that one but I just want to eat inside a giant Iguanodon someone asks have you seen the more accurate prehistoric life more accurate prehistoric life models what I assume that's a grand I'm afraid of mark sorry [Music] well YouTube chat just little wobbly again okay and I should probably switch to Lake ECU coloring [Music] - do you have any of the walking with dinosaur toys and would you ever review those and use them in your dinosaurs are wrong episode if we have them we would use them I don't think we do though I believe the Liopleurodon we have looks like the Liopleurodon from waterman dinosaurs if that counts I think that might just be because it's a Liopleurodon and that coloration is popular for it it might be a complete coincidence [Music] who do you think would be the true apex predator of the Morrison Formation Torosaurus or soro fagin s bacon s Saros Megan axe I don't know too much about torva sauce is the problem with trying to answer that question instinctively I would say so if Argonauts but like it's possible that those are just big Allosaurus isn't it which would mean that Allosaurus is the apex predator I really do not like the good dinosaur I I wanted to like the good dinosaur I saw the good dinosaur in theatres I chose to see the good dinosaur in theatres instead of watching the peanuts movie in theatres and I love peanuts and aside from the short that was in front of it what was it called Sanjay's super team I think is what it was called that short was wonderful I wish they'd made the movie about that and made the short about the dinosaurs that would have been better there was enough content in the good dinosaur for a short [Music] Richard asked years therizinosaurus has a Forest Hill on the ground did they have that oh that's not a fourth time today isn't a fourth though that this is not a fourth so that's the back of the foot that I believe is a fourth tower and I think they did if not I need to revise that I'm trying to think I I want to say they did but now I'm not so sure there's Eva's are already so weird I wouldn't even be surprised [Music] you see hey they'll ask besides spinosaurus what is your favorite spinosaurus my favorites - sorry besides spinosaurus that's not fair that's another vanilla I answer Baryonyx although I am quite fond of Nixie overnighter apologies if you're only getting audio in one ear or on the left side guys it's just what we have to work with today oh that's weird I wonder if it's pulling audio from this camera because they do have two mic no because they do have two mics so it's possible that it's picking me up really loud in this bike and really soft in this mic and that's why well I'm watching the levels bounce and the levels in OBS are or what you'd expect yeah but we apologize and since we may do this again since it's pretty popular looking right now well troubleshoot it for the next time yeah that's really surprising because we've used well we've never used two cameras which is probably what's throwing it off I'm thinking about it [Music] if you got to me William ass if you got to name a specie of dinosaur and its monotypic genus what would it be if I got to name a dinosaur what would I name it also has anyone ever been uncouth and named the species after themselves to your knowledge has anyone ever named a species after themselves yeah although I wouldn't characterize that as uncouth I think that's just I mean if if you did the work I feel like you get to do that although ok that just changes the question was someone ever uncouth by naming a dinosaur after themselves that I want to say is correct because that would imply that either they were taking credit for something that they shouldn't have been taking credit for or they were not doing the work properly and especially in the 19th century with a pair of bone hunters named Martian cope I would not be at all surprised if some of their discoveries were not so much theirs but what would I name a dinosaur that's a hard one probably depend on what dinosaur characteristics ahead well yeah but like if I could if I could you know if I could make my Dracorex Hogwarts eeeh or my Thanos you know like if I could make a if I could name a dinosaur whatever I wanted what would I name it that's I probably go for a Tolkien reference of some kind Harold and Alexander asked have you done any fieldwork and if so where have I done any fieldwork no I am NOT a paleontologist I'm just an enthusiast we almost got to go to Utah once yeah yeah we almost had a chance to do some or at least go there and document some I don't know how much I would have been helping which dinosaur documentary is my favorite I I really like the behind the scenes of The Walking with Dinosaurs special that was really informative but which dinosaur documentary is my favorite I don't watch that many as the problem I kind of get enough without during the day job you know like obviously I really loved walking with dinosaurs but I don't know if I would call it my favorite anymore it's a little no I mean the score absolutely still holds up I listen to the score all the time yeah you know what I'm gonna say welcome with Dinosaurs y'all can live with it yeah that was a short answer oh we are playing with the idea of doing a look streaming style set up for things like games because we have been asked quite a bit yeah to do that we feel like there's probably an audience for that kind of thing that being said it probably won't happen for a little while because we do need to build a rig specifically for streaming to make that happen and we've set some money aside to afford the hearts we if you can't tell from our audio issues that were apparently having we don't have the most professional of streaming setups all of our techniques geared towards so we're saving up a bit each month from things like patreon and that but it's gonna be at least five six hundred dollars to build a rink mmm well to get parts for a rig that we don't already have because there's a lot of parts from an older computer of mine that were you know but I don't trust things from it for this application like the motherboard and processor and stuff like that so yeah we're just saving up for it at the moment I don't know yeah the you don't necessarily have to play the game to talk about the design of the creatures in it but I feel like it would help if only because especially for 3d games you want to be able to like move around and look at them as opposed to just going off of like screenshots or other people's videos yeah we were just talking about this actually the now that Velociraptor the bloated giant video that it became is done we want to be much more focused in the future which means that tangents like talking about the bone Wars actually get to be their own so in apposite or whatever I'm trying to think of what color I want to use for large portions of this guy I think I want to use red [Music] well yeah I I fully intend to finally do an episode about the bone Wars what bothers me the most bad feathers because it's like oh you're trying but you're so close and also this looks terrible like the the tarred and feathered look on theropods or how sometimes it'll just kind of look like the meta cassowary halfway that it's not even that it makes me mad or anything it's just like you or you you tried and you still fell short and it's like I'm not mad I'm disappointed hi asks what's your favorite upcoming paleo games such as path of titans paleo pines Prius or prehistoric Kingdom etc I mean paleo Pines is adorable so I feel like I have to say that [Music] I don't I don't closely follow the development of any of them is the the problem with trying to answer that [Music] everything that paleo Pines posts is adorable so like that brings me joy on a consistent basis so I feel like that has to be my answer that's true like I play video games a fair amount but I don't actually play dinosaur video games very much maybe it's that thing again I get enough of it during the day job Davis yeah so for those who have not been following the drama there's a new skull that's been described that's from China of all days from my unmarked Burmese amber the skull itself was described as a dinosaur skull and if so it would be the smallest yeah I believe it would be the smallest known dinosaur because it's about the size of a hummingbird the problem is the skull might not actually be from a dinosaur it's come under criticism for two reasons one even though broadly speaking it looks like an avian skull like it has it has the shape that you would expect an avian skull to have as soon as you dive in deeper and look at you know does it have socketed teeth what do the score attic bones in the squirrel ring look like what do the holes in the skull look like there's blog posts about like actually there's a preprint article about this now about all of the features that it has that say it's clearly not a theropod it looks more like a lizard skull is the is the upshot of this um so that's one part of the controversy the other part is that ander itself from that part of Lyon Mar is fought there's there's human rights abuses associated with mining for amber in that area you know forced labor and child laborers and if you buy amber from there it's probably supporting some not very nice groups of people so people not smart in the middle a UH dr. Whitten has a blog post about this people much smarter than me have pointed out how we probably can't ethically use material that's recovered this way and also material that's recovered this way it's it's the same problem that we usually have with like private collectors where the provenance isn't that well established so there's even like scientific problems with using it and out in addition to the ethical problems with using it [Music] but now that it's described it's not like we can undescribed of our scientific knowledge now and so now we just have to you know engage with the the fact of its existence like its it's not the lizards fault that all of this happened around it it just died and got its skull encased in amber but science is done by people and sometimes the people are not as scrupulous as we would like are you a fan Marcos ass are you up there a Ray Harryhausen's work yeah another short answer yes ray areas and is of significant importance to the history of animation and the history of public perception of dinosaurs one imagines my favorite macron Aryan does this camera soros count because if so camera soros if not is but the Lanka SARS still considered metal Marian's or would they be like a more distantly related group oh yeah here's the Velociraptor it's got got black and white feathers around it I guess this is like partially Luca stick or something most birds don't have this kind of coloration it kind of looks like a clown and I'm happy with that we can show you we can we're gonna have a blog detailing what I've been doing with it coming out soon or at least what I've been doing to finish it but Steven can turn his camera here and that's his set he's still on the table cuz I'm not done getting shots yet but look at these tiny books there they're legitimately little paper books there I think they're an inch by 3/4 inch but his study is now has done as it's gonna get for what we need to do with them mmm you can see we repurposed the little tiny soros Velociraptor in the glass dome they're like I stuff links to its bottom that looks really nice it looks like it's intended as a table and I filled it with a bunch of old stuff like the skulls on the bookcase in that as well that I found in a bunch of our stuff so I didn't have to buy too much stuff that we didn't already have I think the only things I bought were the lace is to stick on the tables and then the turkey and the tea set there everything else we already had in some form but yeah those I made 41 tiny tiny books just so he had real books in his study also because Michigan is currently under a stay-at-home order no I didn't want to go to the craft store to make them out of like clay or something instead oh yeah that's Bertrand said right now standby I don't 100% remember where it was I'm just gonna look and that's about right [Music] also ever ask and for Steven how's the voice acting looking forward to the release of the next episode as I'm drawing Velociraptor right now I'm going to point out that ever it asks asked permission to draw Velociraptor doing this so anyway um we have not recorded it yet but we will do that provided I don't destroy my voice doing this we will do that soon well Bertrand has a bit of a raspy voice anyway that's true maybe it would help if my throat is wrong as you try to fake a British accent hmm [Music] Louie asks what's the toy next to the retro Allosaurus and Safari limited feather t-rex oh this one I assume so I think it's supposed to be a well I was gonna say it's Sentra Sarris but it's weird so now I'm not so sure like having that big unified boss over both brows I'm not actually sure what that's supposed to be oh yeah [Music] if the person who sent the scene is watching what is this supposed to be [Music] the hybrid three one six asked you guys like tears ooh do we like tears ooh I think I've watched one episode about geese and I enjoyed it but that's all I can say about it yeah I don't watch it very much it's a it's it's definitely a unique angle to approach biology from [Music] you guys should check out Benji Thomas's Utrecht YouTube channel for a review on Walking with Dinosaurs okay I know where they're following us and we're following them but I haven't had time to just sit down and see what other paleontology creators have been doing the last couple months [Music] Harold and Alexander would like to know why you think a t-rex had feathers even though they couldn't fly mm-hmm well Harold and Alexander feathers first evolved for a reason that had nothing to do with flight it was only in a very specific group of Solaris Orion theropods that when they started to glide or fly that they were even able to use the feathers that they already had for that other purpose now as far as what that other purpose was there's debate but some kind of thermal regulatory function some kind of keeping the animal warm or keeping the animal cool function seems to be what they were originally for no you might say hey Tyrannosaurus is really big why would it need thermal regulation why would it need to keep warm it probably wouldn't have a problem with that elephants don't have hair I mean they do but they don't have fur all over their bodies like a woolly mammoth would and there's definitely some workers that would agree with you on that one time will tell William asks have there been any recent insights that make the origin of pterosaurs significantly more clear feel like if I if there had been we would have like heard about it like you wouldn't be learning about it from me because I'm one of the last people to learn about any new discoveries I'm not that great at following the Paleo news but I have not heard anything for whatever that's worth [Music] ah YouTube stop that how did the Manchus auras support its absurdly disproportionately long neck that is an excellent question the support of sauropod necks is a debated topic or at least there's a been a lot of research on it I don't have citations Andy but there were a couple of people who did what is possibly my second night it's my second or third favorite experiment in paleontology my favorite experiment is those people who put an elephant on a scale might and then what's-his-face while we're back ER with video recorded or filmed some some reptiles and mammals on a treadmill which is also amusing but these people built a mock-up of a sauropod neck out of some kind of foam and used balloons to test whether the air sac system in the neck of a sauropod would contribute to supporting it like we it's pretty well agreed upon that the air sac system that the new mattis ization of the neck bones in in sauropods of the vertebrae would make the skeleton lighter for its eyes it would it would allow them to grow bigger without adding a whole bunch of weight which means that you know a sauropod neck is lighter than a giraffe's neck would be if you scaled up a giraffe - sauropod size or whatever but does that mean then that the air sacs were pressurized enough - also like when you blow up a balloon you can like sit on the balloon and it will it will support you a little bit were the air sacs acting like cushions in that regard unclear if the necks soft tissues were arranged in such a way that they were working together with the air sacks then yes but as it is unclear because we don't really know how pressurized those air sacks would even be because we don't have you know a complete like ideally we would have like a completely preserved internal organ arrangement for a sauropod but we don't anyway that's just the air sac system there's also bands of ligaments along the top of the spine which sort of like a cantilever bridge lay or like even like as a Swenson grid kind of would keep the the neck from falling down like that there's tension there and then on the bottom of the neck you have especially on lemon tree soros you would have these very long cervical vertebrae which are the they look like handlebars and they essentially are handlebars they provide anchor points for muscles so that the muscles can be back towards the center of mass of the creature whereas the neck can be way out there it's it's like a have you ever played with this used to be a toy that you could have where it's it extends your hand and like you pull on a thing and it pulls on the thing up there and they're just a series of leathers to make to make a hand puppet hand move out out out here it's sort of like that a couple people have asked have you seen Sophie the stego in person have I seen Sophie the stubborn person knew pretty sure that specimen is in London yeah yeah I've never been to England we would like to get to you know International Museum someday but that's all so we can't go to Europe at all now some sort of series on museums in general something yeah that would be nice like just just one in our backyard it would be a bit much to try you do for now I need to read that paper there's a paper that just came out about like using museum mounts for biomechanical analysis and the abstract sounded really interesting but I didn't read the paper [Music] Productions asks what's your opinion on the new dromaeosaurid dinosaur Dino looks cool it's a it's a velociraptor relative so kind of annoyed that that came out right before we're gonna release an episode on Velociraptor cuz otherwise it could have mentioned it but it's okay it's got quill knobs I was gonna say just more more dromaeosaurus with cold mobs is good just pile on that evidence for feathers for the doubters 2014 study is somewhat debated but I don't know it makes sense that they could knock a lock if they had to it would not surprise me to learn that they were exclusively bipedal simply because you know it's a bipedal clade but I don't think we should be so dismissive out of hand of a dinosaur losing its bipedalism because you know Sauer Bob's lost their bipedal stance ornithopods lost the bipedal stance Senate opposites lost their bipedal stance it happens in dinosaurs dantas are excluding the source of our campus Soros was going to be my answer so now you're just putting me on the spot because I don't think I can name another car I don't destroy Hawaii source a Carcharodontosaurus if so that's the only other one I can name so I have to say that sorry I'm not good at is garganta source a Carcharodontosaurus extremely narrow questions we're getting what's what's your favorite non-human loggia and logging basic answers what's your favorite Oscar rap touring that isn't all sky Raptor prepared response for all my favorite dinosaur generally trends toward whatever the best known of a particular group is which tends to also be the most popular of that group anyway oh that's also on my list of museums to go to but no I've not seen it I mean I've seen photos but I've never seen it in person that's a beautiful specimen though hence the name yes and we're going to revise the ones we have and I've been thinking about this especially on animals like Deinonychus and therizinosaurus like we should release coloring pages where like parts of the outline are missing and you can fill that in for yourself because like we don't know how much the the feathers on the body of Deinonychus would have modified the contour of the animal we don't know whether they would have had liked fletchie structures on the head we don't know how we don't even necessarily know how long there are primary feathers would be like why don't we leave that up to the I mean that probably wouldn't believe a whole lot of lines to go off of now that I'm saying all of that but we could leave some some stuff open-ended on these just realize I forgot to cut that's a way better brown than brown oh wait what what BrahMos by using oh I was using sepia whereas this one is brown my favorite saber tooth count other than Smilodon I don't think I can think of another one that's the joke what's the one with the weird chin that one I can't remember its name it's gonna turn out that's not even a saber-tooth cat it's like a marsupial or something what do you think mammals don't have an opinion I'm not I have heard of Victoria the t-rex but I have not seen photographs or anything I don't know what it is sorry sorry looks cool not a kind of game I play is the problem so I don't know like if we wind up doing video game streams talking about dinosaurs of course we're going to have to talk about sorry and eventually but um I admired there what do you call it I add my other philosophy like they they are they are setting out to have the most accurate dinosaur as possible and that is admirable like have you seen they publish breakdowns of their reasoning for a lot of stuff like they have a guide for how their Tyrannosaurus was assembled that's really comprehensive and I love it even though I don't always understand some of the decisions they make but that's okay it's their game I admire their approach because I I do think that just having the option of having accurate dinosaurs in a video game is gonna do a lot for science communication but I don't know is the gameplay engaging enough to like that's the end of the day if you can have the most accurate game in the world but it's also got to be fun to play so yeah that's game design first design of dinosaur a second unfortunately would be my my opinion sorry what do I believe that Stegosaurus or Tiger swords back plates were used for it's primarily for display the Stegosaurus in particular I believe we have evidence that they at least occasionally would get bit they're like we have bite marks that would match analysis that are into a Stegosaurus plates so they clearly worked for a defensive purpose but I feel like you don't have to go this far with it if it's just for defense you could get by with a more ankylosaur in sort of armour or just a more understated armor like other Stegosaurus had so I think they have a defensive purpose but once they get this exaggeratedly large that's that's not their primary function anymore it's it's mostly just looking good at that point corner and his team early sir yeah I haven't heard about anything I haven't heard anything about that recently what's going on with the chickens or is project I don't know I mean it's it's a cool idea I don't entirely think that it's the best use of resources I don't know how much can we learn from a chicken Soros I guess would be my question because it's an animal that we made so how much does it actually tell us about how dinosaurs lived would be my question I'm sure that scientists who are cleverer than me work on that anyway so I'm sure they have answers to that but that's that's my initial reaction [Music] and I would absolutely go like pet one if they did make a chicken Soros just just saying I don't know what I don't know a ton about Cosmo Soros I think we have one so we're gonna do an episode on one eventually that's got to be so cool to live in an area where dinosaurs get dug up we don't have dinosaurs in Michigan yeah we have a we have a mastodon though they dug up over on the west side of the state [Music] are you planning on doing a third fanmail video yes we plan on doing it in the next couple weeks actually we have enough to do one yeah we'll do those as long as people send things oh yeah we don't set specific dates for them because we don't know when we'll get stuff and we don't want to like pressure people to have things sent in by like a deadline or something because that'd be kind of a mean thing to do that's true although I like the idea that somebody would be like they're gonna do a mailbag on June 5th I got a postmark this by May 31st and it's like no there's not that much pressure we're not going to be able to make a episode about it very quickly anyway teeth cream asked whether or not we get sea reptiles in Michigan as far as fossils go a good question I don't know I haven't heard of any we get Petoskey stone which is coral I wouldn't be surprised but I can't think of any off the top of my head because we weren't under a Seaway the problem is rock from that period we don't have a lot of rock from that period we have some Cretaceous rock in like we have some Cretaceous rock like up here but I think that's correct the Tennessee laterz not to the Western interior Seaway which may or may not be the Tuffy see going what did you call this go on art history up in here hmm see the problem is I don't know too much about early human evolution I know that primates seem to have diverged from the rest of the mammals right around the Cretaceous extinction so we would still have primates hmm good question well of course I don't know we don't it didn't happen therefore nobody knows but I don't think it would be impossible like humans emerged in a world filled with megafauna so does it would it have really mattered to us whether that megafauna was saurian or mammalian I don't know a good comparative anatomy textbook we have a book list on the discord server I would direct you to that comparative anatomy textbook like for dinosaurs generally I mean the dinosaur is still in print I like dinosaur paleontology by Stephen Bruce ah but that's not specifically about I mean it includes a lot of comparative anatomy obviously but it's not exclusively about okay so I was wrong happens really often despite my on-screen persona we have one we have a Baryonyx we have a Sukkah - I think we have an irritated irritated space anyway we have more toys of those so yes as far as when those will be again it's up to the patrons what's my favorite food oh he knows the word food and now I keep saying it he's really excited he just gave me the most betrayed look hmm anyway I like spoon cornbread favorite food I don't think about such things I'm not picky I eat almost anything is a you're way more you know I'm basically the dad from ratatouille food as fuel not that I don't enjoy food but like I enjoy most foods we 100% did not think it would catch on at all we did it as almost a joke well I think I've mentioned this before but miss Lee's pointed a camera at me and said to talk about dinosaurs because I kept doing that behind the scenes while making other videos we had these toy dinosaurs sitting around the lab and I would pick one up at random intervals and be like this is wrong this this is just an iguana head on a kangaroo body with scales this isn't a real dinosaur but apparently there's an audience for that kind of thing oh that's a good dinosaur pcl XLR that's right I forgot about that because people who are fans of the nonprofit we worked at together already knew about Stevens toy criticisms behind the scenes mm-hmm as a reward for a fundraiser they did at one point we shot a really short episode because we didn't want to make them wait too long essentially for it also I didn't know that much about slaughter Cyrus yes still don't so yeah it was mostly an in-joke like not even a joke joke really it was something we thought that only people who were watching would get and then suddenly I looked one day and that video had 5,000 hits and we were like oh maybe we should do more of this in 5,000 in the short amount of time that it had been up was actually a lot for us then so thanks for watching Daniel which period favorite period of the Mesozoic again not fair I like the campaign iam I don't know I would I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite I I like the master it in I guess if pressed the Late Cretaceous is the most interesting because the animals like you have this mixture of animals where you've got you know in on tauron anything birds which are just like normal birds but they have teeth and claws you've got you've got a lot of animals in the Late Cretaceous that are like modern animals with the knobs twisted a little bit and that's really interesting especially since they're living alongside the most famous dinosaurs that have ever lived the climate is starting to look really familiar you know we have snow at the poles and everything I I guess I would have to say Late Cretaceous there's flowers we have some Megalosaurus toys and Megalosaurus is one of the you know sort of core dinosaurs so I would have to say yeah [Music] Luke I think loose I think it's Luke who is in your opinion the winner of the bone Wars Coker Marsh I think you have to define winner well yeah the winner like they were competing to essentially mean more general general than the other I keep wanting to say it as genre and though I know that's not right I think that answer has to wait for the episode cuz off the top of my head I'm not sure because is the one or the one who named more general at the time or is it the one whose work has stood the test of time better because those might not be the same person then again they might be the same person I'm not actually that sure sorry I don't have an answer for you at this time [Music] let me thank you for making the first up-to-date stegasaurus video since Sophie's paper thanks to you I could understand more about the changes and that that tail tip pointing downward oh you're welcome I want to do more like that updating our videos or just reporting on new research and we get it out you know when it's time yeah yeah a lot of our videos are so out of date with nothing addressing it since YouTube took annotations away it's slightly embarrassing to me at least yeah well also there's the issue like friggin research came out about Velociraptor and their relatives that's relevant to the Velociraptor video in between us shooting the video and me finishing animation on it so I put little notations in there about like hey you check this out I know I didn't mention it because didn't exist yet check this out so like if we could get a more rapid turnaround I feel like that issue would resolve itself are you well obviously Velociraptor not that you've seen it yet um I really like our Archaeopteryx turned out speaking of spinosaurus opinions on the buoyancy study Hey I have not read it actually I keep meaning to you but other things keep taking precedence since the basic argument seems to be they were too dense to be able to swim I would point out that hippos are too dense to swim and are quite aquatic so that don't prove nothing well I wouldn't say I'll landish Li speculative I think as long as what you're drawing is not directly contradicted by the fossil evidence go nuts like there's a school of thought that if there isn't evidence like what's a good example like I I really like it when people put little bristle feathers around the eyes and nose of dinosaurs like sort of like whiskers there's no evidence that such a thing would would occur in a dinosaur but it's not unreasonable like Dino fuzz is known from a huge swath of the dinosaur family tree so like it's it's not impossible that they would have had you know eyelashes or whatever but then there's other people who say no you shouldn't hear that irresponsible with it I mean I don't I don't see it as irresponsible personally [Music] Dinobot 65 asked have you heard of that paper that states that Allosaurus is a part of the species fragilis and isn't that part of a new species what no no I don't think I have seen that when was this way are you talking is that that new paper that came out a couple of months ago the one with the knives on its head they aren't literally knives but it has much larger crests than other Allosaurus did or other else swords there's also eggs are also roids most interesting dinosaur from Argentina mm-hmm I mean potato Titan is cool but mmm most interesting dinosaur from Argentina probably Carnotaurus I'm gonna say Carnotaurus just because it's a different sort of theropod than you were seeing in the north at that time Nathan asked the dinosaurs have seasonally changing coats it was like something that somebody would have had art of I have never looked into that that's an excellent question do birds have summer and winter coloration does that happen I know they can mold yeah I am completely unprepared to answer that question I don't know east favorite I mean objectively Dimetrodon is the weakest episode the least favorite probably so little Soros that's the one that I'm really itching to get back and do a proper episode on indeed we have not received any they're pretty crazy so I don't blame anyone for not wanting to send those in when you're not going to get it back in a hurry wonder if I could write to them and be like hey and we borrow one yeah that's another that's like saurian like they're taking it seriously and I admire that I'm gonna make this one's feet blue there's no reason to make this one's feet blue but I'm gonna do it and you're all along for the ride I would expect that there's no direct evidence we only have direct evidence of some of their colors and that's really recent also how would we even tell I guess we would have to look at the isotopes of the pigment organelles I don't know I mean parent a logistic levers I'm sure they could find a way to test for that if it were possible to test for that I mean you're kind of splitting hairs at that point but well there's a glib answer but it's also kind of true like there's a lot of very dinosaur-like animals in the Triassic that are not technically dinosaurs because dinosaur is defined as you know the most recent common ancestor of what is that right now Triceratops and sparrows and and all of that that animals descendants like how much does it affect our understanding of Herrera Soros whether it's a dinosaur a dinosaur more for a dinosaur reform or whatever like that that question is more important for understanding Dinosauria as a whole than it is for understanding Herrera Soros itself in dinoworld is that the Japanese one another one with the really fluffy Dino Kairos in it there's a really long delay on the stream so me responding to that is probably kind of resulting some dead air here for a little while evan asks how do you research so you may have noticed that i'm answering a lot of questions here with I don't recall or I'm not sure my memory is not that good so no I I don't write hardly anything from memory like I can remember like a line of research that I should look at but I'll never I never remember specifics yeah I always have to start with okay what what even is the state of research about this creature one thing I have been doing more recently like as of I think I did it for I definitely did it for Styracosaurus I think I did it for Archaeopteryx as well I try to arrange the parts of my research into modules and move the modules around in the document as I go and try to plan the episode even up at early stage even while I'm still just writing notes and not even worried about how I'm going to present the information so that might answer your question disjointedly is how I would characterize my research process they were a pterosaur and why I think we already got went for incas in there because it's a weird-looking it's got those teeth and that tail and it's way bigger than you expect it to be looking at it what do you think of the idea of yellow beaks on non-avian dinosaurs yellow because on non-avian dinosaurs I don't think it's doing any harm but it's mmm I talked about this a bit in Velociraptor we have a tendency to like maybe overemphasize the bird enos of the most bird-like theropods and that might be doing a little bit of harm because like now you've got it oh it's basically a bird but you know it's still a dinosaur - and we shouldn't like you definitely shouldn't imply that there was a ramp at that guy you know a beak on there unless there was in which case of course to show that like if it has a beak and you want to make that beak yellow cool but like not even among living Birds not all beaks are yellow not even sure most beaks are yellow are we doing on time okay little under 20 minutes from took me a long time to get the time up on my phone because it just wanted me to keep looking at the picture of the bird which I don't mind I like looking at pictures of Richard oh well that was the issue with the 2017 paper if you define dinosaurs using the most recent common ancestor of sparrows and Triceratops then yeah if if Sylar pods are outside of that group then they wouldn't be dinosaurs that's why that paper also defined dinosaur to mean something else that would include sauropods that's kind it's a technical question everybody knows what a dinosaur is it's it's essentially even metatarsal Ian's that are closer to birds than to pterosaurs more or less but I mean that that excludes like dinosaur morphs like there there are stem dinosaurs that are that don't fit into that casual definition but like the to an extent dinosaur is such a well-established term that if the phylogeny shakes up as much as the 2017 paper would would shake it they have to redesign dinosaur at the same time because otherwise you know dinosaur becomes meaningless which was the issue that I had with that a lot of people had with them how they defined so risky in that because it means you you can't take a term that has a really well-established meaning and say that it implies to a different group that's irresponsible usual is to get rid of the term if it's no longer useful not apply it to something new pardon you know what I should have brought water no it's okay twenty minutes is not that long would you like to animate a children's TV program about dinosaurs so the new generation of enthusiasts girl with more correct appearance isn't that what do we do well we're not specifically for kids that's true kind of all the ages I don't know if I was just doing the animation yes I don't think I could write a show for kids I'm not I mean I don't have a teaching degree like educating little kids is like the hardest form of Education I don't think I could I don't think I could write an episode that was targeted at that audience but I could definitely animate one [Music] albertonykus expands the onus colita paper changed the definition of dinosaur to include the last common ancestor of passer pass a Dinobot 65 asks do you think the reason for there being so much ceratopsian diversity and the late cretaceous could be due to potential hybridization between different species to create new ones I was just thinking about that just thinking about that I was thinking about that a number of months ago because I found out there was a there was a hybrid whale there was a family of hybrid whales they were half Narwhal half something else and their skulls like if you had found a skull of one of these buried in the rock you would think that you had found a common ancestor of these two different geniuses of whale or there might have been species now I think they were separate Genesis which is weird if there was hybridization going on it had to be so rare that the chances of finding a fossil of one would be quite low there's that theory that what is it called species recognition was playing a big role in how developed a lot of the the ornamentation in dinosaurs was so like because you add a bunch of different Senate opposite you had a bunch of different hadrosaurs living all in the same environment they developed these different display structures so that they could just you know identify one another which if that was a selection pressure then yeah there probably was hybridization going on if they were making mistakes and mating with the wrong wrong folks we do plan at some point to hopefully dive into doing some streaming for dinosaur video games it's talking about them basically real-time as the game is played and yeah we need to save up for a decent streaming ring is the the upshot of answering that question any further yeppers [Music] how exact love -0 asked how exactly they Triceratops and its relatives eat with its giant beak mouth they obviously needed to eat a lot and had tooth batteries but the method for getting the food in the mouth seems odd I mean parrots managed I imagined there was some tongue action going on harsh the the the beak could crop plants but I imagine that actually moving it back into the mouth was the job of the time [Music] you notice we have a lot of Tyrannosaurus toys so we're gonna have to do that eventually eventually you'll be able to take all of our Tyrannosaurus content and assemble it into your own Tyrannosaurus your dinosaurs a wrong episode and will be about five hours long but but if you haven't seen mail bag number two and need to scratch that edge we did do your dinosaurs or I know Dino the podcast logo recently because they sent a sticker in to us so that hopefully that will hold you over for a bit till the next year except meant we end up doing something could you add a view from below for the pteranodon coloring page please I'm gonna redo that pteranodon coloring page entirely oh there's another thing I wanted to do so we have these coloring book pages I talked about I want to do one with like parts of the outline I'm missing so that people can fill in their own like speculative flesh structures or speculative feather lengths or whatever I want to do one where like there's a close-up of the head maybe there's you know profile view and dorsal view or maybe there's like a like a schematic view and then a more like artistic pose like an action shot or something like I have an actual like layout to the page instead of just the dinosaur in profile view which is the most boring way I mean these were done because it's the art from the episode but oh no we know a bunch of little kids okay I'm sure little kids could watch your dinosaurs are wrong expand their vocabulary prodigiously I was watching walking with dinosaurs and the sequels at like four and I agree that oh no I was reading way above my reading level when I was a little kid with regards to dinosaurs our point was is that we don't specifically make these for children right we include adults in our audience as well yeah we we don't bring it down to what a standard test would say a level for someone who was four or five is absolutely that was what was so weird about doing that one episode we did about the Tyrannosaurus skeleton over that one test yeah for the MEA the guidelines for like what you're off to cover for children is really specific not used to that I'm used to just hey this would be cool to talk about let's talk about this okay here we go well this live stream be uploaded yes you'll be able to watch this on playback as soon as it finishes processing itself this will not be taken private or anything like that I'm flattered that you want to also thanks for tuning I think we have we have an Alberta Soros I don't know if we have a Daspletosaurus I don't remember off the top of my head I have a list I mean they are themselves quite large and they're insufficient numbers that I don't think a carnivore would be you know that enterprising like the animals that would go after eggs were significantly smaller than an adult ornithopod unless you're talking about small ornithopods in which case probably hiding my Allosaurus from when I was a kid is my favorite and it always has been it's the Jurassic Park one yeah oh no that's a Tyrannosaurus that was my favorite until I got the Allosaurus any channel halliburton I guess is on because he constantly posts new research as it comes out and also thank you you can also follow him on Twitter this is true are you a fan of Jack Kirby's devil dinosaur or rip in time by Richard Corben I have never heard of either of those sorry again it's there's a lot of pop culture I guess you would call it kind of encompass all of it that neither of us really absorbed concerning dinosaurs thank you for alerting me to that though I will totally check it out now that I know that it exists Sergio asks what do you think is the purpose of the vertebrates finds on a Marga source and Baaja Baaraat Azores hmm well that's spoiling because that's our next episode or at least amargasaurus is I mean I think it's a mixture of things sort of like what we had with the Stegosaurus earlier if you were here for that the the defense angle makes sense except that they're so extreme that it has to be both defense and also display on top of that is the famous Mongolian fossil the fighting dinosaurs your favorite fossil since it has an amazing applause director locked in battle with a Protoceratops smiley face mmm favorite fossil I've never seen it I feel it I don't know favorite is such a biased thing though I think it is objectively the the best fossil or the best dinosaur fossil just because it preserves that behavior and because it's so complete already but is it my favorite fossil I don't I think my favorite fossil is a fossil that I have personally interacted with or at least you know seen not necessarily touched and double dinosaur okay favorite prehistoric fish you know cladistic Allah all dinosaurs are fish we're fish all vertebrates are fish yeah I don't know that I have one oh sorry sorry YouTube just shot a wobbly there Josh Josh asks I noticed that Stephen hasn't reviewed any Jurassic Park toys why not ah it's kind of do it like trying to see a movie monsters wrong in a lot of cases isn't it well that was kind of the point you're gonna see the Velociraptor episode soon but that's kind of a point I come to here is that like Jurassic Park has this huge shadow on the popular consciousness of dinosaurs so we do need to talk about it but for starters I don't have a lot of Jurassic Park dinosaurs I have a few I have my Allosaurus which is not even didn't even appear in the movies but they had an Allosaurus toy although or know there was an Allosaurus and - but we mostly haven't talked about Jurassic Park because then you have to also talk about you know Jurassic Park as a movie at the same time unless you're using one of the toys that they made that didn't even appear in the movie as with Allosaurus it might just be that we haven't gotten to them yet it wasn't any kind of conscious decision other than maybe maybe like a personal fear not to not to attract that level of attention Oliver ji says I remember when I would be the only one talking on chat talking about when I was at the British Antarctic Survey schools have been closed early in the UK so I'm waiting six months until university to say thanks for keeping me interested in paleontology and zoological studies in general you are quite welcome thank you for your kind words also good luck subject our hobby that interests me a lot besides dinosaurs mm-hmm I like Late Antiquity early Middle Ages history especially in Europe and Central Asia I like Lord of the Rings I ride a bicycle but that's kind of a hobby because I have to maintain a bicycle have you ever played what dinosaur are you from the Natural History Museum of London's website I got crylophosaurus first try there's a way what do you mean first were you trying to get Kyle officers I think they took the quiz more than once and that's just what they got but maybe they're implying that they were trying for it yeah but the phrasing on my first try implies that crylophosaurus is like the wind state dance your question no I've not done that all right I think the movie holds up a little better the characterization of Hammond and the movie is a lot stronger even though I don't know I think the theme comes across clearer in the book but Oh actually you know what I changed my mind I think the book is better because if I read the book I can imagine that they're paleontological accurate dinosaurs yeah there we go checkmate ready explainer has contacted us a couple of times he's used our graphics for videos once or twice I haven't watched a lot of his stuff either I know he hasn't done a lot of paleontology stuff lately oh really something has changed very recently it's not a style of video that I watch very much like I tend to actually most of my YouTube viewing is listening to stuff so I guess it actually is the kind of video I would watch but no I haven't watched very much of his stuff nothing that I from what little I've watched nothing that complain about really Lego Jurassic City again I didn't I don't know about that set my friend does Lego but I I was a connects kid so I never really got into Lego I had a Mega Bloks Tyrannosaurus I should get that the next time I visit my dad definitely still has that in his basement my dad never throws anything away I should get that so if you have any left because the hard cutoff will be probably fine after mmm let's see what is the value of getting the biology right how do you respond to people who ask why we bother to teach paleontology in schools right so that gets into the problem of like is is knowledge valuable or in its own right or is it just the extrinsic value the community that we can extract from it like I've come down on the side of it's fun to know things but I recognize that like resources have to be poured into this that are not going to other things so why should we pour resources into this that could be going to like I don't know you're solving that energy crisis or whatever else which is a fair question I don't know that I have an answer other than it's fun to know things humans are uniquely capable of understanding the world around us in a way that no other animal can so I feel like we have a responsibility we have a duty to all of the animals that came before us to understand them to just acknowledge that they existed kind of a FRU FRU answer to that question but that's how I feel about it someone just says art review with a lot of question and exclamation points and I'm wondering if they're asking if we're willing to do that or not art review question Oh like criticize pay art I I wouldn't be comfortable I well like if it was if it was like an interview and I could talk to the paleo artist about their piece and like ask them about it I would absolutely do that I'm not very good interviewer though so maybe hot but like I'm not here to yeah unless that person sculpted a toy for a toy company and then the toy company made a bad toy yeah which I do I feel conflicted about that element of it like people did work on these dinosaurs that we review and I don't always in fact I don't put any effort into knowing who the sculptor was on the toy I just kind of treat it like it's this monolithic thing that was birthed from a company somewhere whereas it's it's something that you know human hands made reviewing a piece of paleo art is doesn't have that distance that the toys do because they could it that's basically the answer yeah there was enough food and the method of flying allows them to get quite large the their method of taking off I suppose I should say the in general if resources are available being bigger has advantages over being smaller in most cases so you know the there was selection pressure to get bigger birds have mechanical constraints on how big they can get and still be able to fly interestingly there are no living birds that are at that limit even though the constraints have not changed or I guess the constraints have changed you're welcome birds was on behalf of humans I think we can just wrap up today with answering these few last questions sure and we can show off what we worked on should we have those color if we do this again I'd be even less put a lizard in the chat don't do that I think I think I think putting a motes in the chat might get your account banned please don't do that that's right YouTube is completely automated right now we are so doomed my old dealer I mean I'm doing that right now and I'm cringing pretty hard I can talk about the art that I made as a kid if I don't have some of my favorite art that I did as a kid I think I talked about this once before when I was in kindergarten my teacher called my mom because every time I drew a dinosaur I would draw a big X through it and the bullet hole and blood coming out of the bullet hole because I needed the teacher to understand that I knew that the dinosaurs were extinct and apparently this did not come across and the teacher was worried about my mental state but I think on that note we can call the stream thank you everyone for hanging out for this experiment it's been really fun actually yes thank you for tuning in let's go ahead once more Velociraptor next week at some point I won't give a day because yeah that's fair god help us if we miss that day for some stupid reason right but if you would like us to do more let us know in the chat or the comments or on Twitter or whatever and yeah thanks for hanging out and this was fun say goodbye Steven goodbye Steven you
Channel: Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong
Views: 60,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 43CcPHoM110
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 48sec (7488 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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