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it's showtime [Music] welcome everyone to the doritos disruptor series yasuo invitational 1v1 number two powered by twitch rivals what is up everyone we have a great show for you guys today i'm super excited i'm dressed up once again i'm looking good i'm smelling good i'm sounding good i'm ready in case you guys don't know we have done an event like this before we've done it a few months ago a month ago maybe and in that event tf blade won we had a pretty good roster but hey this time we have an embed you have an even better roster format and prizing here we go the tournament format is gonna consist of eight players you'll see the eight players very soon it is going to be 1v1 all the way best of three for every single series the game format is howling abyss it's going to be blind pick but there's some a few things to note in the we have made adjustments in the last tournament there were certain champions and certain picks that were just just not really bound certain items that made the games unfun and i'll talk about a little bit about what those were one of the things was akali akali has very very big buffs on the aram howling abyss map so we decided to just straight up global banner holly's not allowed to be played orton isn't allowed either because he could just buy items it wouldn't be fun if he just bought a bunch of health and never died right so let's talk about that not only do we global banner calling oren but we brought in bands so this is going to be a little different this is going to be straight up blind pick like the past one where you just pick whatever champion you want if you're a one trick you pick your one truck no there is bands so this might be a little harder for certain players chimpane hey you might struggle without the wukong hello stylish there's no zed and velkas we'll see what they could do no renekton van you might wonder the reason renekton is not currently banned for this tournament is i didn't believe renekton was that strong in his own i thought i think renekton's a strong champion and as a duelist but i think the biggest reason as to why renekton was so strong was because guardian horn the item gives you so much sustain and that's why it's now global banned as well you're not allowed to build guardians horn we're not about that sustained [ __ ] we're not here to have you go back to full hp after trading and farm all the way up to 100 cs no straight up we want action we want fighting we don't want sustain so guardian horn is banned exhaust is banned demolishes ban and biscuit delivery now i know some of you guys are like yeah but we don't want to watch directly we don't want to watch the jacks well perfect that's why each player will have three bands per match if the calling order already banned for you you have three bands to ban whatever you want now let's get into the prizing ten thousand dollars once again to the winners six thousand dollars to the first three thousand to the second one thousand to the third place and if you're the winner you'll always also get six months supply of doritos and the golden bowl trophy let's get into the players so you guys can see who's playing in the event today because i know you're all curious we're going to start off with the players that we had last event we have tyler1 starting up let's see if he gets kicked out first round again let's see tf flight see if he can win the whole thing we have ella stylish let's see what he could do without the renektons and akali's in it we got trick 2g we got box box and we got yamakaze who also made grand finals last time but we have a few changes we have two new additions to the one if you want invitational now we have former lcs superstar full-time streamer who just came back from his v break coming back to prove something we have shifter coming in that's seven out of eight people we're missing one and in case you guys are wondering who this guy is you've never seen him before this is one of na's best 1v1 of all time we have chimp n a he is one of the only people that can come close to every one of you wanting me even though i smacked him the past five times he might have a shot today there are fans so wukong might be taken away but we'll see what he can do today so we starting it off with the quarterfinals up the way at the top tf blade versus yamakaze straight up we're having a rematch grand finals last time with the akali renekton none of that [ __ ] we're doing the quarterfinal rematch from the get-go we're getting straight up into it then to start off on the bottom side of the bracket we have tyler1 versus ll stylish now you might think dude tyler1 is going to get smashed maybe maybe if ella stylish had a zed maybe if he had his belt cause honestly maybe elstash will pull out his yone and smack tyler too who knows but there are bands so tyler if he wants can ban out the zed can ban out the velkas and we're gonna have to see what ella stylish pivots to we know tyler1 has a big champion pool but we also know he's not that good at those champions so the last match in that bracket is chimp and avers trick to g so chimp and a trick to g we got old man we got heart stuck d2 wukong main that's probably gonna get wukong band we're gonna see what happens there who knows anything can happen but once again just to tell you guys again in case any of your favorite streamers your favorite streamers tf blade well number one that sucks for you but number two even if tf blade loses round one you get to watch him in the loser's bracket so we have a lot of stuff we have a lot of ways to stay in the game we have a lot of ways to watch our favorite streamers without further ado i think we're almost ready to get onto the show we're going to get into our first 1v1 of the day which is going to be tf blade versus yamakazee we have a banger to start it off we're starting it off hot with the grand final rematch of the last 1v1 invitational so we're getting the players into the game we're going to see the bands coming soon i'm going to let you guys know what the bands are because we do not have the bands uh for the champ select because it's going to be blind's pick as well we don't want anyone ghosting or any chats cheating but i will tell you the bands tf blade opted it to ban from yamakazee zed nocturne and pantheon now yamakazee opted to ban irelia renekton and kalista so we're gonna see what these players go for we're gonna see what champions they decide to choose and we're gonna see what's going on but the shifter and box box match is also gonna be going on at the same time we're gonna be pivoting through stream to stream to get the results to you guys the replay system is gonna come in you guys are going to catch all the winners for shifter slash box box the bands are going to be shifter band out riven irelia fiora good bands i don't know i banned that box box irelia though let's be real and then box box bands ziggs echo and leblanc i do like the leblanc man a lot we're going to see how the players play it out guys i have a question for you guys while we're ready to get into the matches who is your favorite to win the tournament are you guys going to go with tf blade the guy's already sweating on his keyboard for sure it's a safe bet i'm not going gonna lie i kinda honestly with bands coming in i think it changes the game there's a chance for shifter hey there's a chance for chimp there's honestly there's a chance for tyler bands aren't gonna stop this guy i don't think it's gonna make much of a difference is he plays three different roles now okay so yamakaze opting for the lucian and tf blade opting for the lee sin both players start with the guardian's hammer for sustain with the life steal a dagger and potions for the lucian on yamakazee's side and the lee sin opted for cloth armor i think the lee sin will be able to one shot him once he hits level six if tiefly just plays for that especially with w sustain with the guardian's hammer i think tf is in a good position already but we're gonna have to see it depends how yamakazee plays it obviously okay yamakazee's getting good poke for sure but you might tie it does have his three potions in case you don't know lee sin has a lot of built-in sustain with his w he has a lot of life steal whenever he pops w and then he also has the guardian's hammer on top of that so he's gonna have a lot of life steal so i don't think template's gonna be too worried he's not even popping his potions yet he's not really worried he's just chilling right now trying to farm up a bit we'll see what yamakaze tries to do yeah look at that look at the healing though coming out of lee sin i think lee sin is going to be a very strong champion today not only because he has some type of air and buffs but i think that man of sustain in his kit just makes him like people would like to play him i think there's going to be counter picks to him don't get me wrong if you're gonna have to pull out the darius the olaf whatever it is but i honestly don't think the lucian will ever have the damage to kill this lease in the longer the game goes especially i just i don't know if i see it happening just look at the amount of healing he has okay decent amount of damage but once again yamakaze is burning so much mana so i don't know how much all-in potential he's going to have he has about one full combo left if tf blade goes for a flash kick this might be it templates going in tablet ignites template goes for the flash auto attack waiting for the barrier to expire and then kicks him in his mouth that's game one to tf blade takes it over yamakazee starts it up says he doesn't need cs he's just going to for the kick straight up that's 1-0 good game from tf blade actually well while while we were in the tiaple yamakazi match there was a winner out of the other series of game one so we're gonna pull up the replay and we're gonna watch that right now okay replay coming in box box versus shifter shifter goes for the soraka look at the amount of healing shifter has so you can take it misses the e misses the q but he still kills him shifter playing soraka what soraka what well there's box box taking game one so both series start off with one oh tf favorite box box favorite we're gonna see what shifter decides to do in game two whether he wants to switch it up and ban the soraka and i also wonder if yamakaze and uh ship and shifter will switch it up and actually ban lee sin because like i said lee sin is probably one of the better champions on this on howling abyss because not only does he have very good buffs on the map he has good buffs compared to other champions but the main reason he's so good is he starts off guardian's hammer then he will start w and a lot of people will probably max w just to sustain and heal all the way to full hp no matter what so we'll see what happens in game two we'll see what people decide to change up it looks like yamakazee did not decide to change the bans at all yamakaze did not ban the lee sin and study once again bandar aurelia renekton and kalista so yamakaze is not scared of that lee sin i wonder if he's going to switch up the lucian pick or what his decision is but he decided to not change anything and tf blade doesn't decided he won the game one he doesn't need to change anything either he bans out the zed the knock turn and the pantheon i wonder if yamakaze decides to either just match it and go lee sin as well to counteract the amount of sustain that the leeson will have or if he has like some type of counterpick in mind okay so we're into it yamikoze decides to go for the lucian again i really wonder how yamakaz is going to do in this matchup this one might be a little better for him because i don't think the jacks has as much sustain but the jax does have his counter strike which is going to be very strong for this it's going to be very good into an adc but honestly ultimately it's going to come down to whoever plays it better something to note though so yamakaze opted for the flash this time instead of the barrier for safety tf blade went for conker i'm kind of surprised to see the conqueror coming into it especially in a 1v1 format like this because okay template's getting a great trade already yamakaze already burns ignite i'm speechless it's already done it's over yeah because it's in the loser's bracket and tf played moves on yamakaze has did have no respect for tf blade's jacks tip like doesn't even need to press the attack he doesn't need the guardian's horn he comes in with the conker he comes in with the ignite and just jumps on him and smacks him up that's already done it's already it's over two otf played he wins so we have box box versus shifter it looks like it's just a fight on the level one again box box is just running up oh he uses the snowball perfectly shifter's gonna die again too what what what is going on this might be this hey guys this might be a very quick 1v1 invitational i won't lie hello tf blade we're doing great i'm doing great i'm doing fantastic what just happened you tell me you know what do you think of the jacks the jacks looking good i'm not sure about your rune setup i don't know why you're going conker in a 1v1 but hey i'm not here to coach you i'm here to watch i'm here to observe you you played against illusion are you surprised to see number one you played the lee sin first lee sin is a very strong champion in this format you already know i'm sure with the sustain the w max the sustain you got the guardian's hammer it comes in hey we saw you trying to cheat with the guardian's horn but clearly you didn't need it because you were good you guys didn't say anything did you i literally asked is there anything else it's in the email and it was in the discord but it's okay yeah but it happened okay maybe i can read what did you think of the one of your ones how'd that go honestly i did not expect lee sin second again i thought he's gonna do i mean i'd not expect lucian's second again i thought he's gonna do lee sin so i was like okay i'm gonna counter this guy with jax and then he just picked blue [ __ ] i was like whoa yeah yeah i won't lie i was with you there the whole time when he didn't ban the lee sin after how strong it was in game one i expected some type of adaptation he goes for the lucian again you just jump on his head top level three and just smack him and he dies so that wasn't yeah i know it was properly hey it happens at least you take game one that's all you got next matchup is versus box box are you ready for that i will tell you did just beat shifter twice in a row in the same match up lee sin versus soraka twice so box box might be a lee sin player i'm just telling you what are your thoughts on that match up you have a chance you're winning i'm batting lee sim okay you can do that we are getting ourselves ready i hope you guys are ready for low toddler one versus ll stylish game one i'm gonna move my camera just so you can see hello stylish's face for a little bit once we get in game i'll readjust my camera once again but we have a really good matchup coming up now let me tell you guys what the bands are for game one because i think this is one of the matchups where bands are super super super important players care a lot of obviously about the bands here especially when you have a player like aloe stylish who is so proficient on certain champions but tyler one comes in here and he bans these three champions he bans the zed he bans the yeon and he bans the belt cause so we're gonna see what happens we're gonna have to see what ella styles just had to go for what ella stylish bands away from little tyler one is the mordekaiser the draven and he goes for the knock turn ban which is a little surprising but we're gonna have to see what happens now for the other series just to give you guys a heads up it's chimp n a versus trick to g chimp n a has banned udyr volley bear and tom kench trick to g band wukong yasuo and vayne so let's get ourselves into the game soon we're waiting for the players to load in and we're gonna see the games coming up soon here's the bracket in case you're still curious don't know what's going on here you go okay round one tf blade or not tf blade we have ella stylish vs low tyler1 ello stylish with the leblanc tanner won with the darius ella stylish isn't even going for a guardian's orb item usually you want to go for guardian items because of the amount of like help it gives you it's like a doran's item they're so good for early game obviously they don't build into anything but they have such good early game stats elthouse doesn't care he just wants the mana sustain and he goes for the two potions with the lost chapter tyler one goes for the boots to be able to sidestep he has ghosts i'm gonna move my camera so we see summoner spells on el estas's side ghost conqueror goes for boots guardian hammer and three potion l stylish flash ignite default we're gonna see how this goes so the leblanc has stopwatch in her runes i don't know how good that's gonna be because it's not gonna come into effect for a while but he gets really good poke out already but tyler1 already burning elisa's flash that's a ghost for flash trade for tyler1 what you do need to remember is tyler1 will have a lot more sustain than ella stylish not only does darius have more healing in his kit through his q heel but he has the three potions and the guardian's hammer compared to just the two potion sustain from ll stylish uh not not the trade you want to see if you're a tyler1 fan takes the poke without really any compensation doesn't even get into the heel oh tyler1 oh stylish is stuck over here tyler1 does get ignited we're going to see what he decides to do with this he takes the heel a little low and a tie down the tiara stylish wins elsa is qws him and kills him tyler and flash is very deep gets chained up and he loses game one that's win for el estas without the zed that's 1-0 for him i'm getting word that we're going to catch the replay of the trick to g versus uh chimp n a match because apparently that happened already so we're gonna pull up a replay right now of the second match up chimp on the leblanc trick to gian the lilia chimpane hitting chain number one chaining him up again then q and the auto attack kill clean kill from chimpane wait something to note chimpane went guardians hammer long sword and fleet footwork he didn't go for ap leblanc he went for a d any one game one for chimpanzee as well yeah well tyler1 in case you guys don't know i'm seeing some back end stuff in the discord low tyler1 typed yo lock in leblanc guys you're really good respect chimpanzee tells him stop typing ella stylish looks like he's banning mordekaiser quinn and draven ella stylish types in the discord t1 just tap out you lost to both trick and cinch last time no chance boy the g types lol unmute discord let's talk during match [ __ ] you born loser chimpane says you're mad grandpa sorry trick 2g says you must be shaking chimpane says this is my first event homie and you got soloed by a d2 wukong one trick lol we got a little bit of banter going on in the chat a lot of [ __ ] talk from both sides honestly every side i wonder if elsa is gonna go for the leblanc again and i wonder what tyler one's gonna pivot to so ello stylish does go for the leblanc again tyler1 pivots to the tristana i would love so tyler1 does not go for any magic resist i'm kind of surprised to see that uh especially knowing how much damage leblanc has and the fact that she does have buffs on this map he goes for the barrier and ignite and he takes hail of blades i love that i love that from tyler1 he knows that these short trades are gonna be more important so it goes for halo blades to pop the e and then just spam auto attack to blow up the e as soon as possible tyler one jumps into tower range gets chained up dust definitely does not take a favorable trade and el estas almost kills him dog meat [ __ ] i think he kills me there a little unfortunate coming out of all tower one he does still have his barrier so we should be fine for now but definitely not in the position you would want to see him in if you're a taller one fan i think ella stylish does know that tyler one has the halo blade so he's really respecting that but what tyler one has to remember is that he has more sustain he has a guardian's hammer while ellis stylish went for lost chapter so as long as lol tyler one plays this slow and sustains up he's chilling he's happy he likes the position he's in you could tell he's [ __ ] talking armor runes as well good trade coming out tyler1 you might think that that ultimate is bad but i think that's really good sustain he has no pots he has no type of sustain he's in a good position it's four minutes oh is it really four minutes for stopwatch tyler one's in a great position here especially with the sustain he just has to play it slow as long as he doesn't make any crazy dives he doesn't mess up in any major way he's gonna be in a really good position to be honest tyler1 wasted both summoners that's so hard [ __ ] my life see the thing is you come into this you see the leblanc how strong she is but the downside of leblanc is she's an ap champion most of the ap champions played here won't have the amount of sustain that the 80 champions will with guardian's hammer which is why someone like chimp elected for the guardian's hammer even on the leblanc for the sustain went for the a.d leblanc leblanc's one of the strongest champions on howling abyss but talwan's making it work so he does know that l styles was playing in the bush because he saw him go in there so he's just respecting that a bit even though el salve uh is lower than him tyler1 knows that all of his summoners and all his abilities are going to be up in 30 seconds so he just doesn't have to force anything too hard and once those summoners and ultimates come up he's going to be in such a favorable position here to win this alsace flashes away tyler1 summoner spells and his ultimates coming up tyler's in a great spot all he needs is one auto attack and an ultimate and he will kill ella stylish oh well stylish does get the heal off too might be a little risky for tyler1 now without the ultimate especially are you [ __ ] serious you know i'm not gonna make an excuse or anything but if leblanc took 15 more damage or did it do 15 as much damage i actually wouldn't that so it that is true but he came into that with the with the knowledge of leblanc's strength he came into that knowing leblanc does not have the sustain that he has and he did play off the sustain really well he had a great time playing off the sustain he just didn't come in with the all-in and did not finish it off unfortunately for him so tyler1 loses 2-0 to ella's stylish ella stylish moves on in the winner's bracket we'll be facing chimpane most likely we will see a replay of that game coming in soon and tyler one's gonna be in the losers bracket versus trick he's gonna get a rematch like last time look at his getting big damage so that was just the start of it burning tricks flash and then he just jumps on trick tricks playing ap malphite oh clean combo out of chimpan and he gets to kill chimpane busting out the a d leblanc with the fleet footwork the the yone and he just takes it 2-0 smashes trick to a g puts the boomer in the ground and we're gonna have to move on to the next series oh i am seeing a proposition before we had to break very soon i am seeing a proposition from chimpane typing the discord adding ello stylish asking him if he wants to match yasuo versus oswell i'm not going to influence it at all but i'm very hyped and i would love to see that but before any of that goes down you guys just saw what happened tyler was moving on to the losers bracket to face trick 2g in a rematch of the last one going invitational at ella styles are going to be facing each other in the winner's bracket and tyler bends nasus so he bands out the udyr the volley bear the nasus trick 2g bands out the draven the quinn and the tristana semifinals round one let's see who we got first match up we got tf blade versus box box tf blade on the signature aurelia coming in box box going for the leblanc and taking fleet footwork and taking the snowball something to note tiaflete has conquered and once again i'm surprised to see him take the conqueror over press the attack for these type of fights in 1v1 i'm sure he's just used to the conqueror from playing it with it so much but i don't know how often he'll be able to proc it but we'll have to see so taking a look at the players bands turns out tf blade banned out riven lee sin fiora box box banned out the renekton the jacks and the kalista so he banned out the calista over the irelia which is surprising to see when you're playing against tf blade especially seeing that last tournament box box just killed him instantly with the calista but he's decided to ban it out okay tf blade is getting his stacks up with his q he's probably waiting for the level of six box box uses the snowball to get in does hit the chain goes for the double chain and then the damage on top does not have the ignite to finish off the damage but it gets a really really really good trade just playing with his range the problem here for him is template has a very large minion wave to farm up and if if you know tf blade this is where you got to worry template hits the ultimate goes for the chain box box goes back to origin his original position to not be able to get by the chain champion gets up with the q is the healing and box box cannot flash after since he flashed earlier both summers for both summoners box box comes out the favorite off of that wow what a fight we'll see i think this might be a clear-cut loss or a clear-cut win for box box but if there's anyone that can prove me wrong it might be tief blade he does have sustained with the guardian's hammer he does have sustained with the irelia qs so he has a lot to play for here that's the first heal going to box box box box is trying to zone him off with the second heel tief blade knows that box box has the w has the ulti he can't back and heal you cannot recall on some on howling abyss oh it's the chain goes for the oh and box box still gets it box box playing that so aggressively going underneath the second tower and just killing him well shifter took game one that was that didn't even look close if i'm being honest yes this is what is going on or there's the real bracket i was making way thank you production appreciate it a lot so yamakazee for shifters yamaka is up game one little tyler one of his trick 2g is also going on t1b trick to g i'm hearing word from twitch chat so we're going to pull up the replay on that as soon as possible as well wait that is tyler1's first win ever in the 1v1 invitational now i think about it last time he played he got two owed by trick and then two owed by or sanchov's after this time he actually won a game tyler ward got his first win in the awesome potential but before we show the replay on that we're actually getting ourselves into second game game two of tian blade vs box box so we'll see the replay after that let's see what happens here same match-up same items same runes except one adjustment box box did not go for the electrocute he opted to go for the lethal tempo template hits the stun right off the bat i think box box is in deep trouble here okay not as bad as i thought box box gets away from it wait i'm getting word that tyler1 for game number two has banned no champion tyler1 says i ban nothing trick 2g says wins game one thinks he got this same bands for me tyler1 says no bands i bad nothing in all caps so tyler1 with a straight up disrespect to trick to g pretty much tells him he is not scared of a single champion he can play and we're gonna see what tricky g pulls out in game two but for now we've still got box box vs tf blade going on right now so we're gonna see who takes this cause game one already happened oh really nice dodge coming out of box box hits the chain goes for the q does not elect to pop it saving his w just to dodge any skill shots needed i like that play a lot from box box playing it slow but tiefla just not doesn't care anymore he does get chained up gets chained up once gets chained up twice misses the ultimate box box flashes over they go definitely cues multiple times to heal up and he lives summoner burned from box box tia blade does have retained both summoners but he is missing the ultimate seatblade goes in drops the q and then drops the e on top of him nice try on the on the e but whips it box box misses the chain as well does not have the flash tm flight curt predicts the correct clone changes the correct clone and gets the victory so we're gonna have to go to game three that's one one template takes it from the jaws of defeat he was one health with zero mana gets the health comes back in and out plays him really well played from box box early on but hey that's tf blades irelia you might want to ban that so game one was low tyler one olaf wrist trick to g tom kench clearly this was somewhat of a farm fest they both had 71cs tyler stature's alt track fuji's stopwatch is nothing then trick to g takes two tower shots takes three tower shots four towers what is trick doing well this is game two this is what we got game two trick two d for tyler one check on the udir tyler on the mordekaiser straight up disrespecting telling him zero bands we'll see if trug can pull out a win with his main champion the amount of sustain that the udyr will have and this one going tyler was just going in though looks like he just halts him woody gets the ignite off tyler won barriers tyler won w's right now trick to g is very very low might want to be scared of tyler one but tyler one walks it out trick 2g walks it out and trick comes out of the on the worst end of that trick your g is very low does have the flash does have to sustain through the guardian's hammer and the udyr's turtle stance healing so we'll have a lot of healing back so i don't know if trip 2g is going to be too worried here okay guys hold might be a little bit of glitch it might be a little bit of a glitch i do not think trick to g has won yet they're not thinking well nevermind we're fighting tyler1 is a little low the flash flash is dead gets the q gets another q gets another q and he wins trick to g wins the match and beats tyler one looks like it was rigged but we found out that's 1-1 we're gonna see if tyler1 still thinks he can ban zero champions against trip to g and win we're gonna have to see in game three going into it trick to g said he will ban the same three champions tyler1 says no bands no bands once again so tyler1 is not taking this away not taking away the disrespect and he's banning both champions again and we're going to see the same exact matchup coming out of box bucks and chef blade except box box for the first match took fleet footwork for the second match he took lethal tempo and for the third match he's taking conquer oh tf blade misclicks the q so he's not gonna get the q reset and box box takes a really fantastic trade for himself and prox the conqueror goes in with the snowball and continues trading yeah i'm surprised to see both players not take the pta especially knowing how strong it is oh definitely tries for it box box goes back to his previous clone flashes away tf blade loves that he burns the ignite for the flash that's one less dash coming out of leblanc okay box box dodge dodge out tie up it on the ultimate but oh template hits the ultimate this is what he wants this is what he wants he ignites on top of him he starts the cue resets to go to the minions he's still healing off the minion wave boxbox is getting good healing with the auto attacks from the conqueror but he flashes away and he still dies and he loses and that's tf blade winning the series promoting moving on beating the bust of the block that we see win time and time again he beats it with the irelia and we're gonna see what happens next series he doesn't go for the cs he gets the win even though he's dominating that's template moving on to the finals tia blade a returning winner a returning champion from the last he also 1v1 invitational he hasn't lost the series yet now now that we got the tflavor's box box series done with we're going to see if we can go over to the tyler one versus trick 2g game because that's game 3. so looking at the items the mordekaiser on tyler1 he went for seeker's arm guard and five potions so he didn't go for the guardians horn this time i liked the adaptation out of him trick 2g didn't change up anything went for the same exact thing with the long sword and the guardian's hammer because he knew he won the last one he doesn't want to change anything up so tyler one's gonna have a lot of sustain with the five potions the seekers arm guard he's gonna have a lot of armor a lot of ap i i'm glad i like seeing when players adapt i like seeing them understand that their itemization wasn't as good in the other game and they change it up and get much better items for the second game i'm i'm very happy to see that coming out of tyler but the itemization is not all it is it's gonna come down to the play the timing the decision making who do you guys believe is going to win this match tyler a trick is trick going to win with the same matchup or is tyler going to come back and take it i i personally i think tyler1 will take this one because of the seeker's arm guard and the five potions i think he has more than enough sustain tyler just popped the potion when he's full health so that's pretty wasted but he's gonna fight him now so at least he's gonna get some of the pot healing takes a good trade at a good chunk good chunk and a trick to a g and puts him at half health off the bat that's what you want to see as the mordekaiser that's the way you want to play those how much gold is guardian's hammer it is 950 gold trick dj goes in for the stun he has the tiger stance looks like it's an all in fight trick 2g i don't know if you want this tyler what hey he wants this trick did he's running away to tyler's base tyler hits the q he's still full hp still has the w trick did you just to flash away to the other side and tyler one's still healthy tyler1 has two paws seekers arm guard his w he didn't even have to pop it he still has his barrier this one's not even looking close trick to g we'll have the sustain look at the turtle stance sustain he'll have the only problem is if you didn't win that all in in the early game do you think you're going to win later on mordekaiser is only going to get stronger than you at this point so it might have been a missed opportunity for trick to g to not all in earlier but we're gonna see what he can do so you can make the comeback cause he's still fine on farm but he is definitely missing out on health and he is a little getting a little low on mana i don't think it's too much of a worry shouldn't panic but there's a little bit of a worry title one's ultimate is on cooldown so this might be the opportunity that truck 2g wants maybe you want it to burn the death realm to make sure that the mordekaiser doesn't get stats because in case you do not know when mordekaiser ults his enemy he steals some of the enemy's stats some of the enemies armor and ammar makes himself tankier and makes you weaker so that's a big reason why mordekaiser almost never loses one of your ones in his death realm is because of the amount of stat the stats he takes he takes ten percent of the enemy's stats which is very strong ten percent is a lot to not only deny but take away to yourself so trick do g is going in for a great trade gets get some poking and just sustains back up and it's gonna come down to the wire both of them are at 72 cs in case you do not know 100 cs first tower or first blood is the is the way the victor is chosen trick dude just focus on farming trick knows that that's his lead right now is this going to be a cs win out of trick 2g or it's going to be a cs1 out of tyler one g gets the stun off looks like triggy's going for the all in tyler one ultim tyler one pops to the w still has the barrier active takes a tower shot oh trick 3d is so incredibly low this might be tyler one's opportunity to get the cs lead but trick dude just heals up and trick might be able to farm under his tower safely we're gonna see if tyler can die tyler does hit his both abilities gets the passive off pops the barrier and now he needs to zone trick he needs to make sure trick can't see us up but trick out the turtle stance and he has the guardian's hammer so he's healing back up tyler one does hit the q very crucial misses the e pops the w for the health the cs is dead even once again 91-92 tyler1 knows that trick to g will not win off this minion wave lets him push it into him and he's gonna have the favor where the minion wave is gonna be he's gonna be closer to his tower hits the q trick to gene might wanna just force the minions he might just go run past tyler and auto attack the minions it looks like he's doing that trick the jet 98 99 he's running away he's trying to get to the last minion doji wins trick dougie gets 100 cs he does it in timeless face trick to g eliminating tyler once again out of the tournament through cs the boomer came through you cannot count him out you gotta think is tyler one of regretting the no bans we'll find out soon because we got an interview coming up with not only trick to g but tyler won as well they're both hopping in here very soon how are you guys feeling oh anyway how do we talk about these rules get these [ __ ] little rats who are picking the best percentage champions and abusing them out of here you have three bands you can ban anything okay did you want to ban every broken ass champion you have three bands you can ban any champion that you would like all i'm saying is get these little scrub lords who are only playing champs that are broken out of here tyler1 i have a question for you you had three bands in both of your final matches and you elected to not ban a single champion and now you're complaining about it you're not about champions not gonna win the [ __ ] next round either doesn't matter i don't know trick was looking pretty hot there on the udir he was doing work yeah trick how do you feel about those matches um it felt good man you know uh i think tyler's only a real one in here uh he doesn't bend well i mean game one i think he i don't know what was what happened game one tyler i just tested the plotters then after i watched mo stream and i seen everybody picking the blog i just said [ __ ] it all right well if come on guys do something tyler like flame him or something trick call him a [ __ ] ah i mean trip stephanie i see tricks respectable champs that he plays i mean i mean i'm just chilling dude all right i'm not yeah i'm not gonna get into it too much i'm not gonna lie when i saw you not banned twice in a row you know i'm not the one to use the word but it was a little alpha but then when you lost it you know i don't know yeah my bad it's all good it happens hey maybe a yasuo invitational number three is going to be your chance tyler to make it big because you need it hey gg trick all right gg man all right looks like that was our interview with the two finalists thank you to both of them trick good luck in the future who's next my next opponent i believe you're going to be facing shifter as you just beat yamakazee 2-0 hell yeah free wins baby baby let's go hey let's hope so hey good luck man okay turns out ello stylish has banned wukong yasuo and garen chimpanee has banned leblanc zed and velkas also one correction to the match i did say that trick 2g is facing yamakazee i believe or i said he's facing shifter i was mistaken trick to g is going to be facing box box so this is the bracket for anyone wondering the grand finals if tf blade makes finals from grand finals he has a chance he has he has to lose two grand finals basically because there is a grand finals reset i know a lot of league viewers don't know what a grand finals reset is or a loser's bracket even is because the world's format is not ideal lcs form i finally got better with the loser bracket i was very happy to see that this year but we have a bracket reset and pretty much what that means is if someone makes it from the losers bracket wins the grand finals they have to win twice over because they used their second life early and tiefly has never used his second life but that's just if tiefling actually wins maybe l stylish was chimpane we'll see who the winner of that is maybe they can take on tf blade who knows we'll have to find out soon so apparently trick 2g in box boxes match has already started we're getting a replay of that already because that happened quickly we didn't even get the other players in the game yet we're getting the replay on right now so this was game one of trick vs box so trick dude is fighting level one he thinks he has the strength with the volley bear but the lee sin is strong and his w already comes back up and he gets the kill level one that's the least hinge strength right there don't underestimate the lee sin not only the sustain but the damage he has chimp with the darius ll stylish with the yone this is a spicy one two melee champions against each other let's see how this goes chimpane going for the conqueror ella stylish with the fleet footwork so they both start with the guardian's hammer chimp goes for the long sword for damage the yone goes for the dagger in case you do not know yeon's q is similar to yasuo's q in the sense that cdr doesn't reduce cooldown but attack speed does chimp n a ignores the clone and he runs straight to the real one el estalis flashes into him chip gets the stacks and just murders him well played from chimp well played can we get a replay on that i want to replay on that as soon as possible because that was real chimp played that correctly that's surprising to see al stylish make those type of mistakes ella stylish go we'll get a replay on that and then i'll talk about what happened there chimpanzee knows that the yeon is forced to go back to his e so let's see what happens so yon uses his e when john uses e he has to go back to his former former forum so chimp starts up some stacks runs to the form ease him auto attack queues alex flashes in but he gets the four stack he gets the five stack right here auto attack w perfect play from chimp that's 1-0 1-0 chimp n a is dominating nice shirt thank you i came here dressed up we're looking good i'm definitely not wearing boxer briefs under this and no pants but who knows let's see chimpane goes for the quinn ll stylish goes for the karma chimpanzees in his head he's playing mind games so ello stylish goes for the karma there's a champion he does play but one thing that is so important to note is that ella stylish has the lost chapter in two potions so he has no type of sustain from auto attacking the only sustain that he's gonna have is from the potions and then the the mantra w or the the ultimate w coming out of the the karma because that can heal you but i don't even know if that will be enough he has the electricity he has the ignite chimpane has the fleet the ignite and the flash and he went for the guardian's hammer long sword off of champions alone i'm gonna favor the quinn but we're gonna have to see what happens in game this might be a good trade from chimp that is a really good trade what what i was gonna say that was such a good trade because he has the guardian's hammer and he has more potions so his sustain is a lot better but then he flashes into tower and takes a tower shot so game two it's okay mistakes can happen a la stylish has one potion but you can tell look at the sustain it's not going up how much chimpanzees may be giving a little too much respect because i don't think there's much that the karma can do in that minion wave so he's just be autoing and healing up with the fleet footwork he shouldn't even be worrying about cs i don't think this will ever come down to the wire so definitely wasting some mana we're hearing word that box box and trick 2g game two happened already we're gonna get word on that soon box box i mean elsa has to flash we got to replay the other game later but first we're going to focus on this for now alexander's chimp chimp's looking good he got to establish as flash he has much more sustain than him i think this one might be clear-cut i'm not gonna speak too soon because we saw what happened with tyler one of versailles stylish last time when el estas had the leblanc with no sustain and and tyler1 had all the sustain in the world you never know an upset could happen but this one is looking very good for chimpanzee currently elsa has the heel behind him so he's going to go get that chiffon a just goes in misses the queue dodges the queue though from telestylish that could have been the difference between winning and losing he needs to auto attack for sustain but he's running in blind oh my eyes my eyes my eyes what he does not a chimpanzee does not play the sustained game even though he has the life steal and he has the fleet footwork he runs in and does that was crazy crazy but while that while we're waiting for game three to come in from both players i'll let you know the band soon we have the rig play coming in from box box trick 2g right now let's see that game so it's box box from 2g game 2 oh with the insect trick altis but the tower doesn't get disabled so he takes two tower shots and he does so that's it box box wins 2-0 box bucks moves on in the loser bracket and trick to g's out the tournament let's see ella stylish versus chimpan a ella stylish goes for the karma again chimpane goes for the lee sin i definitely favor the lease in here especially with the amount of sustains he can have so let's see if chimpane has the mechanics i think on a champion versus champion basis it's chimp but ella stylish is considered a consistent challenger player although on zed and velka's he might be higher ranked than other champions he still has that game knowledge chimpane though well versed in 1v1s we saw the mechanics weren't there from the last one i don't know what the hell he was doing but we're gonna see what he can do here he gets the cue take flash insect into the tower shot gets the e thought to attack and the kill chimpanzee is too clean plays it perfectly hits the max range q insects and kick flashes back through the towers hits the minions with the kick flash the minions die elisa takes a tower shot and he kills him well played from chimp let's get a replay chimps pov so trip cues hits the max range q kick flash kills both minions with it ella stylish takes the tower shot the e the auto attacks and he gets the final kill off of it what a play hello hello chimpanzee what's up man how are you doing how you feeling tell me not gonna lie hold on gonna meet your stream okay there we go i'm dude i'm [ __ ] nervous like i don't know they're feeling good though like i'm surprised i'm playing this well hey hey every round different champion who does it better true multi-talent travail coming in chimpane we saw you as a one trick the wukong maybe yasuo but yasuo let's be real has a forty two percent one rating ranked with hundreds of games so we know you're not good at the champion garen we ain't scared of that you pick a different champion every game and you're beating the likes of trick to a g l stylish and your face except next is that anything special trick to g no flame but come on come on give give the boom some slack he just beat tyler one two he kicked him at the tournament well okay let's talk about that no no it wasn't it was darius okay i picked i picked quinn i picked quinn because [ __ ] i don't know never mind no i i don't know there is okay no but i mind [ __ ] him twice because i no he didn't pick theirs first you're mine [ __ ] me here i'll be real keep one i can't i can't speak that's the same let's get the interview let's cut the interview what about game two what happened there because you had all the people in the throat universe karma you had the life still you had the garbage hammer but it's not was was decision making he was you know when he was in the bush with no hp i could have just pressed r and just flew at him but i don't know and then there was like a crucial cue i missed when i flashed when i flashed on him and i just [ __ ] up that was that was just that was a misplay it's all good though you beat trick to g you beat ll stylish next up is tia honestly i expect nothing but a loss against him going in this tourney it's a bunch of one tricks besides shifter but shifter doesn't really play bruisers which is like excels and howling best right i don't know i thought i think there's definitely a chance of me getting second place or second or third but against tf blade it's gonna be a tough match i don't expect to win it but i'm gonna try my best chimp n a goes for the leblanc it takes the fleet footwork tf blade goes for the cannon and takes conqueror so yeah he's going for the a.d cannon with conquer this is going to be interesting for sure we see tiana played on a new champion we see chimp back on the a d leblanc that he picked in game one that he saw success on he goes for the the guardian's hammer he goes for the long sword and he goes for the fleet footwork i like the setup coming out at a chimp game one of the finals not the grand finals but the finals oh really good stunt coming out of tf blade but chin pits the oh looks like they're both committing to this so it turns out chimp gets the better end of the trade but has to burn his flash so tf blade has a summoner spell advantage and they're both just going to try to sustain all the way back up to health oh oh oh oh chimp wins chimp wins game one vs tf leg holy [ __ ] jeff played flashes in gets the stun and still doesn't get the kill champ gets his combo hits the e hits the q hits the w and auto attacks him that's game one of chimp hey sierra blade's consistently taking conquer in these 1v1 and we see it time and time again doing nothing you don't have time to proc the conqueror you die too fast so it's very surprising to see him not trying to go for the pta or the fleet footwork he's going for the conqueror we're gonna get a replay on the screen in about a few seconds guys so chimps pov so chimp is about to hit a level up hits the chain levels up and lives because of it any types garbage or ruffles wins off of the level up and calls them garbage and all chat at the same damn time we love to see it chimp we're gonna get ready for game two and we'll let you guys know when we're ready for that tf blade goes for leblanc chimp goes for the leblanc long sword guardian hammer two paw long sword gardener garden hammer two pot flashing knight fleet forward flashing light fleet work this is a mirror match up the first mirror match up of the day let's see how it goes so both have similar rooms it looks like chimp is favored in this trade this is not looking as good for template as you might have thought oh tf player likes to use both ultimates chimp though who's winning this it's very close it looks like it might be a template when chip has to flash away and template flash cues it takes a tower shot but kills him first and that's a tf blade win that's 1-1 we're gonna have to go to game three they went all in i like that they both went hard they were just jumping on each other flashing under tower dude both these players chimp and a and tf blade are my players to watch this tournament they're both just consistently so aggressive i love it now we're gonna see if there's a replay on the other game coming out soon since the l stylish and chimpan or elsa shifter match also happened okay here we go elf house for shifter shifter has the barrier elsa with no summoner spells here but elish hits the q the w shifter takes too many tower shots jumps into the e and then plays him wow that's a heartbreaker for shifter tf blade has banned wukong darius and lee sin chimp n a banned renekton jax and irelia away from tiaf blade shifter versus ella stylish shifter band zed lee sin leblanc ella stylish band echo zoe and jarvan iv all right champ flavors chimp one one game three this is all it is and now stands for shifter shifter might be going home soon we're gonna have to see chimp went for the lucian tf blade went for the leblanc again this is interesting chimp on lucian we saw the mechanics on the quinn i'll be honest they weren't there let's see if he has the mechanics on this adc okay she's gonna be a little cssing the rush is trying to thin the wave slow push it to the other side chimpane is burning some mana it's not too much to i'm not gonna go crazy over the mana but he's already missing some and he gets the bone plating burn as well oh good poke out of chimpanzee but he does send his double shot auto attack passive on the minion but regardless that's a good trade from him once again pay attention to the mana of both of these players they both elected to go for guardian's hammer no type of mana sustain so you have to keep very close track your mana and make sure you're managing it well good cue from from chimp gets the auto attack dashes culling is coming out flashes in tieflane has to flash out and burn his passive aggressive play from chimp and i like it really aggressive play coming out of chimp trading flash is trading ultimates he is very low on mana though he wants to shove this wave in and then he's gonna go get his his health paw on the side okay this looks like a good trade from chip it should wind chimp big df leg and a best of three in the 1v1 invitational champion a is your grand finalist chimpaneer makes it to the grand finals and kicks tf blade to the loser's bracket chip might win it all he might do it wow that's so crazy tf blade our previous yasuo invitational winner lost to chimp n a in a festive three banning out the wukong banning out the other champions it doesn't matter chimpanzee still wins here we have tf blade he doesn't have the w and he's just walking in wait did i just troll straight up with the disrespect you don't care the thing is chimp and a and tf blade have both guaranteed themselves at minimum third seed they're in the top three at least chimp actually has guaranteed himself in the top two securing himself three thousand dollars already seattle has secured himself a thousand dollars already oh [ __ ] hey what's up what are you doing dude man i just threw that last game i had it hey we saw it we're not gonna lie walked up a little bit too far up without the dog you know i'm too cute 2k games wukong one trick by the way come on come on step it up okay he is this is the diamond heart stock he's egoing you're playing out of your ass you play everything you know that right yeah i'll see you in the grandfather bye-bye i'm getting him back in here don't worry template how how is that you you did lose to chimp is your first series ever actually losing in the yaas one of orientation last time you were here you sweeped through it was a stomp so far you swept through it you did make you did make some mistakes here you lost the chimp but at least you're secured top three you're still in the finals of the losers bracket so if you win one match up you're back in the grand finals how are you feeling are you are you nervous you still confident hey i'm just waiting to get back up there okay that's what i like to hear we believe in utf but we know what you can do and we'll catch you later then good luck man so this is the re this is the replay of game two shifter ella stylish as we saw in game one ella stylish took the win this is game two let's see what happened okay so shifter took the win there as you guys saw just flashing on him hitting him with the spells hitting with the abilities and that's game two so we're gonna have to go to game three for ella stylish and shifter this is game three ella stylish first shifter same champions as game two let's see what they can do they both go for guardians orb and boots ella stylish has the barrier shifter has the ignite they're both on signature champions of their self of their own el salish although known for the zed is also a very good velcro's player oh hits him with all the spells hits all three there you go i don't even need to tell you he was a good valve cosplayer you just saw it oh alsace pops the whole thing does a bunch of damage to shifter shifter it does have some sustain so we're going to see how weird he is see see how how much in trouble how much trouble he is in okay looks like danny's going in shifter ulti's on to the health relic he's going to play it slow here ultis again hits the charm gets the berry out of ella stylish has another ulti ulti's overall establish his q and stop watches in his face when he pops his laser beam on top of him that's the ignite from shifter coming out of the barrier from melissa and both ultimates nice try at the flash charm but else good reaction flashes away from it yeah ahri is not one of the strongest champions of the game she's honestly one of the worst in my opinion but shifter if anyone's going to make it work it's her if anyone's going to make her work it's him sorry i spoke wrong shifter's down 12 seats it misses the charm though definitely not what you want to see a shifter still frocks the electrocute and he's still getting very good damage onto a stylish oh almost kills him oh shifter falls to the wall dives him under tower he misses the charm early he doesn't care he doesn't care he's still in it he's running in i want to replay on that i want to replay replay of shift pov please that was beautiful i want to see that again that's shifter knowing his limits i told you ari's not the best champion but if anyone's going to do it it's danny and we got to see that again look at this cues all these in that was close i'm pretty crazy for going that all in but [ __ ] it i love that i love that he goes off we love to see that let's bring up the bracket up next just so we get an idea of where we're all at get an idea where we are at i believe shifters be stylish so he's gonna be facing box box in the semi-finals now this is what we have left box box versus shifter the winner of that is facing tf blade for the finals of the losers bracket and the winner of that is going against chimp n a for the grand finals here we go we got the semi-finals underway shifter box box what the hell is boxbox playing is that samira is boxbox playing samira in the 1v1 invitational he's busting it out shifter has the barrier the ignite and boxbox got the samira let's see how it goes samira is allowed she's not she's not she's not she's allowed to be played she's on the tournament realm you're allowed to play samira we have allowed it for this tournament we wanted to see if anyone busted out box box is the first let's see if he knows how to play her samira in case you do not know is the newest league of legends champion that is going to be added very soon her abilities are kind of crazy you're gonna have to see i'll explain for you guys so she's supposed to be an adc champion as you can see with her auto attacks this is her she's adc form that is her cue she can shoot out like a a gun like gank plank cue but if the enemies melee instead of shooting the gun she just whacks them with a sword instead she's broken she probably is let's see if you can make her work though shifters on the jarvan okay box boxes is playing this with pure confidence just walking up and auto attacking on repeat okay shifter and box box are going in hard box box pops his e to dash away he's just auto attacking right now he has his q the barrier comes in he flashes away gets hit by the q he's one hp and the flag kills them shifter snipes him with the flag he says [ __ ] your broken new champion samira i don't care i'm busting out with a jarvan and he still wins shifter still wins 1-0 for shifter so talia with the guardian orb the boots and three potions actually he refunds his items still buys the boots and goes for the three potions again okay just gonna poke him whenever he tries to go for cs because you gotta abuse the rangers melee matchup hits the snowball might want to go in here does not alex not to go in so i'm surprised to see that because if you hit the snowball that's usually your opportunity to go in but he probably knows that he's down on xp wants to wait for the level six first oh nice attempt at a box box with the qw trying to reposition himself so when the parry hits it can actually land at a different position almost gets the stun off too that was very nice try definitely not ideal in the 1v1 but gets flashed on by by box box buck hits two vitals trying to get the third gets the third vital hits the w perry on top of him and that's box box taking it one one we're going at game three guys box box for shifter game three if you're on a computer right now make sure you vote on the screen and tell me who you think is winning this game three match up we have fiora versus jarvan the fiora going for the guardian's hammer the cloth armor the three potion the jarvan's still trying to decide what he wants to build is he going to bramble vest rejuvenation bead mana regen the fairy charm and the two potions along with the bramble vest i think it's a pretty strong build dueling wise oh misses the eq definitely doesn't take the good end of the trade there and that's good for a box box especially knowing that he has more sustain oh [ __ ] look at shifter pops a barrier oh gets the knock up but he might be in trouble here box box flash cues auto dominion auto attacks does not finish him off because the w comes up from the jarvan for the shield is enough to save him shifter troll picked shifter has won multiple games on the jarvan so far he performs very well in the champion but this match up i don't know how jarvan favorite it will be the fjor is very very strong on the 1v1 she's known as one of the best split pushing duelists for a reason what i'm surprised to see i'm surprised to see people not taking tryndamere i thought tryndamere would be really good especially considering that he just the whole thing is you both and you never die okay box box goes in pops the ultimate the jarvan does oh box box gets the w and the vital mark perfectly and gets the kill that's foxbox winning that's box bucks moving on two to one he beats shifter moves on secures himself top three at minimum and puts himself in the money all right we're ready hello box box how are you doing hey good yes i'm glad to hear that you're doing good you just beat shifter 2-1 you advanced you did fall early er earlier than probably most people expect you to do you're one of the favorites to win the whole tournament you've made it now to the top three through the losers bracket how does that feel well i'm a favorite to win the tournament listen we have a bunch of [ __ ] box box i don't know what to tell you shifter just come back came back from a month-long break yamakazee can barely even play talon chimpane i don't know how this man made grand finals he's a wukong one trick we don't gotta get to everyone else we got tyler we got trick like you're a favorite box box i don't know what to tell you so how you feeling right now how you feeling now that you're in the money you've secured yourself at least a thousand dollars are you thinking about what you're gonna do with that money it's a big money yeah uh this 1000k is good i'm i'm happy i can i can lose here now well that's not what we wanted to hear we want you to continue to do well and continue to perform because next matchup you just face shifter now that was a hard matchup as it is and number one let me correct you it wasn't a thousand k it's not a million dollars it's a thousand dollars but you just face shifter which is already a hard matchup you have tf blade coming next people call him cs blade he has sweat all over his keyboard already through the first few matches are you are you excited for this do you think you're going to win tell me what your thoughts are uh it sounds like these tournaments are going pretty well i assume there's gonna be like a third one right okay i'll make you an offer you can't refuse mo i'll give you a thousand dollars to never put me against tf blade in bracket the man's champion pool counters my entire champion pool okay we'll talk later with thousand dollars i don't know if i want doritos hearing any of this but hit me up later in dms we'll see what we can do so what do you think about facing tf blade next though excited oh am i allowed to say the [ __ ] word on stream yeah go for it i'm [ __ ] the dude plays renekton jax tryndamere ackley callista what am i gonna do wait i tried to cheese out a leblanc pick only worked for one round hey to be fair akali at least is global band you don't have to worry about that champion you do have your three bands and last time tf blade elected to play the calista you smashed him it wasn't even close i honestly i think you need to believe in yourself a little more albert not that template's bad not that tf blade's gonna lose or beat you whatever it is but you need to have more faith in yourself because i have faith in you and i believe that you can potentially 23 at 10 percent chance beat him yeah i can i can do this yeah i believe in you box box beautiful having you on air thank you for the interview and good luck in your next matchup the winner of this best of three series moves on to the grand finals to face chimpanzee and secures themselves three thousand dollars the loser goes home with a thousand dollars and they'll probably be happy enough but we'll see tryndamere out of tf blade i just called the champion i just said i'm surprised to not see any tryndamere considering the amount of sustain he has the amount of level six oh pressure he has boxbox is with the leblanc and he has the press the attack so there's a healthy trade coming out of box box there's the press the attack damage that i like to see i don't know how tiefly is going to be playing this the thing is tryndamere is a very strong champion it's but usually only when it comes down to versus other melee champions i have a feeling that the leblanc is going to be able to bully him enough to the point where he won't be able to ever kill her the only way he can ever win is through 100 cs but we know cs blade can do that if he needs to but let's see what box box has in store for him if he allows him to get to that point or if he bullies him enough in the early game tf blade very smart playing with the vision through the bush to deny box box as many auto attacks as he can look at the amount of poke damage he ignites good poke damage that's not a joke sure he burned the ignite but he got a lot of damage off oh that is a good trade for tf blade and tf blade's in prime position now with the amount of sustain he's gonna have with his q in the fleet footwork that he's in a good position now for himself look at that damage coming out of tf blade burns the ignite still has the flashing ultimate but that's box boxes ignite as well see if blade has this flash he might look for an e flash auto attack oh and box back smashes it tf gets double chained up there's no more wave under the tower last minion but he gets back into the bush to not take tower aggro the minions take aggro for him for a bit gets the e damage but does not get the finish still has his ultimate available definitely something to note and he has to burn his ultimate now oh good damage coming out of tf blade once again box box goes in for more damage back good trade but that's the trinomial healing it's back and tryndamere is so farmed up the tower is getting low too from all this minion damage that's happening it's almost at half health this tryndamere is in prime position now this is a sad matchup for box box i don't think so i think actually the leblanc is favorite here she just had to be a little more aggressive pre-six good poke that's a leblanc passive once again good damage out of box box to burn the tryndamere ulti this might be his position he goes back in almost almost for box box he went to his distortion a little too early gave tf like the opportunity to auto attack him and ignite to get the kill really nice attempt out of box box well played from both of them there but that's tiefly's wedding play takes that that's one o for tf blade okay we're into game two the same match up same everything except box box looks like he might be going for a different type of build never mind he's going back to the boots and three potions i think he likes the boots for the speed so this is game two let's see how it goes see if tf can get the victor again or if box box is gonna change up his pellet style play a little more aggressive in the early game we'll see oh box box kills him box buck won he won already no oh messes up a little bit doesn't oh box box wins the trade gets the flash out but that that could have been a kill for sure if he played the vision in the bush he would have won that for sure so nice try from box box at least he's in a favorable position to start it off for himself he's not going to allow tiabate to farm up too well or too easily and this is the aggression i was talking about from last game this is the amount this little blank you need to play you need to play the aggressive leblanc in their face i really wonder if i could pop the shirt honestly it feels like i can tell too big okay really good trade out of box box just spam auto attacking tf blade for as much damage as he can possibly do but tf blade is gonna have the q and you know how much that that thing's been healing him it's healing a lot good good chain from box box gets decent damage but i don't know that's going to be enough especially if if box bucks i mean if template has this flash and ignite you might look for an e auto attack ignite ultimate and that's gonna be a wrap tf blade could have won through cs he could have played as slow he could have went through cs but he doesn't want to enter cs a single time this tournament he wants to kill every time and he kills box box 2-0 we're gonna get a replay coming for you guys right now coming very soon 2-0 that's it tf blade takes it and he's gonna move on to the grand finals to face chimp n a but for now let's look at the bracket this is what we got for you everyone this is what we got chimp n a has made it to the grand finals through the winner's bracket now let me explain how that works so since chimp n a has not lost the series yet he's in the winner's bracket with two lives because he has not lost yet tf blade lost earlier chimpanzee lost his first life and is on his last life so the way the grand finals will work now they will be playing a best of three if chimp n a wins he wins the tournament if he beats champlain in the best of three if tf blade wins the best of three the bracket gets reset and they play the best of three again and the winner of that will take it all so basically template has to be chimpanzee in two best of threes chimpanzee just has to win one the whole reason behind that is because chimpanzee won the previous finals versus blade and has not lost the series yet so he deserves to have a second life hopefully you guys explain understood the explanation it is not best of five it's best of three all the way across we're doing best of threes this time that's the five is a little too long i'll be honest yo my man so me and chimp had a little talk i told him i was upset that he all chatted me sit i'm gonna take him down again and then this guy joins call he's like yo what about this we have a deal i'll give you jax you give me wukong and now i'm like is that really worth it for me then he's like yeah just do it do it like after him repeating it 20 times we're doing it man first game it's a one trick versus one drink match up okay we love to hear that giving chimp a chance after getting destroyed and obliterated and completely smashed by chimp n a tf blade is deciding to not only give him his one trick but also to play his one trick in a match-up that's gonna be exciting do you think you're gonna win that though yo this guy we both said no bands hey if he falls in cds let's be real there's nothing he can force in cd because he can't play anything but wukong i still don't know how he made it to the grand finals through the top of the winner's bracket but do you have blade you're gonna have to beat him in two best of threes here to win it out at least you've already secured yourself three thousand dollars let's see if you can cure yourself six thousand though do you think you're gonna win the double tournament what what what's your prediction here oh hell yeah dude if you don't think you're gonna win going into a tournament what's the point exactly i love that confidence i love that mindset tfl good to hear from you good luck in game one good luck in the whole entire series i'm excited thank you thank you i got faith in chimp i told you guys started the tournament here's my dark horse i believe in chimpane to win this if it's not me playing chimp and i got this he's the only person that consistently can beat me in one of your ones grand finals game one best of three let's get it started we have the wukong we have the jacks we have both players on their signature champions tf blade goes for the cloth armor chimpane goes for the long sword let's see what happens just ease in they both pop each other's bone plating chimp gets the q damage tfl does burn his e so he burns the counter strike this might be chimps opportunity to dash in because as you know with wukong when you dash with wukong with your e you get five seconds of boosted up attack speed oh and it's not even close blade just smashes him into the ground blade just smashes him it's a nice try from chimp trying to reposition himself and then to w backwards so he can get more damage coming out but that wasn't even close chief play takes game one okay we're getting the players into game two they have not banned a single champion i think they're going to run it back with the jacks wukong but we'll have to see we're getting in looks like we're back in already quick thank you production team jax wukong back in both conker both ignite chimp goes for the long sword cf blade goes for the cloth armor let's see who has it i for this one i want to see chimpane change it up and go for the level six and then fight because i think your ultimate as wukong is so much stronger than jax's ultimate so you should just use that to your advantage to get the double knock-ups good w out of chimp but the jacks burns the counter strike so he's gonna wait for the wave to shove in i don't think he's gonna try to fight early because he knows he's not gonna win now after limit testing in game one so we're gonna see the adaptation out of game two okay chimpanzee's going in with ultimate flashes in behind him ultimates again clones away i don't know if chimpanzee's happy with that he burned every single ability and ultimate at his disposal and did not get the kill yeah respect to tf blade though first tournament he saw a matter of ceasing made everyone even though it's a legitimate strategy to win and he's like all right i won the last one through csing this one i'm gonna win by just smashing everyone literally just takes the jacks just trying to kill just trading on both sides blade jumps in uses the ignite gets really good poke on to chimp but chimp will have his clone back up so if tfight does get a little over over eager here might cost him the game we'll see timber takes a tower shot and takes a lot of poke out of chimp the problem for chimp is that he just gets flashed on and demolished by tf blade shirt flashes on him auto w's him and that's a wrap tief by putting chimp in the dirt chimp thinking he has a chance if he has the wukong but tail by selling him not with the jacks so that's 2-0 chimp that's 2-0 for tf blade tianf blade has now reset the grand finals all right well there's tf blade taking it now we're in the grand finals it's reset the winner of this will take home six thousand dollars the doritos bowl trophy and doritos for days free doritos here we go grand finals best of three game one let's see how it goes leblanc tryndamere a little bit expected it's what we predicted in the chat you guys mainly predicted it it's expected though leblanc is probably one of the strongest champions on the map tf blade is very comfortable with the trinimir until leblanc let's see how this matchup looks so chip fed i went for the cloth armor i'm surprised to see that i box box i think both times went for the uh it went for the boots until chimp went for the cloth if i were playing in this i would probably just go for the long sword because the whole thing is you have to beat him early game if you don't beat him early game he's just going to always have enough sustain to never die and then the ultimate on top so if this was me i would be jumping on the trinity right now and just trying to chain him up and get as much damage as humanly possible looks like it's going in takes three i'm speechless i'm at a loss of words we're gonna get a replay very very shortly from the player's perspectives to see what just happened there let's get chimp's perspective just to see how he felt about that he did type in all chat that he misclicked so it must have been a misclick but let's see the way he missed clicking in his reaction to it oh man oh i just clicked go next go next go next well that was game one of the grand finals game two coming up soon we'll see what happens man that was kind of crazy i won't lie that was funny i i'll i won't lie i laughed but you gotta feel for chimp n a this first grand finals definitely a little nervous coming into it lost the two wukong games got the bracket reset lost the first game on leblanc into the tryndamere we gotta see what game two holds for us cuz if he loses the next match it's out if he wins it's gonna be the the third match and it's gonna be the last match of the whole entire tournament but we'll see we'll see what the champions pick we're gonna see what they ban okay word is that the champ the players have banned the same champions chimpane has banned jax irelia renekton he has not opted for the tryndamere ban tf blade banned wukong darius and lee sin n a has elected to play the yasuo into tf blade's tryndamere now if it was me this would be a good choice but this is gonna be interesting for sure chimp n a signature yasuo fleet footwork starting berserker greaves it looks like that would not be ideal i don't know if he's gonna be able to win with berserker graves definitely needs a guardian's hammer but he's going for greaves five pots he's switching it up he's not going for guardian's hammer at all just gonna grieves five pots and try to sustain enough with fleet footwork let's see what he can do i'm excited now the matchup is one o for tf blade and the brackets already reset so if tf blade beats chimp n a tf blade is the winner of the yasuo invitational once again good poke out of chimpanzee has the tornado to play with good knock up good auto attack good auto attack again burns the ignite fairly early and the trading doesn't even that look that good and he burned the ignite misses the tornado very low on health without the ignite chimpanzee might be in trouble here and it's a wrap that's it tf blade is your yasuo invitational number two champion he takes down chimp in a 2-0 take a grand final reset takes him down another 2-0 and tienpai takes it again chimpanzees send it home tf blade wins himself six thousand dollars doritos for days a doritos trophy for chimpanzee's side at the very least he has won himself three thousand dollars that's not a joke that is a lot of money now let's see the way it happens and that's it that's it that's your reaction you just won six thousand dollars in free doritos well i'll get hyped for tf blade he takes home the tournament he takes the prize pool and he wins it all shortly we're gonna be getting an interview coming in how are you feeling you just won six thousand dollars you won again dude i'm 12 months of doritos wow yeah what are you going to do tf blade i don't know my doritos did you ever get your doritos for the first one you did right is it shipped to me i don't think i don't know man i i don't deal with that i don't know [Laughter] respect the respect you pulled out the trendy mirror multiple times in a row and you're just smashing them with it it's not even one of the champions that they've been no one not a single person banned it why why didn't they ban the tryndamere against you they only have three bands there's jax irelia richton and they they they either give it rally or trim them and they chose to get trimmed i guess not gonna lie we got chimp in the call as well chimp you might be the loser you might have lost you might have smashed you might have lost twice 2-0 but you secured yourself three grand three finals [ __ ] it i honestly did not i mean i'm a little bit surprised i knew i could be like there's some contestants i could easily be i think but name of them [ __ ] go who could you eat trick trick tyler shifter i think those are pretty easy picks especially shifter he ended with his picks j4 like yeah they got down a little early but you know you guys made it you both made the grand finals you got swept 20 reverse is spamming for me to tell you to sit just they are spamming it no surprise look at that that's crazy that is crazy you got chips well it was the spirit dm'ing the whole time too i won't lie so i'll tell it to you right now you're too nice to say it champ shut the [ __ ] down you're a [ __ ] i got you do you have play say no more did you have fun yeah i enjoyed it honestly i was i was a little bit um i'm exhausted i woke up 1am right yesterday so i don't know and just the whole anxiety and [ __ ] i'm just like super stressed right now but regardless it was a really fun show thank you for hosting it and shout out to doritos as well yeah hey you played bell bro you you really i i tilt it i tilted an end i really did the first series you played really good against and then i don't know about these ones maybe you weren't warmed up dude see this is why you gotta lose first go down warm up and then go to finals well we saw last time when that happened with yamakazee when you made it to the finals you didn't even need the brackets to get reset you just smacked them so honestly it might not be getting more games in it might be a player diff but you did win again so congratulations on winning the yasuo invitational twice in a row not only were you the first winner not only the second winner be the first person to ever win it twice in a row and honestly might be the goddamn less because we don't know how many of these we can pull it up or it's a lot of goddamn money hey well thank you guys thank you guys for joining the tournament i hope you guys had a blast and congratulations on your prizes now thank you guys everyone for tuning in to the doritos disruptor series yasuo invitational 1v1 number two powered by twitch rivals i had a blast streaming i had a absolute blast before we leave though let's show you guys the results let's see who won money let's see where everyone placed tf blades are number one with six grand and doritos chimp n a secured himself three grand box box secured himself a thousand dollars shifter was our fourth place trick to g made it to five tied with ella stylish and low tyler won in yamakazee lost their first match in the winter bracket and then both lost their match in the losers bracket as well so that's unfortunate to them we have to say goodbye a little early but regardless we had a great time i'm happy with the contestants i hope they had a great time as well i hope you guys had a great time enjoying the stream hope the contestants are happy with the money and the doritos but regardless but besides that like i said i had a fantastic time hosting maybe if we bring it back one day i will play in the next one but regardless that's enough that's it for me that's it for us at the cast the production we do have a little video for you guys to play but without further ado i hope you guys had a great fantastic day hope you guys enjoyed the stream and i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Yassuo
Views: 1,256,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yasuo, Yassuo, Challenger, best yasuo na, best yasuo, yasuo god, yasuo guide, league of legends, yasuo montage, league, pentakill, moe yasuo, yasuo, league ranked 2019, 100T, 100T Yassuo, 100 thieves, yassuo 100 thieves, 100t moe, moe 100 thieves, tyler1, loltyler1, trick2g, nightblue3, nb3, boxbox, season 10 league, unranked to challenger, jungle unranked to challenger, yone, yone abilities, yone trailer, yone gameplay, yone cinematic, tfblade, ll stylish, yamikaze, chimpna, shiphtur
Id: nGesxviqPg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 20sec (5300 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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