Yassuo | SIMPSUO STRIKES AGAIN! (Twitch Rivals Scrims)

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like my group has Tyler in my groups on playing it stylish am I playing scars him I'll play against High's team I'll play against voy Tyler I'm gonna play against Annie bots team and so tonight the only plants Tarzan's team in my group Aunt Polly ends box boxes team and trick to G's to him and sneaky that's it Mike group my group is kind of stacked in terms of streamers what's even do you guys thinks are legitimately good I think the best teams is probably like my team is really good I think Tarzan's team is probably decent decent I don't want to say good because I think the top and bottom aren't good they're made in Jungle can carry heart maybe but the rest of them just don't look good you know we look at this team soul Mario force within KP or princessy low-poly that seems kind of scary uh shifters team shifters she looks pretty good too yeah so there's like those are the scary teams I would say everything everyone else looks kind of free It's Showtime [Music] hey radar huh see I didn't say Rana I said Rana I we don't work out here Irina my name is Kareem it's lovely it's a pleasure meeting you this afternoon Oh likewise I'm thinking sir acaba what do you guys think and you are my friend as well you guys are all my friends leave her alone just get prepared like honestly I just hope you're prepared to get harassed for like a week it's nothing wrong there's nothing wrong with you I'm just a weirdo and I'm just giving you a fair warning okay well then I should give you a fair warning this I'm pretty toxic as well first oh yeah you're my support don't [ __ ] flame me I think you go yes for uh oh god it's [ __ ] turbo lost that's what's so crazy is I don't know 1v9 I'll put this game on my shoulders no put you sure which Tim from which Tim I will put you guys on my goddamn back and you're still crazy wait Tippett sing for two months now yes I'm getting subbed out for moon I think yeah I think that's actually LCS movie did you actually stopped out jungle for the tournament yeah dude this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the same reason Sancho is Laura play rivals [ __ ] rivals wait with poo they're not gonna give you a thousand subs no I know but I want to lose it what's wrong with you dude how cancer is playing [ __ ] scrims for twitch rivals today is like Oh I'm good I carefully miss [ __ ] [ __ ] that much do oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] these ho my god we're [ __ ] I'm gonna go no I'm gonna file funding where's my trip oh my god he flashed hillard me for that exist on the kill are you kidding me okay yeah yeah look for out here yeah nice I'm here I'm here the house is balanced Sirocco you're good you're good mom he's gonna who's gonna channel check okay kill the money what oh I didn't even see that I'm good we're good we're good what could down yeah [Laughter] carefully is aftershock okay Robin everyone oh how did that do so much yeah your mom okay it's not bad what the hell sorry sorry I rage sorry oh my god I got are you guys are good that is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life you're fine you're fine I mean that guy does literally zero damage he literally does zero damage killer he makes any maxes pillar yeah they're smurfing or what oh my god just can we report this guy ready please please I have are I have are I'm looking up I guess I'm not looking Hillary Judy's pillar in the [ __ ] out of me oh oh we know you guys get out bossboss funny sign-off line he just may his own three never drag women Darius here coming I'm just gonna buy my next three items are gonna be these three from trundle I just want a nacho he's just not gonna give me it is he Oh crabs come on grabs I'm here making conversation while you listen all you guys have is hatred in your blood okay am i right we have you with me here yeah I played this game for 11 years you'll [ __ ] hate it too yurina you know I don't bite right she literally just doesn't talk to you every time you tried the doctor Brina just means this guy okay just great is this guy bothering you business is this [ __ ] bothering you for 40 damage I mean why are you talking [ __ ] dude I got another point of mic here right now okay but mo thinks that he can [ __ ] style because he doesn't have a forbidden Idol whatever I really should get it I'm a CEO she's a goddamn smurf over here and we're gonna hit the [ __ ] we just let him die or what oh my god the [ __ ] the kills damage much fr by the way okay oh my got any help oh god colors how [ __ ] mad is he gonna be when I Mikhail's the person that he [ __ ] killers oh yeah pillar I need them to kill Tom where you got okay I'm here I'm here Hey alright I got you your pillar your Mikhail's oh my god she flashed into me crack her skull my god okay drink nude oh there's no oh all the Mikhail's he's actually one benign he's too good what the [ __ ] well he bought another for bid and I don't do this guy's to next level height I can't [ __ ] play my redemption is up that pillars are my own McHale's is up imma kill myself they're baited I got your Marius okay let me get let me heal you guys I'll check her echo you still behind us okay nice well I'm looping wait well I don't silence no I don't have it I'm loopy I'm looping looping oh nice and she's literally got on my screen mm-hmm I'm not gonna heal you I get movement speed out of it oh my god it's clean guys watch out he's gonna kill us yeah well played everyone great job you guys it's fantastic thank you no one said that well you actually got the best jungler in the tournament legitimately yeah yeah it's [ __ ] LCS bro what is you Tarzan that's mental block against you and without you Tarzan's probably the best besides me would like it for not kind of okay why do you think what do you think Tarzan has a mental block against me against you I don't know he just why isn't Don playing free content I don't know he said he just doesn't enjoy it and then his viewers don't enjoy watching him play anyways there's no point that's why he dropped out to tribals and that [ __ ] sucks cuz like I enjoy playing with DOM and then like he's also just the best jungler an attorney well I still got a good job out of mourning woods my boy too but like Dom's like free content you know so now I'm kind of triggered I don't know why but it's it's his choice really I can't what am I gonna do about it you know I yo so are you in hell Aaron are you can assault Toronto yeah damn it hello I'm turning my PC on okay thanks for waiting sorry my pleasure I'm so excited to play have you got energy you want crack or something 100% Tom would you give me crack obviously yeah where are we first I can do right now hear me tests cuz I don't go to the gym yesterday so I'm not I don't feel sore at all I've been to push-ups in a while so I don't know what I can do no flame also don't flame my form my form is not bad you guys are just stupid like legit you guys are dumb if you think my form is dad now that as many as I expected honestly good form thanks the forum just looks weird because it's you're watching it at a downward angle you know my form is really good though it's my tech my chest was already touching the floor sometimes your ass was too high you you're literally you're literally linky licking a hot cheetos off of your fingertips right now while typing that you haven't seen a dumbbell or a treadmill in four years why are you talking to me yomo tell Rayna / Janet Deaconess Motomu it means how are you doing baby in Greek why the [ __ ] would I do that dumbass there you think I'm creepy as it is about different doctor I was like yo get it this got a Miku yeah she got a call without damn cops or you don't wanna say chuckles hello it's Mike yeah yeah whatever Janet speaks Reina you're loud and clear when most speaks I don't hear a goddamn word that's all I'm saying I'm so sorry like dude I need to stop breathing what is wrong with girls I'm ignoring girls um what do I do wrong tell me Jonnie note pointers for me like am i ugly am i stupid even the guys ignore me now holy [ __ ] did it did any today why did John drop out he's gonna be busy towards the dates of the actual two tribal games so he can't play and then also he's too much and now he's ignoring you how does it feel taxi look how quiet it is about without me Symphony the call listen to the audio see like this why they need me symfon in the call straight up Jojo I do think if you bring ignite depending on who were playing against pot we could probably kill them level two Jenna you sound like a like a teacher in school or something like a math professor there's a list right here this is science right here I'm coming to you you're just turning fight good I'm gonna go for the other thing you want me to help you push your way you can just go nice really nice oh my god please I mean at least I get a response from the females when I talk - yep you're gonna have to change the animal soon no cab no no you know push push with us all right okay all right okay how you use my brain gotta use my brain using my brain using my brain you can dream okay you flash Oh No all right oh my god you just slash right I don't know my god oh my god is that the Smurf of the world oh nice okay I thought you guys so much I actually miss around the corner do you want to go but instead or should be oh my god that's the cleanest thing I've ever seen in my life I can be over here and this house connect right here I don't like this I don't like this I have no mana I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this okay go madam still don't like this just feel myself you know I will I remember just letting you know wait I got to I got go what the what the fight Janet you gotta at least let him think that I'm that talking for a while aff don't respond to oh my god you talk to me again okay oh my holy [ __ ] is that worse or better [ __ ] Jesus Christ did you just talk to me again so disgusting what the [ __ ] all right overhead wonders why I'm leaving the [ __ ] team we are you actually I read I've done no your charlie is that enough of responses homie yeah maybe she responded to mo one of the earlier times I would have been down to Playa but oh my god okay you're clean Oh probably oh my God he's smurfing I'm gonna be stunning echo what do you mean here schoo yeah I don't my brains awful okay sorriest mouth breather mm-hmm sure yeah here's no W I'm just here in case someone else I'll stay since they're kind of low - okay I'm just gonna zone them oh my god disgusting oh he's uh yeah he is it killable wait yes we got it we're using 40% - you're not these are insane yeah that's like a seven-second oh we fed him so [ __ ] hard this game hold the card that's all he's smurfing it yeah I'm gonna play hello oh no no I thought this gotta get away yeah I'm just gonna hold here I'm multi I'm hoping I'm talking about me I don't take damage to Barrett if you want to just pull it okay I'm coming to you honey solid set okay I'm gonna go one shot there 83 right hey I'm well I had there wait till I get there okay then he's anything kill him kill me just kill him all the hit focus him just push top together I'm just gonna take the turret team player box sauce it's all my god please I have a family I have a family okay Jimmy yo girls can you close your ears for a second I mean women later yeah just give me like five seconds pad you're getting to these okay okay yeah yeah I I've been sober like [ __ ] how long no 50 hours now it's like a walker shit's crazy wait since the party not like sober jacking off Oh what the [ __ ] what does that mean oh thank you thank you well yeah no I'm just in the middle of their whole team it's cool don't worry I have no I have no words all right hit one dude who the [ __ ] says sober for jacking off how can you not jack after 50 hours let me explain I was watching that boy odor ball he's a runescape sugars the homie and he was talking about jacking off and he's like you know what [ __ ] I can control myself and I'm gonna stop I won't check off for a whole week and you know what I said I'm gonna do with him I was like you know you're my homie you're not going out for me I won't jack off for week either it you know I've been going like three times a day recently and maybe a break is good so I'm trying to weaken 50 hours in I already told you guys like I see anyone alright I'm sold you're taking the turret I don't care about the current Janet Wow 82 kills and [ __ ] 27 minutes we're killing it no yeah dummer you sure moon subbing in cuz he does applied and said sorry bro I'm busy like he's busy for like one scrim setter by champion or you stomp them quick quick I try do you want me to play something else it's locked okay literally anything like you played over you up dragon let me talk to the Zephyr cuz yeah if it's not a good juggler I'm not playing with those letting you know so like if I can't what does that mean like I'm gonna come to your house and force you to play League of Legends oh my god he's playing Kazakhs with comet and then he involves w he actually just trolls for fun I don't know why yeah cross the Smith okay Mac sorry no you want to take her do I think I think you take but I think it's kind of risky but it's up to you see Mike okay I'm not gonna all right oh my god no serious walk I thought I had ignite so I Smita Dominion its rolls [ __ ] Brooklyn shut the [ __ ] up [Music] I'm really smurfing for free though like free yeah that's actually really good but the [ __ ] first time by the way you're saying yes all right no no no he'll oh yeah okay we're smart you're doing this China lumpy - okay okay oh my god kha'zix behind you I'm here too but I'm final final Pure Ones gonna throw snow ulti I just don't be over and I'll be here oh my god okay how would you baby this [ __ ] is worded okay careful Diana here oh my god give up anything okay give it to me I came from that on there mine yeah no I was actually gonna say that earlier when you gank a lane you're already better than Tyler [ __ ] why are you jungle well we screwed with three games and we kind of stomped them really hard so we sent to switch it up a bit Kenny no I [Laughter] okay I can put it okay this guy is just trolling for free y'all go straight away from me I was a lot of damage I have no I'll be back I mean I was a real photo belt by the way we can win this without mo yeah I mean let's be real he's not the most important part of our team Wow moco's AF can we literally just win without action [ __ ] smurfing in pistol oh the bag is secured we're all gonna be rich but how good I'll [ __ ] play then that was literally the only time Raina's ever responded to you [Laughter] respond to all right but that's a good scrim seven tons four wins in a row is too easy to even roll swapped guys like girls it's over you're gonna sass ROC me let me put girls score and the jungle and still win wait what did I rape their team let me see what I rated their team cuz I made a team rating the other day this is my team rating I put their team is the worst team in the tournament what the ferris wheel or what my structural instructure children thank you some weird [ __ ] kid have you guys ever seen mo talk to a dog yeah I've heard him talk to you try well I'm just gonna I'm just gonna yeah we can probably do it like right now they're coming just walk this side start walking yeah I think yeah I'm going I'm gonna show this Diezel up no you didn't use all these clothes on all right okay Mohammed he even saves his flashiest doesn't give a [ __ ] for Nexen Teresa and I think Kendra oh I think we're neck then and kindred who are on their way okay I'm trying to run out oh man this five here kill handy maybe that's the only one try to get out try to get out yeah yeah just run around run out run out right now okay no you can find out all right solid chin just behind oh my god you're actually how long for a cage it's up its up okay we're gonna walk for it and just look good careful getting stunned oh yeah I'm sitting in a meeting for three I'm gonna looking up should I send them out I'm coming about high altitudes all tough so should be good I'm looking for everyone here you struggled yeah nice nice Renekton help careful he's looking yeah I just do that course no no back off back off next is just always on this blank area yeah we should try to get Renekton out of here they got it they got it we should kill Renekton here hi everyone peel for an exit okay any flash in any flash then come on oh my god yeah just run guys I don't think we don't want me to go stay okay laughing OH I don't even know why I did that we should just start betting with the turn they have to walk in they have to walk in Jenny's be careful of Danny yeah I have a stopwatch now just we were looking to turn here guys and splitting up I'm turning I'm turning I'm going on a mess okay that's fine yeah just killer I couldn't leave oh you can actually fight there's no fraction I don't like this I'm only cagey any of the flashes over the wall yeah you recall TP Janet okay yeah recall TP everyone else greased are hitting it I ever done I start running just cage and try to run Jenna run out all right that's good okay so we should just control miss if he's doing golems right here they just worked over here okay no we should go mid you guys should go mid literally just [ __ ] to end the game if they just roll yet yeah just if I can just go ahead and take the ADC okay so now we just to get it for free I guess just use your cage to zone like cage like around here just walk up in cage in front of it okay that's fine Renekton Renekton I'm miss stalling back fine yeah just kill Carnac then it's get out get out date these anti-flash Internet can flash they're like us no he's not yeah we fight this hard okay I guess he just wanted the game to be over hey guys big cage Janet I don't know how you mind-control them to walk up midlaner oh yeah oh yeah I'm just so good that was impressive dinner yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Yassuo
Views: 1,069,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yasuo, Yassuo, Challenger, best yasuo na, best yasuo, yasuo god, yasuo guide, league of legends, yasuo montage, league, pentakill, moe yasuo, yasuo, league ranked 2019, 100T, 100T Yassuo, 100 thieves, yassuo 100 thieves, 100t moe, moe 100 thieves, tyler1, loltyler1, twitch rivals, pokimane, trick2g, voyboy, nightblue3, nb3, imaqtpie, shiphtur, tflbade, boxbox, yassuo snake, moe snake, season 10, season 10 league, twitch rivals draft, twitch rivals 2020
Id: va0YXupwgZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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