Yard Sales are WAY More Fun Than Our Day Jobs!!!

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how's it going everybody how are you all doing it is Saturday here in New Hampshire we are going to be going to some yard sales and garage sales and estate sales today there's quite a few that we're gonna hit today but I think it's gonna be a pretty great day it's gonna be nice and warm and it's gonna be decent weather and this is the first day probably this year of having good consistent yard sales and garage sales and stuff in this state so looking forward to today and looking forward to showing you everything we find so here we go quickly I want to jump back to yesterday and show you something that we received here at our house and we need to thank someone so I'm gonna jump to that right now as well it is Friday evening just got home and I want to start this video up real quick with this package here this is actually from part-time Pickers he's a fellow youtuber I leave his youtube link down in the description he's actually gonna be on our live show tonight you're probably watching this after the live show but if you missed the live show make sure to catch that back in our channel but he sent us something so I want to thank him I'll show you what it is real quick get this open here this is a scanner and I'm gonna be able to use this I wanted to get a scanner for Amazon for scanning barcodes because I've been doing it the old-fashioned way and just typing in the the just been typing in the UPC number for each item when I go to add it to my inventory so this is definitely gonna help out a huge amount and I tried to get him to let us pay for it as he told us that he had won and he wouldn't take any money he wouldn't even take anything for shipping costs so thank you so much man I really appreciate it and yeah go check out his channel he's a really great guy and yeah he sent us this for free so thank you so much once again really appreciate it buddy all right so we're gonna development it's a bunch of yard sales here in this development and we're gonna run it real quick I don't think I'm gonna bring the go but I'll try to film with my phone doesn't look too great we'll go check it yeah so as you saw I picked up those two action figures the first one is a Iron Man but it's like battery-powered I'll have the tested oh the kids said it works and it talks yeah honestly I don't know what they're worth at all I know I know these do pretty well these Spider Man figures but uh I paid five bucks for both of them I wasn't gonna haggle the kid I kind of wanted to get him for a buck each but he was well they saw cuz I was filming you know you didn't know yeah he was like 10 bucks and I was like oh no and then he came right down to five OOP is this another one here that doesn't look great oh yeah that looks good all right we got another garage sale here these nuts drifting is here there he is on his truck right there he's along for the ride let's go how much for this Mickey Mouse thing it's pretty cool so so we got that Mickey Mouse clock you saw me pick that up I got it for 10 bucks I'm kind of blind oh yeah I'm kind of blind pickin I don't know if that is worth it I'm assuming it is I'll have to have to look it up yeah it's an 18 P phone it's definitely old probably okay I don't know honestly maybe 80s I don't know yeah but it's pretty cool and then I also picked this up I didn't show you on camera it's a 30 gigabyte iPod I forget what these are called these old big clunkers I don't know if it works I told her I was like I'll give you a dollar for X I don't know if it works so I got that for a buck so I'll have to charge it up test it out hopefully it works it's in a little rough shape but I definitely think I can get I can get it some profit on it if it works he said it was very well have to check thanks for my coffee you're welcome but yeah so we're gonna try to find another one we're in like a development and a bunch of people are having yard sales they said that there was going to be 10 and we've seen yeah yeah I think we're just early but it was supposed to start at 8:00 and somebody said the first year turns out we actually stopped at because one of them we did not stop at they said that people work even though they advertise it for 8 o'clock people were coming at like 7:45 yeah I wonder what type of people would show up a little early who yard sale and we're just driving around in circles so we're gonna have to go somewhere else I think we hit them all and I thought there was definitely to be more great having a company come in Hades nuts all right so we're gonna try to find another one that are on the way out of this development isn't the moving sale panel just talking about and there's also I think there's another one that we passed coming in so but we've hit them all that are in here there's only a couple I thought there's gonna be more I don't know people I think people are struggling to get out of bed this morning but anyway so no like the one we were just that where I got that that phone and that iPod they were like oh we're still setting up they had like hardly anything out there yeah but whatever it is what it is yeah that's right we'll hit some more it's all good we spent a total of how much ten eleven I spent another five so a total of sixteen dollars so far total of 16 no do we drive down there no but look it says yard sale I'm not fine hold on I gotta jump out Nasty's nuts if we get we went down I can't remember it did we go down there did we go down this road we didn't okay there's one down there then all right what no but I just I get confused because of developments can get confusing because there's so many roads in them and it's just like you know Avengers alright so see if we pull up to it there it is this one looks pretty busy so I'll to see but I blown up to another one Sun narrow street - there it is over there I know where I'm gonna park cuz I'll pull over here and we will jump in see if I can find something oh yeah oh wow so just leaving that yard sale as you saw we didn't pick anything up to resale we actually picked up a weight now well we picked up we picked up a table because we need one more table in the eBay room for shipping like a shipping station we have at the table for listing with the white backdrop and we have my desk where the computer is gonna be for listing and stuff like that but we we need a we needed a table for a shipping station so we picked up that table was 15 bucks with two chairs will probably flip the chairs on face book marketplace locally probably get our money back out of it so yeah we have good luck I'm not sure if like a lot of people do this but we've had good luck flipping furniture locally like this past fall we flipped a table and chairs we how much we get them for sick we got them for 10 bucks we got the table that's in the eBay room was too much no I meant the one we flipped the one that we flipped was 20 so he paid 20 for it and then we sold it I thought we sold it for like 80 the next day I sold it for like 80 the next day yeah yeah there was 80 only made $60 profit I remembered making 60 bucks yeah so we flipped the table and chairs this past fall for a profit of $60 in one day that's pretty good yeah because we had that we had a computer here yep Furniture does well at least in our area if it's good if it yeah on Facebook marketplace if it's if it's in if it's in good condition and you know it's a nice heavy piece you know like real wood it'll do well so and that's what these are that we just picked up so we'll probably sell the chairs like it's just said and we'll get our money back we'll get 15 for those chairs easy and we'll have and we'll have a new table for you baby it's an yeah an extent it's really cool yeah so if we ever needed more room or less room or whatever which is kind of cool yeah but I'm thinking I'm gonna use them people as my desk okay well we need our table for listening we need table for listening okay so pulling up to one more sale on the way out of this development says moving sale on a sign up there and I think it's up that hill at that big house so should be pretty cool we'll check it out I'd bring a bag yeah definitely bring it back akia bags yeah we gotta get this is Trader Joe's bag that mrs. Bundy gave us we're gonna use our trusty one-day bag alright here we go I'll try to do some filming when we get up there [Applause] all right so we just got out of that we're gonna call it in a state sale because that's basically what it was it was the owners of the house putting it on but they're moving and everything in the house was for sale pretty much they are it looks like they already pretty much moved out of the house and then everything that they left behind was for sale so it was pretty cool I tried to film a little bit when we were in there but my phone was dying I had like 10% battery and and I needed it to look up some stuff on eBay so I didn't want to I didn't want it to die but I'm trying to get now for later yeah now what's at 36 probably anyway so we spent a total of $45 in there what do we get we got first we got this it's like printing photograph paper with ink in it I'm assuming the ink is expired but it's uh they're not ink sorry what am i calling it calling it Hank film it's got film in it and this is going for between 25 and 40 dollars on eBay and we just by the way we just bundled this all together so we can figure out the average cost of each item but we just bundled it and we get it all for 45 bucks next we have this expired printer ink this is probably this isn't big money probably 10 12 bucks on eBay so get that I found this blade in a closet it's a Voyager vg1 stainless I have to clean it up a little bit it's a little bit dirty but these are going for between 25 and 30 dollars on eBay so pretty good because we have Kimmy we found all these little walls and so I just kept putting balls in the bag but Jeffrey tennis balls set it into that in the bag this is the big item that we picked up this is this is a Canon EOS Rebel XT camera it's an older camera the guy told me when he bought it brand-new he paid like 900 bucks for this thing but uh now I'd say it's worth probably between I'll have to look up comps again I looked them up real quick in there I'm gonna look up the model number directly which is ds-12 s60 7 1 and but from what I did like quick glancing it's probably worth at least eighty to a hundred dollars on eBay it has all the accessories all the chargers batteries he also gave me an extra memory card with it I don't know maybe I can sell this separately it's only one gigabyte though probably not worth much but uh so yeah that was a pretty good pickup there we'll definitely make some good profit off that sale I think so has the manual yep and it came with the case which is an added bonus as well so yeah pretty awesome you would be so proud of Ryan because he literally went in every single drawer every single drawer even just making sure that there was a making sure that there was no mechanical pencils that were old and rare if it was closed I wasn't there I was like what are you doing because Mac said to do this which was good because that's probably how you found the knife - because you went I went in some closets yeah yeah it was like it was a huge house it's an old farmhouse probably I would say was probably built in the 1700s or something like that a nice place but yeah so basically all this that we got was like Ryan's that was $45 $40 was actually what the guy said was what the camera was going for and then everything else was $5 yeah he was asking $40 for the camera alone and then I was showing him everything else in the bag he's like I just give me 45 we'll call it good I'm like all right nice and I thought the guy was saying $5 for like the knife yeah he was just like no no no no like 45 it for everything yeah so we'll make carrot we'll make our money back on the camera alone and some and then everything else profit so pretty good pretty good so all right let's see if we can find any other place to go this place is packed now like there's cars like lining up behind me there's all kinds of cars up the street like it's getting pretty slim picking in there yeah so we definitely jumped in at the right time which is good yeah I know I was just sitting on the floor in the middle of a row I can't believe nobody picked about me I walked by and I saw the the bag and Brian and I'm pretty much we do pretty good with cameras or a certain ones we do really good with and so we walked by it I was like that look good I'll have to test it the guy said it works I took his word for it but I mean worst case scenario if it doesn't work it's worth that in parts so and when we were there I found some walkie-talkies that were there and it had the manual it looked like it was all good and then I saw an outlet so I try to plug them in because I couldn't get them to turn on and I remember always testing so I figured we test it before we'd actually bring it home good thing I did because one of the walkie-talkies is a total dud one of them one charged the other one wouldn't and without the kind of buddy so we kind of left that but that would have been a nice is what it is kind of glad that you guys were in my head and then if you can test in later if you can test so this is how what I do at least if you can test something test it and if you can't test it but you know that you know if you do get it it's a pretty good chance that you make your money back use that as a negotiating tactic I use that at least like when you have something that you can't test make sure to mention that when you're trying to buy it be like yeah I mean I'd really like to have this but I don't know if it works so this is all I'm willing to offer you I have no means of testing it right now so just use that as a negotiating tactic to you know get the price lower that's what I do yeah exactly I don't know if this works I there's no way to test it right now but will you take you know this and then sometimes what people will actually do is they'll be like oh well I have a court for that or did today make you like well I'll take it with the court and then at least you either have a full set that you can actually use or you'll know if you can actually yeah you know use it so anyway see if we can find another place to go we'll go in the yardsale treasure map it has been only 9 o'clock I know Wow where will we go next all right we'll see you the next one so we are going to hit two more garage sales real quick before we head home there's two more that looked like they might be decent we'll have to see so we're gonna do that real quick around the way there now and yeah already so we're pulling up to the down there not seen any signs there was a sign coming in here to the street it says let's see number 18 is what we were looking for 1936 22 yeah numbers are weird on the street that is it it must be yeah let's see yep 18 there it is somebody's backing out of there come on bro I'll wait for them tobacco yeah it's it's down here they don't have it marked or anything son we have a sign yeah but alright so we'll pull down in here and check it out there we go now we can pull down in here if there's anything good they send a lot of furniture and clothing I don't know we'll see how it is but nice house I just waved him he didn't wave back hey take a torch in this maybe all right check it out what could you do on all these gloves I'll buy all of them well yeah it's for here all right so backing out of here as you saw I picked up those gloves five bucks for all of those that's a good price they're older gloves that need to be cleaned up the catcher's mitt alone I think will do really well on I didn't look up any comp sir I didn't look him up at all but I figured for $5.00 can't go wrong now is the time of year to sell them so I think we'll make out pretty good on those I kind of want to look up that catcher's mitt see what it's worth but uh I think we'll do well they're all older gloves some of them are in rough condition but that honestly doesn't matter a lot of baseball gloves people want the ones that are broken in because then they don't have to break them in who's breaking in a baseball glove is a real pain I would know so people like to buy the old ones that are already broken in and all set to go so look at these lifted right away and kind of get it moved [Music] yeah okay it was free three black car pieces in here but it's out of the we get ya know the other three and I just I didn't want to you know buy the clothes I didn't that works fine what could you do for that's important more that that's the expensive one right there so just leaving that last Raj sale that'll be the last one for today you saw I picked up those two electronics it was a as an epson printer and scanner and also that VHS player I completely blind picked those I didn't know what the cops were at all and I heard the guy say everything's going cheap cheap cheap I don't want to bring anything to the dump because they're moving so I was like all right I wasn't gonna buy anything I was gonna walk but after he said that I was like huh so I saw those two electronics they were right next to each other the printer and the VHS player and I was like I'm gonna bundle those together so uh so I asked what he wanted you guys saw anyway I think you probably saw I think I was filming but um he asked me you know what I pay and I was like ten bucks five dollars each and he took the offer so did really well just looked up the comps the VHS player is going for about thirty to forty dollars and the printer is going anywhere between sixty and seventy dollars maybe as high as eighty and yeah he threw it some ink with it so I'll probably throw that in with the deal and then maybe ask a little higher on the on the printer but it's not too heavy I don't think I'll leave that hard to ship probably ship at FedEx or something but uh oh yeah so did the did really well there on that last one and yeah excited to get all the stuff home and get it all listed pretty sweet pretty good day sourcing yeah it was good so we had a pretty great day yarn sailing and estate sailing and garage saleing whatever you want to call it get a lot of good finds we actually just got home and we worked on the eBay room here we did a a live hangout with everybody and while we did this we put together the table we picked up it's a nice big table that we can use for shipping we got our we got our scale and you know our our tape gun and everything that we need for shipping on this table nice big workspace area awesome this is where we had our photo taking area but we move that over to here and it actually freed up a ton of space in this room it's really nice actually really liking it and I think the final step for this room is we're going to put you know shelving here or something for inventory but anyway that being said I want to thank everybody for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video we had a lot of fun today we found a lot of great things and we just had a blast so thank you for watching really appreciate it let us know down in the comments if this past weekend if you found anything awesome at any yard sale or anything like that we'd love to hear what people are finding and some awesome finds that you may have come across so let us know but anyway we will see you tomorrow for the dollar Domino probably and yeah just keep an eye out for that so have a great night everybody thank you very much once again [Music] [Music] she said she still remember what happened in
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 7,939
Rating: 4.8610039 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, treasure hunting, garage sale with me, garage sale finds, undercover yard sale, yard sale ride along, garage sales, look what we found, yard sale finds 2019, yard sale finds worth money, yard sale finds youtube, garage sale finds toys, garage sale finds for ebay, garage sale finds 2019, garage sale finds worth big bucks
Id: KJgHlfoRW8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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