Can I Get This 30 Year Old Yamaha Motorcycle Running?

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the year is 1994 Tanya Harding just took out Nancy carrian OJ Simpson is on the lamb and Major League Baseball was cancelled Honda was winning the middleweight sport bike class but let's be honest we all had this the Yamaha fzr 600 poster hanging in our bedrooms right next to Michael Jordan and Tiffany amberes probably now this bike has the typical story boy buys motorcycle motorcycle helps boy meet girl boy and girl enjoy motorcycle boy and girl girl get married and then the babies come and girl says no more motorcycle so reluctantly boy Parks a motorcycle in the garage one your leads to two two leads to 20 and next thing you know you're in your mid-40s pushing your pride and joy out front for the neighborhood yard sale the story I was told is that this bike was parked 20 years ago and looking at the inspection sticker is proving that story cuz the last time this bike was inspected was July of 2003 somebody got a super sweet yard sale buy now this bike in particular is really nice it's got just over 9,000 Mi it has the sweet paint job and it's a cherry Time Capsule our goal for the day is to get this bike up and running and ready to be put back on the road let's get to [Music] [Applause] work okie dokie all right Craig what you got first step is battery dead in one scenario would it be sitting for 20 years and the battery wouldn't be dead none dude this bike is awesome first step we're going to pull the tank cover off and then the tank and then probably the airbox so we can get to the carburetors wow the tank is man the tank is pretty much pristine can you see that back side yeah I just noticed something really cool uh maybe not at first I thought maybe we don't have to pull this tank because the airbox and the carbs are up here but I think we will have to pull the tank take that cross member and then get to the carbs that way let's put this back in here and take the air filter see what the air filter looks like make sure there aren't any varint living in there some rad 9s varint ah see see all that stuff is all goo and gross there's some in there we're going to want to clean all that out next step going to loosen up these bands and pull the airbox oh that air box is already that one's already loose somebody already monkeying with it why is that one it's tight like band's tight but the clamps loose somebody's been in there monkeying with it somebody's been monkeying I guess I could put this up in the air a little bit I mean it depends on I guess how much you like squatting down you trying to get a workout in on a scale of one that don't talk so dumb don't talk so dumb me getting the work out so far so good let's get this hose off okay o that slides look good not good oh there it goes we got one stuck slide there all right we're going to stand this up in the air we're going to pull the fairings off and uh get these carbs [Music] pulled beautiful panels man I really like this bike all right Dan what would you do next I don't know you trying to trying to pull the carbs out I see some cracking here on these intake boots they look to be superficial but we want to keep that in [Music] mind he that's loose pull this petock handle off C you still like this bike yep I don't know how they got the fuel clamp thing though on the other side I don't know how they did that there still love it fuel line's getting there it is hi okay that was fun that was neat you going to have just as much fun getting it back on yeah no it'll be better we're going to have new fuel line there it is oh fuel pump is there a nut or anything on there yes want me to do it yep okay there it goes oh you got it out okay it's tight we need to get that light in here so I can see what I'm doing look look at you Dan I have stuff do you have things and stuff yeah do you do things and stuff oh I do all kinds of things yeah but do you do things and stuff or just things just things probably yeah I'm not not too good at the stuff I'll do them though poorly oh for criminate stand on my flipping head or I could just walk around the other side of the bik is that the next thing you need is like suspension ropes like you put on a harness and you can just like hang dangle upside down while you're doing crap like this yes all right did these things loosen up at all I believe so still going to be a little fun to get out of there always paranoid these carburetor Junctions get brittle from age okay so we got that out now we need to do okay so that's going to come along let's see let's get this out of the way throttle ca's ready to pull I don't think I need to pull this [Music] bracket there we go and there we have a beautiful rack of carbs yeah I'm M loving this let's get this throttle cable take choke cable off yet come [Music] on and there we have it a rack of fcr carburetors got some old gas dripping out of there smell that dude that'll clean out your sinuses so one of the other things with this bike is it does have a slight oil leak so I want to figure out where that's coming from and we're going to address that as well while we have things apart oil is tricky oil is tricky to find a leak because it could be leaking here but maybe it drips down and the wind blows it a little bit like you have to really pay attention couldn't it be somewhere really bad like inside the engine and like you have to almost take the engine apart yeah that would be bad I'd forget it was leaking oil at that point just park it over a paper towel let's see so here I see a drip of oil if you look I see a drip right there and the filter is tight so there's a plate filter and then this looks like a plate or something all right let's look at the parts book and see what's going on with that piece 95 oil pump no oil cooler yep all right oil filter screws onto the union bolt number one they're calling an adapter plate number three is an O-ring I'm going to say we need that O-ring darn it cost $88.95 to ship a $757 o-ring can you order some more other stuff I think it's like 150 bucks to get free shipping we need a lot of O-rings do you need a new drill do I just order like another $145 wor this stuff cuz then we save almost n bucks M yeah that's like women math that's what that is okay so it's been a couple days we put together the parts order got everything ordered it finally came in day or two later we got oil we got air filters we got oil filters spark plugs carb kits battery o-ring to make that filter adapter stop uh leaking hopefully let let's get through these carbs and get this bike running here look you can see what it was see that that goo on that needle the different color that's what it was stuck on that was stuck in there oh yep now we just have to clean it oh my look how gooey they are oh oh man look at that look at that nonsense yummy yeah that uh they are gross boy oh boy we're going to spray a little carb cleaner in there we need to get those pilot Jets out and they are Stu stuck down in [Music] there okay we need to get this stuff more cleaner yeah way more [Music] cleaner those in and soaking and then those Will Go On Top top and then we're going to have to do a batch with [Music] those okay so while that's doing its thing let's do the oil man that's nice clean oil it's a shame but it's got to be done okay so we have car parts cleaning and soaking we're going to change the oil a while and pull that filter and we're going to replace that O-ring that is the plan and we should be good to go hopefully that stops the leak carbs should be done cooking Buzz through them get them all clean put a little oil on the new o-ring that goes in there little tab gets put in the right position that is torqued we're going to put all this back oh boy there's more than one um seiling washer on here it's like five of them let's take these off we don't want extras on there that's not good you never want a double stack seiling washers and this has two three four this had four of them on put one on which is correct we're going to get the underside here really good and clean just so we can make sure that the oil leaks are all fixed okay drain plug's tight oil filter is on we'll dump oil in 2200 CC's one liter that's 1,000 so it's going to take two of these plus a little okay back to carburetors are we looking Craig looking good man these are really these are dirty are they clean yet yep y let's go back together so impatient Craig is the car put back together yet is it done yet is it done yet is it done yet can you put it can you put it back in the bike yet we got to make sure all this stuff here is Uber super clean man these things are nasty still nasty all right we got to let those soak a little bit yet how are we missing a float are we missing a float no we're not it's right one we oh thank you Craig losing floats jeez what else you losing my mind apparently now like most inline fours getting the carburetors back in is a bit of a chore but here's a tip a little silicone spray on the intake boots and the carbs will slide right in hook up the throttle cables and don't forget the choke cable and here's another Pro tip if you're having a hard time getting the airbox boots to fit over the carbs heat them a little with a heat gun and they'll pop right on now watch my soul leave my body as I realize I forgot to hook up the choke cable and I I need to do this all over again all right so we have clean carburetor airboxes on clean oil oil filter new O-ring for the oil filter base plate new fuel filter new battery let's turn the key on see what happens fuel pump what what was that that was the fuel pump oh it was do it supposed to do that yep no leaks no drips all right let's see if this thingle fire up fuel pump where would the choke be oh right here oh my gosh what what' you do I didn't hook up the choke all right we're going to see if it starts anyway all right here we go yeah buddy ah nice nice nice 20 years of [Music] sitting just going to let it warm up a little bit we're going to sink those carburetors I'm going to check oil level now that it's run for a minute got my new Digi SN here I mean we're really spot about spot on here 62 60 I don't know how much closer we're going to get than that a little high on the idle idle's probably supposed to be right around 1100 is so what sinking the carburetors does if you look down in here Dan do you see that butterfly in there so when I turn the throttle see how that opens so as you roll on the throttle you open up that butterfly you're creating more air coming through here as air is coming through the carburetor body with CV carburetors like this the pressure differential through here is what activates these diaphragms and lifts the slide up okay increasing RPMs what sinking the carburetors means or when people say they're sinking the carburetors what that means is you're taking all those butterflies and setting their initial spot all even so not that you have like not that you have one here and then your next one's here and then here and then here it lines all the butterflies up so that the carb is nice and smooth on acceleration and everything is working in unison so it actually reads a vacuum if you look on this bike here I have these lines running from my sink and they're actually running here to these little adapters I put on the intake manifold and then the hose goes onto that goes into the digi syn and then that is that is checking the pressures and making sure all the vacuum's the same that's going to tell you that your butterflies are all set equally and you're ready to go and then the way you sync it is one is your base one carburetor is going to be your base carb and you syn the other carburetors to that base carb and they're generally little screws like this one here is underneath so there's actually a screw in under here I know you can't really see my finger but you can see that plate with the spring and there's a screw so it'll syn this one right here's a sink and then there's one here so four carburetors three sink screws because one's your base and that's pretty much how you sink a carburetor stand on my head to do this okay I got them all within a point of each other that's good enough I'm going to finish getting this thing buttoned up and then we got to put the Plastics on and take it for a ride [Music] [Music] oh and there you have it the 1994 Yamaha YZF is that a YZF or yzr the 1994 Yamaha yzr 600 this bike is awesome 14-year-old me is grinning ear to year oh ran over the GoPro finally got a chance to ride one of my my favorite bikes of all time this guy found this bike at a garage sale and it is sitting for 20 years a fresh battery a carb clean and oil change this thing's ready to go and of course still need to fix the brakes and change the tires and do some of that stuff man what a fantastic bike and there you have it guys just one more fantastic motorcycle that's back on the road again I love this bike this thing is so cool and there you have it guys after 29 years I finally got to ride that bike that I had the poster hanging on my bedroom wall when I was just a kid oh I'm excited this thing is awesome thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe check out one of these two videos right here I know you're going to love them wonder if they'll sell this thing
Channel: The Bearded Mechanic
Views: 670,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2JrlWKpETzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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