xTools Rotary Attachment 2 PRO Complete Setup

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hi welcome to paw paws workshop well i have a new favorite tool in the shop i just received from xtools my rotary attachment 2 pro and the results with the chuck attachment on this is absolutely fantastic now i left the paint on here so you could see that in the camera but it is absolutely amazing i'm going to show you today how to get this set up and how to be able to do the engravings with this amazing attachment i'm gonna do a different type of review today and reverse the order a little bit the reason being is i was so excited when i received this in the mail that i just grabbed the box open it up it set it up and started engraving and i was having a ball and realized i didn't do the opening of the box to show exactly what's inside of it so in this case you get to see the actual product in action and then we're going to back up and open the box again i literally took everything apart reassembled it inside of the box so that i can show you exactly what's there but the results of this are absolutely fantastic it solves so many problems that the different rotary rollers have this truck attachment is absolutely fantastic so now that i've had the opportunity to try it out let's go back to the beginning and i want to show you this brand new tool that i just received in the mail let's get it open i want to show you everything that's inside of it and quite frankly guys this is one box that i actually would hang on to and use the different means to be able to store everything there's a lot of different components in this one all right so here we go let's go ahead and open up this box and take a look and see what's inside now i want to go ahead and get everything out of the box basically you have two components you got the small box and then you have this one so we're going to get this out and set it aside for right now and we're going to look at the manual first now the first thing of course you're going to have the manual now this manual is set up with all of the different languages and it's basically just a picture book of exactly what comes with it it also includes exactly how to assemble it and how the different components work it does not tell you how to use this rotary roller that you're going to have to be able to gain the experience from so for now let's go ahead and set this manual aside and open up this so this is the rotary attachment itself right here which is really a very traditional looking roller now this roller is adjustable so that you can change the different positions on it this one is a fixed roller and if you look down inside here and i don't know if we're going to be able to catch this in the camera or not but there is a belt right here and that belt is used to be able to rotate these two rollers now as far as the wiring you have wires not only for the x tools d1 but you have these various attachments so that you can literally use these to be able to attach this rotary to other manufacturer uh laser machines which i think is absolutely amazing that's something they didn't have to do now you're also going to get this little small tool this is a little hex wrench that you're going to need to be able to take the screws in and out now these are the little pins that basically you'll be able to screw into the truck and be able to engrave very small items even items such as the ring you'd be able to attach on here that's something you can't do with the other rotary attachments of course you have the various screws and there's another allen wrench in there and you have a little handy level this is the first support that you can have if you have like a wine glass or anything that's not completely a true cylinder you can adjust this height to be able to help get your item level so that's a nice tool so we'll use that air later on and now for the fun part this is the chuck and all the attachment that goes with the truck in this top of tray you're going to have all the jaws that will attach to the chuck and then down on this bottom tray we'll pull this out and this has the truck itself it also has a second support stand and this is another tool that helps support the items let's say a baseball or maybe a christmas ornament and i'll show you that one a little bit later as well so i'll set those two aside and we're gonna go ahead and take a look at the chuck itself you're gonna have the belt that will attach right here to be able to go down to the stepper motor this will open up and the jaws on here would open up and they have different attachments these pins are one attachment that actually screw into here and you also have these so when you have different shape objects you can attach them at the different level points and they also have one with the deeper type slot in there to build a holder item of course you have your tape measure you're definitely going to need the chuck key and then this is the attachment that we're going to put onto the stepper motor to be able to put the belt to the truck so let me show you how we're going to put all of this together now i mentioned a moment ago i would certainly suggest hanging on to this pieces because it's a perfect fit for all the different accessories and you don't want to lose any of these so my plan is for right now i'm going to keep everything in the box but later on i'm going to set up a dedicated drawer to be able to have all the different components in so i don't lose any of these parts because all of these are very very important to be able to uh have to be able to run this machine correctly all right let's go ahead and put this truck on we're going to drop these two these are the m4 20. we'll drop those right in there where they go and then we're going to attach the belt also with the two screws in position and the belt attached then we can take the chuck and drop it right down onto the rotary roller and remember there's a little slot there that it slides into and that gives you a perfect fit and it gives you the correct alignment for the screws directly into the hole and then it's just a matter of simply screwing them down tight and that's it it's really very very simple okay the chuck is now on now the other thing i would suggest doing you have some set screws here all the way around make sure those are tight also because if it comes loose in the shipping then what will happen is when you're trying to do a project this will actually rotate on this shaft and cause problems now on each of these jaws you have a series of holes and you have to be able to make sure that you line up the correct ones you can actually use so you have to be able to attach both of these screws you can't have it extend all the way out here because you're going to get excessive movement but you can put it where this screw hole right here we'll line up with this outer one and that will work fine or you can also move it in to this enter one and then the alignment is perfect so that gives you two choices in the manual it says you can hold items anywhere all the way from one millimeter to a hundred millimeters so we're just going to go ahead now and attach the jaws and you don't want to mix up the jaws if you're going to use this step jaw uh go ahead and use that for all three of them don't try to mix and match them so when you attach the glass in here or the object you want to make sure that it actually sits flat on the bottom of the jaw because you can clamp it down and it not be square and flat to the bottom so there we go that is done now i'll take the truck key and just tighten that just about a quarter of a turn with the truck key that's not a quarter of a turn on here it's about a quarter of a turn on the truck key itself and all that does is snug it up so it holds it then you can turn this a little bit and just take a look at the other end and make sure that it turns true if it's not then more than likely you don't have the base of your glass sitting flat in the jaws now i'm going to take this one off and i want to look at another one now when you have a glass like this this is a stimulus wine glass and that is going to be where you can't attach it this way because it will slip off and if you turn it this way and if you put it on the outside you're going to be losing some of the area to be able to grip with and you can also see that the diameter of this stimulus wine glass is larger than the first glass so in this case these rulers are going to have to come off now to remove the roller you have a screw right here and one right there to be able to loosen and remove the rollers now remember once you remove the screws don't forget you have a belt attached to the other end so you're going to have to work with that just a little bit to be able to take the roller out without taking that belt off the roller closest to the stepper motor will slip out the sprocket will come with it and that's okay that is as it should be because this one's adjustable and it would just move from one slot to the other now on the fixed ruler just take that screw out the way you did before we'll go ahead and take this bearing off the end as far as the other end where the belt is attached you have two little set screws that you will need to loosen and once they are loosened then the roller will just slip right out and the belt is still attached and now we're going to be able to attach the glass the most common way would be to put this on the outside we can extend this out just like this put it in where it's nice and flat tighten it down we have the clearance all around and we can engrave just like that now you have to be careful because your laser the shield on the laser may hit the jaws on this chuck so another way that you can do it is let's close this down inside and we're going to put this inside of this now i want to have this where it's actually a line with the base of the jaw just about like that again i'll be able to tighten this then i'll rotate this to make sure that it's going true and that looks real good so that gives you an alternative way to be able to attach the glass to it and keep these jaws out of the way now probably the best thing to do is go ahead and take these rollers off when you're putting and using the truck itself not absolutely necessary and required because if you have the diameter in this case the glass that's small enough and those rollers are not hitting the glass then it's okay to leave it on but just from a safety standpoint in precaution so it doesn't give you trouble just go ahead and remove the rollers now as far as this attachment it has the little t-slot that will slide right into here that can slide in and then that will give you the support that's lined up dead center on there so this will just slide in and then you can take maybe a christmas ornament or in this case a baseball we could fit that right in here to the chuck slide this down and then tighten it and we'll go ahead and tighten this and in this case i have the step jaws in place more than likely what i would do if i was going to actually engrave this right now is use the deeper jaw and that would give you more support onto the baseball but with this support in place and this attached even in the step jaws you can see that this works just perfectly it has everything aligned exactly the way it needs to be then we can go ahead and release it and we're ready to have our name or whatever engraved on the ball now this is the only um glass that i have that has the stem on it and this is definitely a decorative type of glass that i've quite frankly had for years but i still want to be able to go ahead and show you so you can put this into the chuck and you can find the best spot for it and this is why you have a step chuck so i can set that right there and tighten that down and then you can use this attachment to be able to support it that can sit right there and then we can raise this up and i'm going to go ahead and tighten this just a little bit and now that will work just fine so if you want to engrave something down in this area you certainly could if you were going to engrave higher then you'd have to worry about the chuck but i wanted to point out just how this support worked to be able to hold a stem type glass so the support works fantastic but what i'm going to do is go ahead and take this out one of the things you could do if you took the jaws because these jaws are not going to go tight enough and just simply turn them around and put them where that portion would be on the inside and that way it would fit inside of the glass and you could do it the same way as i did this one support it from the inside and you could still tighten it and support it now another way that you can hold this is use the bottom of the glass so let's open this up and tighten that down just like this and then we'll use the support out here just like that and then this would be able to rotate and that would support the glass that way so there's all kinds of ways that you can use this to build and make it work and that would work just perfectly and that way you'd be able to engrave in this area right there so keep your options open and you can use these various accessories in a number of different ways to be successful with your project next i want to show you a couple of ways to be able to do this mug with the handle now if you have a fairly small logo you can still put it onto the rotary attachment in this manner so i'm going to go ahead and set this up and just slip it right inside and then from there i'm going to tighten this and just as a backup you can slide this on tighten it down and then you have the range of motion from there all the way around to the edge of the cup to the edge of the handle and that gives you a significant size logo that you can put into that space so that's one way of being able to do it and this you can't do with this standard roller type rotary rollers so this chuck is invaluable now if you want to put a logo around much larger where this handle will get in the way and actually hit the base let me show you a alternative way to be able to do it so i'm going to go ahead and release this now in this case we're going to take this chuck and actually turn it around and have it face in this direction and we're going to do that by removing these two screws and i'm removing these two screws on the bottom now i'm going to put these screws back in right here now just to make it clear the only thing that i did when i removed those two screws at the bottom is turn the truck around and i used the same two screws back in the same two holes and it just puts the truck on the opposite side now i'm going to go ahead and replace this chuck right back here with the belt on it now this can be done without removing the chuck it's just a lot easier to be able to do it without the chuck in place now that i have everything turned around i'm ready to attach the cup and this time i'm going to go ahead and attach the cup uh to the truck using the bottom of the cup and that way it'll hold it nice and secure and it'll keep that handle out of the way it's important to note now that you're going to need to be able to raise up the rotary attachment high enough depending on that handle to make sure that it clears in this case i just use a three quarter inch piece of plywood you also notice there's a weight there i have to have a weight on the end of that panel to be able to act as a counterweight so that it won't tip over small price to pay to be able to have full access to that cup and to have that handle clear well at this point i hope you can see just how versatile the ra2 pro actually is having this rotary attachment in your shop to be able to be in conjunction with your laser is absolutely amazing now the next phase i want to be able to show you how to set it up on the xtool laser now at this point i'm going to be able to go through the wiring and the actual setup and show you how to do it in the next video we're going to do some actual engraving one of the things that you're going to have to do is be able to raise up the laser now i use these one quart uh paint cans to be able to do it and quite frankly i wish they had included in this kit the leg extension but unfortunately they did not so that has to be purchased separately but this is a real good workaround it just gets you four paint cans and set the laser up now these paint cans being a one quart can actually was a little bit too high so what i ended up having to do when i put the rotary roller in is raise it up a little bit too i needed an extra three quarter inch piece of plywood to be able to put underneath the rotary attachment to be able to get it up high enough to be able to have it where i could focus the laser now this may need to be adjusted depending on the type of project that you're actually engraving so now on to the wiring on the back of the rotary attachment you have the stepper motor and this is the plug-in right here that you're going to need to be able to plug the wire into now this wire is coming from the y-axis so we need to go on the x-tool to be able to locate the y-axis stepper motor now i mentioned earlier along with this kit not only do you get the necessary wiring to be able to connect a rotary attachment to the x-tool but you also have these adapters and for this application we're going to need this one right here to be able to plug into this cable to attach to the x tool so this one i'm going to go ahead and set it back in the box for future use on the back of the stepper motor on the rotary attachment i'm going to go ahead and plug in this cable right there and then we'll bring this around to the front left of the machine so that we can plug it in so i'm going to unplug this right there now i need to go ahead and plug this in right here to the cable itself and then this attachment will plug into this wire right here and that is the installation of the wiring with this little small wiring harness that goes in between to have the right match on the plugs as far as this wiring itself i would suggest taping that down so i just took a couple pieces of the painters tape and taped this so it was out of the way and that way i don't have to worry about it so that's really all there is to setting up the machine the next thing we have to deal with do is connect to software and in my case i use the light burn so as far as setting up the rotary attachment to the laser itself is really very simple you just need to make sure that you're using the correct adapter to be able to plug in the wiring other than that is simply plug in each end of the cable one into the stepper motor on the rotary axis and one end to the y-axis on the laser itself now if you're using a different manufacturer of the laser to be able to attach this you're going to be doing the exact same thing and be aware though that y-axis stepper motor will be located someplace different on your machine just make sure that you identify the correct one and to be able to unplug that stepper motor of course the y-axis is the key and then you'll be able to go ahead and plug it in and with the different adapter cables you should be able to use just about any of the different lasers that are on the market now i was so happy that this rotor attachment came in on time because i needed to do about 12 glasses with this logo on it now you notice the width is at two inches and the height is at one inch that proved to be important now in the next video i'm going to show you how i came to that conclusion and the settings i'm using are 30 inches per minute and the power is 70 percent in the next video i'm going to go ahead and go through exactly how i set this up and how i established the fact that i need to be able to in essence shrink that height because when i actually was doing the test if i wanted this to circle one time it actually circled around twice so the simplest solution was just to be able to reduce the image itself by half and it gave the perfect results now this video is actually getting a little bit long and i don't want to shortchange it if you will on being able to show you exactly how to set this up but being able to do this type of engraving on a production run really turned out quite nice and all i need to do is just wash the paint off and it's finished i want to thank everybody for watching this video your support and watching these videos and supporting this channel is a reason this channel exists if it weren't for you guys i wouldn't be doing this so in this video i hope that you is able to see just how versatile that this rotary attachment 2 pro is it is literally a game changer and by shop literally well i was so excited when i received this because i had all those different glasses to be able to engrave and i set this up immediately even before doing the videos and it just made life so much easier so hopefully if you choose to get one of these you're going to be able to find all types of different possibilities to be able to use an engraved different object that you could never have done before now in the next video i'm gonna go into detail on exactly how i set it up using the light burn software and explain how i got the ratios correct so if i moved it one inch it actually moved one inch so don't want to forget that one please if you haven't subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button down there and the little bell notification because you're not going to want to miss on exactly how to set it up too many times there's videos out there that just skip over this process and i want to be able to show you exactly how to be able to do it so until next time i look forward to seeing you in that next video where we go into more detail on this rotary attachment 2 pro
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 54,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser engraving for CNC, wine rack, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch, Fox Alien
Id: Se2Vdz2mxCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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