Everything You Need to Know to Calibrate xTool D1 Chuck Accessory Using Lightburn

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wow these turned out beautiful and i can't wait to show you how to do it hi everyone welcome to pop-out workshop many of you have asked to be able to take the x-tool rotary roller with the chuck attachment on it and show you how to be able to use it a lot of you have said that you're using the laser box and want to switch to light burn so in today's video i'm going to take the opportunity to be able to show you how to set it up in light burn get it calibrated and then do some engraving i've taken the cable and plugged it into the back of the rotary roller and i'm now going to plug it in to the control board this time in the previous video i plugged it into the y-axis so this end is going to be plugged in right here at this point now this actually is controlling the z-axis and that's very very important to note in light burn software you actually have to go into the settings and enable the z-axis for this to actually function the y-axis even though you don't need it is still actually active and functional here's some basic settings that we need to take care of first so let's go to the edit menu and settings this window pops up and this one we need to turn on show the rotary enable on the main window so let's turn that on click ok and you'll see that pop up right down here on the bottom left hand side so let's go ahead and turn that on now with that setup let's come up to the tools menu slide down to the rotary tools setup and let's just select the chuck we're also going to be using the z-axis this time so forget about the y we're going to use the z-axis on this video today now we need to take a look at these settings and the first one is the object diameter so get out the calipers and let's measure this that's 3.805 now that's in inches so i'm going to go ahead and enter that in as the 3.805 and that will calculate the circumference for me and that is going to be the important element that we need to be able to use i'm going to go ahead and open this up one more time for the rotary setup you can see i have the 3.805 entered in for the object diameter and the circumference is calculated right there for you so the circumference with the 3.8 inches it's going to be 11.95376 i want to come back over to the main window now and select this rectangle tool and i'm going to make a rectangle because this is in essence like a piece of paper that would wrap completely around the cup and that's basically how we're going to be using this but we're going to use the computer to do it now at this point i need the height to be the actual circumference so go ahead and put that number in for your actual circumference and then as far as the width you need to go ahead and have this down to a very small number i actually put the width in here as two inches and that's really way too big and then i changed it to one inch not even thinking in my mind i was thinking that was one millimeter but it's not it was actually one inch now i went ahead and changed this on the zero zero line to a line i don't need this being a fill and i will zoom in so that you can see this so this is in essence my piece of paper that will wrap completely around the cup again we're going to use the computer to do this though but i want to change this width i want to get the width down to point one of an inch make sure that this is unlocked and on the width i'm going to go ahead and enter into 0.1 and of course the height is the correct number so there's my little strip now a lot of people will take masking tape or painters tape and wrap it around the cup to be able to engrave this but i'm going to do this a little bit different way now granted the painters tape would be a little bit more accurate but for what i'm doing this will work just fine and i've shown how to use the painters tape with this method in other videos first thing we need to do is calibrate how many millimeters per rotation so i put a little piece of tape here just to make sure that i knew exactly the start point and then i'm going to go ahead and click start and we're going to run this [Music] and you can see that it's turning right around exactly where it needs to go and let's see where it stops should stop right there and it does so that is very very close and that's taken me a couple of um adjustments to be able to get exactly where it needs to be another way you can do i have a little tiny pencil mark right here and i can put my pencil right on that point [Laughter] and i'm going to hit start and we'll run that again and this will actually be a little bit more accurate now it's coming up on the point and is just shy of making that complete circle so i'm going to go ahead and make a small change on my setting and reason i didn't use the painters tape i was afraid that that painter tape would pull off this tempura paint so come back up here to the tools come down to the rotary setup and this is at 14.25 i need very very little s so i'm gonna put this at 14 35 and we're going to run this one more time so i'm going to hit ok and then we're going to run this job once more [Laughter] i'm going to use my pencil again holding it right on that point we'll hit start that's almost so i think i'm going to call that good at 14.35 at this point now you know that 1435 millimeters per rotation is what this truck is doing yes so at this point the next thing i want to make sure is that i am actually going to be facing the right direction i need to rotate my image to the right 90 degrees because this is the open end of the glass now this is a very strange cup because it is round at the top but it tapers down and it's a pentagon shape at the bottom but still the main engraving area i want to be able to keep that level and i want to keep the chuck itself parallel to the gantry so we're going to make some small adjustments to make sure that it's exactly where it needs to be i've also painted this glass all the way around this is my test subject glass and this also needs to be level on this flat portion as well with all the calibrations done the only thing left to do is to frame this to make sure it's going to fit exactly where i want it so i'm going to go ahead and hit start and we're going to frame exactly where this is going to engrave and i have this at very low power not sure if you're going to be able to see that dot that actually looks real good i think that is going to work just fine so we're going to go ahead and engrave this and see what it looks like i do need to adjust the power settings i'm going to open up the library come right up here to my picture frame glass i'm going to open that up and i have an edge fill for my glasses so that's the one that i want to be able to select now with the actual layer selected i can go ahead and highlight this add it to the layer and you can see that those settings will drop right into position now the important thing is i need this at 30 inches per minute and 60 percent power i need to change that to this other one also so again we're just going to identify the layer click on add to the layer and you can see that change right there the next thing i need to do is make sure that i change this to a line the little pink portion there in the center for the pelican has to be a line and on the other layer for the green layer that has to be the fill you also notice on the image that is not quite a perfect circle i had to adjust the width of this to be able to fit the curvature of the glass now this was a little bit of a challenge because of how this glass was tapered so this is not absolutely perfect but it's close so you can see that that is a 1.75 and then the other measurement is about 1.87 now at this point we've hit the start and it's actually engraving and this would be absolutely perfect if i had used the y-axis connection as i had in the previous video but in this case we've got an error take a look at this this is actually engraving in the opposite direction i need to mirror this and this is something that you must do in the uh light burn right up here you've got to flip that image so once i have it flipped well i'll be able to do this on the next engrave i actually decided to go ahead and let this finish in craving because yeah it could be a little bit of a joke class to be able to see when you look inside of this class it's going to show the correct way but on the outside it's going to be reversed and then i'm going to flip this glass over and wish it was four sides instead of five but it's not but i'm going to engrave it in the correct direction on the other side of the glass but this shows you what happens and why you need to test test and do some more tests so please make sure that when you're using this setup that you actually flip it on the horizontal so that you get this oriented correctly now this was an error that i did not expect because it worked perfectly on the last engraving but again i use the y-axis now in the previous video i actually typed out the word test and ran my little test job to make sure that it was oriented correct i didn't do that on this one shame on me the other thing i want to point out is while this was engraving on that first side i made the change you can make changes in the software while it's engraving because everything's already been downloaded and it's in the control board so now we finish the other side and we're hitting start again and we're making our second engrave and i think you'll see a big difference this time now this time it's coming out and it's looking really really good now the difference being the last video that i did i actually used the y-axis now the last video i plugged it in right here for that cable and this was running off of the y-axis and it was oriented correctly in this video i'm actually plugging it into the control board itself and this actually is on the z axis and that makes all the difference in the world but when it's plugged into the z-axis you need to be able to mirror the image so that it will engrave correctly now if you're using this rotary roller on a different machine and you're actually plugging it into the y-axis more than likely you're not gonna need to mirror the image but the only way to know for sure is to be able to do a test engrave first okay this is all finished now we're gonna go ahead and loosen this up we're going to remove this we'll slide it out of the way and we'll remove this cut and this time the image looks fantastic and the only thing that was wrong with the other one is it had just mirrored and that was because we had used the z-axis versus using the y-axis so with this success now i'm going to go ahead and put the other ones in and get them engraved i hope you found this video useful to be able to show you exactly how to set up the rotary ruler with the chuck attachment on it because this is an amazing tool in the instructions it says that you can engrave up to a hundred millimeters well this cup is actually 96.6 so it just about maxes it out and it has worked perfect even with the extreme heavy bottom that's just how easy it is to be able to change it out we're going to put the level on back here to make sure that it's level so that will get me in the center that looks real good and the next thing we'll do now that this is all set up we'll change the image now because i may want to do this image again i'm going to go ahead and save it and put it in the art library and to be able to do that all i need to be able to do is right here click on this one that says import graphic from the project and it's going to ask me for a name and i'm going to put in the mirror i'm going to put in lt for lieutenant and i just hit ok and it saves it from there i just cut this image and it's time to bring in the next image and all i need to be able to do is just size it and hit start and it'll be engraving perfectly of course you have to be able to rotate it to 90 degrees to be able to get it oriented to the end of the cup and you have to don't forget you have to mirror this image and of course i'm going to put the size exactly as i did before the 1.75 inches on the width and 1.87 on the height and that will take care of it all i need to do is just hit the start button and we'll be able to finish this job well there you have it all the details to be able to set up your rotary roller with the chuck accessory to be able to get perfect engraves each and every time if you like this video today please go ahead and give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell notification i look forward to seeing you in the next video so for now bye-bye
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 12,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser engraving for CNC, wine rack, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch, Fox Alien
Id: h6epNnjUplM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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