XTOOL Scanner Capturing Live Data with Triggers Emailing Reports Screen Recording and Exporting Data

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we have the cylinder head temperature so it was a constant 16 degrees and then you see I started the engine and it rose up good day folks it's DIY guy123 here bringing you another do-it-yourself video today we're going to be messing around with the X tool D7 scanner some people have asked me to explain how to collect live data and how to export the live data and also to set Min and maximum values on the live data so that if the data being received is out of what you've determined as minimum to maximum it will show up as red so it's easier to see so for example if you're having problems with the temperature sensor reading and you know that right now it's 17 degrees Celsius and your temperature sensor is showing anywhere from -20 to plus 50 degrees Celsius you can set the Min and the max range to be like plus or minus a couple degrees from where you believe it actually is and that parameter will show as healthy or blue when the sensor is reading correctly but when the sensor goes out of range and shows like plus 50 degrees Celsius that parameter will show up as red so that's one thing I'm going to show you and the next thing is how to record live data for a longer period of time and then export to export it to a computer so you can actually see the data on a larger computer screen you can send it to someone you could use other tools like Microsoft Excel to graph it and analyze it so without further Ado let's go okay folks so first thing I'm going to show you is how to start to record the screen so if you are doing a bunch of complicated things and seeing interesting things on the screen this is very helpful on the bottom right hand side there's a video camera if I press that it will prompt me the screen recorder will start capturing everything that's displayed on your screen and if I click Start now now that camera is flashing so everything we're recording or sorry everything we're doing on the screen is being recorded there's also a microphone in the X tool device and if I am kind of speaking quite loudly I think that's it right there to the left of the charging port if I speak quite loudly I think it will record but the audio is better on my GoPro because it's closer to my face so I generally use the audio from my GoPro so I'm just going to let it record for this whole video so the next thing I'm going to show you is if you're doing something interesting and you want to just take a snapshot of it you can do a print screen of this tablet screen by clicking on the bottom right there's a picture frame icon and when you do that it blips the screen and makes a little noise and you know that's the sound it makes when it's recorded a picture so here we go again three two one and that's been recorded on here and I'm going to show you how to retrieve that data after let's get into how we want to view live data and set triggers and do a scan and so on so the key is on on this car it's a 2012 Mustang and I can certainly pick auto scan and when I do that it's automatically detecting the vehicle and it brings up the model year the size of the engine automatic mileage Etc so from here we can either select the individual system we want to scan or we can do an automatic scan so let's do an automatic scan and this automatically checks all of the modules and this car has 15 modules you see module 1 of 15 is being scanned two three four five six seven eight nine ten fifteen all the way so all the 15 modules are scanned this one has a power steering angle sensor that's out of calibration that I can fix with this tool so that's why that failure is there and then we have an accessory protocol interface module failure don't know what that is and then we have an ABS failure that's an old code that isn't active anymore and then we have a powertrain control module that doesn't have any dtc's now at this point if you just want to don't want to investigate anything you're done doing your troubleshooting and you want to clear all the dtc's you can do that from here on the right but we're not going to do that so if we want to generate a DTC report just it doesn't show all the summary of stuff that passed it just shows the failures you click DTC report and this gives you a nice clean list of all the diagnostic trouble codes that are on the car hey interesting information let's do a print screen and it's that easy okay so now let's pretend we want to look at live data and we want to diagnose things I could show you one of the systems that has a failure but with abs I'd have to uh I'd have to maybe have the vehicle rolling and things like that to do some Diagnostics I I just wanted I don't want to actually have the car running right now because it's really early in the morning and the car is pretty loud I don't want to wake people up so to demonstrate live data I'm going to go into the powertrain control module it's already highlighted you can you can highlight it and then I want to pick diagnose and here are a bunch of options what we're going to do is go into live data and so it's loading all the parameters for that module and some modules have not very many parameters this module has 314 parameters some of them are voltages output from a sensor some of those are interpreted pressures or torques or things like that from a sensor and others are statuses of hey there's a fault or there's no fault or it's off or it's on so you have the name the value in the unit of the of the parameter that you're monitoring so for demonstration purposes I'm going to pretend that there's some problem with the accelerator pedal or accelerating in the car you know maybe it accelerates from like one to two thousand really nicely and then all of a sudden it accelerates super hard crazy hard and then um goes back to normal acceleration it sort of high RPMs again so let's I can search for accelerator pedal sensor here with a 314 sensors or I can pick the magnifying glass in the top right and I can type in the search field pedal pedal and by the way it took me a while to learn this to get rid of this keyboard you press the down arrow so that gets rid of the keyboard you can see everything and so if as soon as I picked pedal it highlighted all this parameter names that have pedal in them I want to monitor position of accelerator pedal also I'm going to press that and when I press on that you'll notice that the check box automatically appears here and Just for kicks I'm going to put my foot to the floor and you can see that the accelerator increases to almost 100 percent not sure why it didn't show 100 but maybe that's a calibration item but anyway yeah I can release it and so that's the position of the accelerator pedal then I'll back at if sorry then I'll go back and add the sensor one accelerator pedal voltage and there's a check box there and you can watch as I press the pedal the voltage changes okay so let's get a little mileage out of this example you can select up to eight of these individual parameters to monitor I'm only going to pick two for now and I want to show you what thresholds or triggers are so if you if you have several sensors you're watching and they're all black and numbers are changing rapidly I know I know when you're looking at that there's only there are only two numbers but when you're looking at this like there are lots of numbers fluctuating it would be really helpful to have it identified if there's something out of the normal range so let's pick the down arrows here and that brings the special graphing function up for each of the parameters and you can see it doesn't look very exciting because the pedals at zero percent right now but I'm pressing it and then I will go down to zero now uh that's you know not very exciting but um let's see if there's some interesting data we can get with this I also see a Min and a max value of 99 Max of 99.5 I'm going to hit the refresh button and it doesn't clear that interesting okay so the refresh button would would um change the zoom in on the X and the y-axis I'll show you that in a minute Okay so let's pretend that we want to have this identified as red or out of range when it's less than 50 percent and greater than 90 percent so the minimum value can be 50 the maximum value can be 90 and we'll to get rid of the keyboard you press the down arrow okay so I just got myself reset here all right so I've set it so that when the accelerator pedal is less than 50 percent the sensor would be red and when it's over 90 it should be read again and so I'm going to gradually increase the pedal and I'm going to do this in a very linear way and you can see the sensor reading is still red up there we're getting closer closer getting closer to 50 and boom it went to Black normal reading normal range and you can see the accelerator graph gently or you know I guess linearly headed right to the peak and of course it's Auto scaling on the Range now there's Full Throttle 99.99.5 and it flat lines and it went to red again after being above 90. so that just demonstrates how you can set triggers or thresholds on the live data and then I will let off again now if you are having problems with acceleration and you were just in a very linear fashion pressing the pedal and your graph I'll sort of simulate it here linear fashion and if you're still pressing the pedal gently ever increasing but you see a big spike like that like that then that would suggest that your sensor is dirty or malfunctioning and so this is one way that you can use to troubleshoot your your sensors Okay so we've got a Min and a Max set for acceler accelerator pedal position and I'm going to minimize that graph you notice I have both these parameters selected you can have up to eight selected and when I click custom it brings them both onto the same view so it only shows you the sensors of Interest which is very helpful and then when you pick combine it shows you a graphic with both of the values in this graphic the blue is the accelerator pedal position and the red is the voltage so I'm going to gently well try to gently press the percentage uh get the get the pedal increasing the percentage and you'll see the voltage is slightly increasing and the percentages drastically increasing what you have here is the sensor voltage is the actual output of the sensor this is the real deal from the sensor and then the percentage is calculated by the computer and so they do follow each other I'll start to let off on the pedal and you'll see the voltage drop and of course the sensor drops as well the sensor percentage calculated percentage drops as well okay now that we have uh some data here I want to show you the zooming the X and the y-axis so the one on the left is the X and it says times one so at this stage we have 10 seconds in this axis if I press it we go from uh 10 to 20 seconds and if I press it again I go from 10 to I go up to 30 seconds 30 yep 30 seconds and then if I press it again it goes back to the 10 seconds so if you want to zoomed in you'll be X1 if you want zoomed out X2 and really Zoom to at X3 so I'm just cycling the throttle fall and then off again so interesting data there on the y-axis same thing right now it's from 0 to 20 for the voltage and zero to 100 if we want to zoom in we can [Music] go X2 and it so it just basically reduces the scale on the right hand side which makes your graphic appear bigger and then I zoomed in again and it reduced it even further which makes the graph appear bigger that would be helpful if you are trying to really zoom in on the data and see like jagged lines and better understand the slopes and so on if we want to kind of get back to the default view we'll pick the refresh button and it brings us back to the default view so that's all that I want to show you about that but there's a data export button and when you click data export it does a it monitors the live data over a period of time and it stores the data I'm just recording 10 seconds it stores it in this path and you see data export is flashing so when I click that it says okay it stopped recording data and it stored that data in this location and that is I believe just a snapshot of only the data here I'm going to do it again actually because I didn't touch the accelerated pedal so let's do it again do export data and then I will Full Throttle it and then I'll come off the throttle and then I will say export data and again it shows where to store it okay the next thing that we can do is do a record and so there's a record button here and this is data recruiting is turned on press it again to turn it off and I will burp the throttle a few times and when I shut it off it says please check in the diagnostic report so let's do that let's back out of live data fully get all the way out out out out exit the automatic scan okay so here we are in the main menu and if you click on report and diagnosis report there is a report that was just generated and so here's the report and it shows summary of the vehicle at the top summary of the trouble codes that are present and then it was a snapshot of live data that was taken and you can see there are all 314 parameters now since we're here if you have this tablet connected to a wireless printer you can print the PDF report this report to a printer or what's really cool is you can click on share by email and it will pop up a new window where you can type an email address and when you hit send this report is packaged up with an email and it gets sent through the extool mail server that's pretty helpful because you know if you're like in your car you don't have a piece of paper you don't want to write in this stuff down hey it's pretty awesome to have this report you have a history of all the trouble codes then you can just archive them and try to fix things and check them again or you know six months later you can run a new report and see if anything's changed I'm also going to back out and do data playback and so when we were in the custom view with only these two sensors and it's playing the recorded frames and uh 285 frames oh there we go there's thread accelerator pedal pressed neat data and uh you can do combine and there you go so this is a this is a replay of the graphic that we saw earlier um so pretty helpful to have that replayed okay so here we are in the house front of the computer we'll get our tablet on and be in the main screen and we take a USB cable plug it into the USB port and when we do that when we do that this notice comes up USB connected touch copy files to or from your computer and that is what we want to do and then down here you click on turn on USB storage and now it is ready and I get this message that pops up there's a problem with the drive scan the drive now and fix it and if I open that up and say continue that's getting it does bring the data up and it's not corrupted so I don't know why it says there's a problem with the drive but I think that I don't know whether it's a Windows thing or Windows Plus android thing but anyway I want to show you the location so under the folder under screenshots folder screenshots you have the screenshots that I took you know there was one of them right so there was one that showed all of the all of the diagnostic trouble codes and I have several so you can right click and copy that and paste it on your desktop or anywhere else on your computer then if we go back out to screen records the most recent one is this one right here after you email a report it stores the emailed report in this folder under diagnosis reports on the tablet diagnosis reports and so there is one I just sent let's look at diagnosis CSV records so here is raw data that we had captured and when I open this raw data on my computer I use OpenOffice because it's free and when you open this CSV file of the raw data it asks you how you want to select separator options so I have separated by semicolon and comma and other with a dash but I don't have space selected and so when I do it that way I get a nice view shown here name of name position of accelerator pedal that's the first sensory monitored then sensor one of accelerator pedal and it shows you all the values that were recorded and if I scroll to the right you're going to now see that these values are greater than 100 or greater than zero percent right as I floored it at this point of the video I'm going to show you some more detailed data that I had captured when I was idling the vehicle and I showed the coolant temperature rising over time and so we'll flip to that now so what we've got here is on the left hand side we have the name of the sensor reading and then we have the unit and then every column after C we have the values and of course when I started this capture the engine was not running so the rpm should be zero but I'm going to just scroll far to the right and oh there you go there's some engine reading so I had started it and the engine crept up and now it's at a fast idle at 1600 RPMs or so okay so fooled around with a bit of graphing here and what you can see is this red one at the bottom this is the transmission temperature this is the voltage and it shows between 0 and 5 volts the voltage changed value ever so slightly but that's when I started it um so the voltage on the battery Rose and that caused the sensor voltage to change which is an interesting observation up here the blue we have the cylinder head temperature so it was a constant 16 degrees and then you see I started the engine and it rose up and then it started to behave like I predicted it it started to round out so it was increasing a value but the rate of increase slowed down and you can see that it's going to but I left it you know running it would eventually stabilized if we also plotted the fan coming on and off you could probably watch the temperature rise a little bit and then the fan would cut in and it would come down it would rise a little bit the fan would cut in and it would come down next would be temperature of the transmission fluid and it looks initially like it was at 25 degrees and then after I started the vehicle the transmission fluid temperature dropped we know that it did not actually drop but again when I started the engine and the voltage on the alternator Rose significantly that caused the sensor to suddenly be more accurate and it showed the transmission temperatures being in the 17 degrees Celsius rain the greenest temperature of the transmission it Rose slowly but obviously not like this they call it the blue is the temperature of air intake and that didn't change in the garage so yeah that makes sense that it would remain flat and the transmission temperature would rise slowly but uh you know it only Rose like two degrees over the height of that whole island whereas the coolant Rose from 16 up to over 40. I'm just changing my columns here that I'm graphing and oh okay well this one is actually cylinder head temperature the sensor voltage not the temperature but the sensor voltage so you can see when we started the vehicle the cylinder had voltage dropped and it seemed to level out around 2 volts so interesting Behavior there and let's see what column I shows us and this is the engine RPM so it starts up I guess it peaked overnight over uh about 1900 RPM when you first start it and then it very quickly dropped down a little interesting Behavior here where it rose up for a sec and then settled out and you can see it came off a fast idle and even though it was off a fast idle in this range um it it really stabilized after it warmed up so something happened at this point maybe it went into closed loop on the up on the oxygen sensor side I'm not sure but you can definitely see it smooth though so just a little bit of interesting data there for you and show you how you can collect the data graph it on a computer and it just gives you more information on how the car is operating it may help you diagnose your issue so there you have it that's going to wrap this one up if you like my videos please subscribe and click the notification button and you all about Wings on in my my hobby life I will have many more videos of the xtool scanner because I'm really enjoying learning how it works and I'm enjoying also responding to your questions and showing you how to do the tests that you want to learn how to do so good luck with your projects
Channel: mr diyguy123
Views: 15,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d7, d8, snapon, snap-on, autel, xtool, obd2, obdii
Id: Q6owi50q6sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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