Xiaomi Update from MIUI 14 to HyperOS, What Has Changed? Should You Update?

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okay so right now we'll be doing a side by side comparison between these two device xiaomi 14 having the new xiaomi hyper OS version one and the xiaomi 13 Ultra is currently sporting the older xiaomi mii4 but this device will be getting a hyper oise update this coming quarter 1 of 2014 but I think it's good for us to know what have changed along the way let's get it started so you'll see this is the default lock screen on both phones so unlocking it this is what you'll be seeing for on for both phones and of course uh we have customized it to the way that I like it for this one so yeah basically you would see the interface has changed a little a little bit but the icon seems to be quite a little bit the same except that of the camera button you see the camera button here the uh lens is looking a little bit bigger this one is a little bit smaller and the setting icon seems to be a little bit different this time around the gallery icon looks different and definitely there are quite some changes here so let's start off with the notification bar so when you drop down you'll see this uh the difference between the two uh on the MU i14 you'll still see the uh signal bars over here and the battery while on the other one the hyper OS you no longer see the battery and of course your signal bar now if you um close everything that's how it looks like so if you drop down here on the menu bar this is what you'll see this is a total revamp this is basically a total revamp if you take a good look at it so uh you'll see two most important icon here the Wi-Fi and the mobile data you'll see it here on the mi14 but you'll see it on top for the hyper OS and this one didn't change though it's a little bit smaller this time around then uh Mi Smart Hub it's the different placement over here then of course the uh music playback it's on another uh location and this one is the major change so you would see that uh all of the shortcuts here are hidden on the lower half of the screen while this one you can swipe it over and check it here now uh while the mii4 uh has a more limited space over here now if you want to add all of the icons you just have to swipe on a third screen so uh let's just say want to add all of them in into this one done so you see a third screen over here now if you're taking a look here on the hyper OS do I want to add everything here all of them would be just simply below the screen all you need to do is just simply swipe up there's more toggles here uh uh to be honest with you as compared to xiaomi mii4 okay so if you swipe it up you'll see all of the shortcuts over here and yeah I I feel it's a lot more option on the hyper OS as compared to the mii4 now we check some widgets over here so let's just see and uh and let's just simply have some fun and check what we can get here from the widgets okay so uh the problem here is that it takes a little while to load because this is a China room well both of them are China room to be to be uh on the fair play a fair comparison so yeah basically it's almost the same I didn't really see too much changes on the uh widgets that you can add okay so um not too much changes if you ask me um let's just quickly take one and compare um let me see something the same uh let's take for example this one okay so the weather forecast widget okay so both of this uh weather forecast widget let's just simply add it over uh to our screen so this what you'll see uh basically it's uh looking the same except that the color seems to be a little bit different clear it out let's just simply set it to the right location okay so uh basically we have the same forecast over here but we would see that this one render it to be a little bit darker compared to the Mi i14 probably that's the difference okay so if we swipe it over here you'll see all of the widgets also here okay so uh on top this one still has the clock this one doesn't have the clock anymore and looking at it it kind of looks still almost the same okay so nothing really has changed that much so let's just simply go into the camera app now uh probably this is one of the more intriguing for me let's just see if there's any changes but basically if you take a good look at it it's exactly the same or the pro mode then uh let's just see for other like documents it's the same uh for poo yeah it looks the same and if you want to um Zoom it it's uh there's the dial and once you zoom it it's also there's also the dial they want to change from Leica authentic to Leica varant just press this button and you want to check more menu just swipe it down you can well freely play with it and basically the camera app is the same so probably one of the uh main changes here is this one you would see uh hyper OS here and xiaomi mini4 over here and the placement is a little bit different this time around you can see all of the quick specs out here but you those don't but you won't see it here on the Shi Mii 14 like check detail in information specs you'll see everything here nothing really different now on inside you would see uh the interconnectivity and more connectivity option is here but you don't see it here on xiaomi maybe you'll be checking inside here but not really all the other notifications all of the other options here are well basically almost the same nothing really has changed that much so the learning curve from xiaomi mi14 to the hyper OS won't be a big problem so before we end let's just quickly see some wallpaper customization this is what you'll be seeing here so uh basically everything been underneath here are almost the same uh except the placement over here okay so uh wallpaper and themes you'll see it here but here you will see the wallpaper and themes now fonts and effects it's here and fingerprint everything's uh pretty much a big icon over here you see the aod here on top and the icons here it's just the change of the placement but basically the menu is exactly the same just check a it's exactly the same now if we check icons it's yeah basically the same now guys what do you think of the changes from the mi14 to the hyper OS version one hit me on the comment section below and let me know what you think and if you like this video don't forget to give me a like and of course a sub to this channel would be exciting I'll see you soon and so and you're watching catchet like And subscribe to my channel Channel don't forget to hit that notification Bell for one of my latest uploads click the dto and for one of my popular uploads click [Music] here
Channel: Gadget Sidekick
Views: 79,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gadgetsidekick, smartphones, lifetstyle, food, gadgets, tech, tech reviews, mobile tech reviews, gadget reviews, phone unboxing, new phones, new phones android, new phones 2023, hyperos, xiaomi hyperos, xiaomi miui 14, miui 14 to hyperos, how to update hyperos, miui 14 vs hyperos, hyperos vs miui 14
Id: 4eAn3lFdIzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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