Xiaomi HyperOS Launcher | Tips & Best Features

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so these past couple of weeks I've been testing out the Poco X6 Pro which comes with xiaomi's fresh new hyper OS launcher packed on there replacing the MIUI of old although anyone who's actually used MIUI might be left with a crippling sense of deja vu see while the UI has been given a proper bit of spit and polish in places anyone who's used a xiaomi phone should immediately feel comfortable with the familiar layout and features that are stuffed inside here in fact most of those changes and updates are hidden away underneath the HUD because hyper OS has been built using fresh new architecture so overall it feels smoother than MIUI it's more energy efficient so it saps less of your smartphone's power and it also takes up Less storage space as well so more room for all of that delicious hentai so let's take a tour of some of the best hyper OS features so you can get the most from your shiny new blower and Hyper OS is also coming to a bunch of older phones as well including the xiaomi 13 and 13t Series so keep keep an eye out for that now in hyper OS you'll be glad to hear that that customization is stronger than ever all you need to do is long press on any spare bit of your desktop otherwise you can also pinch in you'll then be able to add widgets to your desktop you can also change up the home screen settings this includes the grid layout the transition effects and if you tap more you've got plenty of extra options here and this icon in the bottom left corner takes you to the wallpaper app where you got lots of great online options including geeky and we Fu Shenanigans huzzah your nose will be gushing like a gezer in seconds for even more customization options go into the hyper OS settings then scroll down until you see the wallpaper option it's kind of a misn Norma because it actually has quite a lot of extra bits in there including the ability to change up your lock screen got lots of different options here just swipe up and down to flick between the various different templates including my personal favorite rhombus and this just wants to remind you that time is fleeting with pictures of withered flowers and melancholic mountains definitely a pretty good option if you want to start drinking straight after breakfast you've also got the usual magazine style lock screens which are just designed to resemble a magazine cover and if you happen to spy one you really like just hit customize and then you can set it up just the way you want change the fonts the colors all that Shenanigans in many cases you can change up the image which is shown as well and then there you have it we got ourselves a fuzzy new lock screen talk to dorbs bear in mind however if you have the wallpaper Carousel switched on inside of the lock screen settings this will override your chosen lock screen which you just set up so make sure you turn that off now if you jump back into the wallpaper settings you've got various other options including setting up the always on display which sadly here on the Poco X6 Pro isn't actually an always on display at all you can only display it for 10 seconds after tapping it's not bloody always then is it unless you're constantly tapping the bugger but anyway that way gripe aside you've got the usual excellent selection of always on display options again customizable get it just to your liking and yes this does include the usual inspirational messages which thankfully you can delete and replace with your own in here you can also change up the hypos notification effects so you can light up the entire display every time you get a message otherwise you've got the edge light and shenanigans whatever this bubbly Randomness is so far so remarkably familiar and also a lot of quality of life features have been carried over from Mii into hyper OS so for instance you can quick launch your hyper OS smartphone's camera simply by double tapping that volume down button when the phone is hibernating it's quite handy if you catch your kids or your cats doing something spontaneously adorable just snap a quick pick of them right before they go back to be obnoxious we Pricks and if you're wondering this feature can be found in Settings then just scroll all the way down to additional settings and it's squirreled away inside of the Gesture Shortcuts and inside of this menu you'll also find the highly useful option of turning on the torch with a double press of the power button now don't want your other half going into your web browser or your messaging apps because you're a horrific human being who does a naturally disgusting things in secret well no bother hyper OS has you covered what you'll want to do is dive back into those hyper OS settings and then scroll down until you see apps and the feature you're after is right at the bottom Here app lock this allows you to double down on your smartphone security by locking away any sensitive apps so only you can open them with your thumb print or that lovely innocent looking face of yours and now how's about a few battery saving tips cuz even though hyper OS appears to be rather energy efficient you definitely do not want to get caught short thankfully there is a deluge of energy saving features here on hyper OS just scroll down B you see battery and straight off this will give you a rough estimation of how much longer you can expect your smartphone to survive with the current battery power if that's not good enough well just tap your way into current mode and you'll see there are various different options balanced is a good one to stick it on for everyday Shenanigans but if you are running low on juice you want to stretch out that battery power even further well check it on battery saver or even Ultra battery saver if you're really running low just bear in mind that especially on that Ultra battery saver mode quite a a lot of your smartphone features will be C we're talking stripping back to the most basic smartphone features here although you'll still be able to message you'll still be able to make and receive calls Etc there's also a very handy battery checkup option here and this can warn you if any of your apps seem to be drain a bit more battery in the background than they should be and also serves up various other suggestions on how to stretch out that battery life so for instance turn on the dark mode turn off the always on display not that it's always on anyway and if you're still not satisfied after all of that click on additional features you got some more options in here like turning off mobile data whenever the phone is locked and if you're hoping to keep your hyper OS phone for many years well I highly recommend tapping battery protection making sure that nighttime charging protection is enabled this will just help to prevent your battery from overcharging if you leave it plugged in all night long just keeps that battery health good over time I'm just going to run through a few more of those gesture settings here and Pros so again tap into additional settings and then Gest your shortcuts see there's a couple of other good options in here including the ability to take a screenshot by sliding three fingers down the display or alternatively if you want to just grab a small portion of that screen well just press and hold with three fingers and you'll get this additional menu popping up this gives you several different options for screen capture so for instance you can simply drag out a box like so otherwise there is a free form option as well if you just want to capture this bold G shiny Bon and then you've got the usual editing tools so finally I can relive my youth with a full head of hair oh and also because most modern mobiles are absolutely freaking enormous tap your way into additional settings and you will find the one handed mode in there it's pretty bloody useful if you don't have hands like Andrea the Giant now if you happen to be a mobile gaming fan well definitely do not forget to take advantage of the game Turbo toolbar this can be dragged out at any point to join your game with a quick flick from the corner like so and it's absolutely packed to the armpits with lots of great features including a performance boost tool very handy if you're playing something intensive like gench and impact can also quickly and easily clear up your smartphones memory and cash also highly recommend chucking on the do not disturb feature while you're gaming if you don't want notifications popping up and ruining your concentration there is also a turnoff screen option which might seem a bit pointless when gaming but it's actually pretty good if you're doing some sort of resource farming or mining means you can buger off while all those resources are gathered automatically in the game without absolutely wrecking your battery life because the screen on the whole time got usual screenshot and video recording tools as well and I quite like the timer option this allows you to start multiple timers at any points so you can see exactly how long you've been playing the game or performing a certain task or whatever else but whatever you do definitely just stay clear of the voice changer which frankly is a bit creepy and weird unless you want to sound like an internet sex pet now on your hyps smartphone chances are you've got hideous amounts of crapware pre-installed most of which can just be got rid of trip.com you can definitely buger right off.com but one extra app that's definitely well worth checking out is security which frankly shouldn't just be called security CU it does so much more c yeah can do a security scan Etc but it can also do a deep clean of your smartphone getting rid of any that you know no longer need and here you'll also find the very helpful blocklist feature so if you're getting pested by any specific numbers you can just Chuck them in here they won't bother you again you can also monitor your connection speed you got fast access to all of the Privacy features definitely loads of great stuff the only minor gripe I have is that occasionally an advert will pop up for a few seconds when you're using one of the features it's one of those things that's pervaded MIUI and now unfortunately hyper OS as well thank it's pretty rare but it is definitely still a thing and last up I'd just like to show a bit of love for the hyper OS camera app it's nicely designed really easy to use one-handed cuz you can just swipe down all of the main toggles and features with a thumb like so very handy if you are just using the phone one-handed got the usual AI camera Shenanigans if you want to boost the colors make them a bit more Vivid but I leave that knocked off for more natural results and if you are stretching your arm out to take selfies and such forth we'll definitely turn on the voice shutter as you can see they just say cheese and it takes a snap and for your selfies don't forget you've not only got voice shutter you've also got a palom shutter option as well so just flash a hand to the screen and as you can see don't need to worry about hitting that shutter button likewise if you jump into the camera settings and then scroll all the way down until you find customize in here you can change up the layout of all those camera mods you can bring in any that you use a lot and take out any that you don't so let's see we don't want the 64 megapixel mode we can just drag that out but we do use the Panorama quite a bit well let's drag that one in and now as you can see you have a panorama mode right there in the main camera settings if you find yourself accessing a variety of camera modes well just go back into customize then go to camera modes and you can turn on the more panel and now to access all of those bonus camera modes just swipe up and there's all the extra stuff squirel away and there you have it my lovelies that is a bit of a Whistle Stop to of hyper OS and all the various best bits and features as you can see most of them pretty much all of them in fact carried over from MIUI but hyper OS certainly feels a lot more nippy compared with Mii takes up Less storage space and touch one seems to be more power efficient so are you a fan of hyper Os or perhaps you're disappointed that it doesn't really feel like it has its own identity compared with the old Mii definitely let us know in the comments below also be great to hear your own favorite features if I haven't mentioned them in this round up please do po subscribe ding that notifications Bell for more on the latest and greatest Tech and have yourselves a ruddy wonderful rest of the week cheers everyone love you
Channel: Tech Spurt
Views: 240,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyperos, hyper os, hyperos xiaomi, hyper os xiaomi, hyper os update, hyper os features, hyper os tips, hyper os launcher, hyperos update, hyperos features, hyperos launcher, hyperos tips, hyper os vs miui, hyperos vs miui, xiaomi hyperos update, xiaomi hyper os review, xiaomi hyper os features, xiaomi hyper os vs miui, xiaomi, miui, miui 15, xiaomi hyperos, hyperos global, xiaomi hyper os, poco hyper os, redmi hyper os, poco x6 pro 5g, poco x6 pro
Id: -6GImwYfPRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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