XIAO ESP32C3 Bluetooth Tutorial, Range test, and Home Automation, ESP32 C3

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this video is brought to you by otum 365 via the world designs electronics and octopod the fastest search engine for electronic parts this is the smallest esp32 c355 plus Bluetooth development board in my previous video I explained its technical specifications at spin out board installation using Arduino IDE and I also practically demonstrated how to control an LED and how to make an iot based temperature and humidity monitoring system using the Adafruit IO and the esp32 C3 onboard Wi-Fi so if you're just starting with the Xiao esp32 C3 then I highly recommend you should watch my previous video anyway in today's episode you will learn how to use Xiao esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth with an Android application for controlling electrical appliances besides this I will also do a range test and we will see if the share esp32 C3 onboard low energy Bluetooth 5 and this Wi-Fi Bluetooth antenna really increases the signal strength the munufacturer claims that it has a maximum communication range of plus 100 meters if it's true then it means I can control my home appliances and other electrical loads even from outside 100 meters is such a long distance I'm still gonna be quite happy even if it gives me around 40 to 50 meters hc05 Bluetooth module never gave me such a long distance and look at the size difference Xiao esp32 C3 is much smaller than the hc05 Bluetooth module so using the smallest esp32 C3 development Port we can really reduce the project size and cost anyway first I'm going to share with you the final test results and afterwards I will explain everything else Altium 365 lets you hold the fastest design reviews ever share your designs from anywhere and with anyone with a single click it's easy leave a comment taking your teammate and they will instantly receive an email with a link to the design anyone you invite can open the design using a web browser using the browser interface you are able to comment markup cross probe inspect and more comments are attached directly to the project making them viewable with an ultimate designer as well as through the browser interface design share and manufacture all in the same space with nothing extra to install or configure connect to the platform directly from Altium designer without changing how you already design Electronics ultim365 requires no additional licenses and comes included with your subscription plan get real-time component insights as you design with octopod built into LTM 365. octopart is the fastest search engine for electronic parts and gives you the most updated part data like specs data gate models and how much the part costs at different amounts Etc right in the design environment so you can focus on your designs links to the ultim designer Altium 365 and octoport are given in the description for demonstration purposes I have connected four bulbs which are connected to four relays besides lights you can use any other 110 or 220 volt AC loads or use any other DC type loads if you want to use 110 or 220 volt AC Supply you must not forget to use protective gloves because 110 or 220 volt sck improve fatal so as far as possible you must ensure the presence of a friend or any companion while carrying on work on such projects when the AC Supply is on do not touch the relay module I have already paired the esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth with my cell phone for sending the control commands I'm going to use NRF connect application which is available on Play Store this application lets you scan discover and debug your Bluetooth low energy devices so let's go ahead and open this application enable the Bluetooth click on bonded you can see the name home automation I defined it in the programming if you want you can change this name anyway click on the connect button then click on the unknown service now the cell phone app is ready and we can start sending the control commands here is a list of all the commands I'm using to control all the four bulbs all these commands are defined in the programming so if you want you can change these commands [Music] foreign [Music] it's working great I'm able to turn on and turn off these bulbs [Music] [Music] now I am going to test the esp32 C3 Bluetooth communication range my cousin is going to send the control signals from different locations right now my cousin is 26 meters away from the esp32 C3 I measured the distance using Google Earth foreign [Music] 26 meters it's working grade for me 26 meters is more than enough to control my home appliances and other devices for this next test I sent my cousin outside the house and now the distance between the cell phone and the Xiao esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth is 40 meters I confirmed the distance on Google Maps as you can see it's still working great for the third test I told my cousin to control the same lights from his own house which is around 80 meters away but he wasn't able to connect his cell phone with the Xiao esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth this is because of the obstacles like concrete walls I am sure in an open area it's going to hit 100 plus meters we also control the same lights from the ground floor and from other locations in my house as per my needs and requirements the Xiao esp32 C3 Wi-Fi plus Bluetooth development board is simply amazing now I'm going to explain the circuit diagram and programming so without any further delay let's get started [Music] foreign [Music] the components and tools used in this project can be purchased from Amazon the component's purchase links are given in the description it's just a basic circuit diagram I'm using digital pins two three four and five to control all the four relays I'll be using my designed for channel relay Mario these are 12 volt relays that's why I'll be using a separate 12 volt power supply anyway I connected everything as for the circuit diagram and now let's take a look at the programming it's just a simple code I have already commented most of the instructions so that you won't have any problem in understanding the code anyway you will need to edit the Adafruit ble Library you can see I have defined pins for all the four relays I have also defined a variable r value which I'm going to use to store the commands from the bluetooth application inside the setup function you can see I have activated the serial communication for debugging purposes once your code is ready then you can deactivate this and you can remove all the serial dot print lines because you won't need to print anything on the serial monitor I was talking about this name this name will appear in the cell phone search results so if you want to use another name just go ahead and change this rest of the code is to receive the data from Bluetooth app and then to control the relays as per the commands so that's all about the programming upload this code into the shell esp32c3 if you're not able to find the Xiao esp32 C3 in the both list then you need to watch my previous video on the esp32 C3 I have already paired the esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth with my cell phone for sending the control commands I'm going to use NRF connect application which is available on Play Store this application lets you scan discover and debug your Bluetooth low energy devices so let's go ahead and open this application enable the Bluetooth click on bonded you can see the name home automation I defined it in the programming if you want you can change this name anyway click on the connect button then click on the unknown service now the cell phone app is ready and we can start sending the control commands here is a list of all the commands I'm using to control all the four bulbs all these commands are defined in the programming so if you want you can change these commands [Music] foreign [Music] for more videos I hope you liked today's episode like and share this video with your friends see you in next episode and thanks for watching it's working great I'm able to turn on and turn off these bulbs [Music] [Music] thank you now I'm going to test the esp32 C3 Bluetooth communication range my cousin is going to send the control signals from different locations right now my cousin is 26 meters away from the esp32 C3 I measured the distance using Google Earth [Music] add 26 meters it's working great for me 26 meters is more than enough to control my home appliances and other devices for this next test I sent my cousin outside the house and now the distance between the cell phone and the Xiao esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth is 40 meters I confirmed the distance on Google Maps as you can see it's still working great for the third test I told my cousin to control the same lights from his own house which is around 80 meters away but he wasn't able to connect his cell phone with a Xiao esp32 C3 onboard Bluetooth this is because of the obstacles like concrete walls I'm sure in an open area it's going to hit 100 plus meters we also control the same lights from the ground floor and from other locations in my house as per my needs and requirements the Xiao esp32 C3 Wi-Fi plus Bluetooth development board is Simply Amazing
Channel: Electronic Clinic
Views: 15,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiao esp32c3, xiao esp32, xiao esp32 c3, esp32c3, esp32 c3, esp32c3 bluetooth, esp32c3 bluetooth range, bluetooth range test, esp32c3 home automation, xiao esp32 c3 bluetooth range, xiao esp32 c3 android application, bluetooth home automation, smallest esp32c3, xiao esp32c3 seeed, electronic clinic, xiao esp32c3 bluetooth and wifi, esp32 c3 bluetooth project, xiao esp32c3 bluetooth programming, android application for esp32c3, hc05 bluetooth, low energy bluetooth, range test
Id: j-RX66TFRoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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