XIAO ESP32C3 Bluetooth Tutorial, Range test, and Home Automation, ESP32 C3
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Electronic Clinic
Views: 15,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiao esp32c3, xiao esp32, xiao esp32 c3, esp32c3, esp32 c3, esp32c3 bluetooth, esp32c3 bluetooth range, bluetooth range test, esp32c3 home automation, xiao esp32 c3 bluetooth range, xiao esp32 c3 android application, bluetooth home automation, smallest esp32c3, xiao esp32c3 seeed, electronic clinic, xiao esp32c3 bluetooth and wifi, esp32 c3 bluetooth project, xiao esp32c3 bluetooth programming, android application for esp32c3, hc05 bluetooth, low energy bluetooth, range test
Id: j-RX66TFRoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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