XENU at the Movies (Now in 4K!)

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[Music] there's no like know it is aing everything the traffic will allow nowhere can you get that happy feeling when you are stealing that extra bow there's no people like show people they smile when they are even with a turkey that you know will F you may be stranded out in the cold still you wouldn't change it for a sa [Music] go welcome to sunny California and welcome to the world premiere of John Travolta's new film The General's daughter the Press is out in force and for the first time on the red carpet zenu TV was there because this Premiere had a very special guest in attendance it's me zenu yes zenu the intergalactic Overlord who blew us all up 75 million years ago Zen but Hollywood has always been a forgiving town and they welcomed zenu back with open arms Hollywood premieres are big events and we wanted this one to be one that John would not forget and we must not have been the only ones to feel that way because minutes after we arrived this fell came out of the theater to take our pictures yes it was quite a festive evening that made us all feel like operating [Music] fans well the festivities were about to begin so we took our positions I had the patented mint and cam right at the end of the red carpet at the front door and zfar planted himself a few feet away with his rather subdued understated sign I must say that the sign was hard to miss it was right there at the front door to the theater and everyone who passed by had to look at [Music] it and then the Stars started to arrive and boy did I have a great spot here's James Cromwell from babe the Stars would start at the other end of the line and work their way down to here that meant that John Travolta was going to wind up here right in front of the zenu TV Camera [Music] [Applause] how you doing thank you very you're welcome all be all right a little easier so I don't leave anybody out you know about zenu huh ask John about zenu zenu what Zen zenu is the evil Overlord who blew us up 75 million years ago when Earth SM known as tiak wow that's ot3 according to H I'm so confused now I SP my name spell it xn way you are great on Howard Stern oh thanks more fun than that barel them upw [Applause] [Music] you're a terrific Mr you're on c new TV by the way c new TV ah great covering the world of [Music] Scientology I love this guy he looks at the sign and says this is [ __ ] and now the big moment has finally arrived John Travolta is here it won't be long now John's going to be coming right over to me right to my camera I'll be able to ask him about Lisa mcferson I'll be able to ask him about ot3 [Music] [Applause] come here what John has turned away and run the other direction the head of security comes over to explain John would have come to sign autographs except for one thing that sign I'm sorry why didn't he come over because of that sign of that sign I knew it well the crowd wasn't happy about this news and several people got very ey rate and looking back perhaps I was a little bit too hard Zing myself you suck thanks for [ __ ] yeah you suck buddy hey hey don't be out here when they come out cuz you know what I do I'm an autograph dealer you're out here when they come out we're going to have problems and I guarantee you there's five other dealers that will have words with you ask remember bra remember that cop that that pull up that guy's ass in the York want to know what it feels like cuz you got the pull that'll be going up the ass you're out here trust me just try me don't don't be costing us money dude hey now this guy gave us an idea we were planning to leave but instead we decided to stick around till the stars came out down here in this pin but oh yeah we're going to have to stay in the pin until the crowd disperses you cannot leave the PIN to chase somebody you didn't get okay James just got I'm just I just saw you buddy I'm just one that's got a general daughter so we're going to we're going to put you guys in good luck this time we had a new game plan I was going to stay here with the camera and Zing would stay across the street I want to do something about that guy across the street well if he do something make sign I swear so we were all prepared I had my camera ready zenu wasn't hiding and zinge was across the street but still security was in an uproar I decided I'd better send zinja far away hey pal hey buddy yeah you you're ruining it for all of us yeah so I heard those people over there are pretty pissed and I don't blame them Travolta wants to come out and sign autographs but he's not going to do it if you're standing here oh jeez hey look at me I thought he was an OT man how come how come he's letting a w be at cause over here listen you rat bastard you're ruining the whole event yeah I guess so you know what I think you should do I think you should leave w you know I think they probably that hit the road Jack beat it what did you say to him to make him leave I said beat it had fun and now the stars are coming out here's the General's daughter her own self Leslie Stevenson the same oh yeah sorry I'm new and here's producer mace Newfield who's produced other wonderful films such as The Hunt for Red October and James Cromwell doesn't disappoint the fans but where's John take a look at the far end of the street Travolta slipped out the other door and this time it was because of me it's not coming out because of the camera it the camera take it down take down the camera John's left John didn't want to be around the camera if I leave come the I will we will do won come out already gone and so that was it the end of a fabulous night in Hollywood Tinsel Town may never see the likes of it again at least until the opening of Eyes Wide Shut until next time I'm Mark bunker for zenu TV let's go on with the show let's go on with the show [Music]
Channel: Mark Bunker
Views: 3,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scientology, Mark Bunker, XENU TV, Wise Beard Man, WBM, National Treasure, Clearwater, Clearwater FL, L. Ron Hubbard, Bob Minton, Lisa McPherson, The Lisa McPherson Trust, LMT, Dianetics, Bunkology, Church of Bunkology
Id: 8mfX41c_fII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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