XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3 All Cutscenes (PART 3) Full Game Movie HD

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did you find something hmm no just brings me back a bit reminded me of someone oh yeah foreign I know that but I've never seen one in such full bloom before it's special huh so why give this to me The Treasure of mine I'd like to go back someday to where this was taken it's a dream I have [Music] not that I have all that much time to spare but soon she was the one who taught me strategy who taught me how to fight using the munder [Music] sorry not to worry why why did she show me that picture I suppose she wanted to share it with you the memory that was she you know it's not unheard of huh [Music] foreign [Music] these soldiers these are your targets sir yeah you'll handle it right and it's because they're consorting with enemy soldiers if that's so shouldn't we question them first ah you're a hell of a stickler aren't you I could just go and do it the K way [Music] forget it there's just no zest this time I'm gonna take a different angle okay console [Music] let's do this is it go on spill it for me give me all your feelings deep inside so much to see huh shut up you know what minana just told me she said that in the night the trees wake up and start to wander no no not listening can't do anything this is awful it doesn't look recent been here a while and the battle it must have been massive it's not just infantry I see for honest wreckage strewn all over there could be stuff here we can reuse we should look yeah good idea let's split up and have a look around [Music] stuff we can reuse my wings all this junk is Rusted through [Music] huh [Music] oh no love connect is the wrong size this one's cavessing you've been here for quite a while [Music] foreign why is my name on here [Music] ah um unique [Music] do you find anything worthwhile huh I said did you find anything we might be able to salvage nothing at all seriously you were here all Frozen so I figured you must have struck something gold [Music] come on help me shift this thing here would you yeah all right [Music] no way that was me just someone with the same name as me a coincidence hey over here ah it's Golden Flame clock but wrecked I've never seen one a real Golden Flame clock ain't that strange we're talking gold rank the shiny Pinnacle of every colony's ambition and this is how we find it so caressi isn't it yeah has to be for all that I'm not seeing any acne and corpses or weapons does it mean this way oh come on not sparking again [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're here jumpers [Music] [Music] [Applause] thing Unstoppable you better do my job Revolution X probably happening [Music] what a faff just one stray leveness barely worth the effort yeah doesn't seem to be what did this colony in I see it was Revenge Commander you did it so this works on its own yes that's a standard Castle issue autonomous Century leviness it doesn't need human operators hey this symbol it's lambda's right huh tyan weren't you with we need to get away from here though it was unmanned it's sure to have transmitted its combat data to The Colony they might even be able to work out we are the ones it was fighting right well don't reckon there's anything more of use here let's go no gotcha Mia hmm uni [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign ah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh thank you [Music] smells good obviously it's a serious anemone a rare flower from the Orion mountains crushed and extracted wow look at you sounds like a hobby and a practical one at that like I said practical glad it worked ah you noticed I did mine do that too huh I put down my weapon look around at my companions and feel relief thinking finally another day down then I think of tomorrow and the tremors are back will I see the same faces when I wake will I even be around to see them easy with the Mark I suppose coming but when you're in a scrap can you really speak for them though for someone nearing the end huh because I can tell you all we can possibly do is wonder what it's like what can one feel contentment perhaps or sheer horror I'd really hope it's not fear me too that's just it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] spots where those Mobius sickos get the jump on us unless I'm mistaken this region is under the control of Lambda that is the colony I originally belonged to you don't say then the 11 is yesterday yeah it was Colony lambdas definitely isn't that isn't that bad for us hmm all right so you know this area I took part in seizing this area all right then any suggestions oh um come on let's see there should be some nearby tunnels we could use sounds good to me we might still get enemies but underground at least we won't have to worry about lunking for honest isn't that tunnels thrill of explore Riku already on Treasure scent seems like that's the way to go then uh one moment these tunnels have been disused for a long time there's a very real risk of a cave-in if it comes down to it Escape options may also be in short supply no no no you're the one who came out with it unless you've got any other plans you better not want us to just camp out here forever no obviously obviously all right let's back it up any route we can take will have some attendant risk or other at this point I'll settle for any choice that makes our lives easier enough with a doommongering just keep it positive things will work out somehow Mimi what's up with you sounds like little Miss seniors decided to pull rank eh Roger that Mom oh shut up already right let's go we'll check out those tunnels hey wait for me I envy more that unfounded confidence of yours I almost wish I could take some I'd rather do something than sit farting about for hours and then do nothing anyway I like my way better that sounded rather pointed oh did it anyway I'm not confident I just have to keep moving that's all I don't get you I mean yourself why'd you always take a back seat oh you're scared [Music] Noah he he likes to say don't blame yourself he knows why I can't stay still and he gets it all right tells me it's not healthy yeah but it's easier said anyhow not like I can just wish him back I mean what else can I do that's how it goes same deal with you right but meh to be fair that whole prudent shtick of yours got its Merit but that's the opposite of what you said before I guess I'm taking it back then [Laughter] [Music] yeah no chance of any leftness is following us inside here we can but hope we don't know what lies ahead so let's go carefully I want to be out of here as fast as possible but haste can only spell trouble this place rich in awe and gemstone all treasure will belong to Riku we could see [Music] gemstone have many use they probably useful later to us we can sound unusually enthused [Music] if we find any nice gemstones should we if friends get chanced and please gemstone with good I don't think we're just gonna happen across Priceless gemstones not on very pacifistic and don't fight but would hate not to let a banana fight that means not become burden don't you worry about things like that everyone has their bit to do if we could do such thing would have done ages ago right anyway getting out of these tunnels is the main priority we can't afford to overlook anything that might help us later [Music] yeah go on I'll give you a hand [Music] even Lance that turn up for the books always good to have a few favors to call in yeah Riku knew it [Music] hmm doesn't look like it's working guys it needs electricity but if no ether cylinder no let's have a look around shall we that sounds like a plan [Music] that room's kind of suspicious eh you might be able to go in from the other side [Music] [Music] all right now elevator behaves self nice job Riku always good to have a gray snop-on that knows their way around techie this piece of pollen orb for Riku okay let's go foreign course there's monsters oh well then nothing else for it it seems we don't have time to burn here let's Ash them up yeah foreign are you okay banana please be okay [Music] banana is fine only heart go pitter patter just watching you made my heart go pitter patter seriously that was wild phew I'm glad you're safe anyway see for many much things besides cooking banana rushed in like crazy Pond just to prove that isn't there's a mortar to demonstrate through action Manila did not just throw pot threw hostel along with it is special heavy duty pot also for self-defense exclusive that's not a thing banana you have to understand the poor Riku was worried about [Music] not so much truth that very considerate but banana is really fine yeah that's right worrying too much isn't good for you either exactly that's why Riku not worry your blushy little cheeks aren't fooling anyone don't be ashamed no shame here Noah please come to the fence of Riku you just didn't want your friend to be hurt should we leave it at that [Music] riku's right no more crazy Antics in the name of helping each other out okay banana understand not to do crazy antic in future then it's settled let us descend thank you we'll head to another level sure has a wild side huh I was as shocked as you were huh is it just me or is that oh maybe is you know what about this I can't tell them apart is that okay that's what Riku here for it's a good thing you're with us Riku leave to Riku first Riku and Friends [Music] too easy come after me and that's what you get if only you didn't charge off on your own isn't this one it looked like but is not observed okay I believe you but it's not useless Keep Hope do exactly as I say I didn't realize how much fun it could be looking for ore me neither I just wish I knew what was what so I wouldn't feel so useless I think you seem to find great joy in rocks gemstone and ore are different from normal and or we pick up from before scientists you could identify them all Riku you sure know a lot about Riku no thing or two that'd be modest you've got skills mate you should be obsessed with fluttering it's not flattery it's good to have a hobby in agreement it's pretty good that we were able to come out rock collecting our Riku oh and gemstone from Supply material to maintenance work that recused its solemn responsibility to keep important equipment in Tip-Top order so everyone can come back just doing own job not like you what I'm pretty much almost wow you really give yourself a lot of responsibility too much talking out of riku's carry not at all understanding each other better isn't a bad thing right [Music] we need to learn more about each other to become friends right each other very banana has idea sense banana will show Fame next it's not about taking turns Fate's breath and Readiness showed you her specialty over there is good place foreign nothing like it it even wakes you up somehow and the thrashens are so boring you need to spice it up like this banana couldn't agree more hi I'm only tragedies so Banana work hard first I've heard of it is he that very horrible actually my cooking just focuses more on efficient absorption of nutrients and can and I've actually optimized it you mean it used to be even worse hey now I like Thailand's cooking it's Unique it's okay swallow it down quickly and you'll probably be fine see you do you really think you're helping is there second helping oh yeah it's Riku your favorite food or something it's not favorite is Taste of banana hard work and it's actually banana seasoned with frazzled fish to bring out hidden flavor we could not know that actually you not know well banana only happy you know now and banana bring Riku whole mountain of seconds can you think he Minds it was so good he had seconds and banana knows how much he liked to cook it I don't see the problem she was so happy I think her ability to accept people's words up front is one of her best points maybe she's a little too upfront and her hour of innocence is characteristic of napon upfront and innocent huh foreign let's not get into that you were so serious when you were looking for the ore and gems it's really good to be able to throw yourself into stuff like that so passionately like into the things you love summer is a good person is shame lands lacking this quote are you always picking on me just up ahead might be riku's treasure then let's go treasure hunting yes Riku get Mighty whiff of treasure here okay let's have a quick breather and then start the search has Noah wish we'd definitely find it don't tell me we're crossing here the only other way just try not to look down huh hey isn't that [Music] now that's what we could call a gemstone [Music] also go [Music] wait Riku manana [Music] [Music] this blight on personal records wait there we're coming oh good they're coming this way too dropped again the monster seems to react to them cannot be thrown away sorry to bundle banana up in recklessness of Riku Nana must throw gemstone over that way true but if my nana throws and monsters go also [Music] [Applause] [Music] treasure but not for not fight that's irrelevant together [Music] we could not give up in this place Riku here to get treasures and beat monsters is not yet time give up one two [Music] nice job YouTube what a team I'm so glad you made it back [Music] causing worried now we see real knock on potential [Music] right maybe it's impossible but not for two together fighting is better [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I didn't know they could fight like that Riku is superior upon everyone knows still knock on Run Deep come off it you aren't running anywhere but now we know you can fight with us how reassuring is that boy sorry for worry but we learned that combined power together mean we can fight [Music] and that's not all we fetched back thanks for doing that guys yes getting best treasure is thanks to Riku someone sounds chuffed with himself looks like the dangers passed for now let's keep going right still on town to these tunnels keep your guards [Music] you're an asset to the team you two we're just doing job what the smoke screen smell weird this not just a normal smoke foreign they're hiding in the smoke coming ah my legs Mimi the smoke don't breathe it in the spark are they I know this maneuver what is it one of colony 13's little specialties foreign but wait a moment these Mudders are Agnes I don't get it why this specific tactic could it be the commander this is looking grim there's no way to tell where they're gonna come from next water water yeah there are water veins in these caves we can use them to make an escape for it tion decide look I trust your judgment all right we'll have to run I judge it to be the best option right now all I needed to hear let's move lead the way I'm on it hey this one means business [Music] on the way [Music] peacefully [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] this is it they're here can't see them but it's the real welcome party time to go big breath then jump never seen this place before it doesn't look like they can follow us this far with their gear that gives us a little breathing time foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that guy [Music] so they got to you too Commander did they order you to destroy urobaras too not exactly huh you must have worked it out this strategy mirrors that day when nimway's life was cut short [Music] we'll try to use that route to flee that's how I knew to wait right here and so I replicated the conditions of that day to a T but why do such a thing why well let's see in a nutshell to remind you of your path to make you relive it and drive you to despair to break your heart to steal all that you hold dear to ruin you to your very core [Laughter] that is my revenge be back for a Nimoy dying with her wish unfulfilled it's your own past it's finally caught up with you [Music] gave it to you right you should hold on to it it was my fault my private to her death if I only had presented a less Reckless plan the strategy it's never [Music] it's too much for me I don't I don't deserve this foreign [Music] but I made you use the same enemy tactic that caused him away her life [Music] her life and now you're determined to kill me precisely right tired the past has come back to haunt you come on Baby Alive [Music] feet now she won't get away [Music] that's why lay down and die already come on Jason please please stop it now Thailand [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what the [Music] [Music] which one which one's real [Music] this one how about here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh tense I can't defend against that if tion took the Ouroboros form I can too let's you insane just trust me hurry it's over Dion all of you I will let this creep lay a finger on anyone Faith Hill get lost [Music] have we live thank you no unacceptable [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop crying don't change anything else [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs come on enough is enough Commander there's no reason for us to be fighting each other if you still need a life to satisfy you you can have mine tion that helps put your heart at ease settles the debt I own him away I'll do it [Music] [Laughter] what Commander he turned into mud pie [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] have you ever felt so much fondness that it made you quiver voice [Music] long time no see you forgot about me I missed you all these sayings that have to do with time they ring so insufferably Hollow when you only have 10 years on the clock it doesn't feel real but you know [Music] Noah uni Riku lands I have to tell you I am overwhelmed with emotion you're an sincerely I'm on the verge of tears Jordan but you you're it you know him wait I know him yes you're amid the rubble and the flames he died in a battle with Agnes they were all friends but wait how does that work how can he be assuming the memories we saw were correct Noah thank you sure you you are you're you you're alive was I alive of course not I did die on that day evidently that's why I can be here now you can call me Jay guess what I'm a proud member of Mobius now no you can't mean it you see they gave me this incredible power I can take people's memories refashion them into my very own mud puppets mud puppets refashion My Wings [Music] no not yet [Music] I don't want to die don't make me tired [Music] I told you we shouldn't have come here you just hurt somebody the body may be mud but their minds are the real deal but without heart they're pretty quick to tell you what's on their minds urine to be honest these nobodies are beneath me Noah you need your lands you'd make good puppets what profound and clear excited words with your cold lips utter I've so wish to hear why did you have to go and become oroborus Lord you were never like this what did they do to you what do you think you knew of me you didn't know anything I am only myself uni the realest truest me I don't need to hide anymore I can finally be me becoming Mobius best thing that ever happened to me I want you to feel it feel the joy I feel feel my absolute elation [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] important friends [Music] [Music] do did you get a good taste of it of my elation cut the crap what are you droning on about I don't buy it I refuse to believe you're him you aren't our yarn you're in saved Our Lives [Music] [Music] let's gobble no time look above [Music] we can't fella uh move it bad we can take care of ourselves just go urine [Music] you dumb clod come on urine urine [Music] [Music] you hot can you run yeah more or less Kieran why why we should go yeah watch out oh my God urine urine urine Europe you don't get it you honestly don't get it in that instant I Rose above you miserable fools by saving your worthless piddling lives it was Indescribable lands ah wasn't this fun I guess I'll call it a day here can't be hoarding all the fun for myself now gotta leave some for the next guy or gal say what I should thank you Lance because I get to be like this now and I owe it to you toodles foreign [Music] do you think it's behind the waterfall seems so let's stay alert foreign foreign [Music] foreign so that's what happened I'm sorry I don't remember a thing except for that console silhouette did I say anything to you I didn't say something hurtful did I [Music] not at all you were your usual self Commander our pride and joy the same as always tired [Music] I see I'm sorry [Music] is that anyway she always cared so much about you possess an Acuity that sets you apart you'll be an elite Head and Shoulders above the likes of us anyway she wouldn't stop going on about you so someone called you a coward nonsense considerates what you are that's two fault you heeded a comrade's opinion is that right here's another thing she mentioned that if you let us if we could gain Victory through your kindness she'd have loved to see it [Music] even if it's too much it should be yours to carry and if you keep it safe someday I'd like you to go visit her how can I at the cadencia frontier beyond the far Lane underpass there's a place where saffronius bloom nimue always loved their flowers and one of them was especially brilliant I'd like you to bury it there oh [Music] that'll show her beyond all doubt your Victory through kindness thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] they were literal clods man nobody's actually died who are you doing that for Lan's got no tact Dude too is about atoning Riku what you saying there well hey we're seeing them off I know they were only Hollow vessels But ultimately we chose to fight and kill them and nothing can change that fact even if there's no one to actually see off we have to atone for that in a nutshell oh I see toneman huh [Music] hey is that okay with this kinda yeah he doesn't mind all right I guess you're all weirdos still kind of strange I wonder when it all started I couldn't tell you exactly when but I would surmise it started out as a kind of process for the upkeep of the world sounds like a crazy kind of process this is all going way over my head quite simple actually it gives a sense of security lets you think your dead friends are looking out for you from above alleviating feelings of guilt and of loss that's how I understand it yeah okay but ain't there plenty of people who don't care about that what matters is that it is there you don't need to pay attention you don't need to do anything but the way it is designed if you think about it it just works we are told our life is born from the queen and to the queen it returns however that's only if you make it to your homecoming but what of the others what of those who fall on the battlefield nobody knows where do they go seeing moats rise into the sky serves to dispel any unease you end up believing well they're going somewhere but where is somewhere the Queen's place no clue you what mate that's kind of non-committal for you nah not fast [Music] you look why are you making that stuff out here colony's got a perfectly good kitchen apparently but he made a real mess of the place hold on a sec sorry Mia I if we hadn't done what we did chances are we would have all been dead by now that's why we it's all right everyone understands why you were really Brave Santa uh really you're not just saying that nope this real thrill of travel excitement mounting huh seriously nothing can be a bit too easy going everyone deals with things in their own way it was Lauren he was he looked just like his old self I suppose you think you're the reason for that do you in that case I'm telling you to drop it right now so you're in turned up that alone isn't so bad of course it is figuring out why it happened that's what we should do I mean why it happened the reason we became oroborus the reason the world looks like this it's all connected sure of it or maybe you just want it that way better than being stuck in the past I won't I can't I'll never nothing forget there shouldn't be any life in those bodies but the moats still Rose so that means knew it the dead don't think anything they don't speak but survivors speak for them to celebrate their life and death that's why I'm here [Music] foreign [Music] it ain't like you to Salt like this piss off now I bust your chops hmm maybe not but I'm getting warmer the Spark's sake reads the room hard pass look Lance I was there too no one's asking you to forget and I was just saying move on ah Noah he's always a step ahead eh you know he's an officer he's closer to it all than we are to the ones who are gone being left it It Ain't Easy I know still I don't want to disappear yeah yeah you're right not like we can afford to go just yet ah God the agnion commander Bites the Dust I'll kill you he had two months to go and you mothers killed him sea guy forgive me all dead all done ah did you hear those bouncy death throws though see Guy forgive me forget what why is she apologizing ah humans such useless Pawns so I win that [Music] ah [Music] nauseating might we infer from there in is there not here but these vulgar pleasures huh see where you would feel that way but you have not the luxury say what you mean [Music] pleasures and sorrows meetings and partings their roots are the same tolerance of existence is at the heart of them all you want me to frolic with them you shall find there's no such thing as luxury in this world everything buds from but a single thought that you yourself are here is proof definite thereof you need not understand you can simply remain as you are that isn't that isn't it [Music] [Music] [Music] it's it's rising we're getting more light this is Colony Delta that smoldering camera is stuff for Legends but we can win we're gonna make it console sir [Applause] [Music] right more troops for Advance don't let a single life ship from your grasp [Music] oon thank you [Music] huh what's up for honest [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] before [Music] [Music] foreign just who are you perhaps a guard perhaps not well well smoldering camaradi your name is no mere affectation [Music] a console no you're [Applause] dealing with me I'll keep the enemies would you just die already hey can we do something about this sparking noise how would I know just cancel the Interlink or something I guess it only starts after an extended period after our bodies start to heat up to me it sounds like a warning for something a warning what do you think will happen if we leave it I don't have much desire to find out I think it's something dangerous Well it can't be anything fun you expect balloons in confetti with that noise maybe not hmm foreign [Music] looks like that black fade on you didn't it prepared for the consequences really I was only interested in putting in an appearance you're making it sound like I took some huge risk to buy a bit of drama well it was pretty dramatic I'll give you that [Music] you seem pleased with yourself p o n wants to see you does he know hmm is it our turn to shine I don't know I've got zero idea what's going through his brain sometimes not even you I'm sure M could tell you now that she's shown herself recently what could it be I do hope it's something fun let's be awful right yo have a good one foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah there you are I don't want them either but aren't you on tent duty today oh I'm sorry I forgot I'll head back in well it's all finished huh we already packed it all up then what was the point of telling me don't you have better things to do hey you owe us one I'm just joking are you okay what do you mean okay these last few days it's been a lot right that's why you're concerned yeah you got it we were worried your problems are our problems just because someone says they're doing okay doesn't mean everything actually is fine with them you know there's a word for people like you hmm Busy Bodies all of you now Italian that is completely uncalled for [Music] ah you two really must be bored stiff good grief everyone needs to let off steam is my life that entertaining to you I'll allow it hey that watch [Music] our lifetimes run for 10 years only but this pocket watch has already lived for longer than that by being passed from Nimoy's hands to mine what garnica said to us on that Battlefield I don't know what you made of it exactly but frankly to me it was a load of nonsense not even enough to push us together [Applause] but that's changed if Nimoy's life is represented by her dream than in remembering I carry her life with me perhaps now I can give a purpose to my life she'd live on if I were to pass her dreams onto others right [Music] if I had just say 10 more years no even five with just a bit of borrowed time how many more memories could I fit inside this little pocket watch and that's why you're here now that's half of it what's the other half then oh well in fact let's forget it oh come on you've already told us that much you might as well give us the whole story [Music] a place or time for it that's all lame still it was a nice chat dreams in objects huh what's wrong thanks tion we came here to cheer you up a bit and got food for thought instead oh sure anytime Neo is that that's Kevin's Castle all right first time seeing it yeah same level of elaborate as castle of Agnes can also see great sword on left are we going through with this no I see it's far too risky now the area will be under strict guard but downslope we could go via the forest Mac to Wildwood huh doesn't sound too bad to me [Music] oh [Music] where hell never been this far in before me neither the last time I had an audience with the queen she had come in person to the warfront [Music] oh yeah foreign Army's Colony IV reporting in as ordered your majesty it had been some time hadn't it Mom I'm a loaded to find you in good stead your majesty that you would grace us with your presence is an honor above my station then 10. Ben the head on shark cavesi consoles himself the golden console [Music] what is that the annihilator the latest weapon in our military Arsenal it utilizes breakthroughs in application of the annihilation effect you've harnessed it not only is its power without equal it has another Exquisite benefit let me show you what you mean right here and now this will be its finest hour the Orion mountains terrible shame Her Majesty has a soft spot for them please do not think ill of May [Music] what what was that just thunder in it brighter than any lightning I've ever seen still ringing in ears where did the light come from no idea but this can't be good what incredible power its effective range has no discernible limit whatsoever what are you I'm saying an attack like the one you just witnessed can be delivered anywhere so you mean to use this weapon against Agnes ah if you were to use this then what about the clocks who said anything about using it on Agnes mom the next Target will be this [Music] watch the Moss guys mind you don't slip yeah [Laughter] it says falling flat on his ass himself oh yeah bloody hilarious you're always taking the mick out of me no [Music] huh did you say something oh don't come crying if you fall you seem like you're a Million Miles Away lot on your mind yeah kinda Leo ah thank you are you okay yeah I just lost my foot in for a second I'm okay for now I'm okay for now are you not feeling a hundred percent ah nothing like that I'm totally fine promise like I said I just missed my footing if you stop feeling worse just say I don't want you hiding it um you're a kind man I'm just being polite so what was on your mind earlier yeah that light I was wondering if it had anything to do with us you think maybe could it have been something that Mobius did huh we know that they're hunting us tion you told us before that our consoles were actually the same yeah I did say that after that nobody said so but we were all thinking it the war between Agnes and kevis and the consoles or rather Mobius they must be connected somehow it could be that all the fighting it might be that it's all orchestrated according to Mobius and to them urobaras only spelled trouble since we keep wrecking their flame clocks and all they must really hate us messing with their stuff I guess so we're one big thorn in their side hmm stand to reason that's why we're their targets but it doesn't tell us anything about why our colonies fight any theories not as yet but I figure isn't discovering that our real objective here right if we seek out the city maybe we'll find answers one way to know thank you man those Mobius moocs they make my feathers stand on end and in people's lives like it doesn't matter oh what a sick joke their word for people like that no what not on say no idea tell us super villain pond Riku what does that mean then it beat extreme bad guy ah I think I get it what's up my nana then friends super villain pond you're labeling us labeling because friends used to lend lives also [Music] that not make them super villain pond I mean it's not like we ever had a choice or anything it was them or us so when no choice not fall under definition then none of us ever thought because we wanted to it's just how it worked how people worked and the world so will this super villain Pond huh does it make everyone do nasty things world is bad guy the world is bad huh I never thought of it like that now that you mention it what in the world are we even here for I wouldn't strain your brain too much sounds like you have I'll give you that idea cut the snark just tell me the end point of it is suicide say what [Music] if you don't want to hurt others you'll end up denying your own right to survive if you come to the conclusion that the world may well be better off without your presence the only resolution then is to erase the self die [Music] pointless isn't that taking it too far the world doesn't just vanish because you've closed your eyes the moon think about it why is it that the moon shines just because we're watching of course not even if humans were gone it would shine on Illuminating the land beneath and yet we're the ones that give meaning to it we say bit dim tonight or looks brighter than usual eh similarly we can now imbue the world with meaning or change it it's a privilege we were lucky to obtain and that's the power of eurobarus we're obliged to use it we can make a difference so we don't become super villains that's one thing to aim for at least right [Music] hey you sure we're going the right way guys um well it's a path at least looks like it's going to be a real pain getting through here true but we don't have the luxury of loitering well I don't see any other road to take so let's just get this over with help [Music] foreign [Music] ambush [Music] weapons quick you're a lifesaver keep your attackers ready [Music] enemies [Music] students [Music] it's night time already [Music] we just want to pass through we're not looking for trouble come on guys what's your problem Juniper imagines at a limit she can't keep going huh spark and we could have had their life too so close that's very unfortunate we'll have to retreat then what was all that about weirdos Noah what's wrong I was just thinking about that Archer they seem quite the formidable opponent to be sure that's true but there was something else about them say you don't think those soldiers flame clocks they might be getting low oh come on Noah you'd better not be thinking of offering your assistance it's hard to put into words but something's off when you think we have time to be traipsing around on this whim of yours it really bothers you yeah give it up tion once and I was like this there's no stopping him oh why do I bother besides Noah's intuition's usually pretty on the mark we could just take a look a tiny little peek fine I can see no amount of reasoning is going to dissuade you however if it turns out to be nothing we head straight back and move on acceptable that's fine okay let's move we should be able to catch up to them if we follow their tracks judging by how the tracks stop here it seems that this is where those soldiers pass through here but how hmm doesn't look easily traversable does it yeah I can't see us getting across there anytime soon we could always take a detour look this way yeah thanks tion like I said we can't afford to be hanging around here come on we haven't got all day slide it down here on a rope I wonder if they could teach me to do that this is crazy there was a colony here [Music] that's right this is an abandoned colony please listen to us we didn't come here to fight you um we can free you from your flame clock Prius you don't have much time left on yours do you we can help you with that so if you just stop attacking you yeah hmm [Music] all right I'll hear you out [Music] uh thank you please come in they're still wary of us don't let our guard down [Music] I've seen a few colonies with the dwindling flame clocks before but this one is especially bizarre it's like they're not trying to survive here at all do you get that impression [Music] back when I was stationed at Lambda I'd had rumors about Colony Tau what did they say Colony with some very peculiar customs and traditions this is my first time seeing it in reality but I never expected it to be so run down did you have any dealings with it none at all this is just hearsay from Commander Izzard anyway we should hurry let's smash the flame clock and free everyone [Music] it being an abandoned Colony we are continually starved of sufficient life sources wait are you the commander that's right sorry I failed to tell you before I am Juniper and it's my job to lead Colony Tao if that's so then surely you must know who we are I'm afraid I know nothing huh we have no need of such information Juniper told us we'd welcome you in whoever you might turn out to be so that's the rule we don't ask questions but you attacked us back there our Scouts told us about some monsters in the forest they've never seen before so we sent them out in a hunt but then they bumped into you on route they must have figured it'd be more efficient to get you out of the way first so contrary to our plan we were made to retreat oh yeah what about your console where are they hiding I told you this is an abandoned Colony our console really visits us you're in such a strange situation all the more reason to get you out of this predicament I think you guys are getting the wrong end of this dick here it's true we aren't afraid of colony tau's flame clock running out all it means is the end of our days gazing at our ever diminishing Supply but you could die aha as if we just let you Waltz in and break our flame clock you'll have to perish someday I should expire then we'll sink into silence Darkness Oblivion will return to the Earth yes but you can't just the land will take us and we will simply be that's how it is at Colony Tau no one will ever think of us and yet here we are slowly but surely we are withering we don't always find the nutrition that we need to live if Colony Tau cannot accumulate the vital Flames it needs then it proves only that we were too weak and in nature the weak are destined to perish the logic would dictate that nature is pushing you to become stronger if we set you free you might you worry about all this crap neither worry nor pass we've already lost so many of our friends and allies and every time we return to their bodies to the Earth such will be our fate what's the point of fearing the inevitable we know we're gonna die what's wrong with us living the way we always have for how do you live without hope it will spell the end of the story that our predecessors weaved for Generations a tale cut short I would argue that it feels a little melancholy in that sense if we were to be freed from the flame clock then Juniper bad news tell me the monsters are coming straight for the colony and they already took one of us down no they came all the way here we'll join you [Music] Juniper we need orders this is perfectly fine we'll defeat them right here Juniper what are you ask us later we'll back you up thank you I'll fight the best of my ability as well here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] Kim's okay he's still alive thankful I'm so glad we made it in time I'm so glad [Music] again accept my thanks we couldn't have done this without you don't worry about it ah I suppose it's strange of me to talk about the laws of nature when I fear losing my friends not at all honestly that seems like the most natural thing of all when he told me that you would release us from the flame cop I thought that if you really were telling the truth it would make life easier but at the same time I began to hate the fact that I was looking for a way out looking up at our clock seeing the life ebbing away I'd audit and letting go of that status quo wretched though it was after so long I was scared of what might happen if we did [Music] Noah your words at the time seemed so appealing to me I could not destroy the collective efforts that became the colony and everything it represents with my own two hands but then you said you would destroy it for us we'd be guilt-free if that isn't a feeling then what is we must have been aware of how tragic it is to Simply await death that's why you invited us isn't it even now I'm not afraid of dying but I hated the idea of losing those I hold dear when I saw my friend lying there I remembered what you told me and for a brief moment I felt so weak and helpless yet at the same time I didn't want to let go of my dear friend so I must have closed myself off I stopped thinking closed my eyes and covered my ears perhaps I was simply waiting for the inevitable release even so we have to keep thinking that's right even if there are things we'd rather not see we still need to look I'm breaking out of your shell scrambling in desperation for a way to escape despair that's not what I call being weak you've defended this place for so long why strong [Music] and once you're no longer Shackled by the rules of the flame clock you can accept a different reality you can become stronger still I know it we can you can it won't be easy far from it but we'll help you Juniper it's your call we've made it this far thanks to you yes I suppose so if there is a possibility that you can release us from the then please and if not it's not like anything's changed very true if you can't break it I can live with that too [Music] nothing changes without a reason Without a Cause [Music] perhaps this event will teach me to see things in a new light [Music] here we go [Music] I see acceptance is actually surprisingly easy when it comes down to it I think it probably is yeah uh I'm sorry if this seems rude but could I ask another favor of you I'd like to learn much more of the world become a stronger individual to that end is there any chance I could accompany you what do you say guys certainly do with someone of Juniper's caliber it'll be reassuring to have you on board you're very welcome to join your Colony gonna be okay though can they get on without you Colony Tower needs to undergo change too we need to extend our knowledge and grow so I'd like you to take me on a trip somewhere far away and show me something new a journey of Discovery huh that's another thing we need in order to grow might be an idea to send some of our younger recruits out too could be a good lesson [Music] it's time to Breathe new life into our Colony let us break free from the chains that once bound us [Music] we're ranting about the place your console really doesn't bother to show up huh [Music] even after we broke the flame clock you think they'd know better this way if you ask me still we shouldn't rule out the possibility that they'll make trouble for you if something happens you tell us immediately okay sure can do we'll be counting on you [Music] well we don't have all day I think it's about time we made tracks no [Music] you're right time to move then well then everyone don't worry about us you know we can handle ourselves we'll prove that Colony Tau can be so much more yes I'm sure it will be off you go then skedaddle The Colony staying right here waiting for your return thanks no one gets in my way [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I just saw you stuffing your cheeks the Russians should have been divided equally banana walked more than used to today was rumbly grumbly not much we can do though not now banana look we've still got a ways to go so you're gonna have to get used to rationing stuff out okay [Music] [Music] foreign 's completely gone what's up what's wrong what did you say was gone I think she was yelling about food what no way for real friends sure did not just put elsewhere and forget no I'm positive it was right here indeed I checked it myself before I turned in don't tell me someone scoffed the whole lot ah no way and then I will leave no plate unpolished that's awful false accusation not even banana ever stooped to such crude vulgar behavior all right all right we get it just chill out already Manana refused to become frosting this now matter of honor and dignity for starters I know my Nana was feeling a bit peckish but she could have eaten up a lot so who's that that guy barely eats it all right indeed [Music] compressed ancient knock on Art of restraint hey check it banana do not the feather but what kind I found traffic here nobody's blaming you here I think that targets mystery solved then a turkey feather so they raided our supplies apology honor and dignity of manana is for finally faceless accusation come on please lighten up already all accusations aside we really strapped for food guests will have to go foraging I can come luckily this area is pretty Bountiful all in all so we might not be too hard-pressed well anyway that clearly too much eat banana is bottomless pitriku know not denying nice and deceit on this day of days banana will have contribution [Music] looks like we've got ourselves a runner slipped out from the castle is this okay he could get in touch with aura Boris won't that impact our previous Arrangements not to worry if he does make contact they'll come really Aura Boris are simply like that well if you say so we can probably take your word right oh certainly as you say p we probably can't take his word [Music] laughs thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign let's go someplace else [Music] I see okay energy grenade [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] much relief glad Riku adjusts power frame last night should perform 30 better than leaving brand what's Sean about leading brand I get that we're weaker than agniant so we need this to get on more of an even footing in combat but friends say but why but we just need um you know like kapow sort of thing sound effects not help comprehension oh you know like that do dad Noah has dad ujima flip you know what I mean don't make me say it what friend want to use for uh well I not on your own by any chance I so Riku had to pass no come on SO Riku guess right backing up this plan of Lance Noah privy to it make decision without consult allies bad form but he's a enemy and who decide that you're never say himself that's he enemy he did I did in absence of complete picture well but he's different so after me just once Lance make up mind then what are we gonna do only thing friends can keep moving forward How's that gonna solve anything should never have asked also do that not that kind of thing [Music] hey look that's a really odd looking tree meh oh wondrous day cannot believe I it's fruit of Legend break big bright fig lots of bright fig when it's at home let me guess they're stupidly delish oh Gary deliciousness is such that friends will be picking up Jaws from ground for weeks oh what's up are they rotten or something tragedy strike these not right for plucking yet let alone eating if eat now bit of flavor calls agonizing death huh I don't know they look tasty enough to me bright thing not good for eating even after full yellow still have to wait another year before able to enjoy that's too long man so much for that never mind you can always come back next year it's legendary Right you wouldn't want to miss out guess we'll have to but Mio yeah from now even if I might not get to do it you guys can still have a taste why wouldn't you whoa love you've got to stop being so detached about it you'll just get everyone feeling guilty oh sorry sorry please don't mind me don't mind me she says of course we're gonna mind you doll [Music] foreign how can you be so casual about it what do you mean casual I assure you I'm not I'm actually pretty flustered you therefore don't look it if it looks that way to you well that's because I shouldn't even be here what you mean this Life's a gift from a dear friend it should have been me I should have died out there that day so this isn't really me I'm just living on her time maybe that's why hmm [Music] foreign [Music] somehow that reminds me of us I know when we're interlinked I can see a glimpse Inferno destruction land screaming know his memories what if bear with me that friend of yours she showed up like urine as an enemy as an enemy I suppose I'd want to know same as Lance simply why gotcha I figured why is it that you gave your life for mine why you could have lived longer yourself me Abby why did you do it so her name was me Abby sorry guess it's a sensitive subject it's funny I thought I had it all locked down [Music] thank you foreign I'd accept it facts whatever the truth may be and that's it no looking back one more day Factor partners running full steam ahead I mean they can't very well go backwards can I now your partner's now eh I suppose you are at that hmm I wonder how does he see things what's this food you're on about scoff it all up already we couldn't even if we wanted to here we go guys [Music] of me [Music] too much what I expected I'd say we were moving in sync right tile [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign that should be us good for food now yeah looks like that'll last us a little while what's wrong Mia who's there come out polyaris all right much better I owe you what are you doing over this way I thought you were going to the castle yeah no I went and this is what I got for my trouble so tell us what happened but why your majesty why would you attack Colony four you came into contact with aura Boris did you not I'd call it burning out of the contagion Contagion you're implying we've been contaminated have you not you've been removed from the protection of the flame clocks you no longer need to wager your lives in battle who struggles not in life deserves not to live that is the compact of our nation and moreover the truth Majesty Queen yet to punish you all for Fate's machinations would be a misstep therefore I shall Grant you a chance what must I do eliminate you want me to Noah and the rest naturally I am cognizant of the fact that the enemy is Wiley and capable I have no intention of sending you alone what why are you here Ethel how you're not even on the same side entertainment pardon those who have been released from the flame Club sacred indenture cannot be affected by the Mobius Iris to bring you back under control I would have to force your rebirth but that wouldn't be nearly as fun the power you two wield surpasses even some of our consoles I had Great Hopes for you Ethel camaravi they gave Ethel and camaravi new furnaces they've been made specifically to kill oroborrows the tune-up might take a little while though you don't have much time the two of them are after your head [Music] you're sure of this really that's why I came here to give you warning they already know your rough position that's how I found you in the first place what's this plans of the castle they were tuning up my for honest when I happened upon them they include schematics for the annihilator take them and go back to Colony 4. Commander you mean [Music] if they can find us wherever we are I want to at least secure a way for us to put up a fight am I wrong but Mom we can't very well also about Noah's group if you happen across them tell them this I will use lethal Force yes furthermore tell them I wish them all the best of luck I hope they reach their goal Commander oh Ethel she sounds serious and still telling us to just keep going oh that's Ethel for you hard-headed as they come won't she get into trouble because of you slipping out hardly I'm just one missing foot soldier No One's Gonna Pay it any mind huh but your wounds earlier uh truth is air from falling off a cliff on the way here it was dark as snuff [Laughter] are you tucking My Wings well anyhow it's nothing for you lots of fret over this is our problem now you focus on achieving your objective we appreciate it I'm a man hey why is the commander got two car with you little eh and why was our foe camaravi there the ash bar feels like the whole world's turned on its head all righty I'm heading back got it do lots of scoot on along out of these parts there's still some time before they're done tweaking and with you on foot we're not running away not after all this huh I'm staying too what really that light we saw a while back if that if that had come from the annihilator even if we were to somehow reach our destination if it was at the cost of all your lives it wouldn't be worth it surviving like that I couldn't bear it Mimi Mia the castle plans can you share them Noah you're not you wouldn't the fact remains it was us that destroyed your clock therefore yes but that's either way I think it's clear it's part of the blame lies with us it's only fair then that we destroy this Annihilator agreed [Music] you for real I'd be up for a little detour same here [Music] he did offer a shelter that creates an obligation no way around someone here needs to keep friends in line count Riku in if plan on fighting we'll need first-rate chef too oh and that's it no looking back well my de facto Partners running full steam ahead I mean it can't very well go backwards can I now foreign [Music] healer anyway uni [Music] thanks guys you're the best [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 6,623
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, xenoblade chronicles 3 gameplay, xenoblade chronicles 3 cutscenes, xenoblade chronicles 3 review, xenoblade chronicles 3 music, xenoblade chronicles 3 walkthrough, xenoblade chronicles 3 battle theme, nintendo switch, all cutscenes, game movie, xenoblade chronicles 3, part 1, xc3 direct, xc3 battle theme, xenoblade chronicles, XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3 All Cutscenes (PART 3) Game Movie HD
Id: 22V03lX2zSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 57sec (9777 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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