Xbox 360 Games Are Drying Up...

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so if you've tried to buy an Xbox 360 game lately you've probably noticed one thing some games are just completely gone from the internet you cannot get them anywhere it's like a dry desert out there welcome back to another video guys today is a bit of a follow-up to my previous Xbox 360 video where we talked about price of skyrocketing for 360 and now we're going to talk a bit about the Fallout when what happens when games are just completely unavailable to buy how long are you going to have to wait before the market starts to get saturated again what games have absolutely no chance of ever being the previous cheaper prices that they once were and what games will remain cheap and you don't have to really worry about or what games also will come down in price if you wait long enough and how long will that be and also stay tuned until the end of the video I picked up one game here after I made my last video where this game was so hard to find I actually had to order this from Amazon no pictures no nothing we're going to open this up in the video and find out what the condition of it is uh you know did it pay off and what game that is specifically so be sure to stay tuned for that but let's talk about this a bit uh 360 right now after I made my last video I'm like okay I probably should have done this before I made that video but I think the damage had already been done because based on what I had been seeing on price history and sales on eBay uh a lot of these games have actually been hard to find for about a month now so what happens when you go to search for a game on eBay well let me show you this is probably what you're going to see so if you search for a game like fatal inertia I'm like oh you know I don't have a copy of fatal inertia let's go pick it up it's a pretty uncommon if not borderline rare futuristic like wipeout Style Racing game on the 360 I come on the eBay and oh 35 results okay but then you start to scroll and you start to scroll and keep in mind when it has this rating um right here that is the Japanese copy and as you can see there are no English copies whatsoever for this game everything is sold out if you go on to merari sold out if you on to Amazon everything but like super duper overpriced copies are most likely sold out so this is an example of something that I tried to pick up that is just completely gone now in the case of fatal inertia like I said this game is not super common and unfortunately it's going to suffer the uh the sort of side effect that this game is probably never going to return to the prices it used to go for which were about 20 maybe 25 $30 as you can see the prices I was actually looking at this one yesterday it was still for sale I'm like do I $50 man I just can't do it I think I'd rather take the risk and wait and see you know just in case this game maybe comes back down in price but you can even see the frequency at which this game sells and it's not often a lot of cop people are even buying copies from Australia for crying out loud um a lot of copies that remain for sale on eBay for these games too are sometimes often from Canada cuz people in the US don't want to pay the increased shipping prices but that's one example but let me show you an example of something even a bit more extreme and then we're going to talk a little bit about you know why this is even worse than we may be imagining compared to the PS3 in terms of availability and prices so here's one this is a game that you most likely have not even heard of before because this is an actual rare Xbox 360 game it's a game called Autobon p py p oh God I but I butchered it the only copy that's available on sale right now is $100 for the just the disc and if you come down in here to check sold uh people are buying disc only for 30 this person here bought just well you can see what they did here somebody bought the case and the manual or just the case for 30 bucks and the disc for 30 I guess they're going to try and get a manual at some point but you can see $777 with bidding by the way which is very telling about a game's current market price this is an actual rare game uh this is a game that I've known about for quite some time should have picked it up sooner I'm not going to not going to lie to you guys I waited a little too long you can see here back in February this game was going for $15 bidding this just shows you the DraStic increase in desirability as people start to scoop up Xbox 360 games so I'm showing you this game because this is an example of something that I truly believe will never come back down in price people are starting to really deeply delve into the library of Xbox 360 games and any game that is actually rare is probably never going to come back down to being a well as you saw here a 165 $20 game with bidding that's never going to happen again so a game like this is going to suffer the Fallout of forever now being recognized as one of the rare 360 games we've kind of crossed over into that period now where people are starting to really collect for 360 and games like this are going to be sort of a hot Focus for collectors and also people that you know want to play these games I'm sure this is actually a pretty decent uh sort of Need for Speed type of game uh I haven't played it yet though so let me show you something uh before we get into chatting here for a bit this is an example of the polar opposite a game Project Gotham Racing 4 is the polar opposite of something like Autobon P because look at this 679 available eBay now this is something that you will never ever ever have to worry about the price increasing on because copies are just so plentiful it's never going to run out you have absolutely nothing to worry about with a game like this so it's really those games if you're getting into it a little bit late like admittedly like myself I should have been buying 360 games you know the ones the I'm pretty happy with my 360 collection but I should have been buying 360 games a little bit earlier than I have but whatever it is what it is right so why is it that we're seeing certain games uh just really completely run out on the internet compared to others well for one I think the 360 is very closely comparable to the Dreamcast I think 360 has a really sort of cult uh fan base that just absolutely love a lot of the games in the library the genre selection is amazing there's something for everybody there really is RPGs racing games Platformers action games there's just so much and if if you look and compare to something like the PlayStation 3 which don't get me wrong has a great Library a great selection of games I do think comparatively versus the PS3 the 360 outnumbers it in terms of desirable games to pretty much anybody in terms of genres especially when it comes to exclusive games or games that are we should Define this here games that are on the PC but only receive say a console Port usually the 360 is the one that received that Port so while there aren't you know too many 360 games that have the little stamp up there that says only available on 360 when it comes down to a game being available on a Home console the 360 actually has way more exclusives than you might realize and it's because that the PS3 has in my opinion fewer desirable games when the PlayStation apocalypse as I like to call it happened where everybody was panicking and buying games the amount of actually rare and desirable games is quite low on the PS3 so a lot of people honed in on those games that weren't actually all that rare to begin with let's be real here a game like Puppeteer 3d. Game Heroes they're not actually that rare they're kind of uncommon you can now see prices on those have come back down the Earth they've come down they've kind of calmed down but that's because I just don't think there's enough uh for people to kind of like constantly be spending on PS3 because you just pick up the handful of games that you want and you're kind of done with it right and then the M the market will kind of saturate itself again over time because these games are just not rare enough to sustain those prices whereas the 360 this is something that's going to keep keep collectors busy for a long time so there's ups and downs to this the positives are that there's a ton of games that people can spread out their spending on it's not like you're going to see uh just a a dozen games that just get ridiculously pricey right and never come back down in a way having a huge library on 360 is a good thing because it means that games that otherwise would probably be way more expensive than they are at the moment are cheaper because people are so busy spending money on so many other games in the 360 Library I also think the backward compatibility really helps in the the 360s instance because Microsoft has this dedication to apparently even in the Next Generation still continuing on with being backwards compatible we don't know the specifics of that yet we don't know if that means 360 games or just Xbox One or series X but we do know that if you at least own a series X there's a really good reason to pick up physical copies of 360 games and speaking of picking up physical copies I think another thing that compared to the PS3 that the 360 has going for it right now is and this is a whole another video that I want to talk about but I will just bullet point to here I think people are reaching a moment of sort of uh burnout when it comes to Modern games people are sick and tired of their games coming out with uh day one patches day one DLC day one season passes like it's just getting ridiculous people are not looking to spend $70 for a game that incentivizes you to buy it digitally so you can get Early Access or bonus content that should be in the game uh you know from the beginning especially in a physical version games like Star Wars Outlaws just announced that they're going to have a $130 digital pre-order version with extra content a day one season pass content that is you have to pay extra for on top of the you know you you would have to spend $70 for the base game but then you'd have to spend like $90 or something to get the season pass version to get more content I it's just getting crazy right people are getting tired of this stuff and the fact that the 360 and the PS3 were sort of that last generation where we didn't even think about these kind of things because not only did they not really exist but they couldn't really exist on the scale and level that they are uh today in the industry people are really just kind of like man why why would I spend $70 on a game that will first of all be $20 probably in just a handful of months but also is like doing terrible business practices with how they handle content why not spend $70 on like a few or even just one really good sought after Xbox 360 game and I think that's why you're seeing a lot of Focus right now the the everything it's sort of like the eclipse right like things are just lining up the sun and the moon are coming together in this exact moment for the 360 where you have people that are just tired of modern gaming coming back to Retro and we will call 360 retro I mean the thing's almost 20 years old at this point um so you've got people that are nostalgic for the 360 people that are panicking a bit getting excited about the 360 because the live store is closing and you know it's just things are coming together at the right or wrong time if you want to look at it that way too like because of these things kind of happening at the same time uh prices are a bit more crazy than they probably should be but let's get back here and show you a few more examples that I wanted to kind of just touch upon so tenu Z is another game where I tried to pick up a copy of this and I will be doing a video uh probably in the next week or two where I'll show you guys some of the 360 games that I picked up um and how I acquired them like some of them I just barely got before the prices started getting where they are uh tenu Z is one that I tried to secure luckily I was able to actually get a copy of this but you kind of get your hopes up right you're like okay here's a copy for 35 this game never used to be $35 this was about a $10 $15 game but it is a 360 exclusive but you start scrolling down and yeah whoever gets this copy uh congratulations because that's pretty much like the last copy on eBay that isn't uh potentially going to go higher because it's on bidding or coming from Canada okay there's two for 35 um which uh which by the way if you do want to support my content my channel I will have a link in the description of this video that will it's an eBay affiliate link so if any of you do actually come on to search eBay for 360 games um I will maybe earn a commission from what you buy with that link so just you know if you want to support that's a that's a good way of doing it and I do appreciate it um but yeah just to show you here it's completely cleaned out everything is gone the only copies that are left are dis only copies that are not the North American versions copies that are coming from Canada with with crazy shipping that even people in Canada are not willing to pay probably uh so here's another one Naughty Bear is a great example where the normal Edition is quite available but people don't want the normal version right because the Gold Edition has DLC and pretty soon the DLC will not be available anymore and getting it on the disc is a really big Temptation this copy here is like super scratched up it doesn't work unfortunately and there are no other copies available on the internet and it's not just eBay we're talking merari and even in some instances Amazon are just out of everything as you can see no Gold Edition left for Naughty Bear now let me show you a really interesting contrast here if you search for 99 Knights 2 which is the sequel uh there are very few copies left of 99 kns 2 on eBay because it is a lot more Uncommon than the first game the first game is actually one of the more common games on Xbox 360 and because of that you can see uh if we scroll just a little bit it's almost all copies of the first 99 nights game despite it being a search for 99 nights too so this is the kind of example want to show or something like 99 nights even if the price starts getting up there a little bit like into the 20 25 even $30 range for the first game don't buy that one right now you want to wait any game where you go on eBay and at any game of the moment there's at least a hundred of them available that's the kind of stuff you're going to want to wait and we might as well kind of talk uh about how long are you actually going to have to wait for these 360 games to start coming down in price and in my opinion it's going to be it's going to be a while so obviously in July the 360 Marketplace is shutting down so prices and availability on this stuff is only going to get worse as we get closer to that point right and I'm sure for the next month or two after that people are still going to be scrambling to pick up what they want and then by then we're already almost approaching the holidays people are spending more money they're doing more shopping for themselves for others what have you we just know that around September October November December um maybe you know maybe August and September Is Like Your Best Shot to try and get some of the stuff maybe at a decent price PR but really not until next year not until 2025 do I really think we're going to start seeing the prices of these games the games that can stabilize the ones that are more in the common to uncommon side I think you got a little bit to wait so unfortunately if you didn't have a chance to pick up some of these games and you don't want to pay these inflated prices I think you'd unfortunately it's a little little too late at this point so uh games that are getting inflated you're going to have to wait all right so let's get back into some more examples here Bomberman Act is a 360 exclusive but it's a good exclusive or a good example of an exclusive rather even though I do actually kind of not mind bomber man act Zer I think it's actually decently fun this is a good example of a game that even in this moment of Crisis nobody cares the game is still nine bucks right like there's tons of copies on here this is something you don't have to worry about the only thing that can really do something to this game is if somebody like a few people are just like they buy up the market but even then this game is common it's it's not like a few people buying out the internet on copies of this game is really going to do anything it may affect the prices for a little bit but there's so many copies of bomber man out there that the price would certainly stabilize over time you know it may take a year or so but yeah this this game I think is pretty immune and let me just show you guys one more example before we get to opening up uh this game here project Sil feed is a game that I remember uh I played this long ago kind of when it first came out I was very disappointed by it but it is one of those games where if you looked at the cover it's from Square enx it looks super sci-fi almost like an RP G it's a space game third person or first person space game that a man I just wasn't super into it it was kind of wasn't really my thing but as you can see this is a game where you may actually see a price increase on this it's under 100 available any given time and that's not including obviously different regions so let's just say the North American copy is kind of sitting around anywhere give or take 50 60 copies on eBay at any given moment so even if this did go up in price I think this is an example of one of those games where if you wait long enough it will come back down to being let look at this copy complete boxed even from Canada eight bucks Buy It Now $10 shipping you know it's about a $15 game so if you see something like this start going up to 20 25 30 Don't Panic by something like project Sil feed just wait it will come back down rid research 6 was another great example of that when Ridge Racer 6 was added to the backwards compatibility program people bought that game up like crazy the price went from being a $10 game to a nearly $60 $70 game and if you search that game now it is way back down to pretty much like the prices that it used to be in that sort of $15 range so um what do you say we open up this game that I could not find on eBay or merari and I had to resort to getting a copy on Amazon so we're going to open this here no editing uh oh God hopefully I'm actually able to there we go luckily these Amazon bags are not too hard to open and I'm going to show you an example of what's going on on eBay with this game wow they actually put it in actually put it in bubble wrap that's the first time that's happened for me protected my retro games I like it uh it's got a little thank you card for your support and it's even shrink wrapped wow okay so the game that I picked up was infernal hell's Vengeance so this is a game that I'm like oh you know let's just take a look at the exclusives out there and this is one that I hadn't picked up yet any kind of like third person action game I love that that style of action game from the 360 era you really we really don't get too many action games like this anymore so I'm like okay let's go check it out let's go pick up a copy looks like it's in really nice shape too and I took a chance on this this was pretty much I think it was like 20 bucks the description just said it's complete in box manual original case that's it disc is mint looking that's really good not sure if they resurfaced it doesn't look like it manual is mint wow this is I didn't expect a game that I bought on Amazon to be one of the most Mint Condition used copies I've ever bought even it practically looks brand new but let me show you guys real quick why I had to resort to buying this on Amazon if you go on the eBay right now you do have to filter out like Diablo pal Japan uh because there's a lot of results for non-n North American copies and they'll show you a bunch of copies of Diablo if you try searching for this currently the only copy is really this over $20 copy with shipping for one without a manual one here from Canada and then after that that's it the game is done like the only copies are PAL copies it it's sold out it's completely sold out on eBay if you go on merari it's the same thing there are none available on merari I had to go on Amazon and I found the last decently priced copy you can see here people April 10th April 9th $30 $30 so what happens to a game like this one of the exclusives that in my opinion isn't super common I'd say this is more on the uncommon side this is not a game that you see all the time a lot of you have probably never even heard of this game um I do think this is a game that will suffer the sort of uh unfortunate circumstance of it is uncommon enough where the availability drying up like this will cause people to start listing this game higher prices than normal the last selling copies were in the $30 range you're going to start seeing people sell this for $40 45 maybe even $50 for people out there that are trying to take advantage of this situation and the thing is people will buy those copies inflate prices because I've seen it happen with other 360 games and something like this that is more on the uncommon side this will permanently increase the price of this game it's not the case of a project still feed where even if that game were to sell out something like that I do think would come down in price again it's something like this that you really got to keep an eye out for and uh um it's just the unfortunate side effect of well a digital store Front closing right it gives us more reason to make sure that we're buying physical copies of our games this experiencing this with 360 again after experiencing this with the PS3 really makes me want to start collecting a bit more for the PS4 future proof myself a bit with uh when it comes to Games available physically that maybe are still decently affordable and I do want to do a video as well on the Xbox one kind of talk about what's going on with the Xbox One Market and what I think is going to happen to that is it going to be anything like the 360 well not really no but we'll talk about that in the future videos so if you guys enjoyed this type of video and commentary and you want to see something like this on the Xbox One and my opinions on what's going to happen with that be sure to subscribe leave a like it does help out the channel a lot and I'll see you guys in the next video thank you very much for watching
Channel: PeteDorr
Views: 28,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox360, xbox colecting, rare xbox 360 games, xbox collecting, xbox 360 hidden gems, petedoor, petedorr
Id: Jdz0b4mABnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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