X-Wing Alliance - Starfighter Superiority Evaluation with mods 2020

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[Music] [Music] thanks for watching target the nav buoy and we'll be on our [Music] way all right rookie we'll start with an enemy ship on your six targeted using your r key it's one click away and we'll now attack you hey two attacking crap head ahead set your throttle at one third and evade it once notice the appropriate threat warning indicator is lit once you've evaded the enemy attack you must counter [Music] now two enemy craft will attack you simultaneously [Music] [Music] first good job one down and one to go now let's see how well you handle an attack by three enemies good start now you're only facing two to one odds [Music] finish off the last one we'll give you a serious challenge [Music] care to try four on one [Music] you'll need to evade better than that [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] attacking goal and defense platform single-handedly is suicide space to the next target area two ship [Music] elements [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll break to the right while you break to the left [Music] i'll take number one you take number two [Music] [Music] so [Music] you want to help me out now a little bit of a challenge here [Music] do we concentrate on one of the two flight elements or do we split up and each of us take on a different element there is no perfect answer you have to play it by ear [Music] this is one i've got him [Music] that even things up nicely let's finish him off hey two you better shake that bandit off got him now we've got our hands full but i'm sure you can handle it [Music] [Music] this is the one yes sir i've got him [Music] first [Music] [Music] first hyperspace to the next target area four ship group [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hey two enemy in range [Music] keep it up [Music] got it what a dead eye [Music] lots of enemies means lots of targets lots of friendlies is good because you can protect one another it's also risky because you can accidentally hit each other [Music] [Music] that's one lesson to worry about whoa another bandage down keep it up you've attacked a friendly crap hyperspace to the next target area 12-ship squadron [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is one i'm under heavy fire [Music] tie bombers aren't much in a dogfight unless they're armed with concussion missiles [Music] this is seven the turbo lasers are targeting me [Music] [Music] this is sick i'm under heavy fire hey two enemy in range [Music] this is dick i need assistance fast this is seven cover me if you can always do your best to protect your wingme this is three i've got a starship firing at me yes one less bad guy imperial training seems a bit lacked congratulations you have demonstrated satisfactory skills consider yourself ready for immediate assignment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great work out there you
Channel: SWArtisticTeam
Views: 5,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, xwing, starfighter, tiefighter, rebels, galactic empire
Id: Ua99cdbt_aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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