X-MEN LEGENDS All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD

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[Music] today on our VN World News we examine the growing mutant menace it's a concern of worldwide proportions this scene took place in Russia two weeks ago as a young mutant stood in defiance of the military and in the Far East the authorities attempted to quell an uprising at a mutant camp but they had little success we interrupt this newscast with a breaking story a young woman named Allison kress Mir was identified as a mutant the genetic research and security organization is now responding to that report but a mother's borned and tempers are flaring grab the girl and get out [Applause] mind if I cut in [Music] three beauties hey bud Lisa come six hey Wolverine what are you waiting for come on what's going on here you're finished mystique give up fool you think I came here alone you are destined to lose x-men I'm the best at what I do clap you're one of the Boise x-men [Laughter] I will annihilate you [Laughter] rustling you got the chance Wolverine someday someway I'll see you die you're done darling and I ain't even broken a sweat where's blob taking the kid she's ours now Corinne you'll never see her again [Music] we'll get her back with stage even if we have to cut down each and every one of you brotherhood psychos what's so special about her the crest me a child has her uses you always got some plan brewing don't you mystique it's time to save Allison you'll never catch blob [Laughter] Oh get this guy away from me hey come back here don't take another step closer block twice not between Bob [Music] for this life is making me hungry alright if you sleep on something specific don't forget out of the x-jet I'll meet you there got it right myzel is happening to me Alison it's okay things were fine until last week I got mad at my little brother and suddenly the ground started to shake I knew it was my fault I didn't want to admit it your powers are becoming active which things have only gotten worse that lava in the street I made it happen I'm becoming a mutant there's nothing wrong with and that woman she was going to make me join something called the Brotherhood she could come after me again any time Alison you couldn't be in safer hands we're the x-men [Music] Professor Xavier I'd like you to meet Alison crest near hello Alison welcome to the Institute how are you a little confused but I'm okay that's understandable that's Jean could take you on a tour of the mansion or would you prefer that I show you the true purpose of the Institute in the sub-basement why was I brought here you were brought here for your own protection the people who attacked you in New York City were members of the Brotherhood of mutants they can be extremely dangerous so they could come after me again perhaps which is why it would be best for you to stay at the mansion at least until we determine exactly why the Brotherhood attempted to kidnap you are you the leader of the x-men I prefer to think of myself as their mentor I leave team leadership to Cyclops or storm right you brought them together right yes I started with Cyclops and several others as time passed I found more mutants who were capable of handling the responsibilities of being an x-man who's the Brotherhood the Brotherhood is an unruly collection of mutants who consider themselves above humanity they operate outside the law and use their abilities to further their misguided desires well what do they want they've labeled themselves homo superior and believe they will inherit the earth but they are far from meek could you take me on the sub-basement tour yes indeed you see a majority of this facility is underground so as not to attract the attention of those who mean ill will towards mutant kind it features state-of-the-art training equipment that helps prepare the x-men for any challenges they may encounter this is the war room from here we keep a watchful eye on the world for any signs of trouble this is also where the x-men meet to formulate combat strategies what's that holographic glow that is the mission control computer with it you can examine and activate any missions that are currently available to the x-men I have to take a look at that later very good now would you like a tour of the sub-basement or would you prefer to explore on your own I'd like a sub-basement or feel free to inspect the rooms I'll follow along and explain as we go hello my friends oh I'm not an x-man I'm just looking around the war room Professor Xavier said it was okay I saw this flashing button marked mirror Island so I pushed it are you having trouble there yes the Brotherhood storms with you oh my gosh were you hurt me I'm fine who are you my name is Forge I bet you've got some kind of mutant power don't you and I have the ability to build any type of machine what was the Brotherhood doing on Muir Island they broke into my workshop and tore the place apart in search of a particular piece of equipment what did they want they took some experimental equipment in masks mutant DNA from scanning devices why would they want that I'm not sure but while wearing the masking device even cerebral would not be able to detect them capsulate affords pretty tough war in the world this is cerebro a machine designed to locate mutants anywhere on the planet is this how you found me precisely we were able to pinpoint you when your mutant abilities began to manifest themselves several days ago she must be really powerful it is indeed while wearing that headset a telepath can feel the heartbeat of almost every sentient being on earth it could potentially overwhelm an untrained mind oh wow yes and in addition cerebro keeps detailed files on all known mutants from within here I control battle situations that take place in the training room you can see through those windows the training room has earned the dubious title of the danger room but the danger room looks completely empty with the aid of advance a log Rafi any adversary or environment can be created out of nothingness the danger room can simulate battle situations from the surface of the Moon to 1,000 feet below sea level holograph so nothing in there is real make no mistake while the enemies in the danger room may not be real the danger certainly is as the bruises of the x-men can attest what's the console over there that is the danger room computer what's it do it is the artificial intelligence created by beasts to run the danger roll with it a student can access any of the training programs available you may use it later should you wish sounds kind of scary but fun I'm glad you feel that way Allison because I would now like to officially extend you an invitation to join us here at the Institute your parents hoped you would stay to see if we could help you learn to control your mutant abilities I I don't know this is all happening so fast there's no rush this is a difficult decision so for the time being consider yourself our guest feel free to enjoy anything the mansion has to offer with the aid of cerebro I've learned the Brotherhood is enroute to Alaska it appears their destination is the facility for the high frequency active auroral research program also known simply as HAARP well but the Brotherhood wanted HAARP all that facility does is study the ionosphere that Cyclops is what you must discover the Brotherhood has become extremely active since their attack on Allison which can only mean something sinister is in the offing and whatever their plan we must SWAT it before they can set back the cause of human mutant relay the HAARP facility a this will be an excellent opportunity to test the new cloaking device I've installed on the x-jet it should render us completely undetectable to radar excellent Beast you have your mission x-men Godspeed time you explore the one who are you people you're not supposed to be here you ads men are traitors to your own species and I'll see to it you don't get another chance bloody well said mistake those exits always nozzles up when they should be ever enough let's wipe them out before the settlers get us all right pyro destroy them ready to relay Yeah right yes right you been yeah all right okay hi I come back here you twit bloody hell except that the print on this month [Music] combo and over here find what the superheroes you are the entire love you not Konami that is hardly fair how should I play now I can't even give them the key middle is sad news I don't recall saying any such thing you're a loser Natan you are I swear on the grave of me at Beatrice I don't know nothing about now sadness no need getting rough on me I was just having a little fun I was okay okay look mystique wanted a location that was stored on the computers here I don't know honest but now that they've got it mystique was saying the day of reckoning is coming soon not rightly sure what that means but I bet you ain't gonna like it [Music] twenty-four knew he wouldn't be anonymous now would hear that I'd be far more likely to talk if you were to be nice to me [Music] and some days now since I came to the Institute I still haven't decided whether I want to stay or not but Bobby Jake sure makes it seem awfully inviting is exciting hearing about the x-men's adventures at the heart facility in Alaska part of me wishes I could have gone with them I guess I'm getting caught up in all this x-men superhero business hello Allison you're looking most excellent today but then you look most excellent every day can you tell me anything more about the accident trip to the heart facility yeah I guess there was a lot of equipment at the facility that had nothing to do with studying the aurora borealis so if they aren't studying the sky what are they doing Professor X thinks the government might be using it as a hi-tech headquarters for storing sensitive information stuff they don't want regular people to know about you know things like area 51 the man on the grass you know hold disco songs from the 70s who is that tells guy they brought back toad he's a member of the Brotherhood the Brotherhood is he dangerous only to himself the Brotherhood treats him like a court jester always playing tricks on him why he puts up with all their abuse is beyond me I heard someone say toad mentioned sentinels what's a sentence their mutant hunting machines but the government shut that program down years ago I'm sure toad just talking smack see you later Bobby see you later beautiful couldn't talk for like Wistia yes $1000 I did not mean to scare you who are you my name is Kurt Wagner but normally I use the name night caller that's a very cool name Duncan that was my performing name but now there's a famous Acrobat not all over Germany perhaps you have health of me no I can't say that I have pity I do so love the spotlight but perhaps what I loved the most was people's assumption that I was just a regular human twist in the devil's custom met Jagger yours is pretty neat how does it work it is teleportation at first I could only teleport a few meters but the more I practice the father I can transport Wow you can travel anywhere almost I must be able to see the place I am teleporting to otherwise I might appear in a ball or tree which would be most disagreeable could you tell me about the Sentinels sentinels are pure evil in mechanized form for a time the government funded a program to build those mutant killing machines how does Sentinel work they are programmed to scan from you group DNA and then kill any and all mutants their shielding and weapons were built to withstand all but the most powerful attacks I have battled them before but God protect me should I ever have to again what's it like fighting a sentinel ah it is terrible I remember one battle in particular the x-men was summoned to New York to help a friend in trouble you've mentioned God several times it seems kind of odd that you look like you do and yet you're religious yeah I have heard that many times but my belief in God is my greatest strength for you see muscle may be able to move mountains but fees can lift an entire civilization sigh Nightcrawler I'll be there hi Professor Xavier how are you I'm not sure being able to generate love I kind of freaks me out that's understandable I wanted to let you know that I've decided I'd like to become a student at your school that's excellent news Allison you made a very wise choice thank you sir the Institute does seem to be the best place for me at least for now now that you're a student I'd like very much to test your mutant abilities test my abilities you mean in the Danger Room yes if you don't mind but what if I fail there is no great for this test it's merely a means to measure the full extent of your powers that way we'll know better how to deal with your particular needs okay I'll try but don't expect much don't worry Allison just do your best we are getting some interesting readings on your powers I'll show you after the test while this is only an exercise you are in a minimal amount of Jeopardy the kids got potential smart answer safety protocol to face I'm getting her out of there wait what just happened [Music] and I in trouble not at all my child scottson was sa I haven't seen energy readings like this since are you alright Alison I'm fine Professor Xavier and I'm really sorry about destroying the Danger Room I don't know what happened I just sort of lost control not to worry this type of thing happens all the time besides I think it gives Beast an excuse to make modifications to the equipment well I've had enough I'm never setting foot in the Danger Room again I understand this was a very trying experience but at some point you must try again it's the only way you'll learn to master your powers but I won't need to learn about my powers if I never use them again that wouldn't be a wise course of action I encourage you to take some time off and rest when you feel better come back to the Danger Room and try again I don't know Professor Xavier let me think about it we have a potential emergency I received this brief transmission from gambit a short time ago professor the Morlocks are after Remmy we gotta go save him I agree rogue we must proceed with caution boy the Morlocks there a tribe of mutants who have isolated themselves from the general mutant populace their sewer dwellers having built an entire secret society beneath the streets of Manhattan yes and in doing so they have become extremely hostile towards outsiders I want a team to enter the sewers as quietly as possible and render aid to gambit should he require it please keep contact with the Morlocks to a minimum at Cajun can't stay out of trouble can e that's a trade you to share in abundance you get funnier by the day for a ball and you know that you have your mission x-men be on your way there's no time to waste oft worlders you have no business in the realm of a warlock be gone from here yes I am maro we have no need for the lifeless view down here in irons dr. worry gambit yes I've met him but he's not been seen in our tunnels for a very long time the radio transmission was obviously wrong your friend is knockdown you anger me because you live in a world of light and beauty while we outcasts are forced to live in darkness liar you speak sweet bragging but you don't mean them mark soon winged warlocks will be treated as equal to those who watch if useless you won't find him here [Music] phones Umizoomi bad he's good - no man can count on his plan we never will fight you viewing some effects before we give it a tune-up you floss already bones you meza me bad he's good no man can count on his plans we ascended never will fight you Beauty to the death before we give a Cajun up I'm in major-league trouble hopefully x-men you know you have one admin this is only the first round we caught him spying on us like a rat in the shadows I can't have some two-bit thief complicating my plan very well but don't let us catch that Cajun in our sewers again no worries all gamba done already picked the lock I was hearing the Moloch's would give me cozy with the Brotherhood thought maybe I better check it out you know then they don't calm me so I don't know about that after all you'll be here saving the Hickey x-men I apologize for the telepathic intrusion but from data gained at the HAARP facility I believe we've determined where the Brotherhood will strike next is this a location toad told us mystique was so interested in yes cops and that location is the USS Ovid they dead the new submersible aircraft carrier indeed its exact coordinates are being uploaded you now professor you don't suppose that the arbiter is where they're keeping their storm I pray it is not but you must perceive that immediately and stop the Brotherhood we call that able to achieve that goal don't worry professor we'll stop them dead in their tracks I have the utmost confidence you will Wolverine good luck x-men [Music] [Music] heads up the most it's law which is drawing the ships genitals attacking the whole process I can't vote for a short one [Music] [Music] time you freaks look a lesson how do I get out of here yes you can I'm sure how much longer I can hold this together no too late can't keep it closed whatever what the Brotherhood wanted here they're going to go for it and if we don't leave right now real drown too get ready here he comes like General William [Music] [Applause] [Music] behold saviors am you crazy fraid so ring to all corners of the land for he shall come forth and wage war on our enemies uh sure in a new age like God's they will be [Music] it is time instant my house before [Music] I'm Deborah Owen for rvn world news our top story tonight the attack on the USS arbiter earlier today a terrorist group known as the Brotherhood of mutants boarded the arbiter and forced their way into the lower decks once there they released an electromagnetic burst that severely crippled the ship officials were quick to point out that even though the arbiter sank there was no loss of human life this event gave general Kincaid more fuel for his anti-mutant sentiment at a press conference the general said that should things continue in this vein homosapiens we stand up on the edge of a brave new world and evolution has found you yet I invite all mutants to congregate at them out together we will force the Homo sapiens to make way for their true madness homo superious [Music] things of the mansion have become really tense now that magneto is free Professor Xavier spends a lot of time with cerebro Cyclops is super uptight and you can't talk to Wolverine without him trying to take your head off it feels like something really bad is about to happen still stressed out of things are I'm surprised to find them starting to think of the mansion as' home hello Allison we were just discussing you I'm really really sorry about all that damage I did to the danger room kid if I had to say sorry every time I tore up the danger room it'd be the only word out of my mouth really you mean it yes Allison part of the reason we use the Danger Room is so New Mutants can test their powers in a controlled environment and that frequently results in equipment being damaged what do you say Jen want to give it a go you want me to go in the danger room again I think it would be a good idea Professor Xavier is quite adamant that you hone your skills besides aren't you just a kin to payback mystique and the rest of the Brotherhood from jumping you like that okay I'll give it a try good just warn me if you're going to go thermonuclear so I can get out of the way Allison you were magnificent I saw the entire exercise very commendable Allison you've already shown vast improvement in controlling your powers perhaps it's time you were given greater responsibilities professor I admit it was impressive the one session in the Danger Room doesn't make Allison ready for field ops I agree Scott but we must allow Allison to grow at her own rate and I believe that with the proper supervision she would make an excellent addition to our team me and x-man I don't believe it what do you say Allison crash Mia would you consider joining our team yes yes I'd love to do I get it cool codename how about pebbles oh hi it's Logan Stratis we're kids in Hesston but um I kinda had a name in mind already how about magma magma an excellent choice welcome to the x-men magma what about the uniform do I get to wear my uniform all the time follow me dear what's up professor cerebro has discovered the brotherhood is on the move again this time to a potentially catastrophic location the borscht nine nuclear plant in Siberia is magneto with him no at least according to cerebrum the Brotherhood has access to weapons-grade plutonium this is most disconcerting agreed whatever they're up to the consequences will be disastrous the Brotherhood must be stopped or you may very well have to contain a nuclear meltdown oh dear God they wouldn't oh yes they would storm without batting an eye we must stop them right on psych let's go show the Brotherhood they're playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun very well x-men be on your way there's no time to waste please please I have family let me leave yes I think they have gone all except for the metal one star it was a uniform much like yours but he is Russian he is at the nuclear Court no doubt eating it like a bear with homie spasiba [Music] [Music] [Music] ah Eggman thanks it bothers you are here I do not know how much longer I can let because of Magneto's attack the reactor is called to critical mass if I drop this regulator there will be a nuclear explosion quickly you must go to the control room above me and open the blast door from there you can repair the bracket that holds its regulator in place I feel as strong as a hurricane okay you of people you have my gratitude college it was not middle yes he called the group his acolytes and there was one other man I did not recognize he manipulated the radiation so that magneto would not be harmed while he was within the reactor I overheard the acolytes say he was creating some type of material that generated granitic iron I am sorry my friend but my sister Ileana has fallen me I cannot leave her a most excellent idea comrade this should be the care she requires let us go immediately Peter I promise you I'll do all that's humanly possible to save her but this is a most unusual case I've looked for viruses parasites and tissue damage but I can't find anything wrong with her I do not understand Peter there is no physical reason she should be in a coma and to make matters worse her body's begun to shut down doctor please I beg of you don't give up hope I've asked force to see he can create a life-support system to keep your sister alive do you think he will succeed knowing Ford she's putting the finishing touches on the device as we speak [Music] computer shutdown the power grids in the third fourth and eighth sectors invalid command ah I made you I can break you you chunk of oh hi yes my name is Forge what can I do for you hi I'm Alison I mean I'm magma nice workshop you have here Thanks I use it to build any new equipment dr. mctaggert might require you see I have the ability to build any type of machine that's got to be the weirdest mutant power you've ever heard of yes I know everybody says that until they need me to build a machine for them that is are you having trouble with your computer ever since the Brotherhood stormed through here the mainframes been acting flaky it's constantly turning systems on and off I won't take any of my commands say could I ask a big favor of you like what would you mind manually rebooting the Institute's supercomputer I needed to program the life-support system I built for ileana rebooting a supercomputer sounds pretty technical okay there's nothing to it I do it myself but I have to be here when the mainframe comes online sure I'd love to help out what do I do go to the primary core once you're there contact me over the radio and I'll walk you through the steps to rebooting the computer okay Forge I found the primary core what should I do now wait a second Houseman I just found out I can't shut down the computer defense systems they'll attack anything that moves in there maybe I should get one of the other x-men two handled there's no time to waste forge in Liana will die without your help and you can't help her until this computer is working I have to agree Alison time is running out you're very brave to do this MA hundred looking forward to a good fight just starting to sound like Wolverine okay Alison move into the room and I'll talk you through the steps to rebooting the computer first you'll need to raise the bridge to get the primary controls there should be a control panel near the bridge Reeth won't go up I'll have to clear it offer okay be careful Alan you the ow dad first this panel isn't doing anything Forge yeah from my monitor it looks like the core is out of alignment well what did I do there are two core control stations find them in access the core they should automatically align good job Allison now you have to find the other core control station that's more like it the core is in alignment now head back to the primary controls and access them I've got it covered Forge okay Moira I finished downloading the program how did things look that's done it Forge Eliana's life signs are stabilizing your talents through the outer gift from heaven I couldn't have done it without Alison she's the hero well then I thank you Alison you saved early Anna's life anyone could have done it nonsense you deserve to be congratulated laughs thanks I'm just glad early on is better x-men meet at the x-jet now which time we left for the mansion people Colossus you're welcome to join us since dr. mctaggert is sending ileana to see Professor Xavier at the x-mansion I will go to we got back from your island a little while ago somewhere on my troubles with the Brotherhood really don't seem important compared to what poor Eliana's going through I hope dr. mctaggert and Professor Xavier can help her hello dear you must be new to the school yes my name is Alison kresnik how delightful I'll bet all the boys are chasing after a pretty girl like you ah then they're so easy to own Alison I'd like to introduce you to Emma Frost also known as the white queen she has immense psychic talents Charles my sweet we're looking for handsome every day and you Ella are equal parts beauty and chaos such a smooth talker you could charm a girl right out of her thank you for coming to the mansion so promptly I am in dire need of your talents not to worry Charles auntie Emma will make it all better Missy Allison men are so easy much like the boy you're interested in Bobbie drink hello Allison how's that boy you have your eye on Bobbie drink how did you know about Bobbie it's amazing the things you learn when you're a telepath I thought telepaths weren't supposed to read minds unless they were given permission no where's the fun in that what's this astral plane that Professor Xavier was talking about the astral plane is a dimension of existence bordering on the edge of thought it's based entirely on metaphor so a person who needs emotional protection would be covered in armor and a person who wishes to be silent would be surrounded by a wall sounds very weird think of it as a dream where everything has an alternate and deeper meaning good luck on your mission be sure to keep an eye on the professor my dear I always keep both eyes on Charles righteous laws beasts why cause such a mysterious meeting huh I apologize for the cryptic message but I fear we are about to come under attack from cloaked invaders why how do you know normally I never would have detected them but the variant covalence bands were interfering with an experiment dealing with hyperbolic if there's a point beast you should be getting to it as you wish Wolverine I've discovered someone is attempting to access the Xavier protocols those contain information on every known mutant in the world if they fell into the wrong hands no mutant would be safe any idea who's doing it Beast anyone attempting to infiltrate our network would have to be nearby but I scan the mansion grounds and can't detect anyone therefore it seems reasonable to assume our unwanted guests are clothed now it makes sense for the past half hour I've been catching thoughts from minds that I've never encountered before Jean do you think you can pinpoint where these thoughts are coming from yes but I can only locate one mind at a time that's all we'll need RIT let's get out there and pay close attention to genes instructions I can sense them nearby search the grounds and unlock the one closest to us [Music] the cogniser [Music] oh yeah good job guys now if one of you would be so kind as to gather the communication gear from one of these gentlemen it could prove most beneficial those ghost soldiers had some of the most advanced gear I've ever seen and they fought as if they were specifically trained to battle mutants yes this is most disconcerting okay beast you got the gear now tell us where their home base is so we can clean it out just one moment all I had to do is reconfigure the transmitter and triangulate the beacon signal voila now we can ascertain who our invisible friends were communicating with Canada intriguing now if I narrow the search that is that I do not know this place that facility once belonged to the Canadian government it's where the Weapon X project was carried out many years ago professor wasn't Logan a victim of Weapon X indeed which is precisely why Logan has already left I can't talk too long we're getting ready to leave for the actual plane why are you going to the astral plane Professor Xavier wants a group of us to go he said he'd explain why at the mission briefings what's the astral plane the astral plane is a realm of the mind where thoughts become reality but it works entirely on metaphor kind of like in dreams oh so like people who feel trapped during chains and stuff like that exactly can non psychic people go to the astral plane I've heard of a few very rare cases but non psychics have their little impact their psychics on the other hand can reshape the astral plane to match their state of mind good luck on your mission thanks Alison I'm sure we'll be perfectly safe [Music] so you're leaving - just like Logan you vowed to never read our minds without permission I didn't just a hunch may I ask why it's Alex he wants me to meet him someplace in Canada said he had information concerning the Brotherhood I'm guessing it has something to do with the spy drones we found at the mansion perhaps the x-men should accompany you no professor I need to do this alone as you wish Scott good luck and say hello to Alex for me hello big brother Alex or should I say havoc I answer to either name did you bring your eggs pounds I came alone like you asked there's a surprise I thought your whole group was joined at the hip cut the small talk Alex what is this place it's an annex for Department age Canada's defense ministry we got word they were running a secret facility here something to do with mutants we yeah I joined the Brotherhood so that was you protecting magneto from radiation of the Russian nuclear plant yeah what of it Alex you've done some stupid things but joining up with that bunch is just I knew you'd say that that's why I had you meet me here so you could see for yourself that humanity is nothing but a bunch of animals mom and dad was human were they animals and what would they think of you joining the Brotherhood mom and dad were even in our lives Scott they dropped the ball just like you go to hell Alex you first big brother what gives you should be out cold and you should have been knocked into the next province our powers are nullified because we're brothers remember bonehead fine by me I don't need plasma to take you down a notch [Music] you tube ladies finished you said you came alone I did Wolverine did you follow me you Sommers boys are a paranoid line you know that no I came here on my own why because little Alex here is right that used to experiment on mutants in this place really nasty stuff and if someone got the bright idea to start things up again I'm here to permanently change their mind come on let's check it out looks like a bull elephant tore through this place what happened here me just what I like this is still here come on let's go see who else wants to play rough I don't care what you do for me just don't harm the astral gate it is my life's work I will tell you Newt is anything you wouldn't you couldn't yes you would it is a device allows non-psychic people to enter the astral plane you can take this I won't allow it thank you thank you I was the next on the test list what's going on here they're experimenting on us on mutants they treat us like like Lab Rats who's doing it department H Canadian Secret Service no I'm pretty sure the general is American apart is something called Operation vigilance what general general Kincaid who's the cold-blooded monster in charge of the slaughterhouse he called mutant to play said he was going to make sure we never threatened the security of mankind again where's Kincaid now I don't know I'm just glad he left Oh horrors I seen that man commands don't worry it's over now let's head back to the mansion we have to tell Professor X about this operation vigilance program I'm not going with you why because you're part of the Brotherhood you really should listen to what magneto has to save God he intend to get mutant the respect they deserve Magneto's have Island man Alex do you realize that if Colossus hadn't been there then you planned you and your friends visited would have had a meltdown thousands of people would have died I think that would have gotten you respected I didn't know the reactor Ben danced no this is war a war for our freedom magneto said people would have to die before was over and you're never going to understand goodbyes go let him go side I call this meeting to inform you that several of us will be taking a trip to the astral plane shortly several but Charles I only see you and Jean I will be joining them cool the white queen is here it figures they'd call in another super telepath to join the group but what is the astral plane it's a dimension of the mind one where thoughts become reality why are you going to the astral plane professor I let Moira answer that question x-men I believe we've discovered the cause of the Liana's coma you have tell me doctor quickly her mind no longer inhabits her body come on we believe Ileana is on the astral plane but she has no psychic powers how can this be I agree Colossus it is very strange indeed and that is the reason Jean Emma and I are going to investigate the astral plane in my absence Scott will be in charge should any trouble arise I can feel ill iana's mind is here me too she's definitely on the astral plane this doesn't make sense how could a non telepathic mutant become trapped on an astral plane I don't know but be vigilant my friends this is highly unusual professor what are those creatures I'm not certain but apparently they mean us harm good I'm in the mood for a fight we must escape who's doing this I pray it's not whom I suspect quickly that portal will take you to Ileana we're not leaving out your professor Silvia fool get out show yourself Shadow King I know it's you hello Xavier I'm impressed you remember me I never forget the true face of the world I have to give him credit the bratty Liana served her purpose give her credit someone told you to kidnap Ileana no one would dare give an order to Shadow King I was advised that stealing the child was lure you into my world Oh what do you intend to do now I should have thought about it I will have my revenge [Music] Ilyana are you injured yes I recognize you you are x-men Friends of my brother Peter yes we're here to help you escape from the astral plane can you move stop you lead I will follow Scott you what's horrible Charles it got Charles Jean Emma calm down who got Professor Xavier shadow king I felt his presence just before Professor Xavier helped us escape oh that ain't good we have to get additional help and rescue Charles immediately both of you take it easy and tell me exactly what happened I just wonder would all the times okay people let's split into two teams some of us will go meet Magneto the rest of us will stay here and watch over the professor I did not call for his children i watch Charles Xavier immediately [Music] very well you have undoubtedly heard of the torture chambers Havok uncovered in Canada this should prove to you that human CSS little more than animals [Music] yeah Xavier has brainwashed a lot of you there's also the small matter of a prisoner you've taken you are free come and join your master oh bloody lovely all new you junkies a great asylum Magneto don't forget about his loyal followers necessary he's a stand-up fluffiness enough told why you are sir I came to offer you a chance to redeem yourselves as homo superious join me battle lines have been drawn and the time for war draws near think about it he's right he has the power to create better lives for all mutants I have restored my headquarters on asteroid M from there I will create a new world order one where homo superious take their rightful place as gods at the top of the genetic food chain stays all mutant activity or face instant termination just what I need oh yeah just five left [Music] Wolverine [Music] you see violence is all humanity has to offer art doesn't he ever shut up [Music] now main target acquired primary objective secured with all follow that x-men know we need to recruit [Music] you're one tough chick Alison you've seen more action in the past couple of days that most people see in a lifetime what are those sentinels gonna do with Magneto I wouldn't worry not about Magneto we can take care of himself those sentinels got no idea the amount of destruction that's going to be unleashed on them see you later Wolverine see you pebbles [Music] hello Alison what can I do for you what are you doing we're hoping to enter the astral plane soon and save Professor Xavier but we have to study the situation a little first shadow King is extremely powerful as Professor Xavier going to be alright if he's ever to regain consciousness we must return to the astral plane and free him so that his mind will be reintegrated into his body who is Shadow King Shadow King is a mental parasite who lives on the astral plane but he can take over the body of a person in the real world the x-men have fought in several times Charles first met Shadow King a long time ago in Cairo Egypt back when Shadow King inhabited the body of a man known as Amahl Farouk when he and Professor X met it was hate at first sight they wound up battling on the astral plane Professor Xavier won but just barely and it would appear Shadow King is still seeking vengeance he's growing much stronger since their last meeting Shadow King had little trouble capturing Charles what will shadow king do to Professor axe knowing Shadow King he'll torture Charles causing him as much mental pain as possible then once he's had his fun shadow king will destroy Charles we can't let that happen don't worry awesome it won't the x-men will see to that I'll let you ladies get back to work Thank You Alison back again magma I'll let you ladies get back to work Thank You Alison hi magma finding anything on the computer I'm trying to track the movements of havoc in the Acolytes it looks as though they weren't able to catch up the Sentinels so magneto is the prisoner of whoever controls the Sentinels if he is they would need extremely powerful methods of holding him in stasis at Magneto's current output level I don't think even the magnetic dampeners on the arbiter could contain him bullet havoc he's my younger brother Alec Summers I thought you two looked alike so he's a mutant too yeah his powers work kind of like mine only he absorbs cosmic radiation and he generates waves of plasma did you see where havoc and the acolytes went after they lost track of Magneto I tried to but they just suddenly disappeared it is it they vanished I have no idea where they went good luck finding havoc thanks magma Allisyn what can we do for you wise professor xavier unconscious I don't understand it myself Alison his vital signs are stable his body's completely intact there's no physical reason for him to be in a coma but we are dealing with psychic matters not an area of my expertise what can we do to get him back to normal his mind must be set free from the astral plane so it can return to his body plus his body was damaged before his mind was freed from the astral plane if the professor dies here he would cease to exist on the astral plane as well an option we don't even dare to consider maybe I'll come back later to check on Professor X we'll see you later Jana I would like you to meet magma the newest addition to the x-men hello magma I am pleased to meet you how are you feeling I am fine but your doctor beast insisted I remain in the bed this is most frustrating all I want to do is go and feel the Sun upon my face nonsense Ileana you need your rest later I will carry you and your bed outside there are times when I think you have more brawn than brains big brother you must be very happy to see Colossus again ah that is true but it saddens me that Professor Xavier is trapped on the astral plane with that Cossack shadow king you are not to worry about that Indiana we will save Professor Xavier any idea why Shadow King attacked you oh yes Shadow King loved to bread he explained in great detail that I was merely bait to trap Professor Xavier she also mentioned that with the professor out of the way someone else would be able to carry out their plan any idea who wanted the professor out of the way yet all I know is that it was someone in the real world I'll stop by later Liana good I could use some company other than my overprotective big brother is it so wrong that a brother be concerned about his little sister okay people I managed to track havoc in the Acolytes for a short time after they left the mansion they weren't able to catch up with the Sentinels so we have to assume magneto is being held prisoner did you see where havoc went once they lost Magneto's trail perhaps that would lead us to their headquarters I tried but at one point they just vanished it was like they were there one moment gone the next but I on the other hand using the wonders of satellite technology have determined the location of asteroid M you found it Robert after all this time how can you doubt my technical prowess that wasn't magneto was calling amount we believe so it's his home base a Space Station built into the core of an asteroid that's magnetically suspended several miles above the earth from the scans I've run it appears to be both psionically and magnetically shielded okay so it's having the x-jet pop up there and bust some skulls because of the magnetic shielding no spacecraft not even the x-jet would be able to get near asteroid M how does the Brotherhood get there the Morlocks I beg your pardon I like the Morlocks talking just bowling at me and that space rock ain't the mount or own demands he annoyed I bet that'd be the only way to transport two Magneto's base so what are we waiting for let's go pay the Morlocks a visit your present location is longitude West seven eight point five two point one three latitude South one point three point two two affirmative who never thought you'd get this far as lady you pawns aren't as dumb as you look with a common warrant all we've been very busy transporting new recruits the little guys powerful but he can't reach that far giving your best shot what is this a fighter is fair game [Applause] right [Music] looks like the nice guys coming laughs again we are standing on the edge of an abyss and by God our very existence depends on immediate decisive action there is no negotiating with the mutant blight ladies and gentlemen I offer you a way to eradicate have your nationals human your plans to destroy mutant kind will not come to fruition this pitiful attempt failed but it has sealed your fate the job followers know that it was you who set this war in motion and let their anguish Christ keep you warm in the age of the power [Music] this isn't working out the way you promised don't be so naive havoc how could we ever hope to live peacefully with a species that regards us as abominations but using this Gravitron of yours is it's madness then that madness be the mother of Cael no I won't let you do this Oh will they realize that we are not merely their equals we are their Maria's and on the eighth day I look down upon creation and center let's say we darkness you set these events in motion the first time you laid hands on one of us you have always looked down upon Newton's theatre No [Applause] the decision is yours with a new day Jordan where my children will no longer hide in fear or our DN World News I'm Deborah Owens it's been two weeks since mutant leader magneto began using his powers to encircle the earth with asteroid fernsley 90% of the sun's energy is being blocked from our atmosphere as a result there has been a 20 degree drop in the world median temperature at the U n world leaders spoke out today denouncing magneto as barbaric and calling for retaliatory actions in the US the president stated that military forces have focused their attention on finding Magneto's base citizens of Earth I am magneto I have three demands which must be met unconditionally first all anti-mutant programs are to be terminated immediately second the island of Genoa in the Indian Ocean will be granted to me as a sovereign nation finally General William Kincaid will be handed over to me but file of the mutant law if my demands are met the Sun will shine again if I am defied the chill you feel now will become the endless winter of your discontent the choice is yours since magneto surrounded the earth and asteroids things are really starting to fall apart humans are close to declaring all-out war against mutants I wish professor X were here he'd know what to do I hope they figure out a way to help him escape from Shadow King hey pebbles long time no see what have you been doing all this waiting around gets me a little on edge so I was in a danger room letting off some steam nothing like a good scrap to clear the head do you think we're partially responsible for all this trouble what you mean magneto being free yeah the x-men could have stopped him at the arbiter but we didn't kiddo our number-one responsibilities to help people mutants and humans alike Savin lives on the orbiter was way more important than captured Magneto but don't worry Allison magneto get his in the end do you learn to fight so well will marine simple I'm the best what I do see Wolverine see you around kiddo tensions have finally come to a head there's been a huge upsurge in sentiment against mutants anti-mutant rallies are being held in every major city and mutant control laws are being discussed by every nation in the world there have been sporadic outbreaks of violence against mutants those are just small trickles from a dam that's about to break spit it out psych what's going on I just received word that sentinels have begun openly hunting mutants in New York City to make matters worse Guercio soldiers stormed the sewer tunnels and are attacking the Morlocks Cyclops I know we've had our differences with the Morlocks but we must help them we will storm I spoke to healer he agreed to meet us in sewers and fill us in on the situation Scott can you hear me juggernaut on a rampage we cannot stop him we need your help he water looks like we're going to be putting in some overtime today x-men let's get moving come quickly juggernaut is in the facility he's trying to kill Forge you better run little man isn't technology a wonderful thing ah x-men your little friend Ford's can't keep running forever and when I catch him I'm gonna pulverize him thought I'd do a little sightseeing here on beautiful Muir Island they take home a few souvenir x-men heads to hang over my fireplace you should know better than that ain't nobody can stop charger not not even a puny x-men so I'm gonna crush you wimps like paper cups you bet I'm on it well that was certainly exciting thanks for the help hey I'm fine I just wish my hands would stop shaking I've got a special brig that can hold mr. unstoppable let's drop him in there once he wakes up maybe you'll feel like answering a few questions you got lucky meatball but you're never gonna knock me out again ah get out of my head hey with you freaks due to a man's brain I don't know okay I was hired by some anonymous Joker baby a big bundle of money to do the job I was supposed to destroy the astral gate I was chasing Fords because I figured he knew where it was what I'd go through all the trouble of fighting you could eat two shoes and it ain't even here when I was positive it it'd be here you creeps always have for to mess with new equipment right ah I'm going to get you for this if it's the last thing I'll ever do you x-men have a habit of arriving in the nick of time Thanks what I seem to be doing a lot of lately putting things back together no but it's just as well that he didn't attack the mansion whoever it was had to be very wealthy juggernaut doesn't come cheap maybe but magneto has always been a hands-on kind of guy I can't see him hiring someone to do important work that he could do himself see you later bless your hearts you saved us again I'm trying to see if I can help poor Charles I just received word his health is failing none at all I feared the worse for him he won't last much longer if his mind remains trapped on the astral plane I sincerely believe it's our only chance at saving Charles he must be freed soon or he'll die goodbye my friends aah once again the x-men arrived to save the day we should get you guys pagers large and in charge I went to pieces last time I saw you guys but I've got myself together now all of my selves yeah lying in a tank of energized lip tides is way less exciting than it looks oh yeah like any time we have troubles here on your Island yeah could I need help get over here combo you bet hey you're the ex move I do you guys hear these for my dad's chest I carry it for good luck mmm and x-man Wow you really think so and man I've had enough of your interference I will sorry robbery you may have one can't stop the teen nation you know nothing about my Cooper and I've heard enough the blood of the console blue the Morlock will be in charge we will be the ones who make the law we will have control how do you you lie garçon soldiers were here I with every breath I take I made the deal with the Brotherhood still my people would know what it's like to live in the sunshine 22 or a being breath you live in luxury you don't stomp around in other people bill always I I had no idea I don't want any more life to be perfect perhaps a football you sound very much like my old friend healer doing very well I will call an end continuation thank you accent for your prison good work team we've done a great job but this is no time to rest on our laurels ah what we've got our next move these dangerous situations are getting out of hand it's time for us to strike at the heart of the problem Magneto exactly Beast have you come up with a way for us to get to asteroid M no but I shall double my efforts in attempting to devise a solution to the conundrum perfect Jean have you come up with a way to release Professor X from the astral plane not yet but now that Silex here we're working on a plan alright people every second counts now and the world hangs in the balance let's make Professor X proud magma what a pleasure it is to see you earlier you mentioned the astral plane wasn't upheaval what did you mean it says if a vast amount of energy is being used to reshape the landscape of the astral plane why would that be happening I don't know dear but the odd thing is it feels as if Charles were the one causing the change while a Professor Xavier changed the astral plane maybe it's his way of showing us where he is whatever it is we'll have to make our move very soon where Charles will be lost to us forever I'll let you get back to work him thank you dear hello Allison have you had any luck coming up with a plan to save Professor Xavier we're still using cerebro to study two situations I heard that the entity holding the professor prisoner is really powerful he is more than any of us would have expected but the x-men will be able to defeat it right I certainly hope so but it won't be easy why do you say that Professor Xavier is the most powerful telepath known to Newton kind anyone that can so easily trap him is a force to be reckoned with see you later Jean bye Allison one more minor adjustment and we'll all be able to reach the astral plane explain it to me one more time beast what's this thing do this is an astral gate a rather ingenious device that allows non psychics to visit the astral plane but it's safe to use rate it's not like I'm gonna wind up completely schizoid no Bobby you'll be perfectly normal or whatever perfectly normal is for you ha ha very funny Beast ok enough joking around let's fire this thing up [Music] [Music] hello looks like it's done for a little Thunder from Down Under you ain't ready for my run no no no bring me like one [Music] I feel reborn what entertainment have you brought for me today Shadow King a group of assassins by Emperor they had been sent to kill you somehow they do look familiar that is merely a ploy meant to confuse you my Emperor nonsense Shadow King is my trusted advisor and as your advisor I would suggest you deal with these cutthroats with the utmost severity but I shouldn't sire it would be a sign of weakness to show mercy to these killers yes I suppose you're right very well I will call forth my champions to destroy these assassins excellent your majesty time to get medieval on we'll do combo combo combo yes how can this be you bested my champions the x-men yes now I remember on the astral plane we went to save Ileana we were attacked by Shadow King how dare you x-men interfere with my plans you'll never get Xavier back never and extrapolation of the Sentinels flight paths suggests that they are based at this facility in Central Europe as though just thought if you are suggesting my point we must infiltrate this facility and liberate a central guidance system sensor and a navigational controller it ain't going to be no waltz gettin in a sentinel central maybe not but it's something we have to do okay team let's move out need a hand up just what I need [Applause] try not to energy his powers are nullified by the tyrannic energy that's being pumped to his cage all our cages are specially designed to keep us from escaping for testing whenever they finish a new Sentinel model they pluck a couple of us out to make sure the machines can kill us so far the Sentinels have won every battle ah yes the x-men champions of the mutant world I should have known you'd make an appearance yes have you mutants grown so drunk in your hatred for humans that you'd attempt to attack my Sentinel Factory spare me your lies I know you're hiding your time waiting and growing in numbers until the day you can seize power from the lowly uninvolved humans well I'm not about to sit by and let that happen I will fight you by whatever means necessary no you're wrong dead wrong you bet why won't as men just die like you're supposed to if those are mutant lives that it's worth the cost the time for reason people now is the time for action we can't wait any longer we have to return to the astral plane and say Professor Xavier correct me if I'm wrong but the last time we went astral didn't shadow King almost get Professor X to kill us yes but he's no longer brainwashed if we can find Professor Xavier we should be able to set him free sounds good to me when do we get started right now Beast fire up the astral gate [Music] what you've escaped now you will die if they do I'm no longer helpless shadow king I'm a force to be reckoned with here on the astral plane your childlike compared to that of Shadow King I will have my revenge [Music] I'm a went wrong this is hope Shadow King won't bother us again at least not for a very long time I think I've had just about enough of the astral plane let's leave shall we all right listen up everyone our time is up we have to make our move now or things are going to seriously deteriorate here on earth beast what's the status of the x-jet upgrades with Wolverines assistance I have fully integrated the equipment we liberated from the sentinel Factory by all appearances the x-jet should be able to reach asteroid M but getting inside Magneto's base could prove to be another matter entirely we'll cross that bridge once we get there gene how's Professor axe he's weak but he's fine he just needs a few days of rest I'm sure the professor is not going to be happy about being left out on this next mission but we have no choice our number one priority is to reach asteroid m and capture magneto then we have to figure out a way to remove the asteroid shield from around the earth summers you make it sound almost easy we all know it's going to be far from easy Wolverine but it's got to be done the world is depending on us any questions ok let's move out [Music] why I'd say is in that airlock door supposedly open I'm sure I'll remember mystique telling me that door was supposed to be kept opening might as well take care of it oh not your bloody budget do colors again previous children have you finally realized the truth that decided to join the Brotherhood how predictable you recite xavius rhetoric like a politician running for office my judgment is not clouded by outdated morals and sentimental feelings toward lesser beings I knows of mutants are superior and should not be forced to live among humans much less live in fear of them you are wrong x-men very wrong to try and force two completely different species to live together and I am sorry to children you would have made excellent additions to the brotherhood pains me to destroy you Hey Oh Oh right combo booyah yes will do [Music] [Music] you Hey a little south here tables mystique say I could have used the Gravitron to move asteroids like magneto did then couldn't I use the Gravitron to stop asteroid em from hitting the earth what are we waiting for let's find the gravitas a little healthier awful combo end of the line x-men my plan is finally complete once asteroid M obliterates New York City humans will blame mutants and eradicate them from the face of the earth a cause I'm willing to die for capo combo combo combo combo excess kid the Gravitron was killed for magneto in cotillion that's a chance I'll have to take sign things up whatever you're doing it's working Oh [Music] you're doing again one laughs no wait [Music] ah Wolverine what happened here Yuri Alison Alison where are you can't be scared there hey what's to worry I'm an x-man remember quite right an exemplary job Anderson in stopping asteroid in you not only save New York City but you prevented a war a war that would have cost countless lives your unwavering courage in the face of overwhelming odds has proven that you truly are an x-man or x-men other stuff I'll let you enjoy your small victory Xavier for the age of apocalypse is nigh [Music] welcome to our VN World News I'm Deborah Owens the mutant leader magneto is still at large but his long silence has led many to speculate he has discontinued all terrorist activities in New York cleanup is almost complete after the damage caused by asteroid m's plunged to earth surveys show that many New Yorkers attribute the rescue of Manhattan to a mutant group known as the x-men this is largely due to security tapes leaked to the media showing the heroic efforts of the x-men on asteroid M the x-men also exposed illegal experimentation on humans at a sentinel Factory in Europe this resulted in a shutdown of the factory and an inquiry into operation vigilance which financed the covert activity General William Kincaid head of operation vigilance is now in custody and awaiting trial for crimes against humanity while in New York the president blasted operation vigilance and commented if we are to move forward as a culture we must learn to understand one another human and mutant alike the president closed his speech by commending the x-men's efforts I'm Deborah Owens for rvn World News have a pleasant evening
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 182,801
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Keywords: machinima, xmen legends all cutscenes, xmen legends game movie, xmen legends full story, xmen legends full walkhtrough, xmen legends ending, xmen legends cinematics, xmen legends cutscenes, X-MEN LEGENDS All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD, x men legends, x-men legends, x men legends cutscenes, xmen legends, x men game, x men, x men legends 2, x men video game, x men games, x-men legends all cutscenes, gamer's little playground, x-men games, x-men game, 1080p, hd
Id: IQZmmQwenFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 1sec (7141 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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