SPIDER-MAN: FRIEND OR FOE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD

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[Music] Sarah was sitting here thinking what a peaceful dull evening this phone the nutjob show up my old pals Doc Ock and Green Goblin feels like a family reunion if my family would comprise definitely [Music] better my friends you leave yourself some breakfast got any clever little quips for me webhead you're a walking pile of kitty litter making fun of you is he too easy spike hitch arrived looks like you could use a hand where I can use it the bazooka sorry wife in the shop but how about fake Oh No pumpkin box you're kidding what spice [Applause] [Music] friends of yours venom grow [Music] this day gets any weirder I may yep that'll do it hello Nick Fury director of shield the anti-terrorist organization that's just one part of our initiative the rest is top secret your top secret and your headquarters is a giant flying aircraft carrier you'd be surprised how rarely anybody looks up you know I'm happy to be alive and all but how did I get here short-range teleporter pulled you out of the fridge somebody wake the computer up it's time to get to work [Music] mission vision software online welcome Colonel Gary welcome lighter man hi should I talk to the computer only if you want to irritate me I appreciate the attention computer load up the meteor situation reports a while back a meteor storm passed through our corner of the galaxy trajectory alpha 7 3 now most of those space rocks went racing right on by Earth but one crashed down tracking in at locale right in the middle of Manhattan impact location 40 degrees 47 minutes north 73 degrees 58 minutes less two guesses what hits the ride on that mean denim denim semiotic life-form of unknown alien origin but that's not the worst part it's worse than venom worse is a relative word that in his only a rating seven of 10 on a scale of terrible ways to die see that meteor shower he was part of the means of comparison Sun selection from level 8 include one laser-guided computer put a sock in it as I was saying that the meteor shower venom was part of one of the meteors went into low Earth orbit it bounced across the atmosphere like a stone on water but as it went it broken parts of smaller shards meteor shower landing site Tokyo Japan Tangaroa Island Cairo Egypt Joker spot Transylvania and a burnin appalled we've tracked the various pieces to their landing sites but before we could move into left them these nasty pieces of work started showing up perpetual holographic avatar nanotech offensive monster or phantom you guys have a department just for acronyms don't you phantoms aren't biological they're a mix of solid light holographic technology and the simian substance found in the medians somebody's making monsters that use the symbiote goo that's just great we're clearly dealing with someone of advanced technological means creating the state and they obviously have their hands on one shard already so we need to get to the other shards before they can which is why I need your help spider-man we've faced enough superpower threats and you're the perfect time it is just oh man I have to say I was really looking forward to maybe taking a few days off we Devastator volunteers saving the world is a full-time job I get it power great responsibility okay I'm in where do I start computer show us what we've got on Japan in 1603 the Tokugawa Shogunate instituted a long period if I'd computer a bit more recent history please I have access to your awesome of course you do impact point 35 degrees 41 minutes 139 degrees 46 minutes II spider-man we track the first meteor but it was retrieved and taken somewhere in Tokyo complicating matters are sightings of a couple of old friends of yours brand identity Green Goblin Green Goblin intersects with an arsenal of razer bats and pumpkin bombs warning approach with caution well there's the understatement of the year direct identity rocks are jocular genes of technological science warning may be dangerous now wait there's the understatement of the year morning additional scans of local media police band and screaming and streets indicate high concentration of phantom activity phantoms present have estimated Scindia index 5% of maximum well sounds like I should get down there hold up there's one more bit of information there's an operative in the area cat burglar by trade which he sports a heart of gold agent identity black cat wielding a grappling hook as a weapon she is a dangerous and agile combatant she might be willing to lend a hand been to work so to review crazy hologram monsters crazy bad guys lost meteor shard and incredibly attractive cat burglar that's it in a nutshell good luck don't come spider-man the battle descent [Music] [Music] [Music] it's open let's go you think you're pretty sneaky don't you I was um snowboy I'm looking for a crazy guy with big metal arms casino yeah he's inside this building how bad do you wanna know pretty bad then I went away that could be arranged [Music] these guys are gonna know what time to go yes yes this will do nicely absolutely their power increased tenfold thousands of miles from home and who do I bump into but my favorite metal armed maniac spider-man please rip anyway [Music] [Music] ha [Music] housekeepers and greet an old friend Chilton manners top spy scratching machine protection by rings for you [Music] [Music] don't want to Freight doc you were wreaking havoc until I broke the amulet controlling your mind someone took control of my mind want to help me find out who was fine most certainly water say if I didn't know any better I'd swear I'd been punished oh really we aah nice fresh air high above the city this is my kind of place there's the odds court building we're getting close spider-sense tingling weird usually only goes off if there's danger but everything works as Commodus come for the media shark well you can't add it first and now the Green Goblin I have got to get a new travel agent [Music] I will try you [Music] Nick Goblin says he wanted to help and then getting locked up if he could behave himself he's welcomed briefing software active sense of humor offline excuse me computer was getting a little happening so I pulled a couple of shifts Tangaroa Islands us believes mythical this island located at latitude four point eight one five and longitude 162 point three four two is mostly unexplored so far as we know this meteor shard hasn't been snatched yet but there's still a pretty good deal of phantom activity in the area we sent someone in to retrieve the meteors yard but we lost radio contact within 24 hours ago agent identity iron said there is nothing funny about this name iron fist is a master of the Kremlin martial art is costume it's not funny clearly I need to unhook some sarcasm circuits - oh come on just give the fourth thing it sets a humor back sense of humor circuit reactivated Thank You spider-man computer are the phantoms on the island the same as what we saw in Tokyo last report from agent Iron Fist identified a nine percent in the earth index in all encounter expansions computer if you think you can behave yourself please load up the villain profiles the res identity scorpion scorpion suit is equipped with a high-powered plasma laser warning as a big tail computer direct identity Rhino rhino strength is only matched by his lack of wit it's warning smells like a rhinoceros alright that's enough I want some computer techs in here right now I'll tell you why I leave you two to sort this callicles and I'll go see if I can find your buddy iron pipe and that media chopper working location Tangaroa island I have a very bad feeling [Music] doing the excitement oh that's always winning hops you wouldn't be here if it weren't for me sun sand and surf man I wish I could take a break look at the size of that let's get moving it's open thanks to me hey what you doing pal keeping you occupied while the others collect the shards so your plan to keep me occupied is to put a big tail on your costume and hit me with it genius [Music] whoa this say New York observant tell me now that I'm broken the mind control what's going on I need control somebody needs up cuffing because I don't like being out of control and yet when you're in control you dress up like a scorpion and act crazy go figure this has gotta be around here somewhere get away from me head up hey there iron fist right nice yellow booty spider-man [Music] you got a problem with my booth hiya just kidding I owe you one if you ever need help just that first scorpion and now Rhino well starting to scrape the bottom of the old villain barrel eh who's next hypno hustler Wow no hot so you oh good comeback [Music] [Music] Oh somebody was talking in my head though who was I wanna pop up what can't help I've got enough psychopath sidekick business all right come on we're heading to Egypt next you just want to Egypt [Music] welcome Eider man hey computer where's Nick oh I convinced the security that that Nick Fury was in fact a life model decoy an Android unit impersonating me very busy really oh no but I thought he could do with some time off and a political offense remind me never get on your bad side Oh spider-man that gentleman possible computer initial scans indicate incredible growth in phantoms and hidden decks upwards of 25% however a strands adornment trended up a new equipment in off level and we are unable to verify this reading but assume Lee's right the phantoms are getting stronger that means whoever's making them is getting better at indeed some early data indicates that the phantoms if allowed to reach a 100% Scindia index could become unstoppable we will drop yours goes to the crash site and the storm will allow any bad values the sentence join is positively the work of threat identity Sandman and the entire body is composed of an organic particle compound if you can absorb massive amounts of damage and create destructive weapon this day just keeps getting better doesn't it it will be even better when you get back in one piece good luck spider-man I can't believe I'm actually in Egypt this is so cool [Music] we got everybody no not that one either well one will start to believe that the mythical melon ball necessary a new patio is in fact musical oh hello hi [Music] spider-man that Blizzard guy he ties what a workout let's go we need to get that gate open I concur [Music] [Music] no time to delay something has my spider-sense going [Music] - way to describe [Music] tracking [Music] according to our scans that should be the resting place of the meteor shower I'm not seeing anything here but a whole lot of sand subway [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey yummy [Music] hang on I'm getting good at this part you were being mind-controlled but I totally saved you and now you're going to offer to help me find out who did this to you where am I okay so we were being mind-controlled but I totally saved you screaming Ida man and you to Colonel fury don't start with me computer and just show us what's next oh good shot Transylvania 45 right now I'm about to go to Transylvania is anybody else creeped out and I'm going to Transylvania because I got to tell you I am Transylvania is just another bit of land full of ghost stories kid nothing to worry about well there is an explained atmospheric interference initial stands at the area indicate the highest concentration of phantom signatures yet dog letter spooky hazard Trenton finding it in bed is 53% computer just skip to the relevant facts meteor showers located the shard appears to be guarded by creature with Symbian ratings of 100% recommend aborting mission done good me spider-man it's probably just a glitch in our system there's no way the phantoms could have gone to maximum index that quickly yes you're probably right I mean things could additional life-form detected phantom signature surrounding life-form are disappearing at an alarming rate there's something tougher than the Phantom's down there affirmative huh I guess we'll just hope that whatever it is it's on our side good luck spider okay yeah I'll just go see what the super-powerful phantom Hunter is and then I'll deal with this idiot thing and then I'll probably you know hide under my bed for a few days if that's cool with you guys be careful oh well isn't this a quaint little village you need to point that somewhere else names Glee I'm here chasing after something without a lot like yours like mine no no it doesn't go ah a lot says it oh yeah oh no that's venom and well we're sort of related if you're after him I better help you it was going to be venom but I was really hoping that wasn't Venable have we ever figured out why you need so many teeth that have to eat you in get the del a few times to shake off that stimuli [Music] [Music] and that fell a few times it should do to honor his get eaten by you [Music] nice job but you'll need both bell rings - really [Music] parce you spider [Music] don't get all of the bells ringing to finish him off [Music] you [Music] [Music] what are you doing here I came for the meteor shard but now I'm going done bringing him along like the others no way venom doesn't want to help he wants to eat me alive who are you talking to the last thing I remember was a man with the bubbles are ahead the big bad guy is a bubblehead we can ID our mastermind and then after I heard activating area scan for a final meteor shard location the communications department just informed me that we're picking up all kinds of signal traffic out of Nepal confirmed there is also something attempting to jam our scanners it is not atmospheric as in Transylvania this means intentional look at the communications traffic and everything is going out from Nepal but nothing's coming in interesting oh it's better than interesting it means whoever's controlling the Phantom's is down there I'm not just going after the last meteor shard I'm going after whoever's behind this whole phantom nightmare spider-man there is a point of concern the Phantom India indexes ripen item in it that I'd better just down there spider-man it sounds dangerous we've come this far it's kind of finishing good luck spider-man whoever it is down there you have to stop them don't worry Nick putting an end to this is exactly what I intend to do oh my is that a fish bowl on your head I am Mysterio and you have something that belongs to me destroyed bring the last shot of me my hand spider-man the Soviet readings almost phantoms are through the roof come back to the Helicarrier time look at the army Mysterio dealt with one meteor shark imagine what he'll do with more know the black suit is too dangerous dark it's time to fight fire with fire [Music] Horwich [Music] [Music] [Music] all clear hi I'm your friendly neighborhood spider-man but I'm not feeling so friendly [Music] you you think you won look at yourself you are no better than me we'll come on unfortunately for you crazy megalomania lasts forever Nick it's over I got the shard Mysterio is down and I'd like to go home now you did good today kid I did what had to be done and Uncle Sam appreciates it as a little token of our thanks you'll find all your school loans paid off I how did you know who I was to pay them please I have a multibillion-dollar spy agency at my disposal you think I can't follow a guy in red and blue pajamas through New York City oh yeah go home take your girl out to dinner enjoy yourself you learned it Nik so those shards we collected they're dangerous and they're in good hands teleport sequence initiated Mysterio was on to something I want the remaining meteors analyzed until we know what makes them tick now we can use them right away colonel what should I name the project file considering the mess these things have made carnage call it project carnage affirmative project carnage initiated
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 278,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, spiderman friend or foe all cutscenes, spiderman friend or foe game moive, spiderman friend or foe full story, spiderman friend or foe full walkthrough, spiderman friend or foe wii, spiderman, venom, green goblin, SPIDER-MAN: FRIEND OR FOE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD, spider man friend or foe, spiderman friend or foe cutscenes, spider man friend or foe cutscenes, spiderman friend or foe, spider-man friend or foe cutscenes, friend or foe spider man
Id: Js3W_vFA11Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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