X-MEN '97 Magneto Being A Gilf For 4 Minutes

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The Depths you humans go perhaps that is why the old fool has done this Magneto what are you doing in our home your home I beg to differ Cyclops electricity and magnetism are intimately acquainted everything he fought for now belongs to me my X-Men summer I want to your dad oh really but I am the master of magnetism you're Magneto those jerks in a sewer are alive but not unharmed none of you nor Xavier himself thought to use his considerable finances to do the same on which we can and will improve my ex-men the tragic fact that I did not consign those sapiens to the wastebin of History was under the welcome impression that you and Mrs Summers were leaving us take a cappuccino if you just taken orders no luckily I am giving them please my intentions here were not to cause drama or Discord and storm you are the closest thing to a goddess as we will ever see what must we do do to be good enough after all our Teta tets back when we were friends I would always sense Charles in my mind should I successfully vindicate myself in what I will generously assume is a fair trial Xavier's sacrifice brought about a world more tolerant towards mutants my past is too littered with error mutant human coexistence I feared you would do your best to avoid being alone with me Rogue ready yourselves my X-Men you were [Music] saying I should have thought twice I [Music] yield the past and finally you claim Justice is overdue oh to play by the rules and still they come for you magnito get up be animals and be caged I say as I have too many times before never again no let us go looks like Magneto and Rogue have the danger room next oh and all tomorrow too wow rogue's really training her stamina with the new boss it should have been me not him it's not [Music] fair bigot would Smite you with a step do not make me let you down Nations poison dark roast crave connection as it is also seen to feel another Soul Beast confirm your test enough tests and it is time the madman pay for his malevolent Appropriations us the boy you Brimstone clone my parents perished when I was a child you would have e
Channel: Bobbi
Views: 64,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WiayAe34rYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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