X-MEN 97 Episode 7 Breakdown | Marvel Easter Eggs, Ending Explained & Review

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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I'm your host  Paul and this video we're breaking down X-men 97. - Episode 7 is now out and throughout  this video we're gonna try be up to   the Trask to bring you a big  breakdown of the episode. sinister Sinister things are happening in the  Marvel Universe and throughout this   video I wanna be a bastion in breaking it down. This will cover easter eggs, hidden details and  our theories for the future as we head towards   that finale. We know the next three episodes  are all part of a three parter called Tolerance   is Extinction. So it all kicks off from here and  yeah, there's a lot of things I wanna talk about. Heavy Spoilers ahead so if you haven't checked  it out then check out now. If you enjoy it then   please hit the thumbs up and make sure you  subscribe for our breakdowns every week. With that out the way, thank you for  clicking this, now let's get into Episode 7. - Now as always we get a couple of  additional shots in the opener. This includes the clip of  Cables war against Apocalypse   which is happening close to the year 4000. Nimrod also continues his appearance  from inside Mastermold with us getting   a shot of Bishop taking him down.  We'll talk about Bastion later   in the video but I feel like this is  all leading towards Messiah complex. Starting off at a graveyard we see the funeral for   Ghambit and the fallen X-men  from the events of Genosha. Now the episode is titled Bright Eyes which  is something that pulls from the original   series. This went down in time Fugitive  part 2 in which Rogue said it to Cable. - Cable has played a big part in the series with  him pretty much getting his origin story. That's   always been a bit convoluted in the comics and it  was so complex they even dropped covering it for   Deadpool 2. They realised it was just too much  and instead skipped over the planned flashbacks   and images of Cyclops and Jean or...Madelyn in his  home. Here though theyre fully going into it with   us seeing his birth and then his journey to the  future. I loved how the first person he ran up to   and stopped was Madelyn. It shows the true person  he's trying to save which is of course his mother. Now here we can catch Nightcrawler as the  priest with the character being heavily   religious. He's often depicted as living  in a church before his appearance in X2   echoing that. The series also had that as  well with him lying low at one. The local   villagers thought he was a demon and in  the end he was saved by Rogue and Ghambit. So it makes sense why hed want to lead this  and its a somber way to start things off. Joining him are also the Assassins guild  with Bella Donna being in attendance. The card puns are out in full force and while  theyre grieving Rogue is angrier than ever. Now we then segue into a scene that was released  early last night by the good folks at Phase Zero.   Shoutouts to them bloody great bunch of people  and it was awesome seeing them get an exclusive   clip early. We really see Rogue tearing up shop  and you sometimes forget how overpowered she   is. Shes absorbed the abilities of Captain  Marvel and is capable of wrecking up shop.  Punching the ground this knocks  lots of soldiers down with this   being the powers that she took from Avalanche. She also busts out a kick that is a clear callback  to a lot of things. This is based off her Dive   Kick that was first introduced in X-men vs Street  fighter and then later used in Marvel vs Capcom.   You might know it as a rider kick or an Eva Kick  with it appearing in lots of different things.   Rider kicks are a big move and seeing Rogue  gets hers as well made it such a cool scene. Seeing the surveillance we then cut out to see  General Ross watching over the monitors. Talking   about how this is the place built to hold the  hulk this location featured heavily in the Red   Hulk storyline. I wont spoil who that is incase  you haven't read it but this took place after   the events of World War Hulk. Banner was put in a  cell underground but a new red hulk was roaming on   the surface. They had to go to Banner for advice  with his cell being something that we visited. Breaking in Rogue mentions her father who  raised her out in Missipi. Both her parents   wanted her for nefarious things so it makes sense  they'd talk to her about breaking into Prison. Cut to Scott talking to the UN who've  abandoned the rescue attempt. Due to   Optics they cant help with the death tolls  and we see Magnetos statue has been destroyed. Symbolically this shows his  fall there as well with the   character being seemingly killed last week. Coming in we see Jean with her hair  down and I was wondering if this was   a cheeky misdirect. This used to be used  as an indicator to retroactively show if   it was madelyn with the opening credits  having her with that. The pair also held   hands at the funeral but it looks  like theyre just coming together. Checking over the reports we see they  come from WHIH news with this being the   in universe news station that are  also part of the MCU. They cover a   range of things and are pretty much the go  to for news reports in the Marvel Universe. Scott says that in the wake of mutant genocide  they need hope which could be a reference to   Hope Summers. That kinda takes us to Messiah  complex which builds off the back of house of M. In what's one of the most famous panels   in comic history we watched as  Wanda utterd No More Mutants. This led to the population  of mutants with powers going   from millions to hundreds in the blink of an eye. However during Messiah Complex,   mutant genes begin to reactivate with the  first one of these being seen as a messiah. That is Hope Summers who quickly gets a  target painted on her back. Attacked by   the Purifiers in her hometown of  Alaska these are led by Nimrod. The Purifiers believe she will wipe out countless  humans during what they call the six second war   leading to a new rivalry between humanity and  mutants. This belief is also had by Bishop who   aims to stop Cable from saving the child as it  leads into the dark future that Bishop is from. The Marauders and X-Men also seek the  child leading to a big power struggle   in which both sides are attempting  to get the first post House M mutant. Now while it appears Mister Sinister was behind  the hiring of the Marauders just like the past, it   is revealed it is actually  Mystique masquerading as him. She was told by her former lover,   Destiny that the baby upon touching rogue,  would be able to revive her from a coma. This led Mystique to employ the marauders as  Sinister to get the baby for herself. Thankfully,   the baby survives the touch of  Rogue while also waking her up. Hope is then entrusted to Cable by  Cyclops and the pair go into the   future akin to how Bishop travelled  with Cable at the end of Episode 3. Down the line this eventually led into Avengers   Vs X-men which I'd love to see them  also adapting further down the line. Now the blackbird lands on  Genosha and we see the blob,   Pixie and also Multiple Man. Hes got  his multiples doing multiple jobs   which I thought was a nice little touch.  He played a big part in Messiah complex   with two versions of him travelling off into  future timelines to report on what happened. Beast also talks to Amelia Vought who is a member  of the acolytes. Giving a harrowing tale about how   surviving isn't all its cracked up to be we see  how lives have been completely destroyed by it. Following on from the report at the X-mansion  we see Patricia Tilby joining the scene. She   and Beast have had a big romance in  the comics which we see blossoming   here. From here we cut out to a massive  cameo with Captain America with his old   world war 2 bike being parked outside  the hut. This is something he rode in   the first avenger with it being part  of the big action scene in the woods. So good seeing him pop up and it really  helps to expand the Marvel universe. He is of course an arm of the  government but like Rogue he's   went against them as well. Civil  War seen him turning against the   superhuman registration act with mutant  registration also being a hot topic. On the look out for Gyrich we see a  secret compartment below the cabin   which is akin to the reveal in the  winter soldier. Theres data banks   at the back and its similar to the  layout of the secret shield basement. Here we see on the screen we see OZT  which stands for Operation zero tolerance. Now the big villain going  forward is obviously Mephisto. - Nah in the end we learn that it's Bastion  who is a form up from Nimrod.  I love   that name cos a Nimrod in the UK  is an insult. You bloody Nimrod. Beau De Mayo hinted to this on Twitter and  we saw the villain in the intro last week. Bastion was was seen back during  episode 4 and we could catch a   photo of Forge with his arm around the character. Bastion is a machine whos a fusion  between mastermould and nimrod. the   former of which we could see the pair  of in the intro last week. Bastion   was part of operation Zero tolerance which  involved sentinals wiping out the mutants. This is what Rogue finds here with it clearly  being a reference to that. This might explain   why he was with forge and potentially the  anti mutant weapons were designed by him. He's basically a mutant hating machine  who was embroiled in the messiah complex   as its main antagonist who  sought to wipe them all out. Captain Americas hands are tied though and though  he says where Gyrich is he cant help out yet. Love how Rogue just throws away his shield   with some proper kicking away the  ball cos you lost the game energy. Back on Genosha we see Strong man and can also   catch the character Forearm  working in the back as well. Strong Man says there's gonna be a war  so better bloody start bulking up mate. Roberto doesn't really wanna be involved with  this stuff and its clear he isn't ready for   a war. He hasn't come out to his parents yet and  wonders what would've happened if he'd died. They   would've found out that way and he argues  these attacks go ahead because people don't   stay hidden. However that's pretty stupid in the  end and you cant hide away who you are forever. So Jubilee tells him she'll go with him  and we see the people mourning for the   dead. This includes the morlocks who have  repeatedly appeared throughout the series.   Magneto saved them in episode 2 and then  seemingly died with them in episode 5. Beast quotes Martin Luther King in  front of the destroyed xavier head   symbolising how his dream for mutant and  humanity hasn't worked out. We see a real   change in the character and if they lose  him it shows how mutant kind can change. This change is shown metaphorically with  Gyrich who we see surrounded by butterflies.   Butterflies are a symbol of change with  the mentality of the characters changing.   However some figures go through literal  ones with Trask becoming a human sentinal. Anyway Rogue confronts Guyrich and he reveals  he's been outfitted with anti-psychic tech.   Rogue doesn't need it though and she absorbs  him directly with us initially getting a flash   of Bastion. This then changes to nimrod which was  its own transformation just like the butterflies. Picking up on the psychic echoes we see  flashes of Genosha including a shot of   Madelyn. Alongisde it are Sebastian Shaw  and Emma Frost. It seems like shes seeing   things through the eyes of rats who  would've been witness to the attack. Cyclops and Jean haven't had  the best of times mate and she   references her seeming deaths at the  hands of the phoenix force and so on. Finding Emma Frost they see that shes activated  her second genetic ability. This is the way she   can transfer her skin into diamond form which  was invented by Grant Morrison. This went down   because Morisson wanted to use Collossus in  a scene but they realised that they couldn't.   So he just invented it that Mutants could also  have second abilities with her getting hers here. Emma is a psychic as well so it explains  why Jean was able to pick up on her. Getting a direct message from Bolivar Trask  he  firstappeared in Night Of The Sentinals part 2. After the sentinal program was shut down, Trask  ended up travelling to Genosha in order to build   Master Mold but this ended up turning against  him. The X-men in the end stepped in to save   the day and he went into hiding until popping  up at the start of episode 1 in the season. Now if you wanna support the channel then  definitely check out our merch store below the   video. We've just launched an X-men 97 inspired  t-shirt with a little nod to my favourite part   from episode 1. As always we have our Theory time  ones on there and we've just dropped a brand new   Game Of Thrones inspired one as well to get you  guys ready for the upcoming Season Of House Of   The Dragon. These t-shirts have been modeled  and designed to accentuate the best parts   of your body so theyre tight around the  chest and then looser around the waist. You're gonna look bloody fantastic and huge  thank you to everyone who's picked one up so far. Now Trask wants them to come to  Madripoor which is a big location   in the marvel universe. This crime  infested locale is one of wolverines   haunts with it being a place that showed  up in falcon and the winter soldier. Across with Roberto we see him going to  his parents pent house. Its adorned with   butlers and jackson pollack type paintings  showing the guys got money. His parents   company was referenced in episode 1 where  we could see a sign for them in Time Square. His mother is accepting of it though and  said she always knew with parents being   more accepting of stuff like this these days.  Well most but you know, it clearly a metaphor   for coming out with this also being something  explored in X2. However she wants them to keep   it quiet showing that she perhaps isn't as  tolerant and supportive as shed like to be. Cutting to Rogue we see Nightcrawler coming  across her. Its the Day Of The Dead but whereas   this is normally supposed to be a time of  acceptance, Rogue cant do it. Maybe you   shouldn't have kissed Magneto in front of  him love. Ruined his last moments ey. Good   thing I'm not there mate cos id have ruined it  but Nightcrawler says rogue helped them live. Cutting to Guyrich we see Bastion  arriving. Voiced by Theo James he   sounds more Sinister than Sinister and his  first act on camera is killing Guyrich.  Cutting to Madripoor we see signs for  Vista corp who own the news station   WHIH. The hammer tech building is  there too and we also have Horizon   Labs. This is a big company with it  predominantly appearing in Spider-man. Using another secret gateway  we see the hybrid of humanoid   sentinals and more things pointing  towards operation Zero Tolerance. Quoting Oppenheimer after he made the atom bomb   Trask reveals that he's unwittingly  ushered in a new dawn of destruction. He brings up how Sinister has been working on  Trask and this explains why Bastion needs him.   We have talked about him earlier in the season  but here's a quick run down incase you missed it. As Morph Mentioned he was a scientist in the 1800s  and he went under the name of Nathanial Essex. Obssessed with evolution he studied  Darwin but had his own theory time on   what was going on. Essex believed that  evolution stemmed from untapped powers   and he believed Evolution could alter humanity. Now at the time in his personal life Essex  was married to a woman named Rebecca but   unfortunately the pair had lost their only  child. That was the driving force for him to   try and find a way to improve humanity so that  others wouldn't have to face that kind of pain. After the death of his son he brought  his findings to the rest of the other   scientific minds who kicked him out the club  due to what he wanted to do. He believed human   experiments were fair game because in the end  the discoveries would improve the species. So assembled a gang known as the Marauders  who took homeless people and gave them to   him so he could carry on his work. One of  these was Daniel Summers who...I'm guessing   you can figure out who he's related to.  Sinister would become obsessed with the   family and study several of them and  the untapped powers in their genetics. Rebecca came across the experiments and discovered  that Essex had dug up their sons body and worked   on him too. Pregnant at the time she went into  labour and lost too much blood in the process.   Her final words condemned him for all the  sinister double life he'd led and ey.... She said it she said it. It was at this time that he came across Apocalypse  who wanted him to create a worldwide plague that   would kill most of humanity. This is the  techno-organic virus which we saw Nathan   infected with. Only the strong would survive  and it would rehspae the world for apocalypse.   However in a twist of fate Sinister used  it on Apocalypse who had to return to   hibernation in order to heal. Realising  he'd need someone who could combat the   villain he closed Jean grey in order  to have it so that she'd have a kid   with cyclops who could then be the most  formidable mutant to stand against him. Phoo sounds like a long one but  that's it and probably gonna lead   us into the Messiah Complex story down the line. Now Rogue drops Trask like people drop  likes on the videos and it again shows   how the mutants arent playing around.  They don't wanna work together anymore   and would rather just kill some peeps but  we see how this leads to something worse.   Revived as a human sentinal he goes on the  attack and destroys the building. In the   back we can also catch Stark Industries  with we get during the falling shots. Transforming into Quicksilver we see Morph  takes on his powers which wasn't something   I was aware could happen. Id just be Apocalype  the whole time mate and one shot everyone. Saved   by Cable he's got futuristic weapons which  are capable of taking down the sentinals   with ease. In the future Cable was fighting  a war against terminator like machines which   were under the direction of apocalypse. So it  makes sense that he'd be able to do this with   it all going down in Time Fugitives Part  1 and 2. That took place in the year 3999   which was a darker future for mutant kind that  played off the days of future past timeline. However the worlds started to fall apart which we  learned was because Bishop changed things in the   past. Thus this timeline was being wiped out  and we saw as Bishop arrived in his present. That took him to 2055 where he learned that  things had still turned out badly. Rather   than Senator Kelly weaponising the sentinals  a plague had been spread across the world. This was the techno organic virus and  thus Bishop travelled back in time.   Part 1 was about him learning who was behind  it with them stopping apocalypse at the end. However this destroyed Cables reality even  more and it wiped out his son Tyler. So   he travelled back in order to stop Bishop  thus meaning he had to help out Apocalypse. Gets complex but his computer said that  millions had to die in the past so billions   in the future could live. Realising that  they needed to create the anti-bodies and   allow the plague to still be unleashed Cable  used Wolverine because of his healing factor.  This meant that apocalypse could  be defeated whilst also preserving   things in the past. Bishop returned to  find his future still in ruins and thus   time travel often creates  more issues than it fixes. I wonder if theyre gonna address that and they may   have ushered in an even darker timeline  by possibly allowing bastion to rise up. Cutting to Sinister and Bastion he  brings up how he's failed since 92 to   beat the X-men. The show started in  1992 so it a nice little reference. Turns out he's been spying on the Shi'ar  which we talked more about last week.   I'm not just gonna recap that but yeah  I'm guessing we're gonna go back to it. Cutting to deliberated streets this looks  like where Trask ran through last week. Puttin on a record this is Sheb Wooleys  The Purple People Eater. This is about an   alien descending from the sky to eat  humans. Here though we have a purple   figure coming down to eat mutants and we see  he has Magneto with an inhibitor collar on. Shaving Magneto its clear the next step  in his plan is getting the mutants to   become his weapons and yeah.  Big big way to end the entry. Now as for next time like I said at the start  we're gonna be getting a three parter finale.   This will be titled tolerance extinction with part  1 and 3 running from next week until the finale. The synopsis are as follows. The X-Men must unite to face  a new threat for part 1. Part   2 says The X-Men work to settle  the score before it is too late. The final one says The X-Men's dream is put  to the test as mutant-human relations reach   a tipping point. So lots of things going down  and I feel like due to the idea of tolerance   leading to extinction that we're gonna have a lot  of things happening with Magneto. Hes always been   someone who sees working alongside the humans  as something that will usher in the end of the   mutants. This is due to humanity fearing them and  they'll always do things to try and erase them. Please drop a like on the video and  if you want to support the channel   as a member of the Spoiler Society  then please click the join button. You'll get early access to videos every week  and it goes such a long way to helping us. Now if you want something else to watch we have  a video on screen right now _____________________ With that out the way, huge thank  you for sitting through the video,   I've been your host and I'll see  you next time. Take care, Peace.
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 167,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x-men, xmen, x-men 97, x-men 97 episode 7, x-men 97 review, x-men 97 episode 7 breakdown, x-men 97 episode 7 explained, ending explained, madelyne pryor, marvel, mcu, deadpool and wolverine, x-men animated series, x-men animated series recap, x-men 97 easter eggs, x-men 97 recap, fantastic four trailer, avengers secret wars, avengers 7 trailer, deapdool wolverine trailer, x-men recap, x-men trailer, x-men 97 trailer, magneto, x-men 97 spoilers, x-men 97 opening intro
Id: gijJEdhAT-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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