X-Files seasons RANKED! (Spoilers)

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hello and welcome to another episode of sci-fi night ranking where we rank our favorite movie series TV show seasons and so forth as many of you know I'm a die-hard x-files fan it's my favorite show and I mostly love every single season in its own way for what it is I've seen every episode several times I love the comics and for me the truth will always be out there in the form of my adoration from his classic and super influential show and with that it's time to rank all the eleven seasons of the x-files so with each season I'll be bringing up both good and bad aspects and episodes and let's not wait any longer let's get right to it all right so let's kick it off with the number 11 spot which goes to season 10 that returned in 2016 with a six episode miniseries after over a decade without the x-files unfortunately it was a really clunky return whoa let's just keep this within the realm of the Natural Sciences shall we in this season Mulder and Scully get tossed back into the FBI following some supposed alien abductees showing up and it's once again time to saddle up and take on the paranormal they said that you two have experience with these spooky cases so the mythology episodes didn't work at all and weren't very engaging this was definitely affected by the fact that there were only six episodes so the season never really found its stride however I do like the Mulder and Scully are older and more used to the paranormal now scientific fact Mulder the Internet is not good for you they've adapted over the years and though they grew apart between seasons their estranged son William draws them back together and while their reunification is a little underwhelming it's still wonderful to see well it looks like this person was born without footprints which is impossible by the way the tone and feeling of season 10 is unfortunately a bit sterile and clean there are exceptions and parts where the style works like with Episode two founders mutation but the classic x-files atmosphere just wasn't really there couldn't you be jumping to conclusions okay so to the best and worst of a season so the mythology episodes are without a doubt a weaker episodes but episode 5 Babylon is definitely for worse by far it manages to be both insensitive and simultaneously really silly with the world's most two-dimensional Islamic terrorists as the villains and a time where were already super divided the tone goes from horrible terrorist attack to whacky mushroom trip and none of it gels together huge misfire here the episode doesn't work at all founders mutation was a fun little throwback to some of the older mad scientist kind of stuff but exploiting psychic kids for their powers is a pretty old and overused trope of the x-files at this point and it really just felt cliche even though I did like the opening one of them best installments was episode 4 home again despite the name being very misleading the episode itself was like a classic season 4 episode dark and bloody featuring a cool monster and balanced up with the right amount of humor and his head is in a trashcan here not even in the proper recycling man however I could have done without some of the Scully family stuff going on which I really just felt kind of detracted from a fun little monster episode but I think the best episode of the season has to be the comedy episode written by Darrin Morgan Mulder and Scully meet beware monster which was really great and is honestly one of the best comedy episodes ever where every single line of dialogue was well-written funny and engaging but you're not thinking of doing anything crazy are you no I'm just gonna kill you overall it was really nice to see Mulder Scully back in action but despite some good stuff season 10 ended up being a pretty damn big disappointment and I mean truth be told the worst season so far and there's no one more sad to say that at meet you ran the x-files you were the x-files you all but wrote the book I'm afraid that book is closed silver number 10 spot goes to season 11 and I kind of hate saying that to be honest I feel like season 11 had a lot of potential learning from the mistakes of season 10 this time they upped the number of episodes to 10 and there were definitely more good in fun episodes while the mythology stuff is still really the weakest aspects and honestly just feels forced I probably did a good job integrating their estranged son William into the season I would have preferred this season just being standalone episodes or maybe having some kind of larger villain reoccur here and there as a main antagonist kind of like how tooms and donnie pfaster both returned for later sequel episodes I also feel like the overall tone and cinematography is just a little bit sharper and better than season 10 even if a episodes that aren't very good still have good production value and direction thanks for backing me out there my homie once again the first and last mythologies ODEs are really lame just didn't work and I wish we weren't there episode 6 kitten had the chance to tell an interesting ad Skinner centric episode but completely missed the mark and instead made something incredibly boring but this season actually has one of my most hated episodes ever episode 7 followers me and my buddy Joseph re ranted about how much we hated this installment in an episode of tipsy talk but overall this episode was just a complete misfire it was so on the nose with its message and I just couldn't take anything in it seriously there were a couple of interesting concepts but overall this episode was just awful awfully boring and awfully misguided alright so onto the good I like the evil doppelganger episode plus 1 episode 9 nothing lasts forever was a fun little creepy crazy cult throwback and episode 5 ghuli was a perfect combination of mythology and monster of a week with a great performance from miles Robin as Mulder and Scully's son however you cannot talk about season 11 without talking about episode 8 familiar [Music] oh man was this episode fantastic it follows the strange goings-on in a small town in Connecticut as a child is tragically killed and it's actually got a proper little mystery to it put the gun down right put the gun down okay okay it's one of the scariest episodes of the x-files ever made it feels like a classic x-files episode it was dark violent took some risks in regards to content and I just wish that writer Benjamin Van Alen had written the entire season so while season 11 was an improvement over season 10 and overall has a better feel in production it doesn't really have an x-files magic aside from episode 7 of course there's no way for me to make you understand without me see me like a crazed madman it's a little late for that but number 9 spot appropriately goes to season 9 the season that ended the show for over a decade so this is probably the most universally hated season of the x-files or at least amongst the originals and I don't really think it's that warranted okay sure it was a season with the least Mulder and Scully in it yes it pushed Monica Reyes on us before we were ready to accept her as a member of the x-files and there were a lot of very floozy in weird episodes the those quirky ideas also gave a season a lot of identity unique stories as some of the best episodes of a later seasons [Music] inserts of Mythology season 9 continues of a super soldiers plotline but unfortunately doesn't really do it super well and the series finale ended up being really underwhelming he was even scientifically undeniable which unfortunately brought down the entire season in my opinion if we can get past the molder thing I do feel like there were a lot of great stories at the core of a season bill but actually took the show in a more abstract direction and I really actually appreciate a different feel that this season has it's also a bit brighter and more lighthearted a deceased shot straight of through the roof so high into the air and landed on his buddy's car it'd be a shame we got to know agent Reyes a lot more though her character was still unfortunately very uninteresting she's good at it doesn't make it true but if you weren't the Doggett fan before then you definitely would become one in season 9 as we got some great episodes with him and his story arc revolving around a search for his son's killer is resolved in a fantastic way I think I'm finally getting the hang of this job so too the best and worst now the thing is I don't feel like Season 9 has a lot of terrible episodes per se but it's more along the lines of the episodes being very dull and forgettable Lord of the Flies feels like a misfire the two first story episodes were super boring you're making a big mistake here and the finale didn't give us a definitive or exciting finish we wanted to the show it was mostly just really lame I don't see where there's going still though the worst insult of all comes in the form of the episode jumped the shark an ill-fated end to a lone gunman in which her beloved characters are killed off in a really unsatisfying way long story never mind however that plot point ended up being changed for a comics anyway there were a lot of interesting and abstract themes that made up some of the seasons best though like the episode 4d about a brutal killer who can travel between parallel worlds Audrey Paul II where agent Reyes must make her way out of a coma in a strange version of the hospital that her body is at and scary monsters about a young boy who has terrible stuff happen around him and is much more than he seems to be doing a lot calmer than I'm being also who could forget improbable where the agents are after a serial killer and end up running into well God played by Burt Reynolds I know it sounds crazy but it actually works and it's one of the most entertaining episodes of the later seasons the checkers are in the trunk if either of you play sir does it look like we're here to play checkers for me the highlight of season 9 has to be sunshine days though written and directed by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan in it our agents follow the leads of a bizarre death and end up at a house owned by strange man with strange obsessions and the entire thing serves as an allegory for the x-files itself and the everlasting search for the truth that is out there honestly if this episode ends with series better than the actual series finale and remains one of my favorites sorry I'll get you proof so basically the problems of season 9 Center on being underwhelming not having any confidence in itself and not really having a lasting impact people call it the sleepy season and that's a very fair thing to say I do feel like some people are way too critical just because Mulder and Scully aren't you know that's much but I do like the alternative tone that the season takes and regardless of whatever say I still do enjoy season 9 but it is definitely among the worst of the seasons I need something good something amazing something really cool I don't know what you mean all right the number 8 spot goes to season 7 perhaps the most confused and unfocused season ever so after that the x-files movie was released and season 6 wrapped up a lot of the alien ethology storyline that left season 7 without any real identity without really knowing what it wanted to do all while the show's creators didn't even know if a show would continue the main story focused ended up being around Mulder's search for his sister and though I do find the episode closure to be very emotionally touching to be honest it does feel a bit underwhelming as well after seven years of searching Tarzan has to admit I want finding and buying like all these other kids this left us with some pretty flimsy and off episodes I don't really enjoy like Hollywood ad and the amazing maleeni but there are of course real gems in there as well as with every season well certainly would appear that way but the question is how the tone of the season is a bit off and unclear but I would say definitely a little religious or spiritual which was interesting of these episodes like orison and signs and wonders sent it around both divine power and will as well as personal faith and the episode all things came down to a crisis of faith for Scully not just religiously but in terms of faith in her career and life choices however he can tell that there were production problems behind the scenes the season really struggles to find an identity which is unfortunate as it was the last season to feature agent Mulder full-time the season starts off with some new mythology regarding ancient alien spacecrafts but makes us question her place in the universe and I actually like this mythology stuff to begin with but it doesn't really pay off no how many times can I say it so to the best and worst of a season why is season 7 so high up on the list well it has two of the worst episodes ever Fight Club and first-person shooter about doppelgangers causing destruction you know what they say everyone has a twin out there somewhere and an evil video gamer kills people yeah you heard that right okay these are two episodes that just don't work at all the action is underwhelming and the humor misses of a marked reservist and fans hate these two episodes of compassion also the crossover will show millennium was okay at best but definitely a disappointing finish to the millennium series no thank you and there are quite a few forgettable episodes that I do find charming and a classic x-files away but that don't really do anything new now to the good stuff so there's actually a lot to like here I mean of course there's a lot to like in almost every season x-files veteran and Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan gave us the episode hungry an episode shown from a monstrous point of view and it's just flat-out great what's your point I'm just tired of some loose ends - wonderfully spooky and dark episodes are thief's about some creepy voodoo stuff going on andr previously mentioned signs and wonders about some very poisonous and mystic religious extremism chimera is a pretty underrated and overlooked episode about some kind of vengeful witchcraft going on with an unexpected ending the season finale Requiem is actually pretty damn good in my opinion and could easily have been an end to a series but ex-cops a combination of x-files and cops is just great but all due respect though are you talking about it's one of the best comedy episodes ever and the writing once again by Vince Gilligan is just perfect have you noticed that we're on television totally just simply overall season 7 ends up being too unsure of what it wants to be we get some great very self-referential stuff eclipse a concept a bit like hungry and ex-cops but season 7 has two little excellents to be higher regarded and unfortunately ends up being kind of forgettable sorry okay excuse me at the number 7 spot we give a season that started it all season 1 all right so season one is obviously classic we wouldn't be here without it and I truly love it now that's a credential rewriting eyes but honestly it's flawed and doesn't always hold up as well as later seasons obviously season 1 introduces us to Mulder a Scully deep throat Skinner a cigarette smoking man belong gunmen and it started developing mysterious structure it was a magic season that gave us for sure we all know and love the thing is well for all the great classic episodes like squeeze ice EBE and beyond the sea there's also episodes ranging from a kind of lame like a cure computer system and ghosts in the machine the sort of tired like the body switching in Lazarus or of a not-so-friendly ghost in shadows tuba flat-out terrible episodes like the Jersey Devil or one of my least favorite episodes ever space you can really tell that the whole cast and crew we're still kind of finding their way and getting everything to work as we see so much unrealized potential the effects of budget was hardly at its peak with quite a few chief moments but overall they did the best they could with what they had while the season as a whole is a little clunky and uneven it still laid the groundwork for what we all know and love and still delivered a ton of classic episodes and moments but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a lot of hate from the x-files fans for putting season one so low on the list that guy is insane so to the best and worst now the worst I already mentioned its space an episode about the [ __ ] Mars space possessing astronauts yeah I'm not [ __ ] kidding [Music] [Applause] the best for me though is a tough choice because there are a lot of great episodes the season finale is fantastic ice while very similar to John Carpenter's The Thing is a truly great episode to molder you have to understand but for the best I gotta go with beyond the scene in episode it's dark deep beautiful bittersweet and so goddamn well made in it Mulder and Scully come into contact with a man on death row psychic visions that end up helping them catch a serial killer so overall season 1 is great and when a man just to achieve but there's a lot but it doesn't really pull off as well as it should it's a great season but things do definitely get better do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials that brings us to the number 6 spot which goes to season 6 so the sixth season starts off after the feature x-files film and it has a lot to handle in wrap-up that said it much like season 7 suffers from being a bit too unfocused in both mythology and overall themes is there going to be data to back this vague omnibus account yes so without having as much of a structured mythology this time around season 6 experimented with some different formats and went to some different and interesting directions this we see with the episode drive about a man who has to travel at a certain speed to survive what do you mean it's the wrong boy I can't go lad there's only trees there and Monday about a David keeps on repeating over and over again until Mulder can figure out how to stop it I just really like a lot of the ideas in season six as with terms of endearment where the villain may not be all you think and Milagro about a writer whose fiction comes to life and hopefully episodes killed off the syndicate and closed a chapter of the Argo in the alien conspiracy can you dispose of this problem yes so overall the season is a little spotty in terms of tone but somehow it just really worked for me they did some interesting stuff with a standalone episodes and some pretty cool stuff with the mythology okay so the good and bad well there's not really a single episode but I truly dislike to be honest I mean Greenland doesn't work for me but I know a lot of x-files fans love it the rain King is kind of cheesy but also a nice little feel-good episode I guess alpha the killer dog episode gets a lot of hate but I mean I don't know I think it's alright there are some very standard monster week episodes but don't really take any risks or doing anything new like agua mala or Trevor then on the flip side I think season six has a lot of really fantastic episodes that bring up a lot of new interesting ideas aside from Drive Monday and Milagro we also get triangle the most grand and operatic episode ever bringing up time travel and the Bermuda Triangle and utilizing very few cuts so you're saying that the Queen n just disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle and reappeared this morning at 6:49 a.m. Eastern Standard Time it's such a unique episode but I truly adore also we can't forget to phone us which is one of my top 20 best episodes about a man who always manages to be around when somebody dies she's a smoker sure and everyone can chat how is always a surprise just always know when overall season six has the odds stacked against it but it has enough interesting ideas to keep the show going [Music] in your dreams all right on to our number 5 spot season 2 so after season 1 presented the world of x-files season 2 definitely improved it lovely in my opinion the production was just completely elevated and this is where the show started to get really really good in it the x-files have been shut down following the ending of season 1 and our favorite agents need to fight to get the truth back they don't want us working together Scully and right now that's the only reason I can think of to stay so season 2 feels a bit more polished on a little darker than season one yet that introduced first comedy episode ever in the form of the now classic humbug about strange murders taking place in and around a freak show he eats live animals he eats anything live animals dead animals rocks lightbulbs corkscrews battery cables cranberries the season did have some production problems such as Gillian Anderson has to leave the show to give birth however this led to the episode Duane Barry and Scully's abduction which would become a central part of the overall mythology what really began the mythology and earnest are kicked it into a higher gear anyway was when Gillian Anderson got pregnant at the end of the first season they had to account for her absence so the writers came up with the idea that she would be abducted by aliens basically everything was up from season 1 unbale ian conspiracy mythology really started getting amped up and began feeling like a blockbuster episodes so too the best and worst of a season so despite being an overall upgrade from season 1 season 2 had a couple of shitty episodes this is a serious allegation in molar such as fearful symmetry about invisible animals and dud calaman about really bad old people made though now if you stand out is not just bad but also pretty poor in episodes what's my next punishment scrubbing the bathroom floors with a toothbrush luckily there's so much more good stuff well then you'd damn well better have the facts to back it up from fun and entertaining episodes like blood about peaceful in a small town going crazy the great murder mystery in red Museum the cannibal chaos in our town - excellent classics like the iconic monster episode the host Mulder this is amazing seminal serial killer episode irresistible and the straight-up horror our indie handi the list and of course Anasazi the episode that elevated the alien conspiracy mythology to the next level these aren't humans look I'd say they were alien it's also just an overall standout episode that steals the show for season two oh my god overall season two did exactly what it should have improved upon all the groundwork that was laid before it expanded the story characters and mythology and led us to a season that did something both familiar and new as of right now I'm reopening the x-files and number four we get to season eight and I can already feel the fire from some people's keyboards raining hate down on me how dare I wreck this season so high since Mulder is barely in it how dare except agent Doggett as a member of the x-files well that's just wrong alright hardcore x-files fans hear me off before you dislike the video so the x-files evolved as a show and as Mulder left an agent Doggett joined by dynamic of a show changed and in my opinion did so well agent Doggett would be pretty much the opposite to Mulder my experience dead men don't tell pages Scully you want me to think like Scully and Mulder would you got the wrong guy I need facts not wild ideas I'm sorry dr. Burks your uh your professor of what a down-to-earth street-smart by-the-book guy whose ideas and limited knowledge of a paranormal would come in odd to a Scully who after several years of strange cases had turned more and more into a believer so what do you think agent Scully her hotel room helin invaders sloppy vampires it's a theory agent Scully but to my mind and pretty much the rest of me it doesn't work hi miss Scully being a believer was something had seen just a little bit in earlier season such as him a great episode beyond the sea but he or she embraced it much more became a true veteran of the x-files flying the paranormal flag I'd say it's wise you keep an open mind they'll admit that it's hard to accept but there is a motive and there is a pattern and there is a reason and we will see it not working like this she does this along with her new partner who she didn't at all get along fat first but Doggett gains her trust throughout the season and a way that their relationship develops is truly wonderful to see Mulder when he shows up would obviously come at odds with dog it's not going in one direction much you got information important in this investigation I damn well better know about it I'm in charge out age all right then go ahead and take charge only you might not like what it means in this case and you'd love to help but you left your lightsaber at home but even if they would manage to get past their differences answer the phone agent Doggett they're in charge here now another great point season 8 is dark one of the darkest seasons the Expos have ever done if not the darkest as we don't hold back on blood gore and violence episode 4 Roadrunners but a fucked-up small-town cult is intense and interesting with gross stuff the episode bought la features an Indian sorcerer demon thing that crawls aside people and then does his best alien impression the episode Dead Alive features a skin shading sequence that was brilliantly gross and via negativa is just a straight-up hour of sheer bloody horror season eight definitely feels darker and more horror based in my opinion it was a very welcome change what made the season stand out of it this is extreme this brings us to the worst and best so actually pretty much like all the episodes of season 8 but I do think that the weakest episode is Medusa about a strange virus spreading the Boston subway tunnels the best episode could easily have been a fantastic episode of a gift which will make anyone an agent Doggett fan I'm asking you and your men to get out of my way I can't take it agent Doggett belongs to us this is a man belong to anybody but Mulder a dog yet buddy-cop feeling ovn and was a lot of fun and the season finale was fantastically violent than action-packed featuring the long-awaited death or that slimy [ __ ] alex krycek however the best of a season from Evo goes to via negativa one of the creepiest and best produced episodes ever about a cult leader capable of entering a higher plane of existence by entering people's dreams and then brutally murdering them [Applause] overall season h feels new fresh dark and raw alongside skully were thrust into a search from older as newer blood year dangers await around every corner I think it's the most underrated and overlooked season of the x-files and it's without a doubt one of my favorites thank you for watching my back I never saw it as an option I'm sure you don't either this brings us to the third spot and season five oh man season five was the x-files at its most popular when everyone was tuning in to see what our favorite FBI agents were up to every week and obviously the quality of the season kept people hooked Marty Glenn 28 we found it at the scene to enough formula 409 under normal circumstances my department would have her dead to rights unless she's been blind since birth in the fifth season the x-files had really found its stride and we were working on making the x-files movie while also shooting this season having found her style we decided to try some different things out of necessity which made the world of the x-files much deeper like giving us the episode unusual suspects that gave us the backstory for fan-favorites bolon gunman what he needed me to do just watch and learn as well as travelers an episode that explored the early days of the x-files in the 1950s the men that Edward skur killed 38 years ago was my father involved how basically I feel like season 5 really just expanded the world of x-files and some very interesting ways okay let's weed up a good and a bad stuff every season has its lamé episodes and season 5 is no different no I just think you're wrong Killswitch starts off really interesting about a self-aware computer program but unfortunately gets really silly really fast season three is villain Robert Patrick Modell was a great and beloved antagonist but his return and the sequel episode kitsune and Gauri just didn't work at all I'd like to know why however overall mostly episodes are pretty damn solid perhaps without as many standout classics as some of the other seasons aside from this we've got some really solid mythology episodes some of the absolute best work for him you know smokey is that who put this together you're going down for this spin I'm gonna see you prosecuted for murder you watch me watch it happen like the two-parter patient X and Loretta my black which are probably the scariest mythology episodes ever to [Music] and let's not forget bad blood one of the best comedy episodes ever showing us how Mulder and Scully see each other hope you brought your cowboy boots you want us to go to Dallas yeehaw actually a town called Chaney about 50 miles south of their population 361 by all accounts very rustic and charming but as of late ground zero the locust for a series of mysterious nocturnal exsanguinations why don't you tell me the way you think it happened I hope you brought your cowboy boots why are we going to Dallas it's actually it's a little town just south that they're called Chaney Texas they've had some incidents down there recently which I think you'll agree are pretty unusual like what the Pine Bluff Bryant which skips everything paranormal in favor of domestic terrorism and almost feels like a mini-movie and ever really solid episodes like detour a lot some strange things happening in the woods All Souls gives us another episode of the tackled religious mythology and fully adore about a monster but only a few people can see is one of a better standalone episodes ever made some people feel like this season is all filler for the feature film that followed but I disagree I think this was a season had truly added a lot of depth to the universe of the x-files and for that I'd love it they say this can shaft is a bad mother shut your mouth talking about a shaft I did not this means of a second spot goes to season 3 all right so we're season two got a bit darker and heavier than the previous season season a free retaining the seriousness and weight of the mythology but also got lighter and introduced a lot of a humorous elements that will become more common as a series went on her name is Bambi story-wise a season picked up with an explosive resolution to the mysteries of season 2 which made of an alien ethology storyline even deeper and a cigarette smoking man got even more evil and interesting there is a small matter of concern with the FBI but we'll handle that internally as usual the media attention will amount to nothing more than a few scattered obituaries we also got the episode avatar our very first episode focusing on fan favorite Walter Skinner she was there with me watching me as I was watching myself dying my blood spilling from one or different places Scully's Catholic faith gets confronted in Revelations and both Jack Black and Giovanni Ribisi make on-screen appearances before gaining famous in the episode DP oh there's another slight problem she's married to your boss maybe I could fry him dude he's your boss not he's dead it won't be season three probably has the best mythology episodes and a tone that feels very well-balanced once again improving upon the previous season overall it just kind of feels like the episodes all blend into each other very well any suggesting other woods so not the best and worst on the bad end of the spectrum we find episodes like helm on an episode of a fantastic cast like Lucy Liu and BD Wong and an interesting setting but a really lame and sleepy execution however I would say that the definite worst goes to test widows be shows about a shaman who controls killer cats yeah I don't know what they were thinking or smoking with that one guys if this turns out to be killer cast and then be very disappointed on the awesome end there's almost too much to list check out literally any mythology episode especially of a two-part episodes miss a and seven three one two shy is a really underrated mutant monster episode and how could we possibly forget pusher about the killer Robert Patrick Modell we can't persuade his victims to do almost anything I need you to do something for me [Music] the crowning achievement of a season once again goes to writer Darren Morgan and the episode applied Brooklyn's final repose where a serial killer murdering psychics forces Mulder and Scully to come into contact with a man who can actually see how people are going to die and it's my favorite episode of the x-files ever well you see that's another reason I can't help you catch this guy I might adversely affect the fate of the future I mean his next victim might be the mother of the daughter whose son invents the time machine and the son goes back in time and changes were of history overall this is a really solid season but many have is her number one spot and while it's excellent I do prefer the more refined style that we get from our number one spot do you want to know how you're going to die yes I would no you don't all right the crowning achievement of the x-files goes to season four ah hell yeah this was the darkest season of the x-files before season eight came along with buckets of blood to challenge that story wives from the fall adji really heated up and it was in the excellent standalone episode leonard betts that we learned that Scully got cancer as a result of her abduction in season two this ends up bringing Mulder and Scully closer together which is necessary for him to make it through many dark mysteries like the serial killer with a supernatural connection in unruly the bloody cursed hospital of sanguinary M or of course home the first ever x-files episode to be banned from reruns due to violence as Mulder and Scully take on the [ __ ] up redneck peacock family in a small town on top of that the critically acclaimed episode musings of a cigarette smoking man gave us not just a backstory but also a lot of sympathy for the show's main villain what did you find possibly everything maybe his background who he is and who he wants to be season four really tested mulder and scully and is these very serious struggles but I feel elevate this season as a whole there are some funny episodes like small potatoes but overall the season feels a bit more serious focused and hard giving the season a lot of identity and a sense of purpose everything just feels more important than gives a lasting impression this is just one bomb I'm sitting on here you didn't ask me how many more enough about now the season isn't perfect of course as we will see in the good of a bad so that makes a legitimate unruhe quitted about a man out for revenge we can turn invisible doesn't fulfill its potential and ends up being mostly kind of boring el mundo jeera is a pretty universally hated episode that is mostly just lame and while a lot of people really liked the episode never again I can't stand it I mean it's a story about an evil tattoo yeah why do people like this episode go ahead treat yourself this girl is a real doll but beauty's only skin-deep baby I go all the way to the bone these duds can't really hold back the remaining excellence of a season ago every single mythology episode is top notch and it probably has the best monster week episodes paper hearts is a realistic dark and deeply personal story involving a serial killer and Mulder's sister you choose the one that was your sister and I'll tell you where she is elegy uses a spooky ghost and premonition story as a creepy way to confront Scully's mortality and cancer and on top of all of the other really great episodes have already mentioned are some vastly underrated episodes like synchrony and Kadesh [Music] however of course episode 2 home is the best episode of season 4 and one of the best episodes ever made it's dark deep and hard-hitting and truly encapsulates what is so great about the entire season at the same time I knew we couldn't stay hidden forever one day the modern world would find us and my hometown would change forever this season for me anyway is a season that says and does the most for our main characters and it just so happens to do it in a dark and violent yet incredibly stylish package for me season 4 it will always be number 1 we had here was proof Ellie there's no way it could be anything else so that about does it for this episode of SCI finite ranking we hope you enjoyed it and hey if you've got a different ranking of X for seasons instead of just sending me hate how about letting me know what your top 11 this looks like yeah by all means post your list in the comments below it's always really fun to talk with fellow x-files fans about some of the best and worst aspects of a show but what you can't question is the science so that about does it for this episode of cipher nights stay safe and we'll catch you guys next time oh my god Mulder it smells like I think it's bile is there any way I can get off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior
Channel: Sci-Fi-Night
Views: 14,397
Rating: 4.8794522 out of 5
Id: x3ilDRdHHOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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