World in Conflict All Cutscenes 4k UHD - WW3 Movie

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[Music] [Music] to no one's surprise following their earlier intrinsics nato diplomats yesterday walked out of the malta peace conference clearly peace is not on their agenda only threats and deception and endless profits for the capitalist war machine but our brave comrades in the armed forces will not be intimidated they stand vigilant along the german border their result unquenchable was inevitable our massive preparations had gone on far too long for us to simply stand down we were like a coiled spring ready to throw ourselves into the fray all we waited for was one word attack spirits were high and the men joked about how he would crush the enemy with one fell stroke but sam didn't laugh they had been to afghanistan they knew [Music] war [Music] mind the road camera followed who's here don't you know that's cardinal arlovsky he's a legend ah comrade major liberty it's been a while it has indeed kamra darlowski i was just wondering who they'd sent to babysit me your command is the key to this whole grand endeavor comrade how could they send anyone but me your sense of self-importance hasn't lessened i see but i am very important am i not or at least my dear old father-in-law yes it's good to see you old friends so how are we doing everything is in place i can't say i'm very happy about all this the politburo knows what is right ours is but to obey so they have decided get me lieutenant romano from the horn i want him to make a final survey of the forward defenses soon [Music] you're always out you never offer me anything in my turn whoa dude i just asked for smoke welcome back grisha oh how was recruit training boring but necessary comrade surgeon those recruits will soon be needed it's good to see you all here today and it will be even better to see you soon breaking through that wall that will teach those nato dogs how to fight they thought they could bully us into submission they thought we'd give way and fall but today we'll show them that the red army bones to no one today we'll show them the might of the soviet union get your vehicles we go to war so it has begun it has indeed i wonder how it'll end best soon today was an easy victory who knows about tomorrow ah here's my nephew kolya he really distinguished himself today please to make your acquaintance comrade this was a crushing victory you helped win for us today one of many to come soon all of europe will see the glory of socialism will you be accompanying my uncle we have that honor but you should return to your unit nikolai tell the men that i am proud of them i will uncle we'll do whatever it takes to ensure victory for our great cause covert major he takes after his mother a few more like him and this war will be over in a week i hope you are right valerie fedorovich i really do [Music] we're getting reports from the coast guard about a developing situation at the harbor front we have a lot of unmarked container ships approaching they're refusing to identify themselves over immediately america is under attack [Applause] is the russians took us by surprise we had been at war for almost four months and still we couldn't understand what was happening even as artillery shells started exploding on the streets of seattle many people just stood there stunned by shock and disbelief war can be fascinating to watch on tv but up close and personal it's a whole other story imagine your office blown to pieces your car thrown about like a discarded glove and your friend lying on the street his body torn to bloody shreds that was the reality in seattle on that fateful day in the fall of 89. the army was fighting in europe and elsewhere and our navy was supposed to protect us from an invasion but they failed they were fooled as we were all fooled by the soviet ruse but as the first soviet tanks started rolling off those freighters a few of us tried to organize a desperate defense we were not about to give up without a [Music] fight [Music] yes this is captain bannon i'm trying to reach the major what who's in command then what do you mean i am what how the hell should i know we have to fall back and regroup come in huh parker i was hoping i'd seen the last of you in new york youtube where are you headed we're trying to find our unit i'm mike and this is anton sir washington national guard you're with us now grab a rifle and get organized we have to get out of here we can't just run away sir seattle is lost all we can do is stay alive parker call the retreat [Music] what is it mr president general morgan we have a situation developing in seattle the situation general communication has been sketchy but it appears that russian troops have managed to sneak into port using disguised cargo ships let me get this clear you're saying that we have soviet soldiers on american soil general that we've been invaded yes sir it seems more are coming in uh we have precious few units in the area and they're putting up what resistance they can my god what are our options they're rather limited sir if we start pulling divisions back from europe we'll lose what control do we i know i know but don't we have anything to defend our own country with i've ordered what units that we have to go west sir who's leading them the colonel sawyers sir he's as tough as they can well he better be assemble the staff situation room 20 minutes very well mr president we fled east with the darkening sky behind us lighted by the many fires downtown some have later called the retreat organized but i think it only seemed that way because we were all running in the same direction seattle was lost the moment those ships entered the harbor and there was never any real chance of our holding the city i try not to think about all those we were forced to leave behind captain bannon kept us in a semblance of order but i'll never know whether we were actually obeying his commands or they just happened to coincide with what we all thought best we followed the freeway into the suburbs with the war close in our heels some artillery had already landed in the area and i remember seeing a broken swing set lying on its side next to a blackened crater i think that was when it hit me we had been invaded and nothing would ever be the same again [Music] come on anton come on move get them out of there get him out of there now move come on hurry hurry there's no time here you go here he comes lieutenant parker good to see you alive and captain bannon seems i can't get rid of you seems that way colonel well from what i gathered you did a decent job at organizing the retreat but i'm prepared to let bygones be bygones screw up again though and you'll pay i won't colonel we'll see this is captain james webb and this is first lieutenant parker and captain bannon they fought with me in europe here with stuff going over there sorry i missed it you shouldn't be we need to see about blowing that brick so the russians don't roll over it get back to your units we'll take it from there you there what's your unit washington national guard sir don't matter i need an orderly and you're in get your stuff we're moving now that's gonna take a while to rebuild yeah what's that thing this my friend is a portable cd player portable yeah really huh what's the sound like i'll show you but the batteries are dead i wish i could find some new ones watch out stow away that toy soldier but it's from my daughter sir go i should stole him away gabriel god damn maniac let's see if we can get a ride back to the rallying point yeah i need to get back to hq my love i hope this letter finds you well in my heart i feel i will know if something happens to you it is so hard to face today without you by my side my dear is natasha i am writing this sitting on a tractor just like those we have on nicole causes back home they are not so different from us this america they have begun working triple shifts at the factory i am glad that inessa is not working nights many factories have been bombed and i fear so i am a little worried about korea he is very hard on the men and when i tried to talk to him he just shrugged it off i will have to make it clear that he is under my command i think about all the boys over there whose mothers cannot sleep for worry though serving with you must be the lucky ones felocia for i know that you care deeply for them i will be home soon enough until then know that i love you you're vladimir in america itself our valiant forces are making excellent progress the front is expanded daily as city after city falls into our hands everywhere our troops are met by cheating citizens happy to be liberated from the yoke of their oppressive government already the american proletariat is joining us in spontaneous the initial landing went well and within a few days we had seattle secured and several regiments moving out into the surrounding countryside it felt great to finally roam free after having spent weeks inside the cramped container ships the americans soon rallied their forces though and we began to encounter pockets of heavy resistance after a pitched fight they would melt back into the countryside leaving us to counter dead and wounded it didn't take long before the strain and frustration of being in a hostile country so far from home began to show on some of the men i'll put a bullet in his head if he's not here in five [Music] move your troops to the western ford and cross the air romanov will create a devotion to the east circle we don't have time for diversions and flanking maneuvers i say again you are to flunk to the west shipovnikov order second company to move west i hope the old fool knows what he's doing yeah hey earl mark it's about goddamn time that you called your mother is worried sick you know that i thought we agreed that you'd call at least once a week i'm sorry but you might have noticed there's an invasion going on and yeah and you guys turned and tail and ran and that's what we get with a bunch of spoiled brats defending our country we didn't have any choice you know how many men we lost we in my day wouldn't let those economy bastards come ashore in the first place we would have fought him to the last man with bayonets if we had to yeah i don't remember you winning any wars we won the battle son and if your father were alive he'd cry to see what you've become first that business in europe and now you can't even hold your ground when the commies are in your own damn backyard hey goddamn [ __ ] mark yeah i'll tell your mother you called earl damn it by blowing the highway bridge we actually managed to slow the russians down for a while the colonel led us south and we met little resistance along the way but bannon and charlie company kept lagging behind bannon blamed the mud but i think he was secretly hoping to get away from the colonel eventually we reached a small town called pine valley it was decided that we would make a stand there and wait for reinforcements but first we had to retake the town from the airborne forces that had gotten there ahead of us most of the men hadn't slept for two or three days and the colonel only allowed a few hours of rest but i never heard a complaint everybody knew what was at stake and what we were fighting for [Music] whiskey five come in i can't get reception keep trying and tell me as soon as you get through get over here before it craps all over you you get it colonel sawyer sir and bannon captain webb lieutenant parker let's get started this is the town of pine valley sir i just talked to colonel wilkins he's been delayed and his battalion won't be here return fire and get a medic over here now listen up we're here ivan is coming from this direction and we've been ordered to take and hold the town until colonel wilkins arrived with reinforcements yeah it's about time we showed those commie bastards there is a supermarket here and i need you to secure it now web and alpha company will support you and make sure you get it right this time are we clear yes sir got it sir parker i need you to take this gas station asap please take care of that sniper get to it where the hell is that medic missouri requesting contact with u.s forces in pine valley [Music] i repeat this is uss missouri requesting contact with u.s forces in pine valley we need target coordinates if we are to provide accurate fire support i repeat we need target coordinates to provide accurate fire six in support valley and are we glad to see you missouri we need fire support and foxtrot six and echo five over roger that eagle six bar for effect missouri eagle six out uh hold on you're not listening to me yes i am you've told me your name is michael thompson and you're not with your national guard unit so mike why do you expect to receive your national guard pay i'm sort of with the regular army now and we're up in the mountains fighting but are you actually in the regular army not officially i i kind of got swept up during the retreat from seattle then have your company clerk file a 451-a look our company clerk got his head blown off two hours ago i need that money and i need it sent to my ex-wife in chicago before she mike mike i can only pay you or an actual current spouse that is if i could even pay you which i can't unless i get a 451-a for the ex-spouse i'm gonna need a declaration from a court a declaration from the court have have you heard we've been invaded that doesn't change anything we have rules in this country for a reason and if i swear i'm i'm gonna beat these damn russians and then i i'm gonna hunt you down how do you like that yeah hunt me down with a 451a and i need it in triplicate corporal after pine valley the russians pulled back and tightened their perimeter around seattle unable to mount an attack ourselves we waited nursing our wounds and trying to anticipate what would happen next not long before christmas the russians made their next move several regiments attacked east up into the cascade range and it soon became apparent that their objective was fort teller the headquarters for the strategic defense initiative or as the public popularly dubbed it the star wars project what we knew and they didn't was that the project was a bust the russians reached the base they'd realized the whole thing was basically a scam that we had nothing to stop their nuclear missiles from striking our cities and military bases we couldn't let them figure that out so we moved east as well taking the fight into the mountains and trying to delay the russians while colonel wilkins and his people at fort teller dug in as hard as they could [Music] i suggest you fortify these crossings and then blow up the bridge yeah that should buy wilkins some time that won't work sir we don't have nearly enough what would you have us do roll over and die if i even gets to fort teller we'll have a global thermonuclear war in our hands must be a russian scout damn it we need to get moving you won't be needed here bannon i'm sending you 10 miles northeast on a recon mission understood sir all right then wilkins is counting on us let's get to it there's no need to be nervous captain we're just filling some records cabinets in the immoral section with these i'm not nervous comrade major very well interview number 461 subject captain nikolai malashanka service number 2497-4 interview conducted by major lebedev section two third director at kgb so captain we've been in america for several weeks now what are your thoughts so far the very major we are making glorious progress it is very satisfying the only thing is is what captain well i have yet to see the proletariat rise and stand with us instead they lay ambushes and run when we try to engage them they've done some damage i suppose we must acknowledge that some may not want us here then we must demonstrate the result men are lost in war that is to be expected but the more of these attacks that go unpunished the more daring they will become and you are proposing it is simple for every ambush we execute 10 random civilians they will soon seize their attacks when they realize the price they must pay and what if they don't then we should kill them all in the face of great adversity our courageous comrades in america fight on winning battle after battle against an increasingly desperate enemy our troops now occupy most of the american west coast and soon will have complete victory [Music] nobody had counted on the american civilians putting up such resistance everywhere we went we were greeted with bullets and our battalion had it easy we had been tasked with pacifying the countryside while four other regiments pushed into the mountains they were headed toward a town called cascade falls where there was some grand objective not even colonel arloskin with the details about all we knew was that it might mean an end to the war i remember thinking about those comrades struggling through the cold and the snow facing death at every turn and i was ashamed for i was happy that i wasn't with them just sit through it once fourteen men dead nine wounded these attacks must be stopped i strongly suggest nobody now cool yeah we have already discussed this the gorillas will be dealt with according to plan but it won't be enough these are my men lying here they are my men too captain don't ever forget that now will you please get me an updated report on the status of the wounded his idea has some merit i will not be privy to wholesale slaughter of civilians just so he can satiate his need for revenge it might work though valeri no they hate us enough already we have the location of their camp that's where we'll strike you don't believe in this do you you don't think we belong here do you [Music] didn't you hear me they came in fired but comrade captain the corner of verbatim daniel no got idea next time your people will think twice before attacking us what is the meaning of this get them out of here explain yourself captain they were harboring weapons and food for themselves i gave explicit orders that there should be no firing squads they were aiding the enemy that is irrelevant captain you do not have the right to disobey my orders but what if your orders are wrong if you act without my consent again i will have you court-martialed and sent home in shame is that understood is that understood nikolai no colonel it's not what you think i'm wrong it does not matter what i think does it look for good or ill you have chosen your course but have you chosen yours valeri sooner or later you will have to hi daddy where are you i'm on a fishing trip in the mountains sweetie it's beautiful here snow everywhere and the air is so cold you can see your breath i want to see snow too soon who is it it's daddy daddy can i talk to him honey mom wants to talk to you okay take care carino and i'll see you soon okay have been kisses daddy anton yeah honey are you i'm all right and i'm gonna stay all right so stay at your mom's and i'll come and get you when it's over but when will that be anton i don't know listen i have to go but i'll call you as soon as i can okay i love you [Music] we met colonel wilkins at a small town called cascade falls not far from fort teller itself the town had been evacuated not long before and it was decided that we would hold the area while wilkins dug in at a narrow mountain pass to the south colonel sawyer planned on luring the russians into the center of town where we could concentrate our defenses but there were a lot of russians coming and not that many of us left unlike before we could not retreat because if we did fort teller would fall an armageddon would follow in its wake we all knew what that meant were determined to hold no matter what even bannon seemed to have finally found his way he was quieter than usual and i remember wondering what was going on in his mind [Music] this will be our final stand we have to stop ivan from reaching fort teller what do we got in terms of support the air force will be flying cast missions around the clock but don't count on them to turn the tide i'm not going to lie to you the russians will throw everything they have at us and we have to hold no matter what we'll hold colonel we've come a long way gentlemen and i trust that you will do what is needed when the time comes colonel sawyer sir the russians have reached the outer perimeter and so it begins get your units we'll teach ivan the price of invading our homeland [Music] mike where are you hurry come up let's go [Music] captain i'm scared yeah me too thomas we're doing the right thing they'll remember us for this gunner target tank 11 o'clock identified fire this is bannon the russians are renewing their attack and they're coming at us with t-80s btrs and bmps i also see infantry moving from house to house this must be the big bush i've lost second platoon and most of third platoon as well we're holding but they're breaking through i'll try to pull back a little and get them to follow but we won't last much longer understood captain i appreciate what you're doing sir i just want to say i'm sorry no need captain i'm humbled to have served with you thank you sir ban it out [Music] so yeah is this colonel jeremiah sawyer retired not anymore colonel you've been recalled to active duty we need you in europe i was wondering when you people would call as i've been giving you a hard time the russians have proven more resourceful than expected colonel they've made significant gains in germany and most of the sixth fleet has been destroyed yeah i heard so i guess you want me to go to france affirmative sir you will command a combined u.s and nato task force with the order to drive the russians out of southern france you do know why i was discharged don't you well all has been forgiven colonel i didn't ask for your goddamn forgiveness you people got us into this mess in the first place and now you're standing there with your pants down wondering what to do that's what you get with a bunch of sycophant bureaucrats making all the decisions do you accept the command colonel when do i leave [Music] the small band of ragged defenders fleeing the nuclear explosion in cascade falls had come a long way from the proud battalion landing in france in the early fall of 1989 it was months before the invasion of seattle and the third world war had already been raging in europe for several weeks the outbreak had been sudden if not unexpected high-level diplomatic talks were still going on when russian tanks started rolling through the fulda gap and on into west germany the diplomats had failed and the armies had taken over the us-6 fleet was destroyed during the initial fight and the russians followed their success with an amphibious landing near marseilles the french army was pushed back hard but u.s reinforcements soon arrived to join a counter-attack aimed at throwing the russians back into the mediterranean we were all part of that endeavor the unproven warriors of our generation spoiling for a fight and happy that our time had finally come [Music] and then we'll flank them to the right while the cavalry draws fire we but we do have a problem captain bannon reporting for duty ready to kick ass and take names sir you're an hour late captain i'm sorry sir i got held up by this girl in the village your excuses don't interest me this is lieutenant parker and this is commandant battier our french liaison officer charlie company is waiting for you by a farm just beyond this patch of forest you can actually see it from here yeah get over there now we're moving into the attack within the hour yes sir [Applause] very eager he'll be dead by dinero we'll see where were we coming you lost one of your officers yes as soon you'd know the fool stepped on a mine parker can handle that command you want your youth not to lead my men but that is unheard of do you doubt the competence of my officers asare my decision stands now let's get to work the russians proved to be tough adversaries giving ground only when they absolutely had to and making sure we paid a high price for every yard we gained but after a few days a gap opened in the soviet lines and colonel sawyer ordered several companies through the soviet headquarters had been found we were to destroy it as swiftly as possible if we succeeded the soviet defenses would collapse and france would be liberated but if we failed we would be cut off from the main force and annihilated it was a daring move typical of the colonel always aim for a killing blow everything else is a waste of time and energy he said to us once and that motto seemed to permeate all his decisions he was always certain but the world was not one uncertainty was captain bannon who was acting like a loose cannon we all wondered what it would take to bring him to heal [Music] we'll move our vanguard across that bridge those bastards would be well fortified oh yes i've ordered an artillery barrage to commence shortly it should shake them up some no quarter should be given i want these locusts gone from my country after today they will be comando parker i want you to lead the attack bannon will be in reserve reserve sir my company should form the spearhead your tanks will be needed soon enough kept but sir we might miss the battle is this about fame and glory captain no you'll find none of that here now go brief your men yes sir [Applause] that's our q parker get your unit jump off in ten so call you my dearest i am so happy to tell you that you are now a father our girl is the most beautiful little angel you could ever imagine and everyone says such excellent news i'm happier than words can convey and i'm looking forward mother arrived yesterday you will probably get a letter from her any day now telling you about all the things she thinks i should do differently but you know her don't mind mother she's just set in her ways just like uncle vladimir he is a weary commander and i fear he cares too much for the men i care for them too but we are fighting a war and sacrifice i am so proud of you my love they say that we will have victory soon i look forward to having you home and safe and raising our daughter together in this new world which you are shaping you should name her anastasia well maybe maybe nadirzada that would make mother happy take care all of you love nikolai [Music] as the red army continues to sweep through europe nato is reeling it won't be long before the tenuous alliance unravels and the people rise up and protest against their corrupt governments [Music] after weeks of bitter fighting in europe it was clear that we weren't losing but we weren't winning either except for france nato forces were as unable to push back the front as we were to push it forward the generals being quite fond of their own lives desperately sought a solution to the stalemate and finally one was found a strike force would be sent to the norwegian coast to destroy the anti-air defenses there and open up a corridor for our bombers to fly through colonel arlovsky was chosen to lead this strike and captain maleshenko is ready to burst with pride over the mission but the rest of us were just happy to get out of the meat grinder that germany had become [Music] weapons free no listen you don't understand i still have unfinished business in france sir others can wrap that up we need you elsewhere and we need you there now where germany i thought we were not germany colonel we want you to go to russia russia now we're invading them not an invasion sir reconnaissance we're sending you to norway where you'll take command of task force raven your mission is to infiltrate the soviet border and retrieve intelligence from a downed aircraft what about my men you'll bring your officers with you and liaison with the norwegian rangers when you arrive i have some doubts about one of my captains there are no replacements to be had colonel we're losing officers every day just holding the russians at bay in germany all right i'll make do when do we leave we're arranging a flight now godspeed colonel [Music] bannon was never officially reprimanded for the death of camendan sabatiere instead the colonel took him aside just before we boarded the plane to norway bannon seemed to chasten where they returned but it was hard to say whether the colonel's words had any lasting effect our mission was top secret we got our briefing when we arrived in kirkuddus in norway we were going to be dropped near my monster inside the soviet union where we were to locate a crashed prototype stealth bomber it supposedly carried some sensitive information so it was imperative that we reached the crash site before the russians did several teams of norwegian rangers would be assisting us their commander major johansson was a hardset man who already led four missions across the soviet border he didn't talk much but his competence was clear we all felt good having him as a guide in that cold and hostile country [Applause] [Applause] captain i am movement at 12 o'clock looks like light infantry coax all bravo elements in cage infantry at 12 o'clock sir something's not right didn't you hear me corporal fire on the way [Music] cease fire ceasefire oh my god why did they advance like that how are we supposed to know i've been trying to reach you what the hell happened here sir we just you just what you idiot did you kill these people well i i thought they were attacking and with what with broomsticks take a good look at your handiwork captain we'll discuss this later harriet bannon hey mom it's mark markey are you okay where are you look i know i haven't called in a while i'm sorry we've been kind of isolated but where are you not in france is earl around uh he's out hunting rabbits with frank and emmett listen how are you mark really your letters well i wish i could come home mom i thought i'd do some good here you know something dad would have been proud of but it's all just kind of screwed up listen honey i'm proud of you and i'm sure your father would have been too yeah well you shouldn't be i've done wrong some things if you did you didn't have any choice i don't know mom hey uh earl always drinks when he hunts he hasn't a little god damn it mom you said you'd leave him if he did mark it's not easy where would i go anywhere he's not that son of a he's my husband mark okay mom whatever look i gotta go i'm gonna kill some more commies and make earl proud take care mark we had barely gotten out of the area we got orders to head north to a soviet naval yard on the coast the information we've retrieved from the plane wreck indicated that several nuclear submarines were tied up there a greater number than usual as if they were preparing for something special it was decided by the higher-ups that since we were already in the vicinity we would go in and destroy as many subs as possible before the soviets had a chance to react i think the colonel had something to do with that plan as well it was just his kind of mission in so many ways take the enemy by surprise wreak havoc and then get the hell out of there before they understand what's happening again we would be operating behind enemy lines on our own without backup it was almost getting to be routine [Music] approaching lz now all clear check your altitude all right the norwegian rangers report that the refueling process has started and that gives us precious little time those subs must be destroyed 30 seconds i expect zero screw-ups today and that means you batted dear touching down at five we launch you ted get going that was exceptional people but i've got some bad news c charts found in the second submarine point to a planned attack against several east coast ports back home i just spoke to sakura and we're being recalled to help defend them we're going home sir we are and you have a few things to answer for when we get there captain don't think i've forgotten sir all right time to withdraw everyone today we made a difference eagle sticks out [Music] valerie there have been no letters from you for two weeks now have they been lost by the postal service or you are perhaps dead well that would at least be a good excuse no sasha i'm not dead much to your father chagrin i imagine we have been constantly on the move and to find even a few minutes of peace has been well nigh impossible father has been asking about you i think he is genuinely concerned though i know you don't believe me i sometimes doubt you believe anything your father would like vladimir's nephew nikolai the man's idealism and zeal rivals that of the most fervent religious believer poor boy one day he will realize the shame of it all oh he's old vladimir you know i hold him in high regard but please ask him to speed things up and win this damn war i am sick and tired of constant shortness of course if i just ask valodia he will win the war for us in an instant not a problem and listen to vladimir he has at least a semblance of morals compared to you my dear and don't die on me who would i think war of it your alexandra yesterday the southern factory collectives reported production levels far exceeding the quarter set for the period the general secretary conveyed his heartfelt pride to be the leader of such an industrious people yesterday also brought news of a minor skirmish involving nato infiltrators they were sweetly hunted down we were still in norway when we heard the news several nato battalions had been airdropped inside our country and i think many of us were shaken to the core of that day our image of the invulnerable motherland cracked in a way that could not be easily mended captain malicienko loudly proclaimed that he would smear the ground red with the blood of the nato bastards who had dared to enter our homeland the colonel tried to calm us saying that there would be blood shed soon enough but we didn't settle down until we had boarded the planes back home our fiery rage doused with cold determination and vengeance foremost on our mind if they were here half an hour ago we don't have long before they arrive understand romanov must move immediately what a message now very well what is it uncle julia it's your wife they're dead korea she and your daughter killed yesterday when the americans raided cerebriansk i'm so sorry sorry you're at war they died for the state they died for socialism i'm proud you have my deepest i don't want sympathy i want leaders with the courage to prevent nato from walking into our soil colia we're dealing with a strong adversary we must be stronger comrade colonel our forward scouts reporting bowed nader helicopters where the hell is romanov at the shellcas colia can i count on you let them come uncle let them come just as the plans we found indicated the russians hit our naval yards at little creek in norfolk a few days later but they had to do with a reduced number of subs and since our people had been warned the attacks didn't cause much damage of course we didn't know back then that they were going to invade seattle a week later no back then it felt like we had succeeded and it was time for us to go back home on leave we've been fighting continuously for weeks on end with little to no sleep and most of us were at the end of our ropes bannon didn't talk much on the flight back there were rumors that he was responsible for the deaths of several russian civilians and the colonel was having him transferred out but nothing was confirmed until we were approaching new york where several ranger chalks had just been lost in fierce fighting against an incursion of spetsnaz [Music] commandos [Music] [Music] listen up there's been a change of plan spencer has commandos have staged an attack in new york they've captured a lot of gear and a bunch of vip hostages we're going in to rescue them [Music] how are we going to you captain you'll be in support during this mission and then i'm having you transferred out of the battalion but sir i i just don't know where to send you preferably somewhere far away as possible parker i got your request for leave to visit your family in seattle think bannon would like it up there i'm sure i can find a supply depot that needs a desk jockey sir i'll get ready we'll be landing in 10 minutes i see green smoke tell them to abort dammit this is eagle six a board aboard a board good worker you have one new message you've reached earl davis and harriet manning leave a message after the beep but we'll get back to you hey mom it's mark i just thought i'd call to let you know i'm all right but uh i guess you're out so [Music] we've been fighting in the mountains for a while now it's cold almost as cold as it was in russia food's scarce too funny thing you wouldn't think food would be a problem when you're fighting in your own country but there aren't many stores around here and most of them have been looted clean anyway we're holed up in a small town called cascade falls and it looks like there's going to be a big battle tomorrow commies are coming at us with everything they got we can't let them through because if we do it'll all be over i wish i could explain but it's kind of a secret i'm gonna do good tomorrow though god knows i've screwed things up before and probably should have stayed out of the army in the first place instead of signing up because of what i thought dad would think well it doesn't really matter now tomorrow i'm gonna do good no matter what it takes take care okay bye mom i love you as the mushroom cloud above cascade falls slowly dissipated behind us we fought on in a blasted wasteland with trees singed black by the wave of searing heat but at least we were alive bannon and the men in his company were not their sacrifice had been the key to stopping the russians and now fort teller was safe we had to destroy the town in order to save it but back then i think the irony of that was lost upon us the emp from the nuclear blast had effectively silenced the radios and what was left of our battalion was scattered over the surrounding countryside we lost contact with the colonel early on it soon became every man for himself as we tried to get reorganized and fight off russian stragglers at the same time the blast had been more powerful than anyone could have imagined we thought the worst thing that could possibly have happened just had little did we know what was to come has anyone seen my friend corporal thompson hey you have you seen my friend corporal thompson hey hands over here what's up man there you are i've been looking for your sorry butt all over where have you been you tell me man we were driving out of cascade falls next thing you know i'm lying on stretcher medic says i'm gonna be all right though did you hear about bannon and charlie company yeah there's four brave bastards you need to get off we're leaving hey thanks for coming to see me ad you i just wanted that fancy new tv player here i'll meet you at the rally boys you people told me they would sit this one out that was based on the intelligence that we had at the time mr president i don't think anyone in this damn government has any intelligence so they're coming here what do you propose we do to stop them we have two options sir pull two divisions from europe and send them to retake seattle before the chinese arrive but then we lose europe and the war and all probability yes what's the other option wait until the chinese come ashore and hit him with a b83 strategic nuclear device hit them after they're ashore ashore in seattle yes sir so you're suggesting we wipe one of our major cities off the map it's our cleanest shot to destroy the chinese mr president otherwise we risk losing everything what forces do we have around seattle now couple of battered battalions the ones that stopped the russians at cascade falls but not enough to retake the city we could order them to try but i wouldn't get my hopes up sir order those battalions to attack general and if they fail as a last resort order the nuclear strike mr president i'm sorry that it's come to this sorry yeah that's all general [Music] as we were catching our collective breath and trying to reorganize word came down that china had finally entered the war as an ally of the soviet union [Music] a chinese invasion fleet was steaming towards seattle planning to use the russian beachhead to get ashore the uss missouri had been sunk a week earlier off the coast of british columbia and there wasn't much left of our pacific fleet to stop the chinese so we moved west toward seattle in the main soviet defense perimeter webb said the men needed to rest for at least a day but the colonel pushed us on saying we had to see this thing to the end before it was too late later when we learned about the president's backup plan we understood why [Music] but that would wipe out the entire city that will be our only option if you fail understood general will do what it takes eagle sticks out [Music] it's a new war we're fighting corporal i'm not sure i fit in anymore sir never mind [Music] get over here we have to achieve a breakthrough today the president has ordered a nuclear bomb dropped on seattle if the chinese managed to come ashore in seattle sir it'll make her failure at cascade falls look like a cub scout picnic but we didn't fail at cascade falls sir when i'm forced to sacrifice a company of my men and drop a nuclear weapon on my own country call it a goddamn failure i won't let it happen again assemble the men you'll get your order shortly get us to the cp and step on it yes sir come in valoria please have a seat is that thing on no don't worry about it these tapes will be gathering dust deep down in some basement shut it off reckless as you wish colonel there is no room for the truth on that machine that's a dangerous word melodia truth such an ambiguous customer stop it valerie we are defeated here i know it and you know it too i'm afraid that moscow cannot accept i am not talking to moscow i am talking to you and what exactly are you telling me that i did not bring my men to america to commit my suicide and what is coming i will need you with me you can count on me valor i hope so valerie now put that thing on and we'll get this done very well interview number 478 subject in his address to the party congress the general secretary spoke have sacrifices made and sacrifices yet to come but he emphasized that there is no doubt that we are winning this war and that the end it was a route our scattered forces headed for seattle and the relief we hoped we would find there [Music] to use a nuclear bomb on one's own country it was insanity on a scale unmatched even by our own generals it also destroyed what dreams we had left of ever achieving victory in america if it hadn't been for the colonel we wouldn't have known about cascade falls at all based on the communiques from moscow all was as fine as could be and now that the chinese had declared themselves our allies victory was supposedly within reach again but we knew better if we go to seattle we'll die in seattle the americans will never allow the chinese to land we saw in cascade falls how far they are willing to go what exactly are you saying we're not going to seattle i've made preparations to take them and home a ship is expecting us at this location tonight what and betray our country it's the right thing to do i'll accept full responsibility were you aware he is not in command here i am please try to understand nikolai i am captain malashank of the soviet army and you are acting like a traitor i'm doing this for the men coulier those men don't belong to you they belong to the state my wife and daughter didn't die so that you can turn tail and run but we don't belong here this entire venture has been a fall [Music] thank you congrat thank you he was a traitor i'm taking my company to seattle i'll bring the battalion to victory to victory time to choose old friend to all social elements this is major level the colonel is dead i am taking command they say you're asking me for papers i'm sorry comrade major but since colonel arlovsky is dead i can't captain without veterans you know who comrade minister kraftjenker is of course he is the minister of defense and my father-in-law do this and i'll make sure you're duly rewarded for your selfless service to the state major without some confirmation i simply and then again i could just have my man shoot you perhaps your second in command is more willing to listen we'll leave with the title good choice tell the man we were racing at full speed towards seattle and could actually see the space needle when division headquarters ordered us to halt they wanted to consolidate our forces and make sure that the reinforcements caught up the colonel argued against them saying that we had to attack quickly we would run out of time and seattle would be turned to ashes but hq sent us into puget sound instead to retake a bunch of islands the russians had put up anti-ship defenses there that we were to capture for use against the chinese during this the colonel was called away for consultations and web was now a major was put in charge in his place everyone was itching to get the main fight over and done with but first we had an island to take we would do it as the colonel would swift and merciless shouldn't you be with the colonel the colonel's on the mainland did you hear about the nuke on seattle did they nuke seattle no but the president is going to if we can't throw the russians out but that's crazy come on youtube come on dancing [Applause] don't lose this man yeah might as well i can't find any batteries anyhow [Music] thompson residence martha thompson speaking mom michael is that you where are you how are you listen mom we don't have much time this is my fourth try we might get cut off at any second i thought the phones didn't work since the attack they they do sometimes mom listen listen you have to get out of seattle oh michael there's a curfew after five and they shoot anyone who breaks it they shot at mrs flanagan and all she was doing was not now mom you you have to get out i i don't care how maybe you maybe you could sneak through the sewers or something good god through the sewers this is my home michael and i'm not leaving it for those russian pigs to loot if your father was alive he'd say the same thing mom the president has ordered what michael i can't hear you if we fail damn it just try to get out mom no michael you won't fail whatever it is and i'm going to stay here until this thing is over and done mom mom damn it [Music] [Music] we returned to the outskirts of seattle where the final assault group was being assembled the colonel reassumed command the orders to retake the city no matter the cost we all knew the price of failure and so early on a monday morning with artillery rumbling in the distance the attack was launched even with our reinforcements we were way under strength but what we lacked in manpower we made up for in determination we managed to force the breach pretty quickly and the colonel led us through it into the center of town near the main soviet base as usual we found ourselves behind enemy lines overextended and without reserves and when the colonel finally called us together for a final breathing major web took me aside he might have led us too far this time parker he said just be careful okay [Music] you're listening to radio free seattle and today we have a special guest here in the studio the honorable reverend powell has a thing or two to say about the soviet occupation reverend i know that we're in a time of war [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're gonna make it hot we're gonna [Applause] wilkins battalion is coming at them from the east while we press on from here sir this seems pretty ambitious how much time do we have not enough the chinese aren't very far out we've only got one shot at this i understand colonel but if we tried a flanking move don't you think i've looked at all the alternatives i've done nothing but that this is the only way but sir then let's grab that you have both been informed of the battle plan i expect you to do your utmost to execute it sir dismiss [Music] this is ghost rider we have the target in sight heal left and arm your cbus today is ours and seattle is secure well done well done indeed webb you're in charge of the mop-up there will be some who won't surrender and i want casualty reports from both of you sir we should all [Music] get a medic hang on james you're gonna be all right i should thank you by the way forward colonel for questioning my judgment when it needed to be questioned don't worry about it sir don't worry where the hell is that medic [Music] this is eagle six that was the last of them i need a medevac for one of my officers he's been wounded in the shoulder roger that i'll send one of my ambulances thank you colonel well parker we actually did it seattle is safe and hq says the chinese fleet is turning around the war isn't over but at least our homeland is secure once more and it's due in no small part to you parker i'm proud to have served with you eagle six out thanks man so is it over yeah pretty much they're rounding up the final stragglers now so i guess we did it huh i guess we did hey so you finally got that thing working yeah i finally found some batteries you want to hear it yeah sure here you go you
Channel: AFGuidesHD
Views: 1,557,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World in Conflict All Cutscenes 4k UHD - WW3 Movie, ww3, world in conflict, movie, all cutscenes, pc gaming, gameplay
Id: ZBP0mJ3XtD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 30sec (5190 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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