WWII Submarine Tour & History - USS Silversides SS-236

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foreign [Music] that beauty out there is 81 years old 81 years ago she was commenced her service of Duty were honored and blessed to have her in our custody this is one of many events that we try to do on an annual basis to not only show our patriotism but to give thanks to all veterans who have served our country that have defended and protected our democracy the silver sides was certainly a part of that for spread 41. Americans experienced feelings of anger fear sadness and confusion within one segment of the population it was a need for vengeance and a service of Justice sixteen-year-old boys often lied about their age and volunteered to serve their country to teach the Japanese a lesson about what happens to those who attacked the United States of America filled with bravado they came to the dock ready to board silversides sail across the mighty ocean put the Japanese in their place and be back by next Christmas once they set sail there were times when maybe it felt like a fraternity weekend getaway as they matured into 17 year old teenagers the boys often adopted pets to share the submarine with them they brought their instruments like trombones on board to liven things up they mixed up some torpedo juice to help enjoy the cruise sometimes they would pull pranks like running off the submarine to help themselves to fresh fruit by grabbing bananas to tape with them until the rightful owners of the banana Groves chased them off with machetes But as time went on and the War lasted longer than they thought these 18 year old young men learned the true horrors of War yes they still understood and embraced their mission but they heard the sounds of other submarines in their pack being hit by a torpedo they faced the danger in rescuing Pilots that were downed in water where it was too shallow to submerge they learned how to think on their feet whether it was performing surgery on a crewmate with no surgical tools operating rooms or doctors or figuring out what to do when the torpedo you just armed and fired did not clear the tube they felt the sadness of losing a crewmate to one of the Japanese vessels that was filled with Sailors just as dedicated to fighting for their country as we were for ours they experienced the terror of waiting and working in total silence while the Japanese dropped 77 depth charges all around never knowing if the next one would be the last one there was a 19 year old adult who supervised a torpedo room or the control room or whatever part of the sub they were stationed in at the time they saw nothing wrong with 19 year olds Manning so many critical positions on a submarine in the middle of the ocean in the middle of a war years later they wondered why anybody would ever entrust that type of responsibility to a 19 year old knowing the reason was that the 19 year olds were the only ones to choose from Today We Gather 81 years after it All Began for Silverside to celebrate the accomplishments of those Brave American heroes in her Warriors Silverside sang 30 ships and damaged 14 more the success of this subling was invaluable to the outcome of America's victory in World War II but she wasn't done yet the war ends suicide returns home she travels through the Panama Canal arriving to New York 21st September for 1945. next spring she moved to New London Connecticut as a country decommissioned and placed in reserve in 1947 she plays on Service as her training vessel from David reserves in the Chicago area 21 years in June 69 her name instructor when they be registered Congo probably applied to the Department of Navy or custody which brings River as a memorial she became part of the combined Great Lakes stable Association in Chicago and was born behind Chicago's Armory in 1973 volunteers spend hours and some amount of their own money to restore us the advantages are shocked when they first walked the board Venture was busty peeling paint debris batik tackles weather and Warren had to be replaced once both workers completed the same volunteers became docents tour guides and chaperones for Guilt together in the boat Escape launchers are examining the engines and in 1975 one of our two auxiliary engines six cylinder diesel was brought back to life in 1979 she was built your location behind the armor from the other Army to the Navy Pier at that same year main engine number three were brought back to life it never run since 1946. in 1984 there were six seven important being judges number four back to life and this was significant because the convention of U.S Serene veterans of World War II was meeting in Chicago that year as soon as after the server size became the subject of a tense clinical battle say Chicago 70 fiction dollar signer the Muskegon achiever of visitors heard of this and entered into a contract for the Great Lakes Naval and Memorial Museum come over to Muskegon there's 15 Nights by the Navy Muskegon was upset took three years of negotiations between the Navy Chicago and Muskegon and the one president Navy actually offered us three alternative vessels which we declined after three years and maybe approved the move too much Gigan it has a Great Lakes Naval Memorial and Museum and the sub arrived here the wall of 1987. and as in the past once again indeed a cleaning repairs once this is done regime started doing daily tours and Adventure Wheels safe allowed overnights on the boat over the 35 years she's been here she's holding over a thousand or more overnight guests gives a very unique experience sleeping inside WW2 sub probably even next to a torpedo she represents the best of the Navy past present and future and she welcomes service members while it re-enlist take the first oath of office or retired we've had numerous retirements religious on the deck there's no better place she's 81. um were you at the Museum proudly welcomed people from all over the world every year um in some ways were not just of West Michigan attraction but more certainly a United States attraction the fact that we have a horn that still works the fact that we have much of the original accrue treatments to the operation of the submarine still in place in somewhat operational is a real tribute to all of our staff [Music] the final part of our celebration today is going to be the engine start [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Muskegon Channel
Views: 1,372
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Id: lVCuGtwER84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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