The Execution Of The Enemies Of The French Resistance

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during the second world war in France there was a significant resistance movement that sought to rid the country from Nazi occupation they were helped by the British Special Operations executive undercover agents who had parachuted into enemy territory to help coordinate resistance actions but for many people living in Nazi occupied France was brutal and was tough deportations of the population took place and the country would not be liberated until summer 1944 following the Normandy Landings and D-Day the Germans would conduct anti-partisan operations and this would result in large-scale RS where people were tortured inside of gestapo prisons and many were executed or were sent to gun workers slave laborers inside of the concentration camps but there was a French paramilitary Group which was created by the Vichy regime along with the Germans to help fight against the French Resistance during the second world war they were a fascist group who involved in execution torture and horrific war crimes was at the end of the war many members of the Middle East or the French militia would be rounded up and they were executed for their collaboration with the Nazis join us today as we look at the executions of the French release and to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe the French police or the militia was created on the 30th of January 1943 as a response to fight against the French Resistance the militia first supported the Vichy government in unoccupied France however it was later in support of the Nazi government in Paris it's believed that at its height around 35 000 men were in the militia the French Resistance as the war was progressing was getting more and more successful they were seen as more powerful and the release was gathered to fight against them Pierre Laval was a prime minister of fishy France at the time and he was their formal head however the man who was really in power and held power inside of the group was Secretary General and de facto Leader Joseph darnard it was a group that appealed to men from many different backgrounds some believe that the militia was right to repel the resistance and others were supporters of the Nazis and preferred life during the occupation France had been defeated by the Nazis but there were many French people who were sympathetic to Hitler's cause and some Frenchmen were allowed to join the SS at some point obviously joined the Middle East were men who had been unemployed and the group offered paid employment good pay and also substantial food rations which were better than what the french population were receiving also members of the group were exempt from being forced to conduct hard labor in Nazi Germany where they would suffer a much worse fate and that's why some joined others have been part of the pre-war far right in the country and others joined as their families had been injured or killed in Allied bombing raids or had faced threats from the allies criminals were recruited and they were told they would have their sentences reduced if they joined and most of the members gave a few hours a week to take part in release activities but there was a full-time section of members known as the Frank Garda who would live in barracks but as mentioned their main job was to find out about the French Resistance and also fight them members of the Middle East would work with locals and friends to find out what was happening but they had a superior advantage over the Nazis and German soldiers as they had excellent local knowledge and this could make them a fierce opponent of the French Resistance they were given a relatively free reign to do what they wanted they would often Round Up suspects and they were allowed to torture people these ordeals were brutal as a militia man would beat and brutalize men and women accused of being in resistance they would also arrest the family members of those accused after obtaining confessions they would also carry out executions by firing squads or handed prisoners over to the Germans so they could be dealt with by them but the French Resistance deemed the Middle East as more dangerous than the SS and the Gestapo as their knowledge of the local areas and the fact they had more informants made them very deadly but the torture and execution that the melis got involved in quickly led to a war between them and the French Resistance the resistance would Target members of the group for assassination of public places such as in cafes or in the open and on the 24th of April 1943 they shot a militian in Marseille over the next few months dozens have been killed and wounded in attacks but the most prominent person killed by the resistance was Philippe henriots often referred to as a French Gables he was killed inside of his apartment in the ministry of information in the early hours of the 28th of June 1944 by resistance members dressed as members of the Middle East his wife was spared but the release would then retaliate by killing a number of anti-nazi politicians and local leaders they would work inside of different zones and they established their headquarters in the old headquarters of the Communist party but they would be involved in further anti-partisan operations including a battle of leader as they tried to suppress the resistance near the Swiss border but they could not do so and the Germans had to then be brought in to help them families also executed 34 prisoners inside of a Paris prison after a Revolt broke out but as the second world war was coming to an end a number of the militia men realized what they were involved in could come back to haunt them as the Allies took control began to try and distance himself from the Middle East and their torture and also their antics but after the Allies liberated France a number of collaborators began to try and flee and hide out after the German Retreats many militians were executed either on their own or in Mass executions the officers of the group were ransacked and agents were beaten and were thrown from the office Windows into the streets or they were thrown into the river they were then later Taken to prison if they survived the French forces of the Interior on the 24th of August 1944 would execute 76 members of the group and some members later formed an OSS Detachment known as of often granted a brigade this at Charlemagne this later became known as a Charlemagne division of the SS and it had over 7000 minutes at this disposal with two and a half thousand of them coming from members of the Middle East but there were a number of other executions that took place featuring members of the Middle East one eyewitness said one afternoon recently in Grenoble I saw six young men shot by the Mackie all had borne arms against France each one was tied to steal Stakes free died well these men had been tied to States before they were Shots by resistance members having been declared traitors against France another execution of a police member was said for the second time this month a French mob reversed a decision of a purge court and lynched an alleged traitor in dihon the end of the war trial of Jacques La Sac former police chief charged with the abuse of French Resistance Fighters joined the occupation an angry mob led by resistance veterans marched on the city jail broke the prison doors and Paula sack from his cell They Carried him to the city's outskirts and hanged him from a signpost then dragged his rope tied body back into the town and of execution of the members of the police would said that since young men were tied to Rusty steal stakes and shot by platoona McKee they were tried in the morning by a civilian judge and two military assistant judges in a Shabby Palace of Justice in the town they were defended by the town's two best lawyers and they were truly found guilty of treason at the appointed hour they were walked out to the spot where a few weeks before 23 McKee was shot by the French militia on Nazi orders free died well which is to say they died at once free did not they sagged on their stakes and one even stood erect shaking his head from side to side as if uncomprehending he and to others received final pistol bullets to the heads there was a crowd of 5000 that had come to see the spectacle and there was laughter and shouting and pushing annoys there were men women children and women with infants in their arms they cheered when At Last of olly came from the Mackie rifles the Middle East was seen as a serious threat to the French Resistance and their expert local knowledge made them more feared than German soldiers but following the liberation of France there were many executions of them that took place and they were seen as people in the pockets of the Nazis many were disgusted at their acts as they were considered the worst traitors preferring to support the Nazi regime rather than act against it but they were torturous and executioners themselves and still in recent years there have been members of the group decades after the war who've been brought to trial thanks for watching to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe and once again thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheUntoldPast
Views: 49,346
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Keywords: execution auschwitz, world war 2, the holocaust, second world war, ww2, execution ww2, torture ww2, french resistance execution, the french resistance, french resistance, french resistance ww2, the french resistance execution, forgotten execution ww2, ww2 execution, the milice, the milice france, france the milice, the milice executions, execution of the milice, executions of the milice, execution milice ww2, milice execution ww2, milice french militia, french militia ww2
Id: HhnzidU6MIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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