WW2 Grafton Underwood USAAF Air Base - UK B-17 Bomber with a ghostly sound caught on video.

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[Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is that was his what the main control Wow that's a crack I wonder what that was I just stood here as a why just that so what would this have been heating duct indeed to say air ducting goes all the way around and there's your old water tank on the wall oh yeah you got to that's right though you've got to separate it so I'm guessing because these are going out through that wall there so I presume agreed there yeah where we're going now but this table been used for would this been sort of like for the unfortunately the graffiti artists ruined everything yeah be controlled because that's obviously a big window was in there yeah looking through their window so they'd be looking down they can clearly see the table right ah gotcha well then you got Oh got another catch on this yes I wonder if there was a way is that so no we've just been in here where you've got me yes there's no windows that would be some sort of ventillation up there yeah so this is rare dead analyze all the aerial photography photographs that were taken by the aircraft reconnaissance and stuff like that this is another oh yes that's right yeah this sign on the wall we thought I've noticed on the same colors I've got concrete gasping yes and the doorframe same thing here so then probably the original paint too dark they've gone round and then painted it in a lighter color just to make it lighter the graffiti and I'm guessing a good portion of that towers missing at the top there right gotcha yeah I've cleared this all now and I'm puzzled as to why ventilate starts here oh yeah so this is where yeah your ventilation and they got that concrete seeing whatever that was for this amount of rubbish here over the years that's accumulated it is disgusting so how many buddy have any respect oh god they don't like then must be well look after them have been ripped apart and but these look like they've come from the other room yeah so I would guess these were some form of furnaces heating yeah I would guess these were sort of like [Applause] waterwater ejected oh yes oh my god yeah uh-huh they are still there so this would have been a lot what's a heat exchange type thing I was a little nest up there looks quite yeah that's suppose that's where they got to be careful this is asbestos yeah be very careful it's nice little safe for whatever little birds up there it looks pretty fresh good it's still green you know if you can see I can't zoom in unfortunately release but so obviously this was why did they use to put walls there that's a blast shield oh is that what it is so that would have been a blast shield oh right see how its reinforced on the top there way too oh yes it has yes it's got mr. Yeo yeah I can sit for me 50 in the camera I've got a tree growing right at the top of the okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] crikey the last one usual they wouldn't have these I may be it not maybe this was so I wanted to happen no because this has all got bars on I wanna sue me at some stage they had a glass because it would have been extremely cold um please be a sort of security secure room of source for something I could have been holding around on your door sliding door [Music] oh yes dat so this water I'm guessing was pumped got that goes to the very top you see that oh Lord I can see now yeah it would be unsafe but there's a water pipes yeah I'm guessing that was a cold water feed maybe yeah and obviously the hot because they're covered in that asbestos so this was probably be their source of the heat in the wall been filled in haven't they I'm guessing or is the roof collapsed oh no oh what's this then I wonder there are some rooms of some sort but what for yeah very strange it doesn't make sense this is such a yeah yeah you know that's not going to stop a bomb coming through for sure well there you have it seek and you will find and there's the toilet blimey and old toilet so mustard looks bollocks I think they had a toilet they might have been killed because possibly no cubicles next door look looks like another room oh yes yes and thus it would Jensen ladies but obviously this was the gents and maybe the other side was the ladies I don't know but wow great find that's the first time I've seen a urinal pre-war close the window yeah it's okay you got a bit of a window [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. audience survey mark on it yeah so so this would have had what would this have had in it hocus aw is that right is that made of bronze so they make those a bronze as it runs so there's no real so this is obviously a high point this is this this probably had a bit of a song finger there just gone in there with a wet concrete they made our under system so they can get what on earth was that yeah just for one just one here one here so this for so that would that be knocker I'm wondering if this was like a water tap because that's obviously been cut off a water tower to get the gravity free there's another one there so yeah I was a looker ah all done what eyes oh yes look at that yes there you go as your answer if anybody can can you see that you have a torch and can't sit on it that looks to me like a stopcock you see in there let's have a look there we go yep what's it say on there I can't see is it open shut yeah it is yeah yeah open shut so there you have it right oh [ __ ] quite big isn't it get onto the roof there's a kid danger danger something that dangerous something or other fade it off this is it Wow so the generators were here this was a generator room oh yes so obviously looking for evidence of large power cables but they don't seem to be any I don't seem to be anything it would have been all stripped down so I wonder what oh yeah even still got one of the oldest in there well part of the filament yeah still got the filament in their jaws probably all screw in vain it as well oh yes yes with the older insulation in it yep so what that went for the exhaust pipe right here yeah all the Kaitlyn's gone it's definitely all gold no wonder why they had that then it's just so difficult to imagine isn't it and we've only got two Skellington really of this sorry yeah yeah it is if down here as well it's all going out look it's all gonna fall down eventually isn't it yeah that's so gradually yeah decaying isn't it over in another 90 years it was completely gone so hopefully maybe this footage will be retained so people can look back at what it used to be like just shame they didn't have these sort of cameras where someone could go around the site [Music] you know film it all and so we could see what it was like originally [Music] you
Channel: Kim - Discovering History
Views: 6,543
Rating: 4.8814816 out of 5
Keywords: WW2 Grafton Underwood USAF Base
Id: JmYZn6nMbYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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