"Wuthering Waves isn't P2W" #wutheringwaves #wuwa #jiyan

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people say that weing waves is a game that you cannot beat with the power of money once you hit on your level 50 you were able to bring your resonators up to level 80 in the hardest Tower of adversity level with my S6 R5 level 80g on he's able to wipe out the first wave and seriously bruise the boss with his ultimate [Music] too we're able to single cycle both waves here with gon which is absolutely mindboggling this applies to hologram sixes as well where you normally need to actually be good at the game and Dodge stuff against the X at level six we're able to kill it with this massive 6837 111 damage nuke plus a few attacks this thing literally didn't even get to attack a single time oh no skill issues involved as we can see we're able to pay to win through the hardest content in the game with the power of the credit card and poor financial decisions and
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 143,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CVfncrt2G1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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