Wusthof Forged vs Stamped Knives (Classic vs Gourmet)

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hey there folks welcome back i'm ricky tran with cutlery more and today we are going to look at the rustop stamped versus forged knives lineup and we have two knives from each lineup here just to kind of give you guys an overall view of what they are what we'll do today is we'll talk about the cutting profiles of these knives and talk about some of the technologies that go into actually sharpening them and then we'll look at the handles and talk about the kind of pros of why each handles are made the way they are i'll go down the line from my left and the right give you guys some of the basic specs of these knives and then at the end i'll do a comparison and kind of show you guys what to look for if you guys were considering one of these knives so on my left we have the classic icon with the cram handle now this knife here has become a very popular knife in the voisof lineup now one of the reasons why they are becoming so popular is because they are one of the most comfortable knives to hold many knife companies are actually now designing their knives handles right after the icon itself now the voiceoff icon comes in three options for your handles you have the cram which is the cutlery more exclusive you have the black which is the classic icon black and then you have the black wood which is using a hard wood for its handle they all utilize the same great high carbon german stainless steel for their blades and they have the same profile and shape for their handles the only difference is they have different handle materials next we have the vossoff classic this is the original wussof that we all have come to know and love it is a line that has been in the voiceoff lineup since the very beginning it offers the largest selection of knives available in the voiceoff lineup now we look really closely here the profile is very similar to the classic icon the only major difference is you have a full bolster here versus a bolsterless design or a tapering bolster on the classic icon now because the full bolster comes down to the very edge of the nice profile it adds a level of stiffness that a lot of people appreciate the next benefit of using a full bolstered knife especially when you are prepping food ingredients for extended periods time the full bolster really gives you a much better grip on your knife as well as giving your middle finger a buffer between your finger and the actual blade itself now coming down to the handle this uses a poly oxymethylene handle which is the same material that's found on the classic icon black and the classic icon cram handle right here next to me now palm handles are great they're very robust they are stain resistant warp resistant and heat resistant now coming back to the handle you can tell that this is a full tang knife by looking at the silver lining right here on the center of the knife all the way up to the front of the handle now full tang knives are preferred by many because they give the knives a much more heftier and substantial feel in their hands you feel like you have more control of your knife and the knife just has a better connection with your hands and the cutting board now moving over to the first of these stamped knives we have the vossoff gourmet now if you look very closely here the vustav gourmet looks very closely and resembles the classic pretty much an overall profile and handle design but if you look even closer the handle is actually a plastic handle versus a polyoxymethylene and the blade is stamped even though it has the same overall profile as the classic it no longer has a full bolster and the knife is much lighter and just less substantial feeling in your hands the blade is also slightly more flexible now vustoff's stamped knives are using the same great high carbon german stainless steel as their forged counterparts however they heat treated to a 56 on the rockwell scale versus the 58 on the forged knives now there is a pretty big difference between a knife that is heat treated to a 56 on the rockwell scale versus the 58 in the rocco scale which we will get to later in the video now coming down to the handle from where you're sitting the handles actually look very similar and they are in terms of overall shape but we are now using a plastic handle for the material versus the palm handle so if you look very closely the tang actually comes down to the end of the knife but it doesn't come to the front of the handle so that makes this knife a little bit less substantial in your hands it feels a little bit lighter in the handle area as well as the blade itself is also lighter than a forged blade now even though the gourmet's handle has the same basic profile and shape as the classics handle it's nowhere near as strong it doesn't use the palm resin as the base material and also because it doesn't have the full tang it doesn't have the same support throughout the handle as the classic does now because this is a stamped knife you no longer have the bolster however fussoff has decided to actually make the handles come higher up on the blade giving you an effective bolster kind of a tapering bolster in itself overall the handle is very comfortable the knife does feel nimble because it is very light it just doesn't have the same substantial feeling in the blade or in the handle area as you what you expect or are used to in the vostok forge knives however just to be clear a stamped knife loses no functionality relative to a forged knife now because this knife doesn't have the forged blade the palm resin for the handle as well as the full tang it does feel lighter in the hands so in the hands of a professional who are using these knives hours and hours on end this is actually preferred for some people so the gourmet is essentially the voiceover classic in a more affordable package now next we have the voiceoff pro many of us myself included when we hear the word pro or professional we automatically think it is the best but i want to encourage you instead of thinking best or worse you should think about intended use or intended demographic the pro line and the gourmet lines are actually intended for people who are in the professional restaurant industry working world where they are cutting food all day long and they require knives that are simply light and affordable and that just simply works in their line of work so the vosof pro was actually made for a professional who works on a food prep line day in and day out again the blade is a stamped steel heat treated to a 56 on the rockwell scale now the handle on the pro line is different than what we have seen the material is called santoprene it's very grippy it gives your chefs and your working professionals a very good grip on the knife when you're cutting things like chicken and just greasy foods and you don't have time to rinse the knife after every use you also have a very aggressive end cap which is designed to keep your hands from slipping off of the knife when handling very greasy and oily foods now if you look at how my fingers just naturally wrap around the handle and how my thumb falls directly on top of the spine handled area this is allowing me maximum grip as well as allowing me to apply maximum pressure to whatever ingredients i'm actually cutting this knife really is designed from the ground up or from tip to tip to be used by a working professional it offers what the professional would want something that is affordable something that just simply works and something that keeps their hands from slipping when they're working with greasy ingredients so now the question is which of these should you consider if you're looking for a new set of knives all the wuss offs that fortune have been sharpened with a technology called precision edge technology or p-tech for short essentially every single one of w's forged knives are being custom sharpened precision lasers are used to measure and calculate the exact angle at which every single knife is to be sharpened at and then precision robotic arms actually sharpening the knives using wet stones and because of this high-tech process using lasers and precision robotic arms to sharpen their knives voiceove knives sharpened with pizza can hold their edge longer than traditional methods by about twenty percent so in terms of actual usage we have found that the forged knives can hold a very good edge for between five and seven days and for the gourmet and pro series we are finding that our professional customers are honing the knives between every day to every other day most customers will be better served on your forged knives you have a tapering bolster on the icon you have a full bolster on the classic you also have a much better weight distribution for your handle and your blades on the forged knives and lastly you have much better edge retention on the force knives coming down to the handles the forged knives also offer much better quality materials as well as better quality construction and fit and finish you have the palm handles on the classic and the classic icon you have a full tang which gives you better control when you're using the knife as well as giving you better weight distribution and the materials found on the forage knives are always going to be a little bit better you have a polyoxymethylene versus plastic or you have a hardwood handle such as on the icon blackwood and knives that are designed for use in the professional kitchen typically will always have a rubberized or a plastic handle of some sort which is not all bad because it does offer more grip when you're handling greasy foods which is actually a plus and also because of the nature of stent blades partial tangs and plastic handles knives tend to be a little bit lighter which is actually a plus for professional users so it's not all negatives for knives that are designed to be used in professional kitchens so while there's nothing wrong with buying a knife that was designed for the professional kitchen to be used in your home some of us prefer a knife that is both functional and a piece of art if you would like to learn more about any of the knives that were featured in today's video please head on over to our website at cutlerymore.com we'll be glad to answer any questions you may have and also we'll leave a link in the description to each of these items here so they can go to the exact item when you get to our website thank you again for being with us today we'll catch you in the next video you
Channel: Cutlery and More
Views: 152,392
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Keywords: cutleryandmore, cutlery and more, cutlery and more.com, forged vs stamped knives, best stamped knives, best forged knives, german forged knives, wusthof forged vs stamped knives, wusthof forged knives, difference between forged and stamped knives, are stamped knives worth it, wusthof classic vs gourmet, wusthof gourmet, wusthof pro, wusthof classic
Id: zILd4hGLRxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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