Wu Tang Collection - Soul Brothers Of Kung Fu (WIDESCREEN)

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[Music] well let's see Waylon we've been here for days I just can't stand it help me push begin Sam Sann no matter what please we're free now the wind we can't be far from will and we won't give up so easy we've had our one big chance so let's use it we'll ride out to sea with no chance with little food there's no water we'll die die here so son [Music] Oh drink it slowly in it [Music] well we've been here every year now tried many jobs but but still low paid workers what do you want we're real lucky we're still here lucky you see that big ship it belongs to my boss mr. Pao he's Chinese and he owns a lot of ships like that he's very rich he's rolling in money and we're both so goddamn poor this isn't paradise patience we're still young yet maybe our chancel come soon mr. Pao he's successful now still when he was younger who knows what problems he had then wailing I guess you're right but still I wish the future would hurry up hey got some things to do see you later okay [Music] Whalum get up oh you'll be late [Music] Sam Sam Sam where my colds gone your clothes I don't know all right goodness hurry up it's getting late now come on let's go hey so son you must know where my clothes are hey sorry but it's my turn to take her out there they're so sad wait for me goodbye [Music] so sad so sad listen something wrong with my engine I'm busy now hey help me out come on come on [Music] we can make money out of this deal with chin but delivery we've got just two days black bastard why do you bully him who is this man what's with you we're grown men beat up a young kid I can't stand it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah boss Peter was beaten up he's in hospital uh-huh who did it we go now we're checking on it God I'll go see him you can find pretty good you live in Hong Kong Oh ladies working in two consulate and I learned some karate you be my teacher huh teach me become food all right good when you did this as long as I can work out survive what's more Saturday I'm going racing may win a fortune right change clothes oh let's go practice again you learn defense before you attack now what you gonna do use your bare hands against a weapon and you'll get hurt Oh so what do I do now run uh-huh yes right you can use anything at all as a weapon you see I mean like this rock Tom Tom you okay hey never get scared or you'll lose huh all right what a rest oh you're the greatest please fight and stick thing they look real cool man show me how to use the buyer just called you you got the job to celebrate I brought watermelons now look s'alright I got a job when I'm paid I'll buy ten man those sticks are really something else now look don't get in trouble with you kung fu' [Music] last time that Chinese guy yeah well now you're black Bassett will say yeah right yeah yeah so you want to find out come on come on come on come on kid yeah come again [Music] have a seat [Music] now one a drink Oh any bride miss Bea Brett Charlie and two nice girls no problem Peter you really suffered in that beating up - yeah I feel bad about that seems your car business is doing quite well the thing to do is bring in a lot of old engines and paint them up there's a pile of money in there you'll make a good profit all right [Music] that's him this is the pun to pick me up well once more value hey you don't wanna start a fight in a turn a young guy you thought him out right come on relax you were mr. Jinnah he can handle any problem come on hey man you finish yeah I've been waiting for hours what for you got a problem right I got some bad news today what was that I got panned why Oh God - that fight on the war Tom I'm sorry that was my fault huh no look up to now I've been fired five times and not for anything I've done it's the world it's unfair always will be but that's how it is man well now hungry right huh what do you won I want your leg who do you work for mr. chin you annoyed him he didn't like that I annoyed him he annoyed me huh let go I told you I want your leg man you're great you're right sure even if you're good you have two fists how many can you fight in Hong Kong is far too much violence and not much justice right when you fight I get worried not my fault I don't start the fights even though you hide they'll still find me be more patient keep your temper no cuz that just makes him worse you just gotta fight back [Music] [Music] I saw Sam's house the horses lousy just dropped a bundle that's too bad Tammy hey there's no point in falling that's how it goes I got a good tip you on it again I did hey I'll tell you this is a hard one number six race - it'll walk it you put your shirt on it all right you buying that's 450 Thanks hey what he won 500 bucks number six race - by a guy over there he's betting 500 you never been so big huh like lay it off can I know sorry sir books closed hey what do you mean has five minutes to go magic away from a job - what this better you can't refuse it come on it's clear - that look it's too bad Hey he said no take it somewhere else oh you then get lost are you taking it I said no call your boss so here the boss said no I'm warning you oh hey boss as a stranger in here is giving us some trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] waylynn go to bed you have to work early I've been reading this book set me thinking brutally he went too far too quickly that's why he died so early in life he still made his mark no chinese kungfu is made famous by him I only wish I could be as successful as him I don't why not nothing I'm just scared if you were you'd forget me they all say in Hong Kong men change a lot people always change they have to it's part of life but still the friendship we have I'm sure that won't change highway long hi there no need to change clothes those fellas you quarreled with they've been to see the boss and the boss told me that guys like you a bad for business sorry better find another job please [Music] you busted up my main place and I had to close my other places for the whole night we lost 200 grand so what'd they ask for it shouldn't have turned me down but to the point what do you want you're still young you see things simply in black and white but still there is a problem which we must solve it's done that's that it can't be changed yes yes yes but still the fact does remain because of you money was lost therefore the question of damages remains to be settled hmm mr. Wong what do you say 33333 dollars to be paid right away you're crazy how long that's too much you'll have to be more reasonable come down of it well alright I'll accept 3333 don't minimum look I broke you'll have to sue me I'll fight it out alright then that's what you want get it hey nothing can be settled like this let's just leave it in time we'll work it out oh yeah that guy needs a lesson see that he gets it right go on [Music] hey hmm it's time to leave huh want to finish this first you go on huh all right no show see ya huh yeah cocky little bastard it's about time you learned some manners right [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the fact that you got beat doesn't matter or we'll lose face if the word gets around I accept those kids are tough but I still want to know why I keep you on what do you die you ain't got no rose you try somewhere else if you're fighting that's done this you've no home now still wanna find I shall fight just as long as I've got my pissed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] both content for dangerous live kami come on it's less dangerous than floating at sea like we did once we weren't scared then although we had no control the contest one does have control and so then it's just a matter of determination and the application of courage and skill Chun you give me Cantonese listen we'll get married if I win the contest all right [Music] tomorrow's your birthday we'll get engaged then [Music] the worst thing is to defend and not attack one can accept an aggressive defense but to attack there's always [Applause] teach you you up you're gonna still fight back so get up don't you know no such thing as a friendly fight only fool think that way so hate your opponent every time all of them will do their best to beat you I'll do anything use any trick if you fight like that they'll be carrying you are you are the last one round now don't you ever forget these contests are dangerous remember always protect your weak points that's where your opponent will be aiming and that's where you have to aim at right I'll show you I exposed myself but simply to trick you my counter was deliberately off the mark or else you'd be dead by now try again your kick has no power and worse is not vicious you've got to get to the groin remember anyone you fight is your deadly enemy anything goes look at that beautiful ring Choi young would love it see the price five thousand bucks if I had it I reckon I'd go and get it for it you got 300 bucks what can you get with that so let's go to the races if you were lucky you could buy you in that ring but still what if I should lose though you can't go in there with just 300 bucks you just can and why can't I well you can go by yourself can I help you there you got any rings for less than 300 yeah yeah Ronna it isn't too bad and it's cheap I'll take it put it in a nice box that will you [Music] it's for you [Music] pretty Whelan put it on it right go on she's waiting [Music] Hey right on let's dance sweets come on so jam what is all this I she loves you she deserves it I had some luck won a small lottery and I bought the ring it's got your name on it [Music] you better go alone now listen you mustn't fail you've got to win sure hmm the Thai boys and the Japs in Korean should pose no problem oh there is one and that is one we loaned you really must watch him he's very tough he has no particular technique but he fights rather like Bruce Lee he's the biggest danger that you face but you have got to beat him don't let me down right [Music] when Hema Chinese comfo rests with you [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] well evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome here this is ABC bringing you live coverage of this tremendous international karate championship here tonight we have two men here that I think are very well known in d2 as in fact they are two the whole rest of the fighting world they've come a long way to fight here tonight these boys in fact they've come all the way from Asia both of them and now let me introduce you these men we have here wong y long and of course Garching [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well looks like you can the well a lot of money I come true how do you feel I'm just lucky people say your second Bruce Lee how do you like that Bruce Lee created a new technique and he's the Chinese that I most admire his death was a great loss great pity but I know this that is chinese kungfu can still develop and i shall do all I can to try and achieve this - what's cool looking food you think you belong oh it's a bit difficult to say one thing I can say that is development can only come like Bruce Lee said through a scientifically applied approach to kungfu [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right [Music] usually our practice now [Music] [Music] well you three fight well I must admit I'd like to ask you to help me out with a small problem if you like to then come with me I may have throw the work for you in the future and money will be no problem at all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're learning fast I'll tell away you like that huh really [Music] [Music] you're just too famous man I mean soon as you get back there's men waiting to challenge you how can you live like that I'll accept any challenge I won't be beaten if you weren't champion we could have a nice quiet life now look in an average man's life how many chances can he expect and this is my chance I must take it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] waylynn giant has died and you're hurt bad they say you may never fight again how weilong you're a young man your life still in front of you you must be strong now I will pillar in the country you can live there when you leave here you'll have to take it easy for a long time here [Music] this a while I assure you I know how you feel but you must trust the police for 10 years we'll all been doing our best to pin something onto chinzy poll but there's nothing we can do because of lack of evidence we'll investigate this all we can we may get somewhere but still that all takes time I can't wait gypsy pose a killer chyann's murder isn't that evidence enough come in it's not as simple as you make it sound she was killed by a car it was Chin's car how do you prove it and also how'd you prove he was driving your injuries can you prove that it was him or his men before we move we must have some proof now we will do everything we can then I assure you but you've gotta have patience it takes time time time you wait too long and there's gonna be another giant murdered hey leave me I'll be alright [Music] doctor said you should move no I can move and get strong practice my hands they're all right damn swine she's just a young girl how could they do it she may be dead but they're going to pay wila what's the point of all this Gina's lots of men and he's rich what can you do by yourself if a man once there's nothing but he can't do I'll tell you this get revenge if it takes all my life I've one technique can beat him iron finger Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's your name Dora white help me hmm I want to tell me you're not scared of those guys hmm nothing scares me why should they huh this year please you like that what's your job Paco hey are you waiting for huh hurry up and have a bath you're covered in sweat now Oh God [Applause] [Music] huh huh amen you hurt it's nothing it'll pass hey it's been days since I saw Sol Sam oh he's busy they tell me he's got himself a new chick [Music] [Music] hey yes sir take him a bottle of wine right I do like you famous mr. Chen's compliment [Music] you sent that drink what for you really are fast I think your fists good and you cut a lot of money I still don't use them here we've had our misunderstandings now then let's forget you know I respect you anything I can do you just let me know hmm check oh right if you like that girl take her out of the bar so how come you know that guy he's often bid to see me you seem to like him he's a rich man I have to smile at him I've got to make a living Dora you stop this work let's get married married yeah hey better huh got a car any bank account no we marry I still have to work at a barn Hey any new perfume yeah Dora I can work now look maybe you could fight you could fight good I can fred wahl way alone he's done alright you've gotta be pushing oh you I'm just not getting through to you I tell you you're too soft hey something I do want to marry but we need money I want to have a nice wedding I have to go think about it [Music] great stuff man again did you hey Samson hi there where've you been all this while been ages sorry about that I'll introduce you there's my girlfriend Dora hi remember me I'm cons a small place how are you how's things going hmm you know each other we worked in the same place Sam Sam let's have a practice no not now something I must discuss hey let's go in well alright what is it let's hear it hey I need some money is it your gambling in debt no something else ten grand twice that well that's a lot what for get married married to who Dora do you know what she is I know she's a bar girl well how can you marry a bar girl I love her now look how can you love a girl like that enough is it yes oh no listen we're alone no family we'd be just like brothers in this case I have a right to speak out no use talking you won't help me mean bastard so Sam Sann [Music] terrified hey well tell me about money when you want money you find out who your friends are and there aren't too many very won't help you you got great friends I must say and he won a lot for his fighting I can't hey I'll take the same oh you never mind it give it him who guarantees you what I do I'm sorry Frank I do Oh mr. Jim the Hmong have it okay hey listen don't go yet check your toe laughing hey listen give it a rest your Luck's out it's no use come on let's go and have a drink jaian I promise I'm going to avenge you [Music] [Music] it's [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah well my long past about please he can Lynn and flavors man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey listen little black boy have something to tell you mm-hmm there's been a rather nasty accident that your teacher he won't be back I suggest that you go along and help to bury him oh so you've uh that's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's our son what is all this you mean you can't get you you what do you want fight you Choi Hyun was right we all change and it's damn place after all it's a hard world do you want to know that how much should I pay you does it matter it was enough I promise you now I don't particularly want to do this but if I don't do it someone will so sad you huh one way alone we were friends but no longer hold it I won't fight you [Music] me not I told you I'll fight you [Music] [Music] [Music] if you pushed me in the sea this wouldn't have happened it so son [Music] get ribbon oh so you've learned some kungfu huh that's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 376,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 30sec (5370 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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