Wu Tang Collection - Dance of the Drunk Mantis (English Version)

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a winner yeah what is it my chick huh you check Sam no such thing it's on the house I don't know me for that just put it on my account [Music] no I've got second thoughts and never mind there [Music] here's some seed Maybe some C there's no need to change his name Jack what right now might be your last chance the frame of the great drunken boxer Sam Seed is white spread and I've come down from the north just to find out why the praise rub Alex is here for a duel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and hold on I'm not succeed you see I'm just his nephew I was just pretending to be here well in pasta's count as well and if you say you're related then I'm afraid it's too bad [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] haha [Applause] damn it [Music] two noodles about time [Music] [Applause] hey Raider come here what's the problem hey what's this look there it's just noodles hey you look again [Music] it's an onion huh it's been good too hey I got some more onions huh hey you swallow those too I'll get in digestion I'll go and change these for you huh hey so fast buddy we also found some flies we want our money back a refund for a few little flies I want trouble we want money [Music] 's not my fault you started there what you stupid son of a [ __ ] you've gone too far you needed a good lesson laughs stupid bird [Music] [Music] s [Music] hey very good I guess I should thank you huh oh that's all right damn it you're fired thank you hey Sam here's your word that'll be 60 Seconds okay [Music] [Music] you're my best Tony old [ __ ] my sister here is pregnant and you did it huh later pregnant if possible are you sure of course it's you I even know your ass is covered with freckles then drop your pants and show us take them off quickly okay [Music] hey it's kind of tricky you're trying to pull on me I'm not trying anything oh God my sister already pregnant and not yet married what's gonna happen to our good family name it's all your fault what do we do it's so embarrassing awaits my money hey she deserves that money it's you knocked her up and she might die you will no [Music] stop it [Applause] oh yeah you idiot they've taken all they had so what with a stomach like that that money ought to be hers huh it couldn't have been my fault when you get to my age you're lucky if you can still get it up huh who's to believe that even old shells still have pearls in them hey idiot you've got a peg loose your mother could have farted a better egg than you all right insult my mother now you have gone too far thank you oh goat you see this Fist I'll make you eat it [Music] I'll fix you [Music] next time be smarter [Music] hey you gonna pay today make it fast or I'll get rough why do you ask me ask my husband let me ask your husband their family that you know that so you better get the money all right how much does he owe ah so it's two years ago about five dollars uh twenty percent interest every five days there was compound interest and buy simple addition uh around figure of about four hundred dollars is about right robbery no not robbery it's called investment I don't have it and even if I did I wouldn't give it to you all I can offer is my body want it uh now come on who the hell won't shall meet like you you don't hit me you won't bet you I'll fix you yeah yeah oh I see now you can fight huh yeah oh the hell with your damn investment heard of the leaf here not gonna pay me [Music] a crack on the skull is all the investment you'll get [Music] thank you how much do I owe you that's all right that's all right forgot this all that for nothing oh thank you hey come on what did I do to deserve that huh so you finally came back sometime no see what the hell was that for bastard while you're out drinking I'm supposed to die you'd like that wouldn't you I'm sorry sorry these things cost money huh you should know it's you who borrows it but it's me who has to pay it back everyday bill collectors you're a bastard sorry I'm sorry you should be [Music] break and it's three years bad luck who's bad luck to marry you [Music] oh good enough you can damn well enjoy yourself never ever send me a scent what should I be living on nothing but hot air tell me huh it's not true [Music] thank you [Music] let me down thank you Mommy so why should you stop put her down [Music] huh you again how dare you beat my mother stop it [ __ ] it meet your dad what my dad what call him Dad hi Dad huh stop it call all bearded man you father well oh so that's it you've been uh what's up ah you think I've been screwing around you've got a filthy mind I am dead huh [Laughter] you went out and adopted this ugly kid couldn't you have picked a smarter one oh he's an honest child no did you say you sent me some money that's right I asked one of the big Banks to send it to you it's one of your stories I didn't get any money what don't you worry your money is quite safe here I'll deposit right away okay better be I don't like comments I especially like con men you know what to use his punching bags I won't worry that oh yes okay but we'll see you later thank you very much good doing business yes this is a respectable Bank no handouts you buzz off hold on we didn't come here to beg we're looking for your boss to discuss some business you want to talk business why didn't you say that in the first place I'm the boss oh we we got the right man of course you have yes of course when it's money that you need in this bank then you get it with speed a client who comes to us he ends up with interest plus money bags they call me cash I carrying coffee dolls reliabilities my trademark surely that stuff every don't be that's very good I would like one service if you could what's the refund a refund huh he sent money to my mother through your bank and she never got it yeah I think that perhaps you're a bit of a scrooge where's my money huh wait you trying to destroy my good name by accusing me of stealing why you just have to look at this at what I'm wearing what's this on my hand here these gold teeth think I need anything from you who would believe you you have nothing to prove anything maybe this huh will prove it foreign about it hey please come inside huh please please there the great old Scrooge now before doing business I must pay my respects to my greatest treasures they're only doorknobs not quite these things are Priceless with great family meaning now the one on the right won't open at all and the one on the left it gives even less the middle one huh [Laughter] my Priceless Fortune it's my own guarantee that I never need to refund any money at all to anyone who lends it now I borrow on three conditions the first is new date for any repayment the second at least not in my lifetime and the third most definitely not here and now huh quit avoiding the issue or it'll be your funeral huh whoosh what's that crap he's mine if you can yeah tiger cats get scratched watch your elbows spitting around you go and the budding [Music] I've lifted you up to the clouds huh oh oh hey Dad I can't make it not me not if you can do it well you come in on your feet you go out on your asses where you belong [Music] I'm gonna be sick [Laughter] oh good not too heavy [Music] pays back the money from January oh and this shall take for interest a contribution for All Souls [Music] but now please my necklace what is so funny please help me please save me [Applause] oh I know he's got all red just like mine [Music] [Music] foreign Wow money bags Kung Fu it's really good he's not so good it's you're so awful that's true but if you taught me Kung Fu then perhaps I'd win huh did you what drunk Fest drunk fist [Laughter] let me teach you to fight well you crazy you're lazy and you have no Talent me did you drunk first well mum taught me a [ __ ] she said when you came back Bucky give your father a demonstration show him what you've learned right almost but it didn't break foreign [Music] [Laughter] what style was that he fights like a woman old woman you really are a good teacher that's enough it's your son as well as mine you teach him it's your duty good nope nope idiot you drunken style it's impossible never happened [Music] waiter my check bring us some yellow fish here coming [Music] three dollars twenty cents what so much you sure that's right it's right Clues too hi Dad [Music] what do you want and my mother asked me to follow you oh [Music] you wait here I got him pissed [Music] well let's see that dumb kid follow me gotta be smart to catch some seed um [Music] father you're trying to get rid of me no don't be silly you go tell your mother I'll wait here for her hey father that's not fair mom said that you teach me drunk Fish Drunk boxing is too hard ah father I'm Not Afraid sure you're not afraid no I'll be all right okay [Laughter] now yeah we're going to practice one of the basic methods spinning Earth spinning Sky ah I can learn very quickly good hands back yeah okay let this punch right oh hold the cup to the ear right hand through hey down to the ground turn around faster [Music] hurry up stop that's enough oh huh oh I'll take the cup here oh the Earth and Sky whirling [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey oh my God my back oh father how's my Kung Fu so far oh good listen when do I learn to fight hmm three days so fast no three years uh well three years one for stance one year because you're dumb and one more year because you're stupid minimum three years uh goodbye have a drink yeah I never drink mother told me just to take a look at you I'll never drink did she to learn drunken style you'll learn to drink huh it's not poison streak out [Laughter] all right [Music] dad if you can get drunk and so little then how do you expect to learn drunken boxing [Music] stupid kid if only you could see yourself now you couldn't piss in a puddle let alone could you learn to fight who do you think that you are you crazy I have no son especially you you're too damn stupid you'd never make it so you think you could learn drunken fist you wouldn't know where to start do you think that I've been teaching you [Music] you honestly believe I'd waste my time having to teach you to fight foreign that kid is really Keen where's my shoe ah foreign I know that I'm not your real son and so I have no right to ask or expect anything of you my mother always talked about your kung fu and said I should wait for you well you came but I never really believed you'd reject me as a pupil I know now I must be stupid and have no talent I realize though the way you made a fool of me that you don't really like me to make things easier I'm going away I'm very grateful and I'll never forget you and I'd like to still call you father oh and mum says you really should come home more often love foggy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I thought that he was with you and you come here to see where he is if I didn't know do you think that I'd come here you listen where else could he be oh my God I just wish I knew we probably won't get off work there's some damn Idiot still sitting outside I wish you'd go you better just forget it wait huh you can make him leave what how's that sure make him angry it's easy how ah me it's simple go ahead come on a hurry hurry oh [Music] hey you the kitchen's closing is there anything you want you can sit here we won't wait for you [Music] you goddamn deaf pay your check yeah please that's foreign [Music] wait wait hey we're already closed here so you've got to leave oh master hold it tell me ever hear of a Sam Seed ah you once have the seat easy all the kids know him oh he's so popular well known maybe then you could tell me where he is aha if you want to know that would be hard for me to let on because he's like a dragon existing but no one knows where uh may I ask you what it is you want him for uh you wanted to teach you drunk unboxing too damn old ten years ago perhaps even monkeys Reign without a tiger wait until he sees my North drunken butt drunk fist listen huh I want two rooms ah man order me one small cup that Sam the sea [Music] foreign he must have ants in his pants wait up bring me some water waiter water may bring you water go ask your wife wait up you got a real sharp tongue Maybe hey had you ordered a coffin so what perhaps one's not enough why is that why two bodies one coffin's a bit of a squeeze in that case perhaps you better use it huh drop fist good guess then you know Sam C I call him Dan he won't call me son but if I call him teacher he won't call me student so can you believe that whether master or student dad or son where's MC oh I know where to find him but then again I'll let you sweat a bit maybe you should be taught a lesson just try [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the same silly then you ought to look again God are you holding a company's hand [Music] there now your wine spill oh no now watch this [Music] huh [Music] oh God [Music] [Applause] better give up before you're finished [Music] is that what you call a drunken fist then did you learn it from your teacher's wife you better watch that mouth of yours hello [Music] [Music] where's MC now you tell me you better speak fast tell me and I'm free yet thank you you kill me I won't be able to tell you [Music] let him go master [Music] let him go he'll lead us to some seed what happened [Applause] thank you Sam Seed so we meet at last and who are you I'm cold oh rubber Lakes oh a pleasure pleasure on a clear Moon wine brings a clear day [Laughter] sometimes drinking alone can bring Tranquility some seed let's have a drink together huh you've got wine and I've got time here's to you then white wine good stuff good stuff how toast to you then many thanks foreign here's to you a real master perfect perfect ah you shouldn't say that I I didn't realize this old waste was flexible as that you should be more careful thank you forget it now I'll be all right hold back where's your cup gone relax never refuse a good wine slowly don't be so polite okay I won't be so polite if you're glass at all times full no matter what life may give the hour of the full moon before I'd ask for another drink now you're wasting it here now listen you come all this way just to beat me there must be some reason for such a long journey [Laughter] some seed style of drunken boxing is a legend I just wanted to see it for myself [Laughter] sometimes the legend may tell a lie but I suppose I should admit I have never yet lost some guys never learn their own weaknesses as a horse never sees its face am I right hahaha still there's nothing more worthy than a good wine [Laughter] don't you let me stop you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a thousand drinks with you wouldn't suffice one way with you is too much I think maybe you're fed up drunkenness isn't in the wine [Music] now don't be too upset yeah yeah it was the best I could get and you've gone and wasted it all hey eat alone and starve drink alone and die foreign I guess we finished talking huh God told gives a Stranglehold on the throat okay [Applause] a drunk God sleep on a cloud just the day it is attacks the soft Belly of the swine you'll taste my feet dude okay rubber legs you use your legs not too bad but now it's time that you opened your eyes Sam said you met my expectations more Godfather with a big pot [Music] yeah yeah hey yeah look yeah oh man you should be ashamed oh man this grabs ass [Music] oh wow oh [Laughter] you shouldn't have come here it was your Misfortune old man now you'll die oh I must hope God is the sexy hips [Laughter] what's this kick my toes off women's style is useless oh yeah [Music] here's the last drop of wine to prepare for your death [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] oh Dad how you feeling husband how are you what's going on going on you've been unconscious for days I was just resting I'm okay the hell that you are conceited old bastard you are beaten but you won't admit it now foggy go and get your father submits oh why are you rushing you'll get to Hell eventually there's no need to hurry huh [Music] my God are you a man or are you a ghost you almost scared me to death then you say a man I'm a man you say ghost and ghost I'm pretty sick takes a ghost to know [Music] waiting in a coffin to scare people you should be put to death [Music] hey you just give that back to me thanks for the gift huh but hey maybe this stuff will make me better I think it's not for you it's for my father hey sick old bastard you're gonna die anyway give me the medicine and quickly I've given it back to you where is it on your right am I right I left my right am I right if it's my right side then it's your left side my left side oh it is here just as well oh you'd be dead [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he really is dead why scare people like that now listen could you try to be a bit more quiet maybe quiet you're a great one to talk listen you stole my medicine and try to person my dad your father dead is he well he's pretty close his face red has he got the shits as well he has and he is cramping his stomach and he got tired I went to sleep yes yes that's right no problem go home wait you said he's okay what if he gets worse it happens come back again huh but what's the use of that then if he's dead in the event he dies you'll be an orphan I'll become your father so it's no big loss ah damn you I'll say this if your sickness doesn't kill you well then someone else will oh God hold it let me take your pills [Music] your password is not all normal dizziness funky Vision bad indigestion as well perhaps without a doctor then you would have never been born these bones are solid you'll be stiffer after death oh my back my backs are one of my specialties oh my head it's killing me headache we'll just twist your head a little bit oh my God oh where else does it hurt I've got some good medicine you like it uh I'm not that sick I'm just damn pissed off hey foreign no problems at all problem oh I get it mother told me about sicknesses books magic illness and wine you must be sickness there you are then perhaps now you'll start to learn doctor I guess I should call you Uncle four the now is not too late Uncle it said your four brothers have great kung fu is that really true we have all learned a lot of styles greatness is in talent talent must be learned like books magic sickness and then comes why huh books are no good I get lost in them idiot [Music] where's the book your power into one part of the body [Music] heavy ball [Music] the flashing brush that's a granite sorry [Music] not much fun [Music] see the light [Music] I've gotten back [Music] huh wow that was getting very close smaller staff you haven't seen anything yet what about wine that is your father he really believes it will last but that man is still living in a Dreamland and his drunken boxing it'll be his end Uncle other four Styles which is best cause your fathers why is that foreigners read Chinese and yeah they read it all backwards hmm sick magic why make sure which comes first hmm well maybe that's what happened with rubber legs drunk fist has the same basis with two styles North and South rubber legs has perfected the northern style and his champion he is also very cunning he took junking boxing and mixed it with Amanda's Style rubblex mantis is deadly especially with his ripping claw [Music] though his mantis is good he's never met my sickle fruit laughs hand to hand he's not my match why is that I use claw push who is fine there are many moves which are not quite so basic yeah anyone could finish him yeah maybe you could teach me you I know I don't have a chance that always says I'm stupid no good with no Talent hey you shouldn't talk like that we can cure your problem very quickly so you will teach me but then again you better not let your dad know [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you had enough not yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't reach you lower [Music] Uncle I'm too tired if you want to beat rubber legs you must try hard oh [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] Uncle it's always been good just for us to eat never mind catch yeah you're wasting it not if you catch it I can't it won't break if you catch it right uncle just plays with me being kids too soft nobody could catch it [Applause] [Music] huh you see it is possible you needed practice confidence to relax that's why you can't do it [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] It's gotta be a better way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember what I said about combining your power and your speed hour and speed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] the spirit controls your breath [Music] breath gives you power [Music] concentrate that power [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] acting crazy like that oh bad well hello and just where the hell have you been well come on I'll answer I've been out maybe this will teach you my matters claw good yeah [Music] watch your blood pressure dad I'll just go help mom cook foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] tricks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you well now the old drunk came out to get some fresh air you won't get away this time go why should I my mantis is much better than yours care to try it huh your son and wife will probably join it good put you on in the grave just watch it happen [Applause] [Music] who you come on another debt collector don't collect it only collect lives whose life sand the seat or his son you're mad although it's difficult to tell you certainly don't look like a killer big talk but let's see if you can fight [Music] well now let's see what you can do I'll bleed you in three moves now see the light [Music] Gotta Get Away [Music] thank you [Music] now you can see the light well in spear [Music] s and so what comes next third move killer spam [Music] [Music] [Music] hold it hey so it's you glad you came here why is that saves me having to come and find you [ __ ] do you know him sure I do student of rubble eggs try to kill me once and Dad too if my teacher didn't save you you'd be stoned dead now no way but it's my turn now to teach you [Music] watch him the best you can do it careful I'm not very good with Spears [Music] you need the point ah now start crawling kill me go ahead but my master will finish emcee father [Music] Sam said that coffin it's for you ah yeah [Music] you suck I just saved your life huh you blasted it's not your concern you think I'm not good enough well then you feel like helping out ah don't worry I only use my mouth not my fist he can do it huh do I need a sick doctor hey leave me out [Music] hey brother be careful of these drunk Madness I told you now stay out of this [Music] so you don't need help then where's the results how long to wait there's just one move left what's that you run like hell drop dead [Music] [Applause] father you okay that guy giving you trouble no problem oh drunk move aside let foggy fight all right now don't you worry I'll fix him uh do you want to die I can do it so neither will you go quickly huh stupid after losing to my pupil you'll fight me hey then it's my pleasure to send you both to hell show off just whose spear do you think that is [Music] foreign [Music] you do your best now you watch it don't let me lose face Uncle I won't disappoint you you'll never Escape me like that hey drunken smells his cup yeah yeah [Music] what's up [Music] stop oh yeah [Music] sure all right oh my back is really killing me [Applause] foreign [Music] these reflexes are really good feeling dizzy then what's wrong you got a headache constipated [Applause] hard trouble I'll listen to it for you yeah right my God it stopped huh my hand s question like a bug come on I thought that I told you not to get involved just because you're a show-off you're going to die Sam said I haven't started to fight yet [Music] [Applause] now listen you go crazy now gopiser can kill him can't you see that you're only wasting your breath foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] hmm now wait I'm crazy I'm your father can't you see who I am what's wrong with you now the shoes in the other foot [Music] thank you
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 1,670,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Id: vfTUTv4bdDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 13sec (5293 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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