Wu Tang Collection - Kung Fu Chefs

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I want one then I want lemon sure there hmm well all right wow [Music] wow where are you thanks Uncle Yi it's overdone [Music] foreign what's the matter chief look at that the pork is overdone I told you to watch this pork's the star dish yeah but I I just went to the toilet so I thought that's ridiculous your head is up in the clouds and now you've ruined it what's the matter come on now guys we only have 30 minutes left until the banquet the pork is overdone and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to serve without pork in the box [Music] as the fifth descendant of the dragon head blade Wong ping Yi I'd like to borrow the plate now with will perform righteous acts did it sir [Music] [Music] foreign this is my first time to view it [Music] I've never seen anything like this I block my way I want to see it [Music] laughs yeah well done that was wonderful Uncle too you can tell the guests that it'll be on time that's wonderful so I'll count on you to make us some tasty no problem ah this is a red pocket for your hard work okay help me to serve all right everyone [Music] best wishes on your birthday thank you thank you come on Cheers Cheers a lot of smell [Music] wow it smells so good so ready [Music] it's done eat more come on enjoy your food come on bring it right over here that's right take it to the table in that table tube eat more come on there's plenty to eat oh yeah there you go [Music] [Applause] if Master Joe were here things would have been easier even he was willing to help I wouldn't let him do it I promised my brother his son would succeed but he's still a cook out there tidy up Chief it's bad big trouble [Music] thank you [Music] why did you do that don't let it go he's the cook he intended to poison us he shouldn't be the Jeep [Music] [Applause] hi [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] who's responsible [Applause] since you borrowed the blade you must be responsible long you are not qualified to be a cook and being set up did I misunderstand you cooked the porky you don't deserve to have it's Master Joe I decided to expel [Music] [Music] hey hey how dare the life is so much [Music] oh God my students before your graduation let's see who can put the emblem of the school hanging over there back to its original place the one who can do it will be honored on your marks get set [Music] [Music] this is [Music] him after him seriously [Music] don't even remember I'm the principal who wants to be honored the most [Music] [Music] oh come on I want it I don't have it it's not with me I don't have it I passed it to kanichi it's with Kenichi it's with him [Music] who'd you give it to I gave it to that jerk which one you dirty bastard hey guys thank you has Kenichi left yet I asked you asking each left yet or not oh hi uh I think he left just a few minutes ago if I remember right it's pointless asking you hmm I'll go after him you don't need to he asked me to give you this box before he left [Music] how dare you try that I'm the principal [Music] [Music] watch out is breaking it's cool property [Music] principle I have to leave now politeness Justice honesty and honor patience and self-control you have taught me well I made you these noodles as a token of my thanks it's kind of you to make this for me young man stand up after leaving the school go here and look for master some white top what for from this great Master you can learn what you're lacking Gourmet principles color smell taste conception and appearance Ken has cooking talent but he doesn't know much about the idea of food we cannot teach the conception of food he must figure it out for himself if he can match himself with food then he can make it although Ken isn't a local student strong passion for Chinese and soon I'm sure he'll Excel [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the t is no distraction please wait forget it ching I'm sure you can't get it just by smelling we should get ready for servicing now come on Kim Loy Russia Sue but not this kind of mixture you can smell it this seems to matricia soup but it's actually more of a medicine isn't it take it I put effort into it it's okay you just missed a little something and besides my sister is really great at this sort of thing Emily what is this black stuff it's disgusting take it away here quick please you really are talented have the goods been delivered I'll check it [Music] what's wrong with you pick him up all right let me help thank you no problem I'm sorry damage here I'll take it off the bill honestly that hurt hey you mental uh move that stuff inside hurry up uh no why don't worry I'll check the bill later after you're done if anything breaks I won't be paying a single dime if one is rotten I'll deduct two dollars now move it hurry up hurry the two guys move those baskets near the door and hurry up [Music] excuse me excuse me care to dine in yeah follow me what'd you say first off I'm no Cooley second I didn't mean to hurt you third I came from Master some fourth I'm hungry why didn't you speak up did you really give me a chance to you'll pay for my hurting head later but until then just wait here I'll be back soon since we just opened would you mind sitting inside here it's all right oh if you want to see Master some you must tell me what ingredients are inside the soup [Music] thank you it's river water so you're a gourmet I know my food did you make this tea with tangerine old orange peel it's very precious to mix Tangerine peel with old puarti it's the best drink quench your thirst you know a lot about tea however I'm sure you'll find our food is even better than our tea I'll bet even your taste buds agree what would you like well what's the signature dish they all are order anything you'd like cabbage and clear water huh cabbage and clear water sis so is it steamed or boiled when preparing it mind your tongue that's a famous Szechuan dish and although we're Cantonese since you ordered it we'll get it ready for you right away sir hey have you figured it out yet are you kidding me this tastes like medicine but I know there's something special inside it has snakes and turtle disgusting huh oh boy you think you're so great huh so do you know how to make cabbage in Clear Water give me a break here I'm a cook of course I can make it one for me please Master why does he order Sichuan food here it's really weird it must be a cook he wants to put me to the test with it luckily I know what the heck I'm doing [Music] [Music] brother it's just cabbage and soup what makes it so great yay for villagers cabbage has a very special meaning it's like our family you see normally we won't pay special attention however when we lose it we miss it and I believe you'll understand the warmth the love of it in the future my brother check please sir is there any problem with your cabbage to be blunt it's just standard huh I don't understand what do you mean it's fine cabbage and chicken but the process is wrong the Cabbage you made here any cook and make it like this there's no originality may I know your name Master Wong if you're a great cook then we shall challenge you what happens to the loser I will leave this restaurant forever in shame however if you lose please wash dishes here for a year why should I compete with you well as a cook you can't reject all right but I'll need an assistant [Music] I can tell this one's been done by Master some it's really tasty so soft and spicy and it's not greasy at all this has been the signature dish of our restaurant for some time and he has a good assistant so it's an easy win Master Wong what do you think about his dish it's just fair Master Wong it's been out here so long it's probably cold watch out [Music] what's wrong with it actually wrapping the skin is a thin layer of sugar to keep warmth although the duck is out it's still cooking [Music] what is it [Music] I have lost why a bit defeat is wujo's treasure duck a secret for centuries I can't imagine that it tastes just like it's written about you can't use knives to make this hey not the knife it's difficult once it's in touch with a knife the tissue will go hard and the fibers will break that's a known fact Master hey hey don't stop him there's some very well after leaving the school go here and look for master some light talk trust me he'll be fine Mr someone talk please wait what was that someone might talk that's right someone talks my father however he passed away some white talk was my brother's master oh I know when I had tasted that duck I knew who you were you know my story Master Wong I've heard things about you I believe you're innocent and why is that Basic Instinct a cuckoo loves cooking would never ever do that [Music] some tea thank you Master some left we have no cook now I only read cookbooks and my sister she doesn't cook at all if this goes on our restaurant will close sooner or later and our family business my brother learned from your father and I adopted cooking skills from him so I'm obliged to help maintain the fame of some's restaurant but there's no way that I can do it alone Master Wong what do you want the young man in there he's smart he's a little arrogant but if he's well trained I'm sure he'll become a great cook and what if he won't stay I believe he will but under one condition sure what is it never called me master Wong again call me ah ye h all right [Music] I want a challenge what challenge cutting [Music] sorry it's up to you you are you I didn't glow fish that takes real cutting skill you cut Globe Fish the cook must be quick and sharp there are many thorny things on the skin of the fish you can cut it with a knife but it's really difficult and that's why it can test The Cutting skill of a cook I'm finished I present to you sliced Globe Fish if you have worries eat it within uh half hour foreign I can't smell the stink of fish it tastes so sweet and fine it's neither like fish nor meat this is top level Globe Fish okay my turn now Japanese called brim the king of fish its taste is elegant and subtle but compared to the Globe Fish it'll be tough this is a cold slice of brim seem to be special you how'd you cut this foreign the point of sushi is to keep the fish at a cool stage so the fish will keep its taste after the sudden cold feeling the temperature inside the mouth mixes with the tasty fish where it's stirred and spread outwards the culprin kiss my mouth a feeling of rebirth this is the best taste ever [Music] unbelievable you really are incredible at cutting [Music] where have all the carrots gone all right a money for being the vegetables I have to have to finish supplier that's obnoxious what you're crying I've got it ready I can't believe that you would cry over something so stupid come on your order hold on more of these Mr Wong made the order thank you what is it whose stuff is it use pineapple juice to make Tangerine sauce but you must add chrysanthemum and licorice with a green root and a hot taste you can say that it's actually a radish from Wong ping Yi he must have done something to my sauce [Music] master don't grip me master I haven't decided Master come on I'll do anything you say really [Music] Heaven wants someone to do something big first the guy will be bitterly trained he'll be hungry and tired he'll be trained to be calm and mild and gain strength in this training as long as he doesn't ever give up even by sharpening knives and we'll fail the test [Music] are you sick or something instead of sleeping you were out here sharpening knives all night long I heard you stop around Dawn other people sleep you know so what now you're not only selfish but also deaf and can't hear your own noise you're sick for me you think you're in a horror film huh so you want to scare me is that the idea do you know you made sounds all night long I sleep at all so what are you crazy are you sick is that it you need medication for this or what master [Music] ah well I'm really done with the Rusted knives ah so ah so we when can we start what uh well you know with you um teaching me cooking what else do you think since you sharpen these you can use them ah what what was I not clear I want to know will you teach me first peel these baskets here uh ah master all right um tomorrow is the first day you become the chef this is your uniform well thank you what's bothering you I'm just worried about my nephew silky cake a delicious treat crab meat and bird's nest soup deep boiled snakes and oil with ginger and green onion cod's fish face and an herbal sauce barbecue conch abalones and winter melon barbecue Goose a favorite of our guests Curry Seafood roasted pigeon and lavender sauce fried shark fins seafood and pumpkin a world selection of sushi and other Treasures this is the newly designed menu menus fight with it [Music] I guess it's all right leave me Master this is the new Chef I hired Mr sung where did you work before Sam's restaurant so why do you want to work in this restaurant Master Joe actually I've always wished to work in a big group like this one here at the king of Cantonese I want the truth the reason is I made I made a mistake in a cooking competition so I uh some restaurant is famous so then who is this guy who defeated you his name's Wang ping Yi what was that Wong ping Yi I can't be merciful but sir the chief left the village years ago so why not are you on his side you misunderstood huh what I meant is that you're his nephew and he's not well nothing to me treat him like stop it now listen to what I'm saying just shut up he stole the dragon head blade he heard his own brother foreign [Music] brother stay calm stay calm that blade is mine I'm the best chef in the entire world you have no right to hide the blade oh look at this oh other Dragon had played yeah where is it where is my plate at give it back to me give it back you wanted that blade and to be the chief stop this please please stop stop your drinking [Applause] [Music] ah yeah and then the critical moment I witnessed it all Tim he said a trap for my father my brother got hurt because of me oh it's painful my father could no longer cook so he left brother stop it I can't stay here let's take care of Joe for me I promised my brother to take good care of Joe the nose I forced him to leave as Revenge how can he do this to you forget it LED bygones be bygones you know your brother won the championship of world's best chef two years straight he gained us a lot of Fame my brother really is a genius wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong cutting skills are easy to learn but it takes non-stop practice for common people they just need to cut sharp up and down if a cook has better skills chopping mashing and slashing are much easier they may already have good skills but if you want to be a good cook different ingredients require different cutting this may take a while for you to practice foreign hey is it really that bad I made it just for you on this I said thank you well you don't have to be such a jerk foreign [Music] [Music] other than being fresh to make great food we need great sauce to mix with it sauce is important but different people have different tastes and you'd get really bored from eating the same thing every day so all good Cooks can make a good sauce try it hmm [Music] Ying so tell me what is your sauce always taste the same then you have a good point Emily oh [Music] actually it's easy to make sauce here you just need a little patience and some interest and a little imagination as well there are a few tastes they're sweet sour bitter hot and salty just keep on trying your best mix them together with different ingredients then find out which one's the favorite of the guests that's all oh wow that's tasty isn't it kamloy sweet and salty it tastes sweet but also hot how did you make it I've never had a sauce quite like this before Emily we'll use this today put it in the kitchen yeah sure thing I'll go with you sure what's on your mind Ying [Music] I'm a way to make some delicious Bean Bean for later Bean Cube pudding call me master and you'll learn yeah but Wong I want the most delicious one no problem master the ingredients for making Bean Cube pudding is simple soybeans with some water for solidification the proportion of soybeans and water May differ today I'll teach you frying [Music] relax fried eggs we want it smooth and soft to make it smooth the key point is to let air enter the eggs just to Bubble it shares the same Theory with sponge cakes I'll show you how it's done properly and then you're all on your own uh [Music] watch the oil temperature and don't forget no boiled oil they'll be overdone oh [Music] Master it's not done yet we'll use the remaining heat to finish the cooking keeps the egg smooth besides frying well you need to pay attention to Breaking the eggs and to control the Pan's heat it sounds simple but it's difficult this one is named Wong po thousand layers I thought fried eggs were a simple dish the more simple the dish the more difficult to prepare really hard to cook really well it's not hard life is hard here's your chicken pot please enjoy this is a homemade sauce it's tasty yeah it's great it's freshly made hey boss delicious chicken what is this what is it what is this hmm this is obviously this is a nail a nail you hear that it's a nail there's some Nails in the pot that could kill oh no don't get nervous here folks come on what's wrong take a look I don't mind nails but cooked right not served Raw I don't like eating half done nails I could have died what do you want that's enough if you want to screw with us use a better trick how do I add so many nails into the pot at the same time this is obviously a setup it's hard to say this wouldn't be the first time your Chef has failed what was that don't Piggy this is a present for master Joe but don't worry Chef tin made it so there's no problem enjoy the pork I'd better watch out [Music] what happened what did that mean [Music] foreign [Applause] I never imagined a restaurant's business would suffer this badly don't panic why shouldn't I we have no customers if this goes on our restaurant will be closed and then we'll all be out of a job won't we it's bad luck brother you're shopping you shouldn't blame Master those guys came for trouble I got it [Music] well speak of the devil when he shows up I don't like being bullied by thugs I have to do something awesome you okay you're dead finished get lost [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah hello can I help you nothing thanks beautiful why are you gonna stop me [Music] on your face foreign [Music] China for all to admire the audience if we win we can save the reputation of our restaurant let's go tell my sister [Music] my dad's the best cook he's the best of the best I can win the cup easily no Chef in the world could compete with me I want revenge [Music] [Music] hello then I'll wait [Music] sorry I can't go [Music] I.E what's the matter Master you must tell us my sister and I consider you our family you know we can help you out it's been a long time and now I must settle it [Music] Master if you don't go then I don't go no kidding this is a very important competition here [Music] and yours is more important than the competition yeah it's you in this restaurant I don't need the name best cook just do your best for the restaurant don't you worry we'll make you proud [Music] Ken [Music] take this with you [Music] Now ladies and gentlemen the competition for the best chef in China begins all the representatives are now coming into the studio [Applause] [Music] uh-huh [Music] it's so cold [Music] this is an event for all the great chefs in China ladies and gentlemen it's the seventh competition for the best chef of China let me introduce the judges come here today Mr you punch on the China country Association Chef Lucy Wing Chef boy chairman Bob Wing Chi and honorary chairman you wingman before the competition begins let's welcome the last champion Master 10 ciao dollars a king of Cantonese restaurant thank you hi masterton steal your master come on he's not your master Hey fat ass I want to challenge you fine where are you from Sam's restaurant hello everyone I have to tell you the rules this will be a knockout the judges will pick two teams among the six and then they'll advance to the final head-to-head competition after that and the theme is night and because it's knife we're not just looking for the look and taste the chef must Express the skills of cutting cutting skill is a must for a real Chef you have one hour for the competition so everyone let's cook it hmm I understand what Master said come live we must win let's kick it up but what are we gonna cook they're picking ingredients uh he says what should they prepare first [Music] foreign [Music] stuffed Treasures it's very complicated don't you have confidence in yourself I got it get chicken duck pigeon and spice um and quail too [Music] thank you sister look at Chef tin over there what's he doing with that Ox head this is a famous Szechuan Ox head dish there's a lot of attention and detail involved [Music] and competition is truly exciting now we only have three minutes [Music] now there's just one minute left four three two [Music] and times [Music] and the six dishes are drinks and fish from Washington hotel crimes and chicken soup from Chai Thai Golden Ox and duck from Waters Phoenix Taylor Peach from Browns four stuffed Treasures from subs and oxhead from King of Cantonese now one other hand we'll begin with efficient clams to start but cutting skills and procedures are fine but poor ingredients and now about the duck here it tastes good and spicy and looks good however when its skin is peeled the body of the duck was badly broken now the dish from Grandma's Restaurant the prawns are fresh they look nice but the wine is so strong covers the taste of the prawns excellent cutting of the four stuffed Treasures the quail is stuffed inside the pigeon then in the chicken and finally inside the duck it's a mixture of meat but with clear and layer taste it's really wonderful I now regarding the ox head it's a masterpiece it's difficult to ask from The Cutting skills and choice of ingredients it's great it's wonderful Ox head now the judges are making their final decisions the two final teams will be announced and move on it's Ken from sunk's restaurant and 10 from the king of Cantonese restaurant all right [Applause] we really did it I wish master was here Master we made finals but the other team is well it sums don't worry can figure it out [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] come fight if you're a man you know [Music] I don't know nice food can make people happy but if the chef isn't happy how can he pass it through his food hmm when you went back to the Village I I tell you figured it out thank you if you didn't teach them wholeheartedly they wouldn't be finalists well that's because they're talented I just opened their minds a little [Music] okay foreign [Music] thank you [Music] I'm so sleepy don't sleep I have so many places go with you man I have so many things to do with you why does happiness always tend to fade away because people forget the important things [Music] foreign laughs [Laughter] wow you're really something sit down what do you want nothing I came to see you it's too late it's not late I'm here on time just to see him cut the crap you're not welcome I'm your nephew I came for you don't you love me I think that you're heartless it's such a pity uncle your student wounded my men he should pay right you know exactly what you did [Laughter] I know what I did huh pick my father away from the dragon's head blade now you want to take best chef I should have known you're not satisfied your uncle did nothing nothing stop it believe it or not Joe your father had his reasons okay like my father I have reasons to kill that bastard this is between us not with them oh yeah I don't want to do anything bad in fact uncle I have a present here for you hello I'd leave him alone don't make me repeat myself well my fellas accidentally locked up your little student earlier and that young girl too inside the freezer oh can you believe that nonsense but accidents happen but don't worry a key is waiting here for you there you go oh sorry I failed to hold it the key's inside if you want it oh you can take your time just not too long I've got no choice don't the key's fake I've got the real one here sorry Chief hey come on it's over thank you thank you too Master Joe's nuts be careful chief take care [Music] oh the next best chef will be found soon and the theme for today is soup the Chinese always need soup in the dinner Banquets however other than making soup the participants must achieve one other thing and that is Purity so what on Earth does he mean by purity no flavor is the best flavor so the cook can't add any seasoning to the soup in the art of cookery one way is to cook without adding seasoning to it to get the food's real taste Cooks of the Shang and Chao Dynasty had integrated the art of cookery with a philosophy that few understood Purity is the best I don't understand you'd give up the competition just for that Rusty blade you like this blade you like to be chief don't blame me uncle I'll let you be the chief for a day sure it's time to start and begin Ken what soup what do you think I need to get the ingredients [Music] foreign why are cabbages viewed as the best food it's really silly isn't it cabbages mean a lot to the villagers and are plentiful they're like our family in a way normally you wouldn't feel much or when you lose it you'll feel how much you love it trust me you'll understand come Loy cabbage and clear water Master said title is not important some's restaurant is what matters all right in Clear Water Master tin how are you gonna do this preparation is important to succeed this dish is called Clear Water right it's because the soup is as clear as water the method is mince the chicken thoroughly drop it evenly in the soup when it sinks it absorbs the fats and materials you'll notice the liquid getting clearer slowly all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] come on get the cabbage um no these aren't normal cabbages we must pick the heart of the cabbages and find the best quality then get some fine needles like the one someone would sew with just add the needles and make several fine holes but don't ruin the look of the cabbages [Music] foreign [Music] soup you've made into the pot with the cabbages and put it into the steamer to finish [Music] [Music] what are you doing now traditionally only the bottom of the Soup pot is heated but this is going to change everything using this device it'll receive heat evenly all over the pot this is incredible [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] when the Soup pot is finally opened Buddha jumps over the wall for it so therefore Buddha jumps over the wall soup is the greatest soup ever nothing can match it hold it [Music] make it specific to some's restaurant [Music] Hey sister that's my pink Cube [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how come the bean Cube disappeared [Music] Sichuan Cooks view this meal as a real treasure to be able to make great food with some cheap and common ingredients is the top level of cookery and it implies the top level of Life performance this is the real taste of food this is purity foreign [Music] [Music] the results kevlon from Subs restaurant is the new best cook of China [Applause] brother [Music] since you've come why not have a sip now that's good cabbage soup so who is he it's been ages how are you I'm fine Master Wong how are you doing this is something right sister is he our friend he's our father student Master Wong pinque father well then please don't leave father father I did it wrong Ken my brother and I think that you're the best one to have this blade we hope you can make good food with it now use it to bring happiness [Music] Master wants me to learn more cooking skills how long will you stay maybe a month [Music] [Music] thank you so I'll leave with Master tomorrow I'm sure I can defeat him I don't know what sister is thinking why she makes you learn more cooking skills from Wong Master's a great cook we're lucky to learn cookery from him I don't care I'll leave this happiness to you no laughing look you're such a hand man you're blushing I'm sure you had a ton of female students in school fawning over you know what you you know that's not gentlemanly boys are so stupid and you're so dumb you don't understand women at all do you know dreams [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] we didn't [Music] need something when when she stay away [Music] [Music] young young [Music] thank you [Music] so shall she
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 639,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Id: yoQtuOtTzR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 30sec (5490 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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