Wrong Way | What Is It? | Sermon by Pastor Ed Young

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The scene: The Rose Bowl, 1929. Two undefeated  teams, the University of California facing   Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech has the ball, they  fumble. An All-American named Roy Riegels,   from the University of California, scoops up the  fumble. He knows intuitively, this is my moment.   The crowd is going bonkers! He’s rumbling down  the field. He’s flying… the wrong way. The wrong   direction. Finally, one of his teammates chased  him down on the one-yard line. Wrong-Way Roy   Riegels. YouTube it, as I did this week. You feel  so sorry for him. But he became famous because he   went the wrong way. You know that down deep when  he walked to the sidelines, utter humiliation.  We’ve been talking about a guy names Solomon  lately, and Solomon scooped up a fumble. He   turned and as the crowds were cheering, he ran, he  rumbled down the field in the wrong direction. I   want to ask you this question. Could it be that  you’re running in the wrong direction? Solomon   wrote a book called The Ecclesiastes. It’s kind of  like the journal. We have an opportunity to look   over his shoulder and really get into his mind  what he was thinking about. This book is about   the meaning of life. Isn’t it interesting to know  that even in 925 B.C. people were contemplating   the meaning of life, like we are today? I’ve written over 30 some-odd books. I’ve   discovered something about writing. You  better capture the reader’s attention in   the first paragraph or two. If you don’t, good  luck. The readers have to go, “I want to read   this. I want to take this journey with you.” So,  you write this compelling (hopefully) sentence   or sentences. OK, I’m gonna read your book. Solomon does something strange. As he opens this   book, Ecclesiastes, he says, I’ve got nothing.  I have nothing to say. Ecclesiastes 1:1-2,   “The words of the preacher…” That’s Solomon. We  call him Solo-man because he curled his toes over   the diving board of depravity, and for 40 years he  did whatever his heart desired. He had the wealth,   he had the women, he had the wisdom, he  had the way to search like we will never   be able to search. A Silicon Valley billionaire  can’t search this way. A hip-hop artist can’t   search this way. An A-Lister can’t search  this way. You’re never, ever, ever, ever,   ever, ever gonna be able to search like this guy.  Ever! That’s what’s so cool about this book. So,   if you’ve ever fantasized (I have), if you’ve ever  wondered (I have), if you’ve ever contemplated   (I have) what it would be like to just do  whatever you want to do, this is your book.  So, “The words of the preacher, the Son of David.”  He was a member of the lucky sperm and egg club.   His dad was a multi-squillionaire, “…king in  Jerusalem.” He says “Vanity of vanities.” Any   time the Bible repeats itself, pay attention.  We call Jesus the King of kings and the Lord   of lords. Jesus, many times, when he wanted to  emphasize something would say “verily, verily,   I say unto you.” Hey students, when your  parents say something twice, they might say,   “Don’t let me say it a third time.” You better  do what they’re saying. You better listen up.  So, Solo-man, the guy that was trying to find the  meaning of life, under the sun (a phrase he uses   repeatedly in this text), Solo-man tries to find  what the purpose of life is away from God. That’s   what this book is about. And his answer is life  is absurd. That’s it. Life is chaotic. This book   could be called The Meaning of Meaninglessness.  That’s what Solomon’s saying. He’s saying if you   live your life under the sun with no regard to  God or eternity, you’re gonna get sunburned. And   you’ll get melanomas and you’ll have a cancer,  and you can waste this one and only life.  I just turned 39… (laughter) and when I look  back over my life, I have some regrets. I mean,   I do. And if you’re my age, 58, you’re gonna  have a few more than someone who’s 8 or 18. But   overall, I look back and thank God for my life  because at a surprisingly young age I connected   the dots. I connected the under-the-son living  with above-the-sun living. The temporal with   the eternal. Solomon, though, is saying here’s  what it looks like to do life under the sun,   a no-holds-barred existence, and when that  happens your answer is it’s just meaningless.  Why are so many young people committing suicide?  Well, there are a number of reasons but one of the   big reasons would be young people are exposed to  things at surprisingly early ages that even adults   back in the day weren’t exposed to. They’re coming  to the same conclusion that Solomon came to,   it’s vanity. There’s nothing new under the sun.  So, this book is both cynical and significant.   It’s depressing and also dynamic. It’s  existential and eternal, it’s mystifying   and magnificent, the book of Ecclesiastes. You know what Solomon says to us? You’re not   gonna figure life out. You will not put the  dots together. It’s not gonna happen. That   shouldn’t be just a doggy downer. That should  be, OK, I’ve got it. Things in life don’t make   sense. They make sense to God, but they’re  not always gonna make sense to you and me.  One day I get a text, and someone has died  tragically. Recently I received one where   a whole family, they were taken out in a  nanosecond in a Jeep accident. The next day   I got a call from a family that’s been struggling  with infertility and they had a baby boy! Life is   a mystery. Life doesn’t make sense. Philosophers  haven’t found the answers, historians haven’t,   scientists definitely haven’t, and we know lawyers  don’t know, and pastors are even worse off. You’re   not gonna find the meaning of life. And God  has made it that way. Well, why? Because this   question that we have about the meaning of life  drives us to a point where we go, all right. I’ve   got a choice to make. I’m either gonna connect the  dots with under-the-sun and above-the-sun or not.  Solo-man. There’s no one like him, 40 years of  wasting his life. So, whenever you fantasize,   or whenever you think about, man, what would it  be like to do this, or that, or whatever, just   read this. You’ll save us all a lot of trouble. I’m gonna talk about just two things today,   first of all, Solomon’s Terrible Choice. Say that  with me: terrible choice. Now say it like you mean   it. Terrible choice. And #2, his Tremendous  Conclusion. His what? Tremendous conclusion.   That’s where I’m going. So, there’s no one better  credentialed to write this book than Solomon.  Ecclesiastes 1:9, “History merely repeats itself.  It’s all been done before. There is nothing new   (what?) under the sun.” The seven deadly sins are  still as deadly. Bad language is still bad. People   still lie. We all do all sorts of things in wars  and our motivations are questionable. So, is there   anything new? No. We can probably sin faster today  because of technology but is there anything new?   History repeats itself. Just look. We don’t  learn from it. And it’s part of a mystery.  Ecclesiastes 3:10-11, “I have seen the burden God  has laid on the human race. He’s made everything   beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity  (I love that) in the human heart. Yet, no one   can fathom what God has done from the beginning to  the end.” We have this longing for eternity, this   focus on forever, yet, we’re locked into time and  space. So many try to get out of time and space,   but we’re locked in. We’re locked in. And Solomon  talks about time and how time is a gift, and how,   on one hand, we live forever in one of two places,  but on the other, we don’t have much time. When   someone has a birthday we don’t say, “Ho-ho! Wow!  You’re closer to the box. Let’s talk about death,   let’s talk about the grim reaper.” No. Now, when I do a wedding people don’t   really listen to what I’m saying at all, because  weddings are for women. It’s your day. Guys let   me just save you a lot of hassle. You could be a  mannequin standing there in a tuxedo. It doesn’t   matter. Weddings, wow! We don’t talk about death,  really. I mean, maybe in the vows I just kind of   skim over it. “Until death do us part.” That’s  about it. But let me do a funeral, as I did   recently. People are locked in. One hundred and  fifty-three thousand people a day die. That’s   a lot of funerals. Yet, 300,000 births occur per  day. So, you’ve got rejoicing, a new life! You’ve   got weeping. Then Solomon goes on to say does  it really matter if you have a lot of money?  This past week I had something really interesting  happen, because I had a conversation with a guy,   I met who was walking a dog. I love animals and I  started talking to him. I could tell he was lower   class. I could tell he didn’t have much of the  things of the world. Yet, very bright, very smart,   I really enjoyed the conversation I had with  him, but again, he really wasn’t educated,   and he didn’t have much. Several days earlier, I  interviewed one of the wealthiest men in America.   I’ll show that interview in a couple of months.  This guy is worth billions of dollars. And Solomon   is going, “Go figure! The guy who was walking  the dog could be smarter and more creative and   more innovative than my multi-billionaire  friend. Read Ecclesiastes. Time and chance.  Have you ever met someone (I have) and they’re  very successful? And you go, this guy’s a moron.   We all have. Oh, we go to these seminars about  leadership, about being successful, about making   money. Everyone’s not gonna be successful in the  world’s eyes. Everyone’s not gonna make money! And   Solomon is saying it doesn’t make sense. That’s  what should drive us to our knees. One moment   there’s peace, one moment there’s war. Gladness,  sadness. Look at Ecclesiastes 7:14, “When times   are good, be happy. When times are bad, consider  this. God has made the one as well as the other,   therefore no one can discover anything about their  future.” I’ll say it again. It might not make   sense to you and me, but it makes sense to God.  God is sovereign. He’s sovereign. He’s in charge.   God’s about glory. We’re here to glorify God.  That’s even a mystery. Our boy Solo-man is not   saying that we don’t enjoy life. His conclusion  is all about joy and expectation and seizing the   moment. He’s saying, though, life is short. So, he goes through all sorts of   things. He goes through al sorts of things. He  goes through nature. He goes through history.   Again, history tells us what. Science tells us  how. Neither tells us why. He talks about wealth.   He talks about working. I mean, I’ll use myself as  an example. I know right now there are a number of   people in the Sudan who have more talent than I  do. There are people in Borneo who are smarter   than Mark Zuckerberg. Time and chance. Time and  chance. Life doesn’t always make sense to you and   me. But, like Monopoly, at the end of the game it  all goes back into the box. We’re facing the box.  So, why are you gonna waste your life? You’re not  gonna sleep with the beautiful people like Solomon   did. You’re not gonna do it. You’re not gonna have  the money. Bezos doesn’t, but Solomon did. You’re   not gonna have the fame. Justin Bieber is not even  close. You’re not gonna have the intelligence,   you’re not. So, why waste your life? I’m really  glad that there’s a book in the Bible about this,   aren’t you? So, we should go, like, wow. This  is awesome. Maybe I will be a billionaire,   like the guy I talked to. You could be. It’s a  gift from God. Maybe I won't have much. Maybe   I’m just gonna be walking a dog and having  a good time. Great for you! As long as we   glorify God. Because death is the great equalizer. I read, last night, a very interesting story and   research on the human brain. I wasn’t even doing  any research for this message because I study   during the week, but these Israeli researchers  have discovered that the human brain fools itself   about death. The human brain kind of lies to  itself thinking that death will happen to someone   else. It’s not me! Oh, no, no. Not me, not me,  not me. Oh yeah, it’s you. It’s me. And Solomon   says we’re gonna find out we have a one-on-one  appointment with the Lord that we can’t put off.   We can’t file a continuance. We can’t go, well,  I’ll back-burner that one. We can’t wheel and   deal. It’s gonna be one on one, you and me,  with the blazing glory of our Lord. Are you   ready for that? Because you’re not ready to live  until you’re ready to die. Have you connected   under-the-sun living with above-the-sun living? I’m ashamed to say but I have the new iPhone   11. It’s totally overrated. Apple is clueless.  Once Steve Jobs dropped off the Apple tree,   the whole tree is rotten. Apple is a great example  of a lack of leadership. And you can see this.  This is not preaching. Let me just tell you  something about leadership. Whenever you have   a great leader accompany a team at church, they  never hire another great leader. They always   hire someone who’s safe. That’s a great story  about Apple. Apple has diversified too quick;   they roll out stuff too fast without checking it  out. I just want to say the iPhone 11 is highly   overrated. Everybody said, and everybody said,  OK, who does not have an iPhone 11 in this room?   All right. Isn't that great? Because I’ve done  what Solomon did. I’ve saved you from buying it!   It’s a waste of money! I want to throw it in Lake  Fellowship! I’m on that thing and it’s dropping   calls. I don’t want to say anything bad. I’ll  just stop. I’ll just stop. I’ll just stop. But   you see and you feel his terrible choice. But  here’s one thing about the 11 that I’ll tell   you. I do know this. This is about as smart as  I am with technology. You’ve got to charge it.   And it does have a longer battery life, OK?  I’ll give it that. But you connect it. If you   don’t connect it, you’re really in trouble. Solomon is saying connect the dots. God has   given us an opportunity to know him and  to make that choice. Life is a gift. So,   his tremendous conclusion, we’re almost done.  We’ve got about a minute left and I can go over   it for just a few minutes but… His tremendous  conclusion, Ecclesiastes 3:14, “I know that   everything God does will endure forever.” And we  know that. We have a fascination with forever.   Children’s books end “and they lived happily ever  after.” Your favorite movies, my favorite movies,   always have a happily ever after ending. Are  you feeling me? Say, “Ed, I’m feeling you.” OK,   good. I just want to see if you’re still alive. I  thought some of you might be in the box already.   “I know that everything God does will endure  forever. Nothing can be added to it and nothing   can be taken from it. God does it so that people  will fear him.” We do know this. God allows this   (it doesn’t always make sense to us, but it makes  sense to God) to drive us to that point of choice.  I’ve got to blow my nose, excuse me. LeeBeth  on the front row, our oldest daughter,   gave me a used Kleenex. No, no, thank you.  Anybody have any sinus problems? Oooh,   I am. Excuse me. I know this is bad but just  let me turn my back. Now here’s something that   I’ve done before. I promise you, and I’ve had  just a Kleenex as a pocket square, and I’ve had   people go, “Dude, nice pocket square!” and  they think it’s real. It’s not bad, is it?  Was I in Ecclesiastes 3:14? “I know that  everything God does will endure forever.   Nothing can be added to it and nothing taken  from it. God does it so that people will fear   him.” OK? It’s not fear… ah!!! It’s reverence him.  It’s to reflect the brilliant blaze of his glory.   Solomon takes us through this search to show us it  isn't it. What is your it? I thought it would be,   if I could be a #1 recruit in high school.  You know I was picked in the top 10 most   highly recruited players in the state of Texas  in 1979? I was. But “it”, that was not it. I   used to think it was starting in a major college  basketball game, Division 1A, right? Florida State   Seminoles Criminoles? I started. It is not it. I  thought if I married this beautiful girl, she is   beautiful. Beauty queen. She is a beauty queen. I  thought that would be it. It’s not it. I thought   it we had kids, that would be it. I thought if I  pastored a church, a big church, Fellowship is one   of the biggest. It’s not it. I thought if I made  over $100,000 a year, that would be it. It’s not   it. I thought if I wrote books. No, it’s not it.  It’s not it! And you know what I’m saying because   you’re chasing your it right now and you know it’s  not it. It’s about him. It’s about God. It’s about   reflecting him. That’s it. It is when we connect  under-the-sun living with above-the-sun living.   It is when we connect under-the-sun living  (whoosh!) with above-the-sun living. Then,   suddenly, we have this view, this perspective. So, when great things happen, God I want to give   you glory. When awful things happen, even though  we don’t understand it, God, I want to give you   glory. Because too many people are running around  saying it’s just the love of God. God loves you,   that’s enough. Sorry. That’s not enough. When  your child dies, when you experience tragedy,   when you get a bad report from the doctor, God  loves you? Oh really? That’s enough? It’s not   enough. Oh, I’m blessed. Sorry! That’s not enough!  I’m living the blessed life. That’s not enough!   There’s a bigger net out there. The glory and the  sovereignty of God, and we’ve got to fall into   it and rest on him, and even in our questions and  doubts and dark days, we know that he is in charge   and he is a good God, and he will get glory. So, the last part of this is what I call the   chocolate bunny text in Ecclesiastes.  The chocolate bunny. My first culinary   disappointment was when I was 4 years old. I woke  up Easter morning, saw the Easter basket there,   saw this big honking chocolate bunny in the  fake grass. I got up. I’m 4. I remember like   it was yesterday. Opened it up, and I started  with an ear. I was expecting something solid,   you know? And I bit into it… it was hollow! What  are you trying to bite into? Name it! Solomon did,   and he’s saying it was hollow! So, what do we do? Well, he says,   “Remember your Creator (Ecclesiastes 12:1) in  the days of your youth.” Remember your Creator   before you can remember to remember. And we love  it when old people come to the Lord but we ain't   got much to give. I’m following Jesus, now. Well,  great, but you’re one step away from the box,   all right? Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Now all has  been heard, believe me. Here is the conclusion   of the matter: Fear God…” God, you’re God. I  glorify you. You’re sovereign. “… and keep his   commandments.” They are simply laws that  liberate. They’re for our best. “For this   is the duty of all mankind.” I mean, what’s the  meaning of life? Recreate, fornicate, do deals,   and die? That’s it? “God will bring every deed  into judgment including every hidden thing,   whether it is good or evil.” Which way are you running? Which   way are you rumbling down the field? That’s a  question that only you, my friend, can answer. [Ed leads in closing prayer.]
Channel: Ed Young
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Keywords: pastor ed young, ed young, ed young jr, fellowship church, pastor ed young fellowship church, ed young fellowship church, fellowship sermons, fellowship church sermons, ed young sermons, ed young jr sermons, pastor ed young sermons, fellowship church dallas tx, fellowship church grapevine tx, fellowship creative, what is it, sermons on purpose, sermons on trusting god, sermons by great preachers, sermons 2019, sermons on faith, sermons on relationships, wrong way
Id: BE0Tsm0_IV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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