Writestream 34: Science Fiction vs Science Fantasy

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trimming the nails before the show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks let's get it going here a little bit yeah hope you guys are having a good day [Music] [Laughter] all right so let me go ahead and let's dial down the music let's talk a little bit about some science fiction/fantasy all right hope you guys are having a a good late day let's check out what's going on in the chat we don't have everybody in here just yet so that's why I'd like to goof off a little bit at the beginning let's do my usual format won't talk a little bit about Channel News there's nothing really too much going on you may have noticed that the format of the channel over the last couple weeks has gone to a seven-day-a-week format this is something I'm trying out where a lot of the videos will be pre-recorded so do most of my recording on like Saturday and Sunday and then they come out during the week and that's for content that I feel like is not you know time-sensitive it doesn't have to be about what's going on right now and that in reality is most of my content so you know the Lovecraft stuff I usually record that on a Saturday put it out on a Tuesday the metal Monday stuff I usually put out on you know on Monday but I'm actually listening to the album on Friday and Saturday and recording it on Saturday so that tends to work out pretty good for me so that's something that you'll notice if if it seems like things are slightly like if I'm wearing the same shirt in every single in every single video it's because I'm recording them multiple videos on the same day and that's what's going on with that right stream will continue for the foreseeable future on Wednesdays until I feel that I'm out of things to really talk about on it and then it'll either go to a once a month show with the other three weeks being a different stream topic so either noise stream but what I probably want to do is like an indie stream some kind of stream where I can have on a creator a different creator every single week to talk about what's coming out it's something that they have coming out do a little bit of promotion talk more about things that are just not your standard corporate stuff is the way I see it you know we our media is dominated by just a couple of companies and that's very much true on in every single category you're looking at so with the movies with Disney buying Fox you're down to like 2 media companies like Universal and Disney it's like that's it you know that's that's what you're looking at so there needs to be some alternatives presented movies are a hard one because it's very difficult to compete with large budget movies and all the things that are built into them so I'll be trying to do some more research into more independent movies and maybe no no maybe reach out to people who are doing those lower budget movies that are maybe a little more niche a little more niche but it's you got the same thing going on with books so with the books there's like the big 5 publishers which is like Random House on Mill Flynn the penguin I'm trying to member which ones they are but they they have the entire industry on lockdown so even you know even companies like tor which is like the monolith of science fiction and fantasy are completely like dinosaurs you know it's to the point where when you go and you look at a science fiction or fantasy section it's pretty much all tore or it's a it's another company that you know is being published through tor you know it's a different different imprint that's actually spilt or on some level and then of course with comic books you only have two companies that dominate everything you have DC and Marvel and they own all the IPS that people are have been interested in the past and they just kind of continue with that so companies like Dark Horse which do more specialized stuff don't even get counted as like comics publishers is what it seems like and you can get that with music - it's your Sony BMI Warner Brothers I think there's like two others so it's yeah you only have a handful of companies that own or control all of the mainstream media that that kind of sucks if you're an independent creator how do you break into that do you even want to break into that because there's lots of business problems with that there's artists that are quitting music because they're they can't make any money even though they're selling a hundred thousand records they're going home broke and it's actually been that way since for a long time really anyway I kind of want to you know once I feel like the right stream is winding down a little bit more probably gonna go to a format where we could just talk about different difficult stuff coming out talk more about science by science fiction/fantasy and those kinds of things just talk about stuff that people like and feature creatives on the show that seems like more fun to me and more productive over the long run so that's that'll probably what's happening try to think there's anything else not too much going on some back from vacation and back at home so it should be fun let's jump into the subject at hand and we'll talk about sci-fi science fantasy that's the simplest way I could title this particular stream to talk about what I want to talk about science fiction and science fantasy aren't actually distinct things and that's the first point I want to make so going back a couple decades three four more decades may be science fiction and fantasy were one big umbrella and sometimes called speculative fiction depending on where you lie with that fantasy tended to be now what's evolved as fantasy tends to focus on elements which are non non reality and science fiction focuses on elements that could be reality and that's the speculative element whereas focusing on elements which our reality is simply regular literature right of whatever Jon Roth ad I'm going to be looking at and so within sci-fi and fantasy you have lots of different genres lots of different little genres little subgenres that contribute to this big Rella and so let me I'll just put my some of my books at the beginning you know you have science fiction proper to the Godsey this is the original cover profit of the Godsey still kind of like that cover but the new ones better mmm-hmm high fantasy science fiction horror more high fantasy you have historical fantasy which is a weird one it's historical fiction with fantasy elements and then this is more like military military fantasy so I've written in a bunch of these genres ever needed with sci-fi and fantasy now the difference between so-called science fiction and so-called science fantasy is really that science fantasy is a sub-genre of the big umbrella of science fiction and the division that people are usually thinking of is between hard science fiction and genres which are quote softer but calling one heart and one soft actually is not really accurate either so let me dig into a couple of definitions here and these will go down into John Roos and what readers and viewers expect in these genres so science fiction traditional science fiction what people today called hard sci-fi the focus of the story is different than it is with so called science fantasy the focus of traditional science fiction is on ideas so you remember my pyramid there's setting characters plot okay setting is foremost in both fantasy and science fiction and all the little honors that go in it but how that setting is expressed varies pretty differently so the difference between science fiction and science fantasy has more to do with how you're telling the story then particular elements within the story so yeah like Star Wars has magic in it does that make it in science fantasy instead of science fiction not quite it has to do with the focus of the storytelling traditional science fiction focuses on ideas and their impact so if you imagine a future where people have precognition like with Minority Report my philip k dick or you can watch the the Tom Cruise film it's actually a really good really good movie adaptation of philip k dick in my opinion a better one than Blade Runner although I like Blade Runner is a movie because the Blade Runner movie just doesn't really talk about any of the things that ok dick talks about so it's the focus is on the idea and the idea is if you can see crimes in the future and you arrest people and prevent the crimes is that moral right and so what's the impact how does that affect people are innocent people going to prison what if the precognition is wrong so everything about the minority minority reports story is focused on this idea and how it affects the characters so the characters and the plot are reactive to this central core idea that's an element of the setting whereas something like Star Wars which is called space offer rather than science fiction and you could call it space operate you could call it science fantasy it doesn't matter what you call a space opera is going to be the genre that you're probably going to use when you're actually promoting a book that you're writing that is similar to Star Wars not science fantasy but you might tag fantasy but you're probably gonna use space opera the focus is on the characters and the plot and the focus tends to be more of a what might be considered a traditional story so the story is about characters their personal struggles and the plot revolves around the characters trying to mete out their own ends now the setting of course has an effect on that because that creates the possibilities for the story and also creates the limits for the story so if you look at something like Star Wars Star Wars has a very rich setting even within the movies it's a very rich setting most of the setting is communicated visually but that setting is really kind of in the back seat in the in the storytelling process to the motivations of the prime characters and that's why it's space opera they don't really sit around and explain how their you know there are faster-than-light engines work whereas an even in Star Trek they barely explained it but in Star Trek there's more focus on how the science is actually affecting the world so Star Trek would be more like hard sci-fi it would be traditional science fiction it's about the ideas in each episode is about a different idea and how it affects the people on that planet that they're visiting how it affects the crew of the enterprise new strange ideas you know you meet a culture that kills anybody that violates any law and you know that was a next-generation episode that I thought was really good you go to a planet where everybody worships some alien is a god like what's the impact of that so Star Trek is is science fiction whereas you go to Star Wars which a space opera focuses on how Luke and Vader are interacting what what's at stake with the galaxy not so much how the engines work not so much oh this planet has some kind of weird culture that's very unfamiliar to us the cultures are roughly familiar they're kind of standard to what we expect and they don't have a profound impact on the characters Luke is very much an everyman we can identify with him as modern normal people even though he's a more moisture farmer on a desert planet the the culture of Tatooine has not radically affected him and the story is not about how that culture has radically changed his outcome of life this story is more of a traditional story that's told that way and if you you know that's if you look at the original trilogy if you go to the prequel trilogy focus is still on the characters although you can see it's an even more complex enriched story so I think somebody made a comment before the stream began that it's like you know science fantasy space wizards overly simplified government structures so a child can understand it that's not true now a child can understand a lot of what's going on in in Star Wars but another science fantasy another space opera setting would be Warhammer 40k that's incredibly complex and it's not meant to be understood by children but it relies on magical devices and things like that so let me get to this the next point which is that the presence or absence of magic in a science fiction story does not determine whether it's hard sci-fi or traditional sci-fi whatever you want to call it and science fantasy or space opera that is not what determines it it's all about how the story is told is the focus of the story just to give you an example if you go and you read une by Frank Herbert this know most people will not consider doom to be space opera they'd be like oh well this is science fiction but everything that revolves everything in dune is magic write everything in dune is magic when you get down to it there's no technological explanation for how things really work people bin space with their mind they do you know or they they can navigate through space with their with their mind they can use their psychic powers to you know conjure weapons and things they you know they eat the spice and then they can see the future all of this stuff is magic but it doesn't stop us from taking in a science fiction it's because dune is primarily about the ideas of this spice and how it affects people and how precognition in you know in the trend remember which treatise it was who became like a sandworm hybrid how that affects everything like it's all about the ideas in dune and how they affect the characters and how the plot is going to react to those ideas so it really goes from the bottom up in regular science fiction and with space opera the focus is mostly on the characters and their motivations and the plot of course is a always a function of what the characters are doing it's usually you don't have a lot of stories where the plot is completely independent of character action it doesn't usually work out that well so anyway that's the big difference between those now from there you get a whole bunch of other different little genres so I mentioned you know this is historical fantasy you can have things like alternate history alternate history is like well we're going to go back and we're gonna put a machine gun in the Civil War and we're gonna see what happens right that's speculative it's like what if this thing was different there was a machine gun what are the reverberations for the setting and the characters in the plot that's still science fiction even though it's set in the past things like that if you have a futuristic setting like say Mass Effect Mass Effect videogames which I know some of you have played there's magic in those you have all kinds of magic but the focus is mostly on this idea of the Reapers and like the relationship of AI to people so there's a strong emphasis on the science-fiction the traditional science-fiction elements when you look at something like steampunk what you have is science fiction that's just a transportation of science fiction elements from the 19th century it's a continuation of things like Jules Verne you have Victorian aesthetics and Victorian technology taken to some extreme and the presence or absence of magic in a steampunk novel or steampunk whatever doesn't stop it from being steampunk whatsoever you know you can add magic to steampunk you can take it away doesn't matter it's all going to be steampunk and that's what's kind of cool about where you go to genre is like military what's now called military sci-fi or Space Marine so on Amazon you can actually find a category called Space Marine Space Marine is really based off of a small portion of Starship Troopers becoming a whole genre so most of Starship Troopers is actually about the ideas it's very much classical sci-fi it's about big social ideas all of Robert Heinlein books are about big ideas and how they affect the characters he never wrote space opera but it's taking the element of like space marines and bug hunts and power armor which are elements of the story but actually are not what Starship Troopers is remotely about but you take those and then you explode them open and you you basically have a new genre that's focused on this these setting elements and usually a more space opera style of storytelling which I think a lot of people like it's really big on Kindle so if you're into writing if you're into Starship Troopers or you're into the ideas of the troopers from Starship Troopers it not just like Heinlein really wrote it to talk about his social ideas for like service to society before he kind of moved on past those but if you're more into this the the soldiers part of it or you like aliens for instance then Space Marines is that in fact there's Space Marines elements in my new little mini book which you can read over to our period called voices of the void so there's there's Starship Troopers elements and this as well like the Space Marine stuff so steampunk is part of fantasy but it's also part of science fiction it's a big umbrella guys and so mixing these elements up can create new genres but it doesn't automatically exclude one from the umbrella like having some kind of fantasy element or having magic in it you can have hard sci-fi with magic if you guys ever read prophet of God secrets you can read the e-book for free on this is like what probably my least popular book but you can read it for free on Amazon the book I just kept it free because why not you know no one's reading it someone might as well read it for free it's a book I really enjoyed writing and I love the ideas in it but this style of science fiction is just not quite as popular as it used to be I don't never found an audience and so it was it was part one of a plan series but because it was so unpopular I never continued the series but you got some great for free and had some cool ideas in it the big ideas in this one are time dilation which is has to do with when you're traveling close to the speed of light time slows down from your perspective but the galaxy keeps going so the people that are on board this calling a ship that goes around the galaxy basically ceding planets are thousands of years old not from their perspective from their perspective they're normal age but from the people on planets perspective they're super old and then the planet that is the focus of this book is tidally locked with a star and I like the idea of a tidally locked planet because it created a very unique environment and so from that unique environment sprang a couple of different factions and from you know the third Big Ideas man's relationship with technology and from that sprang two factions on the on the planet surface this tidally locked planet where one sides in burning hot sun and the other side is like freezing cold and you kind of have to live in the middle where it's eternally Twilight kind of made interesting idea but that's what I wanted to write this story about turns out if I had written something that was more just about character character drama it probably would have been more accessible and more popular but that's you know that's part of the lessons you learn I read the books I want to write and if people don't want to read them it's not that big a deal to me so let's check out the the chat and see what you guys have to say about this big idea that I put out here what about know whatever streams talk about all kinds of things mostly things to enjoy yeah that's a good idea but I it's good to have some consistency so people have an idea of what they're tuning in for darkspawn says I'm very sad what happened to image comics oh yeah now Erik Larsson is flapping his gums in his new savage dragon issues and the witchblade reboot series is at our garbage yeah I don't know enough about Image Comics to like wax poetic on it but I think you know any any time you you concentrate this kind of stuff in a you know the power to publish or the power over IP in the time you concentrated into a non-human entity like a corporation I think you end up with some of this stuff because if this was all independently done then then it could just fail on its own and not bring down a company that's kind of the sad part about Marvel and DC is like when they finally get axed by their parent companies what I think will happen within the next decade to both Marvel and DC is that they will be shut down as as what they are so there will be no more Marvel Comics and Marvel Comics will instead be a holding group which licenses its characters to other studios to create comics for so you have to buy the license for spider-man and then you make spider-man comics and that's actually gonna be a good thing it's gonna be a good thing for people who like those comics because ultimately that's going to put the success and failure stuff right up front and it's gonna go by issue like buy so let's say you license spider-man 4 for a 50 issue run or something those 50 issues fail or they fail halfway through and of it and it's about the idea and how it affects people and so there you go it's science fiction 2001 is science fiction Lord of the Rings is fantasy and Star Wars the space opera science fantasy excellent Jared that's great now the thing about Lord of the Rings as high fantasy is that it's fantasy is mostly determined by setting and not necessarily storytelling style but well it's probably a problem on my end my internet has not been great the last two days and it's you know something on the chain is not working it's magic right so here's what what I was basically saying advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic so the internet most people even people who are like IT experts have a general idea of how the internet works but any kind of failure somewhere in that chain it's like I don't know this summoning failed the magic didn't work we didn't put in the right runes in the right or us to be able to communicate using this magical magical device it's like I saw some anime years ago and like they had a book that they opened up and they could communicate with each other this was before there were like iPhones and stuff and so they're like oh you know it's a it's magic and I'm like but here we are here we are and we have that we just have magic in our hands we're living in magic we live in a world of magic the idea that there's nothing supernatural when you don't understand your phone your phone is supernatural to you for most of you unless you're like a phone engineer anyway Christopher J I do appreciate the $5 $5 for my internet failure let me let me let me black the screen out a few more times and we'll get some money out of you guys let's see here I see all these F's I see like this huge chain of F's see and it's funny because f f to pay respects i remember it being like press press a to pay respects like it was from a Call of Duty Xbox 360 thing are you okay you know your you're so in control of your character press f to pay respects the stream keeps freezing I'm really sorry about that and what the the problem is now it's finally saying the stream status is bad so here's what I'm gonna do guys if you can see me I'm gonna restart the stream and see if that fixes it you okay let's try this again now saying no data I'm really sorry guys pause that okay let me check the actual page here let's see yeah okay it looks like I'm back I was like I can't trust this live control room it doesn't tell me anything so I'm actually gonna have like my mute itself see if that works alright alright let me reiterate what I said I'm probably gonna make another video just on this because how bad this dream has gone here's the difference between science fiction and science fantasy it's how you tell the story not the elements that are in it you can have magic and science fiction you can have non magic space fantasy stuff or space opera but what matters is how you tell the story so space opera the emphasis on the characters and their motivations and their actions and they're fairly relatable normal people whereas on hard science fiction or harder versions of science fiction they focuses on the ideas and the impacts of those ideas so you have magic in dune you have advanced technology which is indistinguishable from magic that's still science fiction you can have space opera that has no space wizards no lightsabers and it's still space opera just because it doesn't have fantasy elements and you can have a fantasy elements that intrude upon our real world which create science fiction if everybody wakes up in a psychic tomorrow that's a science fiction story even though it's magic like the psychic part is magic if everybody wakes up tomorrow and they they're superheroes that's science fiction because you're you're focusing on the impact but if it's just like there's some superheroes fighting and that's it's fantasy right it's love fantasy alright thank you so much Christopher I appreciate that $2 as well I don't know if you can rescind that and like take it back but you probably should alright so that's the that's the very short version I'll make a separate video on it maybe maybe later this week to kind of get in on it let me see if I can get to some of the chat that I missed I'm gonna see the reason I missed that the the chat is because I'm always going back 15 minutes to get to all the questions I have a lecture at the beginning then I do the chat reading and then I go back to what's current and maybe I shouldn't do that but all the questions tend to come while I'm doing the lecture and so that's how I like it you know let's see here do you think there are different definitions of magic absolutely for instance some being inherently supernatural and spiritual and others being natural within the fictional universe absolutely there are different definitions of magic one could be technology and one could be technology that's not understood so if you look at Tolkien the magic of elves was really their art and their technology which mortal man didn't really understand how it worked likewise to gandalf his magic wasn't magic it was just his power that he could do things so for for Tolkien the idea of magic is just that it's separated from your ability to fully comprehend it and that's what that's what it means to be supernatural in other cases things can be completely you know like you you pray to the chaos gods and the elementals come and get you off the shore and take you across the ocean alright that can be an element of magic that's completely you know there's no rule set to that you're praying to a supernatural being and he's intervening on your behalf and then you can have highly systematized magic like what you get in a Brandon Sanderson novel which is what some people call magical realism and as a genre that's something a little different as a genre magical realism is more like fantasy but science fiction this is why this definition like science fantasy doesn't always work so if you have magic is it acts like science and then you focus on the impact of that you're actually writing something that fits closer to science fiction of in high fantasy high fantasy the focus is not usually on the magic systems but the characters and their motivation it's more like space opera right with Brandon Sanderson books he has very very detailed and logical systems that make up his magic so they become more like science they're really just like a imaginary science that he made up and less like magic and so in that case Brandon Sanderson's novels are in a lots of ways closer to science fiction then say Star Wars is when you consider how systematized his magic is versus the force which which is a little more open it's a little more supernatural right so there's different ways that you can do it my magic system which is based on basically Platonic concept world stuff is a little bit more supernatural it's not as hard so and I'll kind of like my magic systems to be a little bit more soft because I like the drawing wouldn't be centered on the characters in the world not so much on has so-and-so learned enough of his powerful magic to overcome the evil Lord Voldemort right and what instantly I mentioned Voldemort what Rowling does in the Harry Potter books is there's actually no magic system it's the magic system has just lifted from Ursula begins Earth's ebooks including the words the whole idea that words communicate some kind of primal magical spell this where that comes from again and indeed my system is is influenced by looking although I think if you read the books you'll find it comes from a very different place but it's this idea that you have a word which is like from some original language which has magical power as well as a mage college from the first or the C book but anyway I digress they this the main characters don't know enough magic so they only know a small amount of magic which makes all the adults basically superpower villains for the kids the magic is supernatural even though they know it's not really supernatural it's more like magical realism but it's an interesting the line that she's able to tread by making the protagonists in the dark with the magic system and having a very limited power they don't feel like they're out of control Mary Sue's but all of the all of the adults basically are this is why the fantastic beasts movies gentlemen see the first one it's why they don't work it's whether they feel so bad it's because when you focus on adults the magic just really you realize it's a whole bunch of nonsense it's just whatever they need it to be and it's not nearly assists as systematized as you thought it was when you identified with the children who didn't know the magic Jack Cole says I saw Legos in the thumbnail yes yeah I was thinking of you but but if that's what it is you know do you have a space guy he's science fiction Nexo Knights is science fantasy and I can't think of anything more science fantasy than Nexo Knights you've got Knights in a futuristic world with computers fighting with electric magic but there's also like an evil book of beasts trying to bring you know it's it's a perfect melding of of science fiction and fantasy elements but it is space opera it would fit in the space opera version just because it's the focus is on the characters and their motivation not the technology the world of dune is so interesting you should definitely make videos on the novels ie I haven't read them in so long I read them when I was a teenager and I remember being very unsatisfied with the later ones but I think I would like the later ones now as an adult because I think the idea is a very potent but I do love the setting of dune and I think the novels are really cool I think I read one of them one of them that was written by Kevin J Anderson and Brian Herbert and I didn't really like it but it's been so long I don't remember which one it was one of the first ones that came out with see here steampunk fantasy steampunk could be fantasy or science fiction depending on on the focus so I still under the umbrella of science fiction right but if it's you know if your focus is on the characters and their struggles it's it's really going to be more of a fantasy genre if your focus is entirely on some special technology that affects the world and affects the characters then you're looking more in science fiction so again sometimes getting down to the genre has to do with the way you tell the story and that's really the case with this kind of division unless so the elements that are in the the setting but what the reader expects the story to be like when you pick up a Star Wars novel you expect it to feel like Star Wars not just in the setting but in the way it tells the story in the character drama that's there when you pick up a doom book you have an expectation that's different from a Star Wars book and they can cross they can cross and you can make books that are totally unique and are still very much focused on character drama but everything's really unique you know there's not one or the other just has to do with reader expectations there were machine guns in the Civil War they were called getting guns absolutely you're correct but there's several historical fantasy novels that have been written that's like you go back in time and give the south an ak-47 and then they win the war and it's like I actually really dislike those kinds of stories personally I'm trying to member in the name of the guy Harry Turtledove or the Turtledove is his last name he wrote these books and I had a friend in junior high and high school who's way into them and I read them and I just thought they were appalling I thought they were because like I'm from East Texas originally and so I'm a little more sensitive to like ideas of the evil evil south from just boomers you know so it you know it's evil south africans i think i think it were evil south africans racist evil apartheid south africans go back in time and give a whole bunch of ak-47s to the south and let them win the war now there's problems with that and i've actually gone over those in other videos but it just was just just it was an idea that was really stupid to me and i didn't like it at all and so of course i didn't like any of the characters they're all bad guys and they're all really bad guys they're super racist bad guys i don't know I didn't find it particularly interesting it's a little bit nihilistic too when you stop and think about it's like everybody's a bad guy and evil racist bad guys like I think this may be this author's actually secretly a racist because he's focusing on it so much you mentioned Space Marines earlier there was a sub-genre about the space cadets that was popular in the 1950s absolutely yeah so Space Marines might be like the next evolution it's the modern evolution it's like that one element from Starship Troopers do you know the soldiering element and power armor element bug hunts take that aliens and now you have your own cool huge cool genre and it's a great honor to ride it and it's very active there's lots of readers who love that stuff so if you're into doing that or you love you love that kind of thing you love military science fiction now here's an interesting one there's a book called the forever war I'm trying to remember who wrote it but I will tell you right now Joe Haldeman so if you haven't read the forever war it's a really cool book the whole ideas Speight a time dilation is in play and the war it makes the war basically go on forever because did you develop new technology takes like hundreds of years to get to the war front and in that time your enemies also developed technology very interesting it's about the it's about the ideas and their their impact on society and the characters and plot the plot is really kind of the lesser part of it same thing with Starship Troopers but the ideas in it were very very big I think when you would look at something like Ender's Game so Ender's Game in this game is actually a really good book by Orson Scott Card and I do recommend it for anyone that's wanting to get into modern science fiction stuff because it has all of these ideas in play and yet the drama is still focused on the characters it's a great way that he really treads both of those lines the the focus is on this main character ender in a in a great way that makes it so dramatic and so much more interesting and identifiable and yet at the same time all of the impact of the plot centers around scientific ideas or speculative ideas I should say so I think if you wanting something that kind of meets in the middle of character drama and traditional science fiction ideas I think I think that's a good one now they're still basically what would we would equate to supernatural elements in it but they're they're really about how the ideas affect the world off topic but wolf has it that off topic but wolf has it the very least has de listed all his videos from his channel I don't know what you're talking about it's just Pete can you give that to me again I'm not sure what you're talking about Highland Starship Troopers is military sci-fi Starcraft as well I think the entire alien video game franchise is considered military science fiction horror yeah I would totally I agree with that I'd say Starship Troopers is like kind of the inception of military science fiction and it's the seed from which it grows but what's what's interesting to me about Starship Troopers is that the seed which grew was not the seed that Heinlein planted because the seat that Hyland planted what he really cared to talk about in Starship Troopers was was things that he thought were very relevant for the time that he wrote them it was more about the philosophy than his science sci-fi ideas like power armor but it was the it was the attraction to this bug hunt and the super you know the super elite military force of the future all of those ideas just grew and people really attached to them and I've made several videos about about this stuff in the past that I don't really like the philosophy that's in and I actually don't like the construction of the book but I appreciate that he I still appreciate that he did the book on a certain level and I appreciate its influence I wish you know there's there's people who get extremely butthurt when they find out that like I criticized Starship Troopers there's people that they like look up the ideas and starship troopers with a biblical kind of fur and it's unfortunate because I don't think even Heinlein wanted people to view the ID was the speculative ideas same thing with you know what what am I thinking of moon is a harsh mistress no a stranger in a strange land so is stranger in a strange land advocating things like polyamory I don't know I think it was just about him presenting ideas that would be lunging two people so that's that Starship Troopers to me I think it's an interesting set of ideas and I could see why people don't like the ideas - oh the stream let's see here but I think the stream is hopefully still good still looks good let's see here ba-bum alright let's jump down to the bottom hard science fiction goes into the very detailed and real world accurate technical aspects of scientific and technological machines such as ships and stations yeah I mean that's accurate I mean that's this part of the modern genre but the entire thing like the reason that Star Trek would be considered hard sci-fi as think there's people who have whole websites dedicated to that stuff like that stuff's - in the novels it's in the show it's it's the science is very upfront even though a lot of it's basically fantastical but you can still have hard sci-fi with magical elements as long as the magical elements are highly codified in a scientific way magical realism Gabriel Garcia Marquez terrible Spanish literature I haven't read it has raistlin learned enough magical power to defeat Lord Voldemort ah still happened here the Dragons of autumns Twilight what a cool book yes that's actually a character I rather like in this even though he's basically a caricature I do like grey slim did you get my donation yes I did thank you I thought I answered it but let me go through and I'll answer it again oppa disappeared from chat maybe no I think you get Argos sci-fi is science fantasy absolutely it's all part of the same umbrella it's how you tell the story tends to be where the genre focuses so there's two things thing about there's setting what it makes a setting so science fiction setting would be technology future only science fantasy would be magic and technology but in terms of genre those things don't exclude one from the other let me be clear with that do you think somebody asked this again do you think government should step in to break up Disney's monopolies I'm not sure I think it's a bad thing but I'm not sure his Ender's Game partially military science fiction or standard science fiction it's both it's mostly military science fiction but it's different from military science fiction and that the focus is not on like a trooper it's not on a soldier it's on bigger ideas and scales of war so if you were to so I think there's there's two elements that go into war and military when you're when you're right and let me let me pick out a book that is military fantasy that I wrote so actually one of the criticisms I got with this book from some Rando I don't know who wrote this like wrote a review they're not fighting a war for any reason it's like you know wars are not fought but are not fought for the like Star Wars reasons most the time they're not fought most wars are not fought because there's an evil empire that has to be overthrown most wars are fought between states they are an affair of state students who called it the highest affair of state and that's true in this one it's two states that are at war over longstanding feuds and debts and they're looking to each gain an advantage in territory and power over the other and that's what the war is about and if you look at history that's what the vast majority of wars are actually about even when you have something that's a very revolutionary kind of war like the American Revolution the end result is you establish a new state and then the new state acts like a state it does Wars as a function of the state you know to and give some advantage to its citizens or defend its citizens or to just do things which are beneficial to the state itself and the people that are in the state if you read things like Machiavelli the prince which I recommend everybody read and you realized that most of the war that went on was was about conflicts that are above that so that's one of the things I like about Anders game is that the war is on it's framed as a survival narrative and then you realize there's always a little bit more going on than what you think there's always a higher level of abstain conflict that's involved and what's readily apparent and in fact I think Orson Scott Card wrote that book so that he could write the sequels which dive into that kind of stuff a little bit more on this alien species it's very interesting stuff to me so anyway when I wrote this you know people were like whoa they're fighting more for no reason though they're fighting war for the standard reasons that states would fight wars in the medieval period particularly northern Italy which is what inspired the setting of this was was northern Italian and Iberian warfare in the early Renaissance and late medieval period is what inspired the war the so the way I framed battles and things again and of course it's from the perspective of commanders so the soldiers on the ground are taking a back seat to the commanders so it's not about soldiers sitting around bonding and and having the soldiering experience where it's about your loyalty to your fellow man and and you know it's more about how are we gonna how are we gonna how am I going to efficiently move my army and how am I going to position my units so that I have been had the correct advantage when the battle happens it's it's at a higher level so I realized that different people have different ideas about what military fiction is and because I kind of operate with like you know Patton like the movie Patton is on that higher level it's not it's not a war movie that's about individual soldiers and so where your focus is it's gonna target different readers so Orson Scott Card it's more like science fiction it's probably not gonna target the same readers of people who like Space Marines stuff that's about a troop of Space Marines kicking ass or struggling against the enemy or you know being a highly loyal to there you know for the Emperor so like Warhammer could be both Warhammer Space Marine it's about it's about the what do they call the start is it's about the it's about the Space Marines you know it's about them on a fundamental level but at the same time there's also stories that are about these bigger ideas you know the Emperor of mankind and all that kind of stuff you can do both you can do both and that's actually a good one that just brought darkspawn you missed the second part to that statement about soft science fiction all right I missed it sorry the gun damn universe focuses heavily on the hard science fiction elements with the mecca's while focusing on the soft science fiction elements around the actual stories and characters yeah you can do both and you can have a rich story telling universe like Star Wars where the focus is still on the characters they're not one or the other it just has to do with reader expectations so if you're going you know it's a spectrum I hate spectrum stuff but it's a multivariate kind of thing your thoughts on hyper advanced tech being the true origin of a fantasy world's magic currently writing a story where one existed ten thousand years past I love that I love that idea I find it super compelling you know it there's a long history of that Robert E Howard did that with some of his stuff with Atlantis that I think was great I'm trying to remember the name of the story but it's not coming to me and there's lots of stuff where you're discovering lost technology that's in essence magic Warcraft does it with like the Draenei their magical technology you stuff right it's it's all over the place and it's great I love the idea of a story where you know you have super advanced tech and it's in the past and you're rediscovering it and you're rediscovering how to use it or it's you don't really have a great idea how to use it but it's really advanced and therefore it's like magic and it can have a big profound impact on the story I love those ideas because it's I mean accuse into a lot of feeling of wonder whenever you have a deep and semi buried history of the past it it provokes a sense of wonder in the readers I think it's a great idea I love that idea I'm blanking on the Robert E Howard stories I'm thinking up about Atlantis but you could probably google it and find that stuff let's see here so thank you for the super chat I do appreciate it let's see here I liked your book voices of the void I appreciate that lewis i started looking for lesser-known independent authors after i saw one of your video videos saying that the books are how doing the culture war things well i appreciate you reading it thanks i've gotten a lot of good feedback on this i might do with the follow up the drama phone my phone my precious telepathy devices falling onto the floor okay yeah voices the boy this is a cool book and we're not gonna say i had a good time writing it because i wrote it after midnight and i gave me nightmares writing my own story that's weird thing but yeah it's cool if you're like aliens the movie aliens by james cameron or you like any space marine kind of stuff and you like Lovecraft this is a good fusion of those two and i think a lot of people found that interesting so far it's very far away from the traditional fantasy stuff which i write how would you classify a fairy tale novels do you think there's still a need for them in the modern market absolutely I've written them they're classified as fantasy fairy tales have their own Amazon category as far as Janvrin goes but they're in the fantasy or folkloric fantasy category so fantasy which is based on folklore tends to be a different focus than fantasy which is based on you know say like Lord of the Rings it's based on bigger story so the point of a fairy tale is to tell a moral tale about like a particular you know to tell a particular moral tale that's really the focus of a fairy tale so when you think about a fairy tale the point is to tell a somewhat condensed story that you know you can have magical elements you cannot have them but if you think about all your classic fairy tales like the Grimm's fairy tales all of them have some sort of some sort of moral to them it's like a fable a fable might be from like an animal's perspective and it's more condensed whereas if fairytales an actual story you know the Little Mermaid would be about longing for that which you cannot have if you read the original verses the movie something like Beauty and the Beast about more like taming the unknown beast and the movie versions about not being selfish about changing your heart and then your outsides reflect your insides those are all good things now I'll tell you about my favorite though let me see my fight it's over here by my loot there's the other cover of Muramasa by the way people been saying they like the white one better than the red one you tell me which one you like you like the dark sword or do you like white and you know this kind of shocking let me know I might change the camera back here way here's a fairytale guerre mission the farmer a there it is a fairy tale okay so though the point of this book Geir mission the farmer it's super condensed you can get them I have it in paper bags or so because it's really cheap and I can just like give one to somebody it's like here's a here's a book you know it's free on Amazon it's only about eighteen thousand words or something it's really short but it was a cool it's just fun to make a little paperback out of it it's a little dragon picture that I licensed it's about basically a contest to get the princesses hand in marriage which now would be so anti-feminist but that's the story and this farmer who basically is exhibiting all these important traits to overcome the challenge so you know the first challenge is you got to pick up a heavy rock whoever picks up the heaviest rock wins the first challenge and so you've got these two big brawny guys once a soldier ones a hunter and so the soldier picks up this heavy rock and then the hunter because I've been even heavier rock and then the farmer goes and he gets a pebble and and everybody's laughing at him until he uses the pebble and a like a log that's laying around to move a monolith right so he uses his knowledge of leverage and so he knocks them the monolith onto the pebble and uses it to move it wherever you know wherever they want so he uses his scientific knowledge to overcome the challenge because he never said that I had to lift it without any help so I used to love her right and you know the second challenge is you have to build part of the wall so you got to stack bricks whoever can stack the most bricks wins the challenge so the king of course is construct these challenges to kind of test the physical robustness of these suitors these people who want to marry his daughter and so the the farmer rather than doing what the other two guys do which is to go get heavy bricks and lug them across the river and try to stack them he walks off and disappears for half the day and then shows up with a wagon full of bricks and a bunch of people who help him build the wall and he goes through a really technical thing where he's like well you know you said I have to stack the bricks but you didn't say I had to carry him here you didn't say if someone else couldn't put the mortar because not only that but I hired the best bricklayer I'm friends with the best bricklayer in the kingdom and so he's helping me build the wall better than those other guys - that's like the importance of using your social network to lessen your load and also a little bit about being kind of a sneaky technical kind of guy now you know being a little bit sneaky with her use of the law that's something that he he he overcomes his challenges by being clever and then I'm not gonna you know you can read it but he eventually meets a dragon he's supposed to slay a dragon and comes up with some other things instead so it's a fun little fairy tale I a lot of people really like that that little story so you can you can check it out it's different in that of course the focus on this is not on telling some vast sweeping story it's very condensed and small so the storytelling style of a fairy tale is generally very condensed it's about the fantastical elements and a learning or a spiritual growth that happens because of it I'd also recommend you look at Tolkien's fairy tales you can find some of them in know they got the book up here try to remember the collection but you know there's farmer Giles a ham farmer Giles of ham is a very fun little fairy tale that's more about the condensed adventure and really when it when it comes to fairy tales the idea of the magic being real it's about the window it's just about it it's just about a flight of fancy it's about fairy it's about the quest into the unknown and actually this fairy tale elements in strong ones in water of awakening if you know how good goes to the falen's which is a the world where reality is made in essence where dreams exist where things are completely malleable and unreal it's because she goes to the land of the bizarro and that's part of it as well and that's something that you can you can get with wanted tokens stories if you want more classic really good classic stuff I'm trying to remember what it's called names escaping me basically this guy has a star on his head and could go to the land of fairies that's that's the main idea of the story but it's actually Christian allegory of course everything's Christian allegory did you see the movie version of Ender's Game if so what are your thoughts on it I liked it I can do a video on it I think it was a very very good adaptation I think the biggest problem with Ender's Game is a book is it includes two to four chapters I think that are about Enders siblings that just don't have anything to do with the story their distraction so they throw this out the window and just tell the main story and it's a little bit better for it it's a good I think it's a very good adaptation I like it a lot and I think the visuals are great I think the acting is generally pretty good endure cries too much but whatever I forgive him military sci-fi needs power armor because orbital bombardment doesn't make a good story absolutely that's a great point so in I think it Starship Troopers it's they you know you have to go in because the bugs are hiding in the tunnels right so the orbital bombardment doesn't work because they're dug in so you have to go in but I think you could use it for if you want to avoid orbital bombardment any situation like a rescue situation where you can't just blow it up from space but I you know if you watch the movie aliens that's what they immediately go to they're like everyone's dead we should just blow this place up like alright let's do it and it's like well now we can't cuz aliens killed our pilot all right so by science fantasy you mean like what modern Star Trek has become a lot of the JJ movies in the plot of the Picard show yeah so modern modern Star Trek's more space opera now it's not like it used to be I loved episodic Star Trek because each episode was a different idea a different planet different world different outcomes more every every week you could think about something that was interesting let's see here ash test you have a stance on the widespread protests that are currently happening in Hong Kong I don't but that's don't take that as anything it's just I don't I can't articulate a position of whether it's I can't I can't do it uh-huh maybe I'll have an opinion once I like what's it's done and I can actually get information on it his Ender's Game hard sci-fi or soft I'd say it's more hard yeah I think it's more hard sci-fi but they don't they don't go into deep detail about like how the engines work or things like that there it's hard sci-fi in the sense that you know there's time dilation gravity all of those elements are in play but explaining how the engine work would be stupid anyway because if you knew how and a spaceship engine could work you would just build one you're always gonna speculate on how and some level even somebody who's like an astrophysicist or like some extreme engineer that has this idea for how the the ship could work you're still speculating on how there's always a speculative element otherwise it's just reality kind of like I mean Jurassic Park they speculate on what if we reconstructed dinosaur DNA and then put it in an ostrich egg and out came a dinosaur wouldn't that be cool it's like you know the the means by which it's gonna happen or thought out but they're still fantastical and speculative because we don't have the ability to just put in frog genes into dinosaurs dinosaur DNA I think Highlands Starship Troopers could have been something so much more than it was it could have been a great militarist aquiline interstellar war story involving a cancerous alien race so this is the the people who love Starship Troopers that's that's the part that they they tend to fixate on instead it really was just a vehicle for him to talk about the political ideas which were the focus of his mind at the time which I think he actually moved past Heinlein became kind of a weirdo this time went on to be honest like his political he was a libertarian in fact here's the thing that I would encourage you to read by none other than Michael Moorcock called starship stormtroopers which is a heavy criticize a ssin of Island and I'd encourage you to read it because it's just you never see anyone kind of say anything against this you know there are still a few that there are still a few things which bring a naive sense of shocked astonishment to me we never experienced them a church service in which the rituals of Dark Age superstition are performed without any apparent sense of incongruity within the participants a fad soviet bureaucrat pontificating about bourgeois decadence a radical singing the praises of robert heinlein so it's a really good one I've gotta many interesting interesting essay I haven't read in a long time but I encourage you to read it for just a different perspective from a great author and another libertarian so Heinlein was considered a libertarian at some point I don't think he was a libertarian when he wrote Starship Troopers but Michael Moorcock is one so his perspective is pretty and it's pretty cool that let's see here when will the world finally recognize the Dragon men's books came up with the books named after seasons before Game of Thrones yes yes they did dragons of autumns Twilight dragons and winters I remember all of them I have them somewhere but that was the one I I have Howard's Atlanta stories featured Cole the Conqueror that's right yes you've also got the ancient Archer and civilization magic beyond the kin of men in Conan's son yes those are both great elements that's what I was thinking of speaking of Warhammer 40k the book series eisenhorn is getting a TV yeah I saw it but I didn't I haven't read this the books and I don't watch TV so TV adaptations don't really mean that much to me now doesn't mean they can't mean anything to you just means they don't mean much to me because I don't watch TV what do you think of playing with historical misconception in fantasy IEA's society believing they're 2,000 years old and only being a 70 oh I like that I think that's a cool idea they think they're 2,000 years old but they're only 700 I think that's great kind of the it's it's kind of a red pill thing right like there's layers of matrix if you look at Rome I mean Rome live that Rome had this mythology about its creation not just its creation but this succession of early Roman kings which is almost certainly fictitious you had Kings that reigned for like 50 years like I don't think so but they that's what established part of their culture and established their mentality established the most my Oram the the traditions which bound people to they're together with their actions so I'd look at look at Roman history particularly late Republic late Republic is so interesting what do you think of playing with historical misconception yeah okay I just read that thoughts on the culture series I have no thoughts on it I don't know what that is soft science fiction focuses on the ideas and philosophies politics and social aspects of the site yes there's no standard scope totally it's about how those impact things right because if you write a story and it's like what if people were bugs and there's the fact that the bugs doesn't matter then you haven't done anything but it's like what if people are bugs and they or what if what if there's a society where they have an extra sense that we didn't know existed that we just have not been perceiving the world right that's that science fiction do you think the a long time ago in a galaxy far far away at the start of every Star Wars film is meant to tell us that we should be Star Wars like a fairy tale yes I think that's accurate I think we're to view it I think we're to view it through a lens of mythology rather than a lens of pure science fiction or even fantasy a lens of mythology and that is it's kind of mythological in its ways fairy tales are classified as folklore fantasy which is an actual category for what I've seen what about fables are they classified as folklore fantasy yes they are so I'll I will put out another folklore I'll put out a big folklore book with some fables that I've written you know they'll be out from time to time on my website at DVS press calm and you can read them and that'll be in the folklore it'd be fantasy folklore and fairy tales that'll be the category so yes folklore is the is the overall so ghost stories would fit in that as well like if you wrote a book that collected Dulwich stories that would be appropriate the Aquaman movie played around with the idea of the Greek myths being based on advanced technology it was also heavily based on our theory and legends Jules Verne HP Lovecraft that's cool I haven't watched the movie the is it possible a Christopher gee thank you for the super chat is it possible to write a fantasy novel with two connected storylines one thriller horror want adventure tragedy without the tone getting lopsided yes I think it is however it'll be challenging because that the technical way you execute horror is different than the technical way that you execute adventure or tragedy just for example with horror it's all about controlling tension and with adventure it's all about moving through fantastical areas tragedy of course is a different a different level - so let's see there's two storylines you could have if you were able to you can write them with two different tones or two different technical styles as well there's nothing to say you can't do that you can almost try that out one way you could do to make them make it very apparent it's like you could write one in the first person and write the other in third person and then the reader like it's gonna be a sudden shift but because the entire style of everything is changing you're going from third person to first person you're not gonna feel like there's a strong tone clash I mean there's gonna be a tone clash but it's not gonna feel like it's not gonna feel like well wait what like the you're not gonna feel like the style of prose is suddenly bad or suddenly different from what you like so you could probably control it with that that'd be one idea but you don't have to do that you can do it however you want but it's possible it's just it's gonna be difficult because just because of reader expectations however that's there's still an opportunity for something really different you know I have horror elements in all of my books I have fantasy elements in all the books psych you can have those different elements in there depending on how I wanted technically I've you did when I hear horror I think I think of really controlling the pace and that's something that has a different pacing to me than an iterative adventure novel did you watch legend of the Galactic Heroes and if you did what are your thoughts on that I don't I didn't watch I don't know what that is sorry I don't know what lots of things are guys if it seems like I'm an idiot sorry the world is incredibly complex and full of things and I spend most of my time playing Legos with my four-year-old or holding a baby what genre do you think is really good to mix with science fiction a sci-fi horror sci fi western so I Phi horror I think is great you can do anything I mean right now what tends to dominate sci-fi is like romance sci fi they're just like romance plots in sci-fi I don't know why but that's popular so you can do that that's pretty and I actually I don't think it's that popular I think it's just what is being published let me correct that did you read the Alexander Adams interview that I linked I didn't I'm sorry I don't think I didn't sorry I didn't see it speaking of Col the Conqueror what did you think of the Kevin Sorbo movie I don't think I saw Tara Parr finally here is it possible to write in the first person omniscient and be kind of weird but maybe neat if your ghost you know if you're a ghost I watched Michael and I knew he was thinking of this like I don't I don't think he really could have met you a ghost I'd have to be like from a ghost perspective I don't know Jack cool what a nice sounding life it's it's great I my life is awesome but it's not it's not all easy stuff taking care of kids right the things that are really satisfying in life are usually the things which are difficult just you know children are not easy children require a lot of patience and a lot of time dedication a lot of thought a lot of pudding just to the side your needs and wants but it's very important that you do that it's it's important for your spiritual growth and it's important for your satisfaction in life just like writing a book is not easy why do people write books people do lots of things in life that are hard why do people lift weights you know some people did weights I just want to look good it's like got you you know it's fine but lots of things that are worth doing in life are difficult and kids are one of them you know I love my kids but it's not all it's not all easy stuff it's really hard when your kid wakes up at 2:00 in the morning and won't go back to sleep but I try to look at that in a positive light which is that God you know uh let's get up and let's have a lightsaber fight in the backyard in the middle of the night like we did that one time I actually have a video and I probably post it all you see is lightsabers because I just turned on the camera and we had like a lightsaber fight at 3:00 in the morning because my kid felt that and couldn't sleep but he wanted to play you know legend of the Galactic Heroes was an eighties anime that was like world war two in space but a neutral ins perspective interesting I'll check it out yeah the hive mind has the same it's in combat there how do you think that you can combine a society that resembled ancient Greece or medieval Europe technologically wise but it has space travel through magic in a coherent way I think you just look at Warhammer 40k you have a warrior society strong strong focus on heroes the magic is they travel through this magical warp which is infested with chaos gods which constantly assault the sanity of those who navigate through the warp and it works so I think it works so it's kind of to you like I can't solve every like every algebra equation for you EXO Knights right okay here's that I do it right so what what's the essence of ancient Greece and ancient or medieval medieval Europe so you decide what the what the core elements are maybe it's aesthetics right so the aesthetics of the medieval period are what they are people could wear armor that's similar to what Knights were and have to be sci-fi boom that's easy you know they could have a feudal society futile ISM was extremely successful guys butyl ISM was one of the most successful political systems in the history of humanity just why it stuck around for a thousand years that's why so many different societies had different versions of feudal so you could have feudalism and that it's like Doon you know and then they travel through space using warp gates right there like fold space in some way there's your magic element and it's coherent there you go and then how do they fight you know that they do the Space Marine thing they're always fighting with melee weapons well you know in Doon it was like we have a shield that forces you to like fight with a knife a certain way you can come up with things like that or you can just have them shoot machine guns and it's like power armor cool Space Marines but it's futile medieval Europe I think that's cool in fact I'll probably write so I'm gonna write at least one space opera novel in my lifetime maybe next year I feel like I want to write this next eternal dream book there's a vampire novel I need to put out not probably write some space opera because want me to write space opera before that or write more voices the void stuff I will I'll look at the sails but you let me know if you really like that but I probably do for you to list fetal Europe maybe and then also like what's what's important about Greece is like their pagan beliefs their philosophies and then medieval Europe it's their Christian beliefs and philosophies so yeah you could do a Hellenistic society and medieval society conflict maybe there's been a lot of rogue AI antagonists in recent sci-fi horror stories should there be a science fiction or sub-genre called artificial intelligence so considering there is no sci-fi horror sub-genre to begin with like it's not a genre that exists on Amazon there's probably not an AI di horror but I think yeah you could call whatever you want if there's a sufficient population for it than it exists just like how there's there's such a thing as folk metal there's such a thing as depressive suicidal black metal because there's a bunch of bands that kind of fit that category so yeah there could be one why not it just may not be a category gnomes oh I didn't so much envision it as easy more so fulfilling yes it is fulfilling I'm not a hive mind we're all high minds men when you if you realize that like the super organism of the hand is the ant colony the super organism of people is society you'll understand the main themes of profit of the god city which is that once we become completely completely subject to our technology we cease being individuals and the organism is really society no longer me which is frightening to me that's a frightening idea do any of the angels in your angels versus vampire book carry flaming swords and are there appearances and behavior based on biblical descriptions so a case so what angel is a fallen angel but not like a demonic one he's trying to like find his way back to God so he's on a Redemption quest which I found you know I mean that's a human thing but I thought it would be very interesting from an angelic perspective and he has a sword that yeah you can call a flaming sword it's like light though it is a light emitting sword of holy power that's beyond normal understanding the other angel isn't so much an angel but a human soul that's been elevated above its normal place due to a couple of backstory things and his weapon is actually a rifle because that's what he was most intimately familiar with as a human being so the rifle isn't really a rifle it's a thing which is a spiritual weapon but it's the way that he thinks of his spiritual weapon is a rifle which fires bullets because that's that's his weapon of war from his life so it's kind of an interesting thing it's like a dead dude it's a it's a human soul and a paul an angel on their quest to find God but if but the book is there they're trapped on a planet of vampires where there's no there's no Sun it's basically a dead planet that shouldn't exist and they have to escape it it's kind of an interesting idea I don't know just a bunch of weird ideas that I had I wrote the book I started writing the book two years ago and then I like wrote it last year but I didn't put it out because I wanted to change some things and that's it if this isn't too rude ask if you made over at least $2,000 on the sales of your book which book I haven't I haven't made $2,000 from celebrating one book I've made more than $2,000 from books for sure but not like one book I don't think I'd have to look I don't see I just keep track of the money coming in like sales sales are highly variable right if I'm if people are doing Kindle unlimited if I have a book in Kindle unlimited does any of that count as a sale the answer is no it's none of it's a sale if they partially read a book and I get 10 cents from it it's not really a sale it's something else so it's weird it's kind of like YouTube it's like have you made $2,000 from views it's like I make them from had revenue you could have a video with 50,000 views and makes no money it just depends on the on the video and how people are interacting with the hats on it you know and the other thing that's like oh well you know maybe I've given away five thousand free copies of a book so go that's five thousand sales you lost not if they weren't gonna buy it anyway but then they buy the sequel was it worth it to give it away you know there's there's more complicated things than like units sold or even how much money you make on it on a given book because the money I make on water of awakening I make money on it but it's smaller compared to the total money like so if somebody reads that and then they read the next one which is more expensive I made more money converting the sale on the second one then I would have made selling the first one anyway so if I saw the first one for $0.99 I make thirty five cents I saw the second one for $4.99 and make three dollars anyway it's more complex than than just selling one book do feudal America nightly orders based on texts and football teams Greco Roman temples worshiping the founders in Washington voodoo pagan revivalists in Louisiana we already have that man we almost love them already have that yeah I like that idea that like just taking it full bore you know hey these this is the cult of Washington is the war cult we're part of the world cult here you know you can have like a war cult that is the military military has an official religion that you know when you know everybody in its a warrior priest that would be cool that would be cool be like Warhammer I like me I like that idea that I just came up with space opera how about writing an opera in space that's next level yeah so so if I don't at David Stewart you don't acknowledge yes I don't read the comments that don't have my name on him sorry I should make that I should mention that at the beginning of every stream I don't read them because you may be talking to other people it's too much noise make your own space up or science fantasy story that Star Wars means Lord of the Rings it'd be amazing yeah I don't know we'll see what I do I'd be interested in reading a space opera book by you especially if it was in 1930 style one and the vain of Edmund Edmund Hamilton our Flash Gordon of Buck Rogers Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers they're cool but I'd probably take it to a morgue I'd just be way darker with me guys everything I write has like a really dark element to it this is how it is so it'd be like that but he'd be like oh we're gonna travel to fight this Dark Lord on this other planet and it's like he's crucified everyone you know he's wearing a coat made from the entrails of his enemies why does it seem like employers don't really care about things written on your resume and only care about if you have experience because that's you because you answered your own question they only care about your job experience so this is an awful thing to say it's not awful it's just true you know your educational experience on your resume only matters for your first job after that it's all experience you know I can get a teaching job pretty easily because I have massive teaching experience and I've never had an employer ask like oh so what were you what was your GPA in graduate school oh my GPA was 4.0 they never asked that I don't care what was your GPA as an undergraduate what was your GPA in high school I never got NASA my GPA was ever even for my first job they didn't even ask they just like oh yeah you have the degree you're higher like we need you you're hired it's like okay great the next one oh you have experience doing this great right oh yeah you have a credential you're hired you know oh do you know how to drive or even cuz I've done another job Steen you know how to drive a forklift you're hired ouu drove a forklift you're hired it's like I don't know how to drive a forklift but know how to do this look at your heart now or teach how to drive a forklift so yeah that's how it is because as an employer if I'm thinking as an employer I care about what you've actually done not what you studied people come out of college and employers are savvy to this people come out of college with no skills so why would you care ok yes I want to know that maybe you jump through the hoops for four years and you're not a complete idiot but I'm gonna hire you as a probationary and then fire you if you suck it sounds usually gonna be coming out of college and then oh you have some experience doing this great well you don't care that I have a graphic art degree it's like why would I care about that you have a portfolio full of things that I can look at and appreciate your portfolio is a hundred times more important than your degree if you're an art it's a thousand times more important than your degree if you're in like programming they don't care that you have a computer science degree they care that you know how to code guys how old were you when you first when you wrote when you're when you first your first book and how long you write in just curious I was 19 when I wrote my first book it was not good I didn't really write another book until I was 29 and it was also not good and then I wrote another book that one was really not good either but it was better then I wrote Muramasa the form awesome was my fourth or fifth book depending on how you look at it there's a purse good one and the one I had the most fun writing because I finally figured out how to write a good book instead of a bad one but from like you know from 19 to 29 I was a professional musician that was my job as classical guitarist that played gigs flavours idols play to fans if just doing rock where your cults are disturbing IRL here in the army there are a lot of male so you just want to kill folks I don't think they care who and talk of freedom to sleep all at night I think that that's accurate Jack so I think that's actually I mean to get kind of into deep level stuff I think that's a consequence of the volunteer army so there were many many conflicts over whether or not the draft should be abolished Backman is abolished I'm not for the draft but I think one of the the consequences is when you if you have a hundred percent draft 100% volunteer army you end up with people who believe in the career for its own sake rather than their volunteering as a part of war like we have a standing army army that self-selects certain kinds of people that you know you meet them that's not it's not everyone's probably not even though it's probably a small minority of the guys who are actually in the army but you do meet guys that are like that and it's always a little bit like huh but again a lot of people have a have a little bit of a religious belief in the idea that that the army you know that the military action is not an affair of state that it's it's some higher thing that it's like part of a spiritual war even though they don't acknowledge it is such that it's like you know people are out like we're gonna go out and fight for freedom it's like well current military stuff is really has to do with the affairs of state and it almost always is the affairs of state it's not it's not doesn't mean it's meaningless it doesn't mean there's not heroism it doesn't mean it's not necessary but it's not like you're fighting Morgoth for like the saving of the earth you're not fighting Sauron at the end of Lord of the Rings all the time right most of the time it's an affair of state it's a lot more complicated than just good guys versus bad guys anyway that's kind of an interesting idea you know is that there's like a modern modern world cult in a sense and you kind of see this with civilians that are like thank you for your service they go up just to people that are wearing like BTUs and stuff and thank you for your service which has actually created a whole class of people that are into claiming that they have military service when they don't have any so they're like you know they walk around in like a dress uniform with like some pins they got maybe from a thrift store somewhere a lot of army guys just kind of sell their old stuff because people like to buy it you know so they end up with like the pins and then it's like yeah I was a veteran and people treat them better you know the people treat them better because they were in the army and because of that social benefit you get stolen valor it's a it's a thing and actually that was the case with Covington Covington Catholic is the guy was like going on on all these sorts of stories about his Vietnam experience and it turned out he was a kook he was like yeah we were like Ranger recon it's like that doesn't mean anything to anybody who knows anything like the people who pretend to be in the army it's like they go full-bore it's like I was a Navy SEAL it's like I have friends who were who were Navy SEALs dude like I can call them up and see if they knew you because there's not that many of them ya know I just happen to to know a couple through three chance I don't know why that's likely and the thing is the people who pretend to have been you know in the Navy of the army or the rains they always they always go full-bore because they want some kind of weird attention from it it's kind of sick when you stop and think about it yeah Stolen Valor guys are scumbags the lease I agree that's such a bizarre thing you know I grew up in a military family and there wasn't there wasn't that kind of social benefit from it it was just kind of the best benefit you got was like you met another guy who had been in the Army and you know you had a relationship there because you had a common experience it was a common background oh yeah I was in I was in this company oh is in that company did you ever go here yeah it's like then you can constantly you know there's a lingo that gets with it so when you meet another guy who's has the same experiences that's like an instant connection but it's kind of a recent thing too where people will like people by you like a coffee at Starbucks because you're wearing BTUs and in some cases like the dudes wearing BTUs it's like I'm I'm the now I'm I'm from the National Guard base out there that like this is you know I'm not active military right now guys this is just something I do I have to do every six weeks please don't buy me a coffee sometimes kids get embarrassed about it anyway but God kind of Farah filled I like the idea of a warrior cult in fantasy setting though I think I think it's a fun idea yeah you actually so Roman history is very interesting to look at in that because worship of Ares our worship of Mars was a big part like Mars cult was part of military life you know and your reverence for mother Rome like your dedication to the to the idea of Rome was very significant and we can see echoes of that today it's part of what made made Romans so strong and then even later you have individual legions are loyal to themselves which is something that I think you could do with Space Marines as well because you're your biggest loyalty you know in a tight-knit company abiding men is to the guy next to you not necessarily to some grand idea of Rome what do you think of the inquisitors in the Mistborn series I love them I think they're a really cool idea I like the idea of physically removing part of the since like they have these spikes driven through their eyes so you know that they don't perceive things the way you do they're instantly strange and uncanny and unhuman I like him while performing an early heavy metal musician was momentarily possessed by the vengeful ghost of a woodpecker it would this car and that's how I had banging began Mount Rushmore is a place of pilgrimage for the founder worshipers they have to fight their way through sudo su nomads and neo norse warriors wearing the purple of the vikings i love it so what was your GPA I think as an undergrad it was like 3.5 I don't remember I'd have to get it up as a graduate pretty sure it was like 3.9 I think I got a B one time and that was like people like I'm like did no one looks at judging PA I was already like working at that point Remmy says apologies to all the music majors yeah Washington the all founder Jefferson father of farmers Hamilton God of wealth and Lincoln The Liberator Roosevelt the two sold their founders all right they got statues what about what about like Aaron Burr he would be like the the Loki he'd be the Loki of the of the cannon you'd have Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton would be would be mercury right because he's the God it would be Denarius be the god of money since he was a banker I got asked what my GPA was at an interview after my first post college job probably the one interview question I was least prepared for yeah do you think maybe the army should be more proactive in tapping people's shoulders rather than being completely open to volunteers then like more recruiters or Scouts like sports you know the army does recruit a lot actually so the army recruits it and a lot of people like really hate this like that army recruiters go to high schools and talk to kids and stuff there's a lot of people that really object to that guy no because I tell high school and you know we were having we're having some army recruiters come by and talk about careers and it became a big it became a big hoopla for me over nothing it's like dude they're just they're coming by to tell you what what the Army's gonna offer you and I said no they're gonna you know they're targeting the poor people there's always this there's this narrative that all the only poor people join the army because they have no other options it's like I've never experienced that most of the people that I've known that we're in the military including my father my father left a very normal he was a gunsmith and he was a grocery or a brand he did all kinds of businesses he gave him up to join the military because he wanted to because that was something he felt would be fulfilling for his life not because it was a money thing so this I don't know this we had the big conflict over this narrative that like military tell us poor kids to sign up because they don't have money it's like you know people do it I don't think there's too many people there's people who do it for lots of reasons but a lot of people do it in the upper classes simply because they they feel like it's gonna be a fulfilling experience I knew people that were children of millionaires multi Multi multi multi millionaires that they joined the military I knew people that were sons of super successful lawyers very rich became Navy SEALs because that was but they felt called to do so this idea that only poor people do it anyway so it became a big hoopla you know became a big piece of drama that army recruiter's we're gonna tell kids about the army it was stupid it's like I had you know we had Army recruiters come through and say like oh you could join the army band you know if you're good and in fact I remember I think when I was well as i 17 auditioned on tuba I've added tuba scholarship as an undergraduate before that I had audition and they're like yeah we'll get you in the army bands program and then it's like but I have a chronically perforated right eardrum so that went out the window you know I actually can't join the army for medical reasons so that was an interesting wake up it's like oh yeah hit your your to death to do music in the army then that was a fun that was a fun little love recruiting experience let me check the chat here I've already had a few kids and old people save the thank-you line it's pretty uncomfortable because I know I've done nothing to help I see guys that they're kind like yes you're welcome and then kind of felt their income from other people kind of drink it up and that's what I think the Stolen Valor guys kind of do it is a they want a social cred you know there's a social cred that comes to being in the military and that's just what they want because they don't have anything else going like what else what else can you do that gives you instant social cred it's like I No you know we don't think sanitation workers enough I think to and that's that's an important job thank you thank you for thank you for fixing the sewer system you know I too have family members who were in the military yeah people who pretend to do it I don't know why they I think it's just an attention thing people feel people feel starved for positive social love I read through the Michael Moorcock I see as s he was from a left left socialist libertarian perspective not today's brand on the return is in the stream that's really interesting though Garry Dawson says yes they hit go have a good night why are all Christian disaster films about the rapture why don't they make a Christian fantasy disaster that involves the great red dragon demons demon orcs battling angelic paladin's they need to I think that think there's more literature that does that stuff the warrior cult aspect of the death core of Krieg literally a unit from a planet called war is why they are my favorite Imperial Guard yeah so the concept of a resume is basically an awkward formality no it's not it's it's the first so an resume is the first level so if you're an employer you could talk to your boss about this if you have like a day job okay how do you hire people just ask oh well here's what I do you have a stack of resumes you go through and you pick the ones that look like they're gonna be the best and there's a bunch of little cues that you'll get different people have different ideas of one page relevant experience you know if you're my age which I'm 36 now you know listing the fact that I delivered pizzas when I was 18 is stupid listing the fact that you know I was you know I taught college when I was 22 that's relevant right okay actually I was 23 23 I ate just turned 23 it's 22 when I was offered what are your thoughts on Joseph Campbell I like Joseph Campbell I'd have to do more thinking to give you a more in-depth response the great triumphal arch of st. Louis erected as a symbol of conquest over old America by the founders the technology of the gleaming gate is now lost to us in life war in death peace in life shame in death atonement there was actually this like in Dragon Age Origins there was this cast they called it the dead cast these like dwarves that would just go die killing darkspawn kind of like that idea I'm a death coal thing did you hurt your ear where you born that way I was a result of childhood disease I had a lot of ear infections when I was a little kid my dad was in the military and so we had the military HMO which I don't know if it's gotten better but it was considered substandard care back in the 1980s and so during a operation to insert tubes there was some kind of problem where I ended up with a really really significant Staphylococcus infection in my right ear which destroyed my eardrum and also led to the destruction of my sick you lurch Ain so I have conductive hearing loss in that ear I've had five or six tympanoplasty they they won't correct the issue due to some other you know the fact that my eustachian tubes aren't really functional at this point I don't look that's due to disease or just like bad genetics but they don't really work very good and so then I got this nice little hearing aid that you guys can see let me see let me make it feedback for you guys make you guys really mad there you go so if I'd like to touch it too hard to get here get here that wonderful sound so that restored a lot of the hearing by right here let me continue doing music when I thought I was going to death to do it at an eighth on wolf what are your thoughts on determinism if you mean unconditional election some people are unconditionally elected if you mean that all actions are predetermined they are not there's too much randomness for that to exist what are your thoughts on the parallels between the Bible and mythology forbidden fruit Pandora's box Samson's hair equals Achilles heel Prometheus is banishment equals fall of Lucifer well I don't know it because you could there's a lot of parallels that you can draw the question is what does the mythology point to because to me the forbidden fruit is not Pandora's box the forbidden fruit represents something different it's very different from mentor's box to me Samson's hair is kind of Achilles heel but not really because it has to do because the story is not about his hair it's about it's about betrayal and the brighter than randomness like Achilles I think Keeley's was killed randomly prometheus is banishment equals the fall of Lucifer now that one is an interesting one though it's very popular with black metal guys I love the figure of Prometheus as a heroic figure and I can see the parallels with Lucifer particularly when you're looking at something like Paradise Lost which maybe we're looking for a nice loss in the future conversely a friend of mine is better than me hates when people tell them thank you for your service I don't know it's sometimes you don't want to be singled out to you know I just don't I don't really do that because it's just weird to me it's not that like I I don't have any negative feelings towards anyone what Aaron Burr really be low-key or would it be Benedict Arnold oh that's a good one Bob I feel like the latter is more well-known the success of the Hamilton musical notwithstanding I think so yeah I went ahead and resent you the leaks okay thank you Jeff Legion of the Dead I just played Dragon Age Inquisition yesterday now I didn't like Inquisition the world-building stuff is still there but the gameplay was bad so I ended up not liking it also they ruined Liliana by precious Liliana they turned her into a nihilist I hated that why does it seem like the past is always better experiencing moments in my life I hated going through but in retrospect it seemed better than no filtering so when you when your mind filters things it assigns meaning to different memories and discards all kinds of stuff so if you had a very boring life at one point you discard the boring stuff and you remember the stuff that was interesting so you think man life was so interesting back then but not really you don't really remember pain very well especially like how bad a bee sting hurt you don't really remember how bad it felt like when you broke up with your girlfriend you know so we have trouble remembering pain and we filter our memories and there's another thing like memories are made not remembered so you you make memories the way you write books and as you recall memories you assign new meaning to them which makes that recall different so you know I missed algae's but we're really getting it here and I have a lot of nostalgia for certain things in my life I have a lot of mis nostalgia for like Vanilla World of Warcraft and there was lots of bad things going on in my life at the time I played vanilla WoW but vanilla while was really good and I went back and replayed it and it's like no turns out the the nostalgic feelings are real but the gameplay is still better and the game is still a great game and the game still facilitates all those meaningful interactions that I had such deep nostalgia for military healthcare hasn't improved much I'm sorry to hear that which is why people who want government-run health care idiots you know and we I my old house we had a we had a Veterans Affairs Center like right around the corner and it was constantly guys who were who are disabled from you know being shot you know being injured you know you have sometimes an injury has really long lasting effects so guys who have you know constant back pain you know they're they're in chronic pain from some injury that they sustained while they were while they were at war and they can't get you know they can't get treatment they can't get coverage for specialists that they want to go see it's like a it's like a constant problem being able to have access to the to the healthcare that everybody else just kind of has you know like I don't really have to do much to see specialist for my son who has hemophilia but if you need to see a pain management specialist and you're a veteran on disability good luck that's all I could say it's gonna be hard you know you're gonna have to fight fight for everything what do you think of the Nights radiant from Brandon Sanderson I like them I think it's a cool idea I don't like the second two books very much so I think they're there's too much story they get too boring they're too slow paced the first book I like a lot Oh as a civilian electrician for nearly 20 years I took a huge pay cut to join a bit of altruism and sense of duty I suppose or maybe just a midlife crisis anyway I'm going I'm going this time right have a good one I appreciate it that was my dad he joined when he was like 28 or something I had my friend Pete he joined in his 20s I think just he was like he felt like he needed a big change in his life and being in the military was something he needed to do as part of his life experience and he did it that's great do you think we will get to a world where everyone is given a social life score and the controls what jobs you get with loans you were approved for my social events you're invited too were already there we're already living in it Remy yeah I can have you know if I'm too vocal about my or if I if I have too much impact in social media I could lose my bank accounts it's already happening right now we have a Social Credit System it's just secret and it's not a front at least China it's like a score you can look at rainy Michael Moorcock's si made me wonder if I am secretly militarist fascist si seeing as how a lot of de fiction I read is in the tradition of everything he criticized you know that K let's push back against Michael Moorcock there just because you've wrote military am i a fascist because I wrote military fantasy no I don't consider myself fascists because I wrote military fantasy and I don't really consider I consider some of the ideas in Starship Troopers to be fascist especially as they were but like not that much really let me get down to it I understand why when the movie was made it was basically made to make fun of Starship Troopers but ended up being really popular because the elements that people liked from the book were in the movie and he just kind of made everything in opposition to the philosophy it's kind of funny I did a couple videos on it they upset everybody because I I'm off on my own own little world not not buying into the hype have you ever experienced sleep paralysis and I have not do you think sleep paralysis has a general supernatural element I don't know I really don't I have no idea I have extremely vivid dreams every night far more vivid and memorable than I realized most people have this unique thing and because I'm a musician the effects a paranoia on noise is I can hear music not musical hallucinations like what a schizophrenic has always like I'm marrying the Beatles it's like I can I can hear rhythms in things that are just found and I think nobody else can do that but it's just something about the way that paranoia works you hear you you I hear patterns in inch white noise and I can see patterns in objects but whenever I look at grains of wood I see faces maybe I'm maybe I'm crazy but I think it's just like my my pattern recognition is too sensitive what are your thoughts on Jesus saying that he does nothing of himself but does the will of his father is this determinism no it's Inc from from whom his his origin and his authority and his beam derives from this from the father meaning he's got right that's how he's saying that it's like I'm not I'm not an independent being acting of my own will that dude that the power that I have to perform miracles is that power which comes through me through the father it's the divine power that is not my human side right I'm not a theologian but that I don't think it's determinism no determinism has been handled that by many different philosophers Christian and otherwise it's a complicated topic I don't believe in universal determinism unconditional election for some I don't believe in unconditional election for everyone but unconditional for election for some I think it's true that's what the story of Joe teaches me in the story of st. Paul st. Paul was a persecutor of Christianity until he was forced to understand the truth it became converted he was elected you know Jesus elected him to be his disciple and to be a missionary there was no he didn't have an option and when he understood he didn't have an option and he had to perform God's will then that's where he achieved the peace and the understanding of his life you know you should actually take that Christian fantasy disaster idea and make it into a novel I can also see it as a great fantasy action-adventure hack-and-slash video game yeah like God of War but Christian what kind of fiction or perhaps content within fiction do you personally believe should be off-limits for a believer to write just curious I don't know because the the topics and all of that kind of other stuff those are just topics and it's how you handle them so if you're writing about demons question is what are you are you advocating partnership with demons because I'm thinking we do that as a Christian but if you're fighting demons I don't think that's off-limits I don't think we're well I don't think anything's really off-limits I listen to black metal - I'm wearing an eyepatch and this isn't really like satanic black metal by the way like a bath an immoral or not other than like their very first record which was the habala chol full moon mysticism there's not really any satanic stuff and if you listen too far whose big band from YouTube by the way there were no Satanists in the Norwegian black metal scene they didn't exist it was all just part of the aesthetic you know so I don't know I don't think anything's off-limits but if it if it hinders you then it then you should not do it it's up to you if it hinders you you shouldn't do just like how I can wear my tears I can enjoy caffeine without it injury and I can have a glass of wine without it affecting me but some people are alcoholics and they can't have any wine period it's up to you to figure out those things which inhibit your your growth the depraved sex cults and worship of the demon of the Hollywood led to the downfall of the old California this is great they put up no defense against the betrayal of their Mexican food arathi they did Liliana dirty yeah all of Inquisition felt dirty though so many ugly characters physically and emotionally absolutely Bob God I just really hated I did I I like to inquisition less than Dragon Age - Dragon Age - at least had some decent gameplay inquisition the gameplay was awful you're wandering around the wilderness clicking on thing I'm like what am i doing this is not World of Warcraft I can't sell these herbs on the auction house to buy my epic mount what am I doing here this is boring stupid crap get back to basics kill darkspawn tell me a story let me talk to the characters and that by the way folks is why I'm loving the new Fire Emblem game so Fire Emblem three houses has my full recommendation I'm gonna do a video on it maybe this weekend I probably haven't played it as much as some of you but it's great it made me feel like I was playing Dragon Age Origins like I interact with characters if I want to there's a story that happens the combat is really engaging and tactical and fun and I wish there was an insanity mode but there's not yet so it's great it's if you like Dragon Age the core of what it really is you'll probably like and your if you like Final Fantasy Tactics you're gonna like Fire Emblem like Final Fantasy Tactics meets the character part of Dragon Age Origins including answering the characters and ways they make them like or dislike you a little bit there's a little bit of gamification there so it's great I like it a lot regarding memory filtering I think it's an essential part of mental health and also naturally occurs on a cultural level yeah current social justice teaching goes the other extreme yeah that's that's very pressing it is part of mental health like the memories that you continue to recall can cause you distress you know if you're some people I've I've heard some therapists talk about that some people just they fixate on things in the past they really shouldn't do and then it becomes a bigger no one in no one remember is this embarrassing event except for them is what you end up with it's very weird is it strange to join the army out of a sense of boredom or desire to have adventure no my friend Mike joined the army became a knight a Navy SEAL because he wanted to go on a grand adventure he loved playing RPGs he's like I'm gonna go do this in real life and he did it he went and he became a Navy SEAL and had all the adventures of life now there were some negative consequences to that obviously because combat can be traumatic but he did that you know and wow that's really cool that he did that and I don't think he would I don't want to speak for Mike because he's a complex person of his own being but you know it's something that that I think probably may have improved his life in ways that he probably doesn't understand I mean I didn't understand it at the time until afterwards do you have a book that you hate then I've written a book day that I hate that I've written no no I don't think so we'll use String classic yes I will I don't know I tend to forget the books I hate that I tend to forget why I hate them I'm probably a magic about clay Parker my Parker writes great horror but his fantasy is god-awful it's one of the worst fantasy books I've ever read that's bad Oh tarp are thank you for that super Chet you deserve some real donations do you have a stream lab set up so YouTube doesn't get 30% of your super chips I do not I probably should and that is a very good suggestion it's hard for me to take time away from all the other stuff that's like new it is to set up stream labs but you're right I should probably do that I do have a subscribe star so I shut down patreon because I don't like them and I felt like they'd be kicked me off anyway so I did subscribe star and most people didn't follow me over there but if you want to support me I all my books I give them out for free on just this subscribe start so you're gonna get books for free and that's cool let's see here do you dream in first or third person almost always first person there was a Christian god of work called Dante's Inferno you oh oh yeah I never played that I remember the game yeah a game called Dante's Inferno your vengeful Crusader killing demons but I don't I never played it okay in the last stream you mentioned something about some famous musicians experiencing demonic oppression oh so this was I think this is geezer butler the guys from Black Sabbath and geezer butler were like was researching occult stuff he's the guy who wrote all the original lyrics until deal deal joined the band he wrote the lyrics then deal was the main lyricist and he just wrote the music with with Tony but he experienced all kinds of bad things from that and got rid of and they you they were really upset that like the record company was putting like all kinds of satanic imagery inside the album booklet because I think it was geezer had gotten so upset about it that's such an Latin negative experience from researching it and getting into it same thing with with Dave Mustaine Dave Mustaine claims to perform black magic but that it is a horrible thing and he had to go to Christ to try to negate it Oh totally on the memory fixation my first breakup years ago was really traumatic and it took a while to stop replaying parts and over and over again I'm with you and I've had the same experiences I remember alright I remember like really embarrassing things from when I was like 8 you know and it's like nobody alive remembers this except for me that's stupid I need to reframe it so it's like yes it was embarrassing for my eight-year-old self but there's no impact on my current life it was in Barrett this was embarrassing for my 14 year old self but it's likely that no one else remembers it because it wasn't embarrassing for them you know and reframing if they do remember it they probably forgave me not sure if Christians should be a thing in this futile pagan America could be a put upon heresy like a pre Thea dision Rome but I kind of like the simple D&D of the founders how about the the Christians are Crusaders coming back to claim the Holy Land of America you know like they were there were people that escaped America and went to like a foreign land and then it coming back there really ought to be a kingdom of desert led by an anionic Mormon kingdom of God on earth I think that that's what the Mormons wanted to do originally they wanted to have a separate Society and then then they kind of were like yeah can we just go to the Utah Territory and then there was actually there was a fight I've trying to remember the history there was like a little mini war between the Mormons and the US government I should read up on it because I read it once and I thought it was super interesting do you think that there's anything occultic about the music of the Beatles super Aleister Crowley on an album cover or Led Zeppelin oh not really not any more than anything else the Beatles got into Hinduism and then fell out of it I think it was just mostly a lot of zany experimentation they also did that weird cover where they were all covered in meat Aleister Crowley is very interesting though I wouldn't ever try to practice anything you did what about power metal bands such as twilight force what do you think of Blind Guardian and Iced Earth I guessing you haven't been around the channel that much though I did one of the more popular Twilight Force reviews and it came out I don't know if I have to help in here still it's somewhere yeah I love Twilight Force I'm looking forward to their new album kind of and I like their new singer Blind Guardian I've seen them been listen to them since the 1990s tending with ice thirth Iced Earth last time I saw them they were they were actually really good but I was so exhausted from living in Las Vegas and seeing symphony acts in front of them I wasn't as into it are you care of comfortable sharing how voices is performed on Amazon I have to look at it I haven't looked at it yet very much the only marketing I did for it was this zero ads no ads I've done zero ads our marketing for voices the void met because I don't know if people are gonna like it and I've also figured out there's certain things about running Amazon ads like if you run ads on new stuff you're kind of wasting your money I figured that out again I tried to tried a couple things with crown of sight I had some really really good performing ads but they weren't converting because I don't have enough reviews so if you read a crown of sight please didn't give it a review that's like the best way to help me off I get you need that the social proof is very important on Amazon I see that other people read it and got through it and giving it three four or five stars is good or even one-star that people give it one star if they're one star fake reviews are the best it's like one star this guy's a fascist I've had that before it's like written by a Nazi someone saw a YouTube video I didn't that it didn't like me and decided to leave a review usually Amazon remove those home are you comfortable sharing how voice oh yeah okay record company slipping satanic images into their podcast must be a coincidence yeah products yeah sorry no podcast thoughts on why the four Gospels seem to have certain scenes cut out or rearranged in Jesus ministry when I first read the Gospels it felt to me like I was reading a screenplay well their reflections decades after the fact by different people who of course had different experiences with them so none of the Apostles were around when Jesus was born they are recounting their experiences from how they understood he was born they may have all been in the same place but remember different words that he said like they're not you you shouldn't look at the Gospels like this is word-for-word what he said it could be but it's just as likely that because of that memory filtering in the way that you write things you're you're writing the things which are important and so so you know John's Gospel is writing what is important about Christ from John's perspective and sending with Luke and Matthew and Mark so each of them each of them represents you know that's why we have four it's why there's Forrest because you can't rely just on one perspective to have everything that was there I mean historically that doesn't it wouldn't make that much sense I think there's been attempts to try to create like fluid retellings but it's better to keep the original Gospels with their inconsistencies because the inconsistencies represent the reality of the people who wrote them I do my best to not dwell on things in the past that won't help me in the present yeah I try I've tried to talk to people about the truth of the medieval period but they always are so glued and everything was mud in 20 year lifespan I think that I felt like a lot of that came from Mark Twain Mark Twain wrote Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and everyone was naked and in the mud you know that's not the way the medieval period was at all this people have this idea of this Dark Ages the Christian Dark Ages it's like all all the medieval period was not Dark Ages people couldn't read people couldn't read under the Romans what's your point like widespread literacy is a rather new thing you know everyone in the Senate could read in Rome it's like yeah these are if they're all they're all patricians of course they can do you think like that you think the regular old people in Rome Muslim probably couldn't read at least there's no evidence that they could all read see your if you go with it being post-apocalypse the Amish became the elves of the fetal America the fall didn't hurt their way of life so much they stayed in secluded forest lands of Sylvania yeah the Amish they're the ones really willing winning the culture war who's winning the culture war the Amish having lots of kids they're not interacting garbage it doesn't affect him they live on their own you know there's no internet to tell their tell their daughters that they need to go do whatever the elders don't want them to do their win in the culture war a bit of love crafting humor knock knock who's there Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu for flagon you think China supplanting American hegemony is a matter of inevitability no I don't I don't think that's a matter of inevitability I think what's more likely to happen is more return to equilibrium where there's no hegemon rather than a replacement of hegemony I think you always go through a period of whatever I think because China has its own problems you know China has got some problems remember you too can be a god if you follow Joe Smith get a Mormon wife die get your own planet and have lots of babies with you goddess wife just like God did this is where now now Brigham Young actually he preached that Adam was God that God became Adam became a mortal man so that the human race could have mortal children and then and then he was God that he was Elohim that's not official that's not officially part but he preached that I think we had decided that that wasn't gonna be part of their kin and after he I think y'all so I don't know how many wives he had they've gone away from the multiple wives thing too it's changed a lot it's changed a lot over the last 10 or 50 years Mormon history is very interesting in the 19th century especially to me at least Blind Guardian made the theme for the action RPG videogames sacred - yeah I remember that I remember that they their little CG versions it didn't like rocking out with like some some demons and stuff hello here my dog barking a dog is back my dog's been at my mom's house for like two weeks cuz we were on vacation and now she's back barking yeah I remember that was on that song showed up on some Wheel of Time The Wheel of Time album is a good album there's a really good album and they were great on tour saw them in Tempe Arizona and there was like no one there but is great Christians could be both snake-handling revivalist in Appalachia and Teutonic style Crusaders returning from Cuba to send it from the sailors Marines at Guantanamo Bay that's interesting you find a media's depiction of Jesus annoying I would say maybe they come back from the Philippines do you find the media's depiction of Jesus in the one who always went being extremely lovey-dovey find that his personality is much different in the Gospels I do you know he's usually depicted and this is a thing oh he was a peace-loving hippies that was a socialist or something he wasn't a socialist at all let's like get out of here he did say that it was hard for Richman to go to heaven because they were attached to their material possessions they didn't want to give him up in order to achieve a better spirit but that's not socialist socialism is the ownership of the means of production by the state Eden said you know the Romans should own all of our businesses or we should overthrow the Romans and have to have a central Jewish Authority on all of the businesses to transform ourselves into betterment whenever people talk about the dark ages that point out that major European universities yes we found it in the 1200s in cleaning Oxford in the and the this Szabo name so lots of great historical figures were were scholastics musicians you know gaspar sanz the an Iberian and Italian guitarist he was educated and I think Salamanca and that was a big deal you know that was back in like the 1600s they had major university stuff and that university itself was like 300 years old at the time it's great the worst thing about the modern Western military is the swirling mass of Newspeak they make you live in I'm not aware of it so I'd have to you'd have to give me some examples or do a video on it the word question but do you ever know anyone with obsessive-compulsive disorder I do and if so did you learn anything worthwhile as a result such as any wisdom about psychology so I've known to people with OCD and what I've learned about it it's it's too much to talk about but people have different coping mechanisms that they employ and a lot of times if you were ignoring your coping mechanisms it will cause a crisis so then the Gospels are like film snapshots from the memoirs of the authors it's true then the truth Jesus talked of that's memories that we have can into them I think it's kind of like a bunch of a sign behind the scenes documentaries and we lost the original film because we weren't there to witness him ourselves it's a ghost on your door Jesus would reject socialism I think he would I think he does socialism is usually highly atheistic what are your thoughts on Tennessee Williams in John Steinbeck I like John Steinbeck Tennessee Williams I guess I like his plays I don't know they're not what I think about when I think about things I really love I've read over Adam is there such a thing as cyberpunk fantasy why not yeah there is Shadowrun shadow run is cyberpunk fantasy histories if not yeah Jesus was also strongly implied as a wild thing like the rich being saved was not completely possible through him I don't know about that I can't can't comment on it all right we are out of time we're way over time so I am probably gonna call it there I think my family's back I hear my baby crying so I'll probably go play with her a little bit thank you guys so much for joining me on this edition of the right stream and hey you know sorry for the bad problems early on but it looks like they got I've got him figured out once I got things restarted so yeah so anyway guys I appreciate it and I will see you guys next time and have a great great day you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: David Stewart
Views: 2,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, star wars, books, fantasy, science fiction, writing, publishing, music, review, guitar, space opera, steampunk, steam punk
Id: zlB90G0PT-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 20sec (8360 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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