Wrist problem fixed in 5 minutes!! / prominent styloid process of ulna by physiotherapist

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have you ever wondered why you have a lollipop on your wrist and it isn't even you look sweet dumb right now [Music] some people like me have a more prominent lollipop or what we call the stylized process of the alna bone and some people don't i'm actually sad to announce that the less prominent lollipop is actually better the reason some of us get this prominent lollipop is because the ligaments that are supposed to hold under and wrist bones together tightly have become loose or legs causing the hand and wrist to fall into a more supinated position so if i lift my wrist bone upward into pronation the lollipop disappears then when i drop it it comes back if you haven't had an acute injury then you likely can't change the ligaments conservatively so what we can do is use the muscle tendons that cross this joint to get them strong enough to hold it in place for us the muscles being the extensor carpi ulnaris ecu and extensor digiti edm we'll talk about the causes and potential contributing factors later because i know a new one you want to fix right now otherwise you click away and that's exactly what treatment or fix start by loosening up any tight flexor and pronator muscles or tendons on the palm side of your forearm from the distal portion near the wrist and the proximal portion near the elbow do this with a cross-friction massage and gentle massage through the muscle helping the wrist and arm bone supinate better note that this is general advice and might not be specific to everyone do this if you find tightness in supination from here so we need to strengthen these two tendons that go across the ulna bone and attach to the base and tip of the baby finger you can start with isometric contractions palm facing up extend your wrist then ulna deviate you'll feel the tendons of ecu and edm contracting you can put your finger there and feel it holding for 60 seconds 5 to 10 sets at 7 out of 10 effort 3 to 5 times a week once that becomes easy you can do concentric work to build muscle and tendon strength with more resistance on the band do 8 out of 10 effort or 5 repetitions with 2 to 5 minutes of rest in between each set repeat all this every other day that will take at least 6 to 8 weeks of consistent diligent exercise of these muscles to strengthen them sufficiently you can also add some spot specific plyometric workouts in i personally like the wrist extension flips or 1990 ball dribbles these will build neuromuscular connections and improve coordination between fibers in your muscles so when you are climbing or throwing and catching a ball your wrist won't have problems reacting and recruiting muscles to do the job quickly do these plyometrics throughout the six to eight weeks so for those of you who want to know causes depend on what you've been doing with your wrist at your wrist level when the ulnar collateral ligament honor triquetral ligament and or the ulnar lunate ligament gets looser due to being overstretched and healing in a loosened position that's why the wrist bones fall into supination this is also often associated with distal radial ulnar joint instability [Music] the tendons extensor carpi alnara's extensor digity minimi and pronated quadratus also lack the thickness and strength to hold the alnocarpo and radial ulnar joints in place during activity this is another exercise you can do to make the pronated quadratus muscle stabilize the distal radial ulnar joint however this can be caused by lack of elbow and shoulder range of motion or stability making the wrist take excessive load or compensate for range don't worry about it
Channel: Physio Evangelist
Views: 1,697,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrist, tfcc, baby side of the wrist, physiotherapy, rehab for wrist, wrist injury, wrist pain, tfcc pain, tfcc injury
Id: FeTYTWTfk2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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