Wren Betrays His Longest Love

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Faubert my mouth don't don't break anything it's like I'm a vampire I don't want to be a vampire oh never limit yourself to the tools that you have keep your horizons broad today I am making the plunge I have decided to start learning centum afore d so the last several years everyone here at the studio - the clone have been using what is called 3ds max a program that allows you to manipulate 3d models and render them do simulations all kinds of crazy cool stuff but there's lots of different 3d packages out there and probably the biggest one I think because it's the most supported has the most tutorials has the most plugins and most of the people I follow on Instagram that make 3d stuff they all use this program called Center for deep [Music] 7:40 is very well-supported so many annoyances and struggles and problems with 3ds max because it is not supported I just shot the painting one thing that I do like about cinema 4d so far is just how fast it loads I'm going to load 3ds max you just you just click I just clicked 3ds max at this point I'll usually go grab a snack oh now it's loaded but it's not actually fully loaded just yet this is 3ds max 2018 by the way okay now it's loaded fully there I can start using stuff I can open up projects I'm gonna exit it out I've already exited it now watch cinema 4d clicked it it takes a moment for the splash screen to show up but once it once it actually does show up look at this done look like ready to use I just realized something Carmichael the license I have for octane is only for 3ds max I think it's like five or six hundred dollars I think they have a subscription but I was I guess you got to show the Scorpion obey my mouth Shep 100 Lin a bar no I mean download the software good open that other Lion what fun per file then come up with a sweet shot to make there's actually a plan for that I have a shot in mind that I want to make I've managed to install cinema 4d and it works I've also now started watching some tutorials I have forgotten that washingto toriel's can be really dry yeah I've now managed to buy a subscription to octane render but I'm having this problem it's not working two meters by 2 meters wow that's not that big oh gosh ok shortcuts better throw me off here I'm sure I could probably go into the shortcuts and I can change it to be the way I like if I add an capsule figure a human body human so I've got my viewport movement down to just the middle mouse button so I can move it and then I can press the Alt key in community view yeah change the view I am one step closer I have now figured out how to implement the octane lighting system I mean step two we're gonna figure out how to put an HDR in oh I'll say I'll learn how to frickin camera track my throat's dry it up I didn't really offer books are some of my favorite things because stories are great and there's so much longer than what you get in a movie sure movie might be more visceral but books books are where it's at and listening to books [Music] today we're talking about Star Wars did you see the last Jedi I personally liked it but a lot of people didn't for whatever reason this book that I'm going to talk about today is called heir to the Empire it's part of the thrawn trilogy and it's a fantastic book series and this is why okay let's try to make this interesting don't break anything you want to get on the front okay so before I talk about why the books really cool using the code for our crew if you textin if you are an Amazon Prime member you can actually get can actually get the audible subscription for 495 a month or in three months that's like getting two months for free to get that you gotta go to audible.com slash I go to audible.com slash corner crew more you can actually text message quarter through one word to 500 500 if you're not name is I'm trying member that's okay cuz you can get like the regular 30 day subscription now the book that I want to talk about is called Eric's the Empire is the first of a trilogy so if you get the first one another two months to get the other two this book takes place about five years after the events that Return of the Jedi so this the Death Star's destroyed Vader's dead the Empire is gone but this book is no longer Canon because Disney made all of Star Wars before the news the new trilogy like non-canon anymore so this is like an alternate universe where this is actually starting to work man he got Luke Skywalker Han Solo got it c-3po even I mean Lando and Han Solo it's a very old time I think Rex is starting to get our groove going this was working here let me take the camera from I expected that way so one of the things that I think sets this book apart this is the 20th anniversary series of this book is the production value and let me talk to Adrian about what is that claim mean by that okay it's so we can make it happen not only is the narrator really good any the solid impressions of like all the original Star Wars characters music like Star Wars music and sound effects and like background audio that's very immersive so like Luke Skywalker no this is with Han Solo at a bar I see why you're like oh like a 13-hour book yeah but it has it has just enough it's like aspects to it to make you feel like you're watching a movie or show or something it's very immersive it's though it's like a 13 hour movie at Star Wars apparently written like 25 years ago 28 years ago that's all over the Peter you are you Amazon Prime yeah dusty you are an Amazon subscribe you can get an audible subscription for four ninety-five a month for three months you like a book yeah for four ninety-five a month I gotta do is go to audible.com slash quote our crew or you can text message Porto crew one word to 500 500s that sounds like a deal I'm doing it I've listened to lots of books I have some others that I would like to talk about here is a list of some of them and you should let me know in the comments which one I should talk about next so I guess I should probably film a shot I'm going to use something that I've been wanting to do for a little while which is use my favorite camera in the whole world the insta 360 one it's a 360 camera I want to just have some sort of chrome figure 2 scanning here but for it to be Chrome it has to have something to reflect and that's where this comes in this is gonna give us a video reflection plate real-time reflections of someone walking around it so if I have some sort of chrome model here it'll reflect the person as they walk around it you might notice here I have a slightly different 360 camera this one actually belongs to Vsauce it doesn't belong to me I've been borrowing it for less a few months this isn't to get a reflection pass this is gonna actually capture several stops of light in 360 so that I will have an image that actually influences the light of the scene see the skylight up above as sources of light I will combine those images into one super high dynamic range photo and use that to influence the light so between this and the video camera I'll be able to get a nice accurate representation of the real environment here but in CG I wanted to give you guys a pro tip about motion tracking how do you prep your footage so that it can be tracked more easily and more accurately at least this is how I used to do it I used to just add levels Craig tres overall across the holeshot problem with that is that you end up losing detail when you do that and then you don't have anywhere to track on say like a wall or the ground this way you add a crap-ton of detail without actually destroying the footage so here is my footage with no effects applied most people do in this situations they will literally add sharpness that's not what you want to add what you want to add as a few different instances of unsharp mask what is unsharp mask finds like places where there's contrast and then just increases the contrast very locally in that spot and you can adjust the radius at which its doing that I'll add a few different effects of on sharp mats note contrast with contrast so I have a radius at around 50 another at 20 and then another at 5 motion-tracking so much easier I can track this point here because I can easily see it without the in shark mask boom it's really hard to make out from the rest of the footage so if there's name amount of motion blur it disappears I really like this little dude as like a test subject so I ended up just kind of dealt with the locating I ended up just kind of duplicating him a few times and adding a few different textures to kind of just figure out some cool stuff so we got like all material right here in the front but I also made like a little like goldish foil type material I also made like a plastic red material and of course my favorite ice the materials here are actually all fairly simple what's interesting about this is that I actually have the real lighting from where we shot the video and I'll show you that here now currently there is no light in the scene just ambient light now if I turn on the actual image based lighting boom so as you can see you have like the light coming down from the sky lights hitting the top of each of these models so they're a little brighter up there if I change the exposure you'll be able to see what I'm talking about so my exposure is set to 1 right now but if I drop it down you can see how the bright spots on the reflection of the skylights are actually showing up the most because that's what it would be like if you were to stop down the exposure on a camera it looks great but the problem is that my reflection is not there it's like I'm a vampire I don't want to be a vampire fortunately I can prevent vampire crisis by putting in the 360 image codenamed garlic reflection of the HDR and reflection of the video so now as I actually get closer to the camera you can see my reflection pop up and this is what I was one I wanted to get right up against it and wave and you could see me all distorted like I'm actually looking at some boldest thing like that you should look a lot like that I'm happy with my materials I'm happy with my lighting I'm happy with my scene I'm happy with my marriage yeah I'm happy with world affairs I really like these materials now but the models can be improved and so to do that the whole point of me starting this thing is I wanted to make a terminator and fortunately I don't have to know how to model the Terminator because there is a free version of the Terminator available online that I could download and use tragen I don't need to know how to model this Terminator because I have time travel Friday rendered took 15 hours there are five hundred and sixty frames so it's 18 seconds long this is terminators yes I'm excited so this is actually the first time I'm previewing the shot as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little Terminator man it was amazing Wow it's doing that's clearly doesn't get transfer over for 3dsmax yeah a lot does transfer over for sure are you going to transfer over oh yes am I gonna transfer I think so how long do you think it'll take you to transfer over I'm ready to do it we got some we got some 3d steaks for a chrome tech to do can I do now the cinema I'm excited cool this looks great awesome very nice work I am really happy you stuck around on this journey with me thank you for watching and I'm just really happy I know how to use cinema 4d now and I believe you can too there's tutorials for all this stuff online grayscale gorilla is a fantastic resource but really when it comes down to learning something you have to give yourself a goal you have to have something to aim for it you don't have that you might as well be wasting your time here I specifically had a shot in mind that I had planned and that wanted to create I wanted to create this shot but in order to do that I had to learn this program and get through the steps of doing that to make this shot if I didn't have this shot I would have been like I don't know what I'm doing anymore thank you for watching and subscribe to the corridor crew Channel
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 745,163
Rating: 4.9495745 out of 5
Keywords: sam and niko, sam, niko, corridor, corridor digital, corridor crew, cinema 4d, 3ds max, octane, render, vfx, cgi, c4d
Id: vKZBtE289Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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