Wraith vs Venom - X3 vs Mav R

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] I was buy building Lego okay good afternoon guys it is a freaking gorgeous day and we are still pretty snowless but we have to get wraith ready cuz we are headed to the mountains and it's going to be here before we know it's like 12 days we leave so we got to get the tracks on it so what better time it's been a long time cuz as you know Mrs AA you know God God bless but she smashed that AR but we got that all fixed up little bit of footage here but everything went super smooth I had never done an AR before you know disassembling the whole front of the x-3 but it all went really good we got that all swapped out so before we put the tracks on guys let's do a little verses battle I have never driven these back to back I've only been going for rips in the mavar lately I haven't even driven the X3 for like 2 months so what better chance to do tires comparable uh they're both 32 they're pretty comparable I think maybe these ones are maybe just a touch say more grippy but man they're pretty dang comparable it's cool that they're both 32s anyways these are the versac cross v3s and then these are the ITP tenacities that come on the mavar so so yeah they're comparable enough definitely for top speed both stock both bone stock cuz that's a late model 21 you guys as you know the ECU is ECU is locked on those suckers so she they're both bone stock so it's really going to be an awesome an awesome video to compare windi the only thing I got the he seat yeah we're going to even though it is gorgeous it's it's like maybe minus two it's it it does get cold when you're doing freaking 90 miles an hour so well 90 miles hour in that my helmet maybe not 90 mes an hour in that but yeah okay we're going to hit a few obstacles kind of back to back and we'll try to edit it so we'll basically hit one of the avar boom it'll be wraith and then we'll kind of switch back and forth then at the end hopefully we can have some sort of drag race or something across the field cuz I have no idea I know X3 is a lot a lot lighter so does it get the jump on the mavar so that's really when tires are going to come into play which one hooks up better top end there is no comparison right you can do 160 km an hour in the mavir before you hit the limiter and I think you do about 140 in the X3 so there's no no chance up top I'm just you know wondering about the like say about the Eighth Mile you know 600t which one's going to be out ahead and of course that's going to be traction related right here's what we're racing on we'll go out one of our fields or whatever get a nice long stretch and we'll race out in the field so whichever one gets traction but it should be super fun so let's get to the action all right I got a little bit of plowing to do on the lake so we can get our little skating rank ready but the first challenge is going to be three laps around the pond let's do [Applause] it [Applause] [Applause] a who needs a Haro when they got [Applause] [Applause] that okay okay all right now see super fun I know one thing today for sure there will be no losers there will be all freaking winners oh my God was that fun man when it kicks in a second on the back straight there woo you start getting some real wheel speed okay now it's going to be very interesting now we get a rip rth okay ready [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] ni [Music] sh wa dang you know holy cow man I think he had just as is much fun the X3 is a freaking Riot too it it is it is very different it seems like I don't know obviously it's it's much more linear power but it seems like that it's just lacking that mid-range but it's so hard to tell cuz everything's just spinning like crazy but it was freaking fun I have no idea who beat who they both felt very similar as far as getting around there like you definitely it looked like you were kind of losing traction a couple spots oh yeah a couple spots man I'm like I'm like oh yeah and then when you're drifting in four-wheel drive sometimes it sends you way wide out in the corner and you want to kind of stay tight but I'm no Pro driver but I am proav fun so Pro that was a fun okay let's go hit some jumps okay okay let's talk about so this one we're going to hit our second tabletop cuz it is the sweetest jump we have on our whole track and I guess we'll just try to compare Landings I guess and and I guess uh flight too the flex the yeah yeah just how yeah how it how it soaks it up or whatever so and and you know how it is in the air and everything like that but I already know I already know this jump is so freaking fun you get like a solid two seconds of air and it's just awesome and around around I didn't really film any of it but around like New Year's and Christmas lots of friends and family were over and none of them had ever been in a sport by side by side let alone the mavar and I I would take them and I'd do this little track and and it would be hitting this jump and oh my goodness everyone was just like I got reactions from people thinking they were going to die to just sheer laughter to woohoo so much fun we got to get some of that on video for you guys I'll I'll try to get my sister-in-law cuz she's she's pretty high strong as it is and she's never been in it so I'll try to I'll try to video that when we when I bring her on the track for the first time cuz this track this Can-Am track is it's so much fun there the jumps are so awesome the banked Corners are so much awesome even in the snow once you dig through the snow and you get to the dirt you're getting Maximum Traction so you get this slingshot effect around the corners it's so much fun okay but for now we're just going to we're going to compare jumping [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] oh all right oh my goodness man the x-3 is so much fun as well you were getting some tail kick on so yeah the the very the the last one I finally man I was like I had to put my purse down like I just was not hit it fast enough F last one I hit the transition nice first thing you feel instantly is the power steering on the mavar is freaking so next level it's like wow is it it it feels like not having power steering to having actually power steering of course you feel it but man going from this to that there's just as much change it's like going from no power steering to power steering it's crazy power the mavar just seems a little bit more Savage as far as as far as those shifts and and it just seems like the connection or what yeah like it like maybe it you know that just clutches shifting and stuff it just it's that those slight you know fractions a second fractions a second they all they all add up to just it seems like it seems like right and this just my opinion it seems like that would be quicker around quicker out of the corner quicker everywhere but you can also do lots of little tricks like pre-loading you know driving with two two feet and kind of pre-loading the turbo on this too that's at Sport Plus mode it's always it's always in that one or two or however many pounds boost when you hit it it's always right there and that transmission it shifts so well like I I you guys I never run the paddle shifters I just leave it automatic cuz it does such a good job and then all I have to worry about is steering braking you know everything I don't have to try to worry about shifting it's super fun out in the field to bang through the gears for sure but on the track it's like it does such a freaking good job I just leaving Auto but all I can say after a couple events say holy cow these things are fun okay on to the next one okay so this is the freestyle okay so this is like you know what I really would love to compare but we just don't have any right now is is like Moguls like a mogul type thing in slow motion just to see how the suspension works but we don't really have that right now so we're doing some side Hill freestyle so and then it'll be the race so so basically which one's more fun to drive all right you ready get on more fun to just go nuts in okay all right I think they're both kind of the same they're they're both really fun this one's [Music] [Applause] pretty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh oh my goodness oh s this seems like a recipe for disaster just headed downhill on a SL sliding sideways but that's what this thing does so well it's so stable so quick little rip and race and we'll [Music] see oh [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy just so you think one's going to be way better than the other oh my God was that fun so it's almost easier to control in a drift because again you have that kind of more linear power whereas that you're in first gear and all boom it Hammer second and all you pick up not double the wheel speed but way more wheel speed so then you really have to correct for that what nothing I was thinking it would catch but oh yeah no it's it just it it doesn't really catch but it just gives you instant wheel speed when it hits the next gear and then you have to kind of compensate for that but the more you drive it the more you get used to it and the more it's just like intuitive and and you just have no trouble controlling it but but man I'm telling you you really can't go wrong you guys if you have an X3 and you're having this like you need the new thing if you're happy with your X3 man I'm telling you they are a freaking solid rig so don't have don't have that Envy where you need the newest thing the mavar is freaking amazing it's awesome but if you got an X3 just know that they are freaking blast driving them back to back to back they are both a freaking blast to rip so if that makes you feel better I don't know if it does or not but I'm telling you if you're happy and is doing everything you need it to be man don't worry about it you know Ram it around for a couple more years and then see maybe there'll be some more stuff with the mavar who knows what the future holds but for now we just got to do this top end race which again I have no idea how this is going to go the x-3 is freaking fast wraith freaking rips man so except for except for it has a slower driver so but he just hold it to the floor know we we'll set a little lane so you just have to follow a set of tracks hold it to the floor and then I'll put a thing in the snow where where you where you got to hit the brakes so we just don't end up in the trees okay one 2 w so close man the first time I just could not get going I got to land the Drone has like 10% battery my drone controller holding tree got it what do we got left here oh still 14% man I just could not get going just like it wouldn't shift it was just spinning the tire I think the versac cross are a better Tire like they hook much better it would be cool we got to definitely do this again hey you missed me almost sliding out of control oh I didn't see why why are we doing that I'm like oh the trees really yeah when you're on the inside outside oh how would you get the trees on the outside started SL I'm like what we really got to do is we got to get on like a prep surface like a like a closed Road and do it again cuz uh it would be much better cuz yeah basically now it's just whatever Tire can hook through the snow into the dirt but it's still a freaking blast glad that I pretty much one no yeah totally good job okay so yeah we just want to have a little bit of fun today cuz like I said race got to go on tracks we got to get it into winter mode it's got to get the doors the wind shield and the tracks put on so we're going to do that this week getting ready to go to the mountains hopefully there's like 30 feet of snow there I can't freaking wait but as always we wouldn't be able to do any of this St below you guys we freaking love you guys we're glad you're here we love sharer love sharing our adventures with you guys and we'll see you next video
Channel: ostacruiser
Views: 27,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ostacruiser, osta, canam, can am, can-am, maverick r, mav r, maverick x3, x3, race, offroad, sherp, russian sherp, 4x4, 4wd, stuck, worst stucks
Id: 4fvR2ZhsymI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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