ANOTHER RZR! Doug's new TURBO R! Maverick R DUNES rip!

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all right so our journey collectively here through the sport of side by side continues today another new unit I've been feeling like I've been due for a bit Battlefield 2.0 great machine right but it's been around a while long time so getting a number of these things now I started in a 2013 OG Maverick first side by side good car went to a 2016 yxz did a ton of stuff with that good car then the 2018 Turbo S Battlefield 1 love that machine great car the current Pro XP Battlefield 2 love that one as well and of course we had just a ton of different stuff driven all these things in lots of different situations I really feel like I'm starting to dial in on the type of experience that I want from a side by side the markets Al also just do an interesting thing stuff's changing quickly machines are changing quickly uh the top dog stuff's kind of go in one particular direction everybody's starting to go a particular way so I said this I got to go somewhere else got to do something different you know if I was trying to buy a three-piece sectional I'd go to Art B right that's not what I want I want something that's got a lot of fun factor it's like a rabid little jack rabbit in the trails okay trying to achieve that and I think I found the machine that's going to provide the base for what I'm trying to do it's going to be a bit of a wacky build that'll come later but this is where it's going to start what we got we got 2023 turbo ultimate cuz here's the things I wanted a good suspension got it a good drive line got it an engine that I can work with sporty got it uh and that's pretty much all I want rest of this stuff I don't care about it yeah I don't care about it get rid of it I just want something that I can make real sporty also has a short wheelbase cuz I want to do wheelies I want to do jumps yeah this is it I want it to bounce through the woods this is sweet sweet car clean car cool car yeah so why I like this is essentially you know you know that Pro R level suspension almost it's a little shorter right doesn't quite have the travel in the back but it's got the real badass suspension components it's got the cool Drive Line stuff the wheel bearings the drive shafts like all that upgraded stuff yep that I want but in a little bit smaller package that I can uh work with so super excited about this actually hell yeah really Jack already put a lot of thought into what this build is going to be uh already got some parts coming again that's for another big changes happening super fast let's go pay for it load her up yeah it's a good day I'll stay out of area I don't want you don't want to go up to the Zone only buyers get to go up there dude all the secrets I've been up there talking about Secrets dude is Justin I think he just bought a razor yesterday he's like maybe I'll get a turbo R I just need to drive one first and I said who's going to let you drive their Turbo R I don't know anybody so he just skipped that whole process it's so their signning papers yeah they have a sport model which is like the the intro one I like it I think he's going to go away with it right now is this happening I think so credit scores being ran financing happening it's too late got rabbit ho too we got it we're such a terrible influence inredible I love it well as we like to say will never be this clean again never be this clean or put together again but it's going to be a fun machine I'm really confident that what we're going to do with this is going to just be exciting and fun so and different more importantly different way way different let's hear it does it sound any different Mike what do you think I mean I'm just going to say it's going to sound a little cleaner okay just fresh new just running clean smooth smooth Smooth Operator dude D all [Music] right oh yeah looking good dude the front suspension on that looks huge yeah I'm really excited I like sporty machine that I can do sporty things with but it's able to take hits like we know these suspensions you can really throttle y That's awwesome that look for you're good [Music] bud oh my look at this guy what's he doing hey good for you man got me the new convertible model oh boy that's got to be assembled still come on L is a saying that we have Justin it's it's never going to be this clean again that's probably good oh back to the shop dude yeah let's do this good job boys I'm happy for you guys you know what we got to do now we got to ride these things got some nice weather I think we need to do that at Dunes so see you guys there we have made it it's a little bit windy my apologies look at this load damn damn damn damn damn this is going to be sick today boys you morphed us here we are at the dunes with all of these rigs dude brand new rig brand new rig Turbo R another brand new Turbo R brand new Pro R Turbo are almost brand new like this is big have you told your wife yet that you bought that not I'm thinking like I just might let this video go she can see it for herself just like everybody I don't know man I'm starting to feel bad about it he's feeling nervous dude you could tell he got a messes sleeping bags pillows all the shop the podcast room it does it does get cozy in there there a couple times I might need it all right so what are we going to do today just drive these suckers around see what they're all about just do stuff I think so maybe like some impromptu comparison stuff not really focusing on that but it'll happen naturally probably going to call Justin out to a drag race basically right away since we have identical matching machines um and they're not drag racers but going to do it anyways I definely want to race this bone stock Pro R yeah why not just yeah just do some jumping maybe want to do some jump yeah we can see how they jump that'll be good drag race Doug had a little extra time at the shop last night I heard game I trust him if he said he didn't but he didn't say he didn't do anything to it so but you already tuned yours no dude okay what are you going to do Mike with your new Pro R hopefully just beat the crap out of have a good time so I got too excited unloaded stuff I want to get moving my bad no you're good you're good what about you when you're not new to you or your own Maverick AR my not a Polaris uh just going to see how it is in our home Dunes I'm going to air the tires way down cuz I have bead locks unlike you guys so oh soft break you know dang it it is what you got tires going to hit the knuckles dude big cheater mod I don't think that actually Matters by the way people getting all B out of shape I just don't think it matters there's no visible wear but over time I don't know yeah whatever I don't think it'll matter but anyway I'm here to have a good time I've been really excited to getting this thing out in a place that I know so he's been unable to breathe for 4 days straight yeah yeah I spent purple so glad we're all doing better now all right let's load up and let freaking go yeah oh yeah guys we are freaking ready it is silver leg [Music] time yeah oh look at the dude oh my God they're beautiful look at that what a beautiful [Music] day holy crap how cool [Applause] [Music] drag race of the century Maverick R Pro r two turbo RS one ultimate one sport looks like Doug was significantly ahead I don't know why very [Music] [Music] interesting all right a little one trip here we go oh wow wow W oh boys boys and their toys dude how do you feel Dogo I am extremely happy so far I think I made the right choice this is a machine that is my style front suspension you know it's incredible on these things the whole thing is so solid feeling compared to what I'm used to and confident you know I feel the weight in it she builds some momentum um but overall love it I think this is going to be what I need it to be soon I like that Justin how do you feel about yours I'm in love right now that's pretty badass right you're not a big two- seat guy no the handling is so there like you can whip the back end around a little bit and then just hit the throttle and it and it goes where you want it to go yeah it's really good a little bit shorter wheelbase on these turbo RS I think is a big thing I could see that too when Mike you were trying the chase it seems like not quite as Nimble as the turbo maybe or maybe you're just eating more sand than a I am having I got to get I'm having some goggle issues okay you'll have that honestly I'm just trying to get used to the car like trying not to push it past the limitation cuz a few times I picked up it is a half ofier car and when she's got the momentum she takes a little more to turn a little more to stop so so far I love the car the car is super badass oh my gosh look at your face brother yeah I was following Justin super close look at the machine yeah the machine got cooked too you know there happens to be something about Justin man we turned over here and he popped out an or and just sprayed me super hard too so I don't know this guy's got something going on he's got something up his sleeve D that I didn't even know there was other cars out here right now I'm just in my own world so how do you feel about this sucker man okay uh it's still it's still somewhat mixed I I love driving it okay the only thing I don't love is the the bottoming out in the rear and when it bottoms out like it bucks hard you know they say 26 in of suspension travel in the rear and it feels like it goes through 28 in over a small bump and that's in Sport Plus I tried it in Comfort it is more comfortable but you can't really go more than 30 m hour over whoops cuz you're just touching bottom smacking uh I wonder if we can adjust a crossover or adust ride height or something cuz when the x3s came out they were super low and that was a big thing to do was adjust the ride height but all these are set up from Factory these two and this one obviously mine isn't but uh I do see distinct differences in how they handle right yeah these these things eat bumps so well but at least you do have crossover adjustment and that's a big deal electronic shocks there's not a lot you can do but you move those crossovers down it probably will help the bottoming we convinced Matt to take out the uh Doug's Turbo R Matt's obviously driven a pro R not much of us have experience with this so you know Matt's needing a new machine soon here he did have a Maverick r on order but I just think in general the Maverick R is kind of it's tough It's a tough justification for us at this point we'll see what he thinks about that dog I'm interested I'm curious I'm curious well you were out for a little 5 minute jaunt what do you think yeah had to do a whole lap you know and try some Woods uh these are good cars yep these are great cars so between this and the Maverick R this definitely feels a lot lighter and more Nimble you can actually Goose it over little humps and you know feel a little bit weight weightlessness you know get a little air under your tires you set up a little higher which I don't prefer it seems like that without work that Maverick R just can't really do what we do right just it needs to be able to take those like medium speed G outs a lot better you seem like a man with just confusion got to pick your team we all got to pick our teams at this point not really but doesn't really matter just want what's best you know like a lot of things about the Maverick R there's a lot of things I don't like I also like having needles for gauges yeah that I mean come on anyway let's just keep riding all right all right we got the quad fect out here boys hitting this little jump we kind of beat it down a little bit turns out this lip is pretty legit we'll see what Justin's got he's got that Kodak courage you know [Music] nice heck yeah dude [Music] I think Mike's got the distance lead so [Music] far nice did he poping [Music] TI you'll be surprised to learn Justin that you blew the tire off the rim that would definitely make a strange sound come on man where's your Speed Lock and this tube that has nothing to do with your car is also on the ground that probably came out of the tire oh that's true tube it's a tire tube b a tube out a tube out well we can at least take care of the dunes a little bit here oh smart smart we don't have the recovery rig oh no yeah I forgot we might not have any air compressor uh we do have one trailer okay no big deal where's your bead blocks man uh you know I forgot them at home he lost them in the air I know you wouldn't know anything about that dang it h too busy looking at Sand a little longer than a few minutes later well it's windy big dog Pro will pull this thing up no problem dude man I just ran out of gas few come all that weight need those big clutches for this tow job like to thank our friends at yankum rope for this opportunity in the description we have a little affiliate link these are the absolute best kinetic ropes ever they are really nice you know especially for Recovery stuff they've towed a lot of vehicles out of the mud when you when you hook one of these up and you bump it it's so soft and nice like if you haven't tried an actual kinetic recovery rope before you're actually missing out in terms of getting things up unstuck it's awesome and I think these are side by side specific now these are a little bit smaller so you don't have a giant bulky rope to carry around when you don't really need it these are strong enough smart well anyway we'll see this thing uh in action and this rope is set up for recovery so it's of course very long asz you want to be out of the mud when you're towing the thing that you're towing Dam it that's told I give him 500 bucks to roll it over dang she taken very close I think that might have been it right there oh now it's not open there you go okay okay okay I think I got to go this way it's like a skateboard yeah maybe lean back into the wind oh yeah oh yeah [ __ ] I think you won I think you made it the furthest I want to like jump off it that' be yeah yeah yeah yeah slam on you oh come on man I could probably actually do that you basically were there yes yes my phone caught on and flipped the car fli the car flip the car the car dang dang it really testing out that other Tire Great Rod Mike Reed man I was just telling you guys I haven't had this genuine just having a good time my buddies out here ri around feeling in a while and I mean don't wrong we have cool machines we've had them but something about just new super responsive Trail cars just yeah it's next level it's absolutely Next Level so this has been uh really good uh you guys as always we always appreciate you guys watching the channel watching the videos we're putting out we wouldn't be here without you guys seriously and we say it over and over and we mean it thank you for subscribing thank you to the people on patreon you guys please again do not forget race Tober is coming it's coming soon and uh October 7th mir's Michigan off-road speed this could be the morning of race this could be the morning I wasn't sure if we were passed this already not but this could be the morning a lot of work guys seriously drag racing uh we're going to do short course doing a backflip we're doing the long jump you guys seriously come out win yourself a chance to win a brand new CF Moto ATV cool machine come on out all you got to do is hang for the day and you you'll get in it'd be cool so come on out we appreciate as always I know this guy over here appreciates everything you guys do as well he's coming uh yeah I got a special message for J diesel since we bought this Maverick R based on his recommendation and it didn't have any good storage in it and I stuffed my hat alongside the seat and then it flew out so JH I need you to send me a new hat please this is your fault hey JH if you see this send us a few hats few hats we'll do that see you guys see you guys
Channel: SXSBlog
Views: 153,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AQRx1v8xowI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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