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wraith has ruined apex legends just select her character and instantly your entire mindset will change all your hair will fall out and then you'll start hearing thumping music with only one goal in mind 4k damage 20 eliminations teammates get out my way because i'm the boss of this squad [Music] [Music] uh my name is ragtag the greatest gutter tier gamer on the face of this elder today we're just getting started rockstar yeah yeah those teammates are useless man it's not my fault it's never my fault i just showed those bullets what my back looked like disconnected yeah well wreath doesn't need you guys okay maybe we could have done with that bank a lot and this wasn't working i haven't played wraith in ages guys so who's the last legend i got a 4k badge with well the only one i managed it with was yeah whilst i can practically hear a thousand digital cackles at the juxtaposition from wreath to crypto we will return to my wraith adventure shortly but first i needed to remember how i did so well with this legend because whenever i play crypto for some reason things just have a kind of a way of working themselves out i'll land what i want get the armor i want the loot i want and then when i'm good and ready we head to fragment and then claim it for our own by the time i got to the streamer lz there was a lone wraith inside possibly a ttv player who had single-handedly destroyed everyone in this building but now they'd have to face the power of crypto tag okay i guess bloodhound did most of the work there but a cool looking drop shot is everything something that all ttvs can do with their eyes shut and sometimes like a 360 no scope on a longbow while playing on their mobile phone remotely because they're in the middle of taking out the garbage at mother's request maybe not but i wouldn't put it past these sweatback players and as the calculating crypto we headed east hoping for more wraiths to analyze and by analyze i mean shoot at them until they transmute into a box the feeling when a warning show actually lands is unlike anything else in this universe and if we keep this up we might even get 100 damage in this game two customers but sadly no wraith if i was the wraith right now i'd follow that mirage and then headshot him out of the air but because i'm crypto i i just get lucky instead [Music] chasing the mirage wasn't really high on my list of things to do right now because we're not crypto cardio we are crypto crusher of rates and as we went back into the building i was about to pit myself against the very thing i wanted to become bloodhound was hurt i was concerned i needed to know my enemy but most importantly smash their shields [Music] i may have smashed my own in the process but they didn't need to know that [Music] one down one to go wreath probably climbed to the highest floor at this point because that's what i would do they didn't climb to the highest floor [Music] moving towards landslide was a welcome change from the capital city eight squads left to four eliminations but most importantly still alive was my choice of legend really responsible for this or was it more like a four-leaf crypto clover charming action here or however it was there it could spot it yeah i named my drone derrick you got a problem with that anyway derrick spotted a runner [Music] [Music] reloading but hello seer while they may possess the power of a crystal hacking maze i suspected something else was going on here and just as well because we discovered a cleverly laid trap by seer who was actually harboring a rampart with sheila now the simple answer of course was to ignore that trap and then see if our enemies would actually realize that we weren't going to take the bait before the ring closed now it was our turn to set the trap trouble is we weren't the only ones with that idea [Music] enemy over there activated [Music] this would be the moment to realize that my teammate has no shields and is incapable of pushing but for crypto it's actually no problem at all because we don't even look at our teammate's health situation ignorance wins games not skill [Music] okay look i wasn't counting on missing pretty much every peacekeeper shot after that armor switch and while things look bad it was now down to bloodhound versus valkyrie an easy match up just whip out the r301 there pal and finish them a lot of time that that the bulls a little bit risky there mate i'm going to be honest crypto's confidence is shaking well that game showed me absolutely nothing about how i managed my 4k damage game before but what if i were to tell you that sometimes you meet a player who will not give up on their stupid aggressive wraith in their team because our garga gargle guard came back from their trip to the internet nether and was determined to keep our squad united no matter the cost wraith may ruin the game for many but some put their faith in a higher calling their faith in the human spirit finally we found someone who put their faith in wraith every fight might be a 2v3 from now on as octane no longer believed but i believed i believe in the bull you're in their check wait no yes believe in the bull jack stupid bangalore what are you doing over there you can't do something oh wait no that's not not what wraith would say good job dear fellow i'm safe here you can come and get me whenever you like i got your back that's the last of that squad their time was ours and the voices from within the portal called us easter okay look they didn't but once you start hearing voices to be honest you can just pretty much blame every decision on them later on especially if it fails so with that in mind the voices told me to make a portal replacing a portal [Music] oh recharging my shields [Music] now the targeting [Music] jumping [Music] [Music] then i was about to pull off a move that only a wraith could do [Music] that's the last of that i mean 99 of that was garbage but she's small enough to hide behind that knockdown shield and i didn't actually know that my five remaining bullets in the r99 would even be enough oh i didn't reload elliot oh wait no i've just lost interest in that whole battle besides four squads left a care package on the field i made a play for it to see if we could even up the odds [Music] punching a tunnel placed look out grenade guess you were told to take out the garbage as well bangalore unlucky pal just us and them there was no reason to hang around outside the ring because if that final squad was skulking about those buildings they'd be cooked alive from the inside out or they'd have to make a desperate push towards us good wraith takes angles against their enemies leaves less of their body exposed and this is something i don't even normally care about but i was finished throwing games today bangalore deserve to win after what they did for me [Music] try out [Music] dreaming hughes died to the ring we surgically dismantled seer this game was over [Music] i had mixed feelings about this victory realizing that wraith has become some kind of living meme and that merely seeing them in your team can often summon suspicion within you because the sheer amount of ttv wraiths solo drop and ruin the experience for others has brought a general distrust for this legend and whilst i did feel something changed within me when selecting wraith again after so long the change ended up being that yes you'd be right 90 of the time to distrust them but 10 of rates are worth giving it you're eight percent i i think that's right yeah i'm good at maths i've been ragtag you've just lost time in your life you'll never get back goodbye
Channel: Rag Tagg
Views: 141,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends, Apex, Apex Legends Wraith, Wraith TTV, Wraith ruined, Apex Legends ruined, Apex Legends season 10, Season 10 Wraith, Apex Legends season 10 ruined, Apex Legends funny, Apex Legends Tales, Apex Tales
Id: YZuXsAIktJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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