WOW! We Made A Tree House Just From Plastic Wrap! Bushcraft Hacks, Camping Tricks By A PLUS SCHOOL
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Channel: A Plus School
Views: 14,435,042
Rating: 4.4098363 out of 5
Keywords: 5 minute craft, 5 minute crafts, 5 minute crafts food, 5 minute crafts for school, 5 minute crafts school, 5 minutes craft, 5 minutscraft, 5-minute crafts, a plus school, back to school, challenge, challenges, crafts, diy, diy activities, diy projects, do it yourself, five minute craft, five minute crafts, handcraft, life hacks, lifehacks, proyectos faciles, school days, school hacks, tik tok, tiktok trends, tiktok video, tips, tricks, trucos, tutorial, useful things
Id: tzJzVrDQfnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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