СRAZY FOOD TRICKS AND HACKS || Cool Food Ideas And Life Hacks by 123 GO Like!

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i can't believe we got the last cake sure hope he likes it [Music] you hear that never mind i almost forgot party hat the perfect finishing touch cute sign right thoughtful details really make for a party atmosphere soda's ready just about done here oh it looks so great in here one more thing we'd better light the candles do you hear him coming oh we gotta go no this way the cake i just took a chunk out of it what's going on whoa is this all for me happy birthday wow a spoon taking a glass what a treat you guys are so creative yuck cheers turns out cake and a glass is a hit all right time to get those legs moving and the blood pumping you're doing great guys let's keep that heart rate up just 30 more minutes you want to see results don't you [Music] oh i'm exhausted already he won't even notice i stopped lily what's our rule about the gum i guess he is paying attention you can get it back later but now let's tighten those waists i gotta be quick with this one good thing i brought extra [Music] i feel the burn and this bubble coming on just my exercise ball see i think you're on to something here great thinking lily and one two three the line starts here stop hand over your food in water [Music] let me see what you've got in your purse too oh no he's doing thorough food checks what should i do hey her barrettes are giving me an idea [Music] i can definitely make this work there we go gummy hurts on my hair clips all right you're next huh let me just see here you're fine go on through i'm inside and it's time for a snack hey girl you can have one too thanks so much you're so nice hope everybody likes chips should be enough [Music] my first guest coming [Music] we're ready to party so many people showed up don't take everything at once guys oh they raided my snack table i can't believe this barely a crumb left remnants of my once plentiful snackage they look hungry [Music] no hey you guys skip lunch or something whoa i barely made it out alive is there something i can feed them what about a bear oh i must have missed those but to make them go further it's candy waffle time looks kind of pretty huh place sticks in each section that way people have something to hold on to just a few minutes later candy waffles gorgeous okay guys please don't bite me still hungry [Music] they look good huh i think the party zombies approve ew there's even one left for me yum [Music] hold it no food allowed [Music] wonder how fast i can eat these i'll never make it past him think those girls can help that thing sure can i've got a plan gotcha i can explain it's not even mine [Music] just gonna borrow this for one second looks like a regular makeup palette right well not for long use a scalpel to get the pieces out and once you've got them all replace them all with candy take the wrappers off and smash them down now they're the perfect size look at all that sweet goodness beautiful nothing to see here hold it what's that just my eye shadow see [Music] well that went smoothly what's up party people in the mood for something sweet one at a time and the rest is for me [Music] working out is so hard huh they're giving mediocre effort oh a message i need to take this you two keep doing what you're doing okay i think he's gone which means it's time for a snack i'm so hungry i can't wait to eat the snickers [Music] yes it tastes so good it's the best thing i've ever eaten wow she must really be hungry [Music] oh no he's coming back into the gym quick pretend like we didn't stop working out what is that on her face oh no way oh stop stop what you're doing right now now let's see where's the food [Music] you hand over the candy you know the rules you can't sneak one past me now how about you [Music] all right good job at following the rules i approve i'm keeping my eye on both of you though hey don't worry about your snickers take a look at my shirt it's not just a design i've got real candy on there wow you're a genius at hiding snacks i know it's great right hey this can't be empty already talk about scraping the barrel [Music] this thing really is empty me and my stupid chocolate addiction i love this stuff is this some kind of joke i must have finished it all by accident my special food hack should come in handy first pour some milk into the jar then stir it all with a spoon hello froggy chocolate milk and into the molds you go once they're full pop in the stick lids then put them in the freezer let's see how they turned out so good not before the last step that's right we're talking about sprinkles people [Music] look how colorful it is now it's all yours sophia and to think i almost threw that chocolate away way to go emma hey no food allowed go on come back when you've gotten rid of it all right let me see if you're hiding anything oh i can't let him see my candy hey necklace that gives me an idea yep i think this will totally work voila i've got some new jewelry to show off hmm what do we have here [Music] you're good go on through oh i made it inside and now for a quick bite did you just eat her necklace you saw that right hey can we share your jewelry sure things here you go [Music] thanks this is great [Music] wow all this action makes me hungry could this thing be more perfect well with chocolate it can come to mama [Music] still hungry so chocolaty i just can't get enough of this so delicious whoops let me just wipe that up i don't even care it's too good huh i finished the strawberries already i hate when that happens well what do we have here oh i hate commercials what is all of this this has emma written all over it even the tissues are gross no i'm dirtier than before wait a minute yep i should have seen that coming don't even know what to wipe first [Music] hi thomas want some strawberries [Music] emma stop please there's a better way to do this [Music] stick the straw through here keep pushing until the stem pops off [Music] now you have a hole see and now for the best part get some chocolate in the syringe a good amount should do then it's time for the injection filler up [Music] no mess here so cool and easy too yum it's the perfect amount of chocolate don't mind if i do hello class deep breath in and out now palms together and lean forward and again whoa huh not again so embarrassing i can't believe i'm late [Music] that was close blocked again this should work what's that sound just gotta roll out my mat here then i'll be all set but first a little snackage wrong side up arms out huh palms in when does she get here i can't believe she bought it [Music] now's my chance may as well grab this while i'm down here quick just need a quick bite here [Music] now stretch those arms [Music] nutella on bread is there anything better a little candy could kick it up a notch no such thing as too much chocolate oh yeah let's sandwich this thing up [Music] so sweet that was the best thing ever but i've still got room for more [Music] lily what did i say about swedes only one at a time how about some greens no dad they're good for you you're a growing girl you know you'll thank me later i don't know about that [Music] i feel like a rabbit or something but dad doesn't know about my secret stash sugar baby i feel bad why do i let him get to me or perhaps i can compromise i've got an idea take a slice of bread and use a glass to make a hole in it kind of like a cookie cutter do this to a few pieces in the loaf [Music] now you can pour your candy in it's the perfect hiding spot and don't forget the top piece he's coming back tastes so much better right it tastes like dirt gross [Music] good thing i've got this now this is what i call a healthy diet nothing like a little quiet time huh wow emma doesn't this ice cream look good you're closer to the kitchen ah come on emma pretty please you're so pretty okay fine i'll be right here when it's ready she's so lazy and i hate scooping this stuff what are these doing here i think i could have a little fun when you microwave marshmallows you can make them do anything even disguise them as ice cream look how gooey they got take it out in a clump and roll it as if it's dough [Music] once it's in a ball like this you can put it into a cone then bring on all the toppings the more the better don't forget the sprinkles looks like real ice cream right wow does that thing look perfect or what [Music] is this supposed to happen what kind of ice cream is this what you don't like marshmallows because you just got a mouthful i knew this tasted familiar give me some of that hi everyone here's my hair for today [Music] oh hi gina ooh cookies this is going to be tasty ow what happened why aren't you eating that cookie it hurt my tooth when i try to bite it oh yeah that cookie is rock hard there's gotta be something we can do hey look let's use this hammer [Music] yes i'll teach this cookie a lesson [Music] [Applause] [Music] it didn't break that's it this cookie is gonna get it a saw great idea yes this is making a great video [Music] yeah sawing is hard work are you kidding it's so cool this is some sort of super cookie okay time for drastic measures oh yeah it's chainsaw time wow that's going everywhere okay i'm done no way this cookie is invincible i think the cookie has officially defeated us wait tina look at this oh they put those heart cookies in a glass of milk what they made a cookie slurry oh this cookie is getting the milk treatment into the glass you go cookies now to add the milk that's the perfect amount and now it's time to use the spoon just gotta smash the cookies until the crumbs mix with the milk okay we move over to the microwave stick the cookie slurry in and turn it on [Music] the microwave will cook it right up [Music] all right time to check the finished product look it's a little cookie cake just gonna add some powdered sugar on top sprinkles too so it's nice and pretty let's dig in [Music] oh wow it is like a cookie cake this fashion show is so high-end i have one rule for my show no candy allowed okay we understand that means chocolate too i hate this stuff if you need a snack you can have celery it's healthy and delicious you can eat as much as you like i'm glad we've got that covered i don't want to eat this celery it's gross well don't worry because i have a plan i snuck in some skittles here you can have some too um what did i say about candy this is not allowed i will be taking it so sorry that he confiscated your candy but hey look what i've got shoes they're not just any shoes though you snuck skittles in on your high heels so smart here you go have a yellow one i know they're your favorite [Music] so much better than that donald celery oh my gosh i just got a great idea i'll be right back oh well more skittles for me then i guess hey look i'm back and with brand new clothes whoa you made an entire skittles outfit it looks pretty good right oh no he's back she's gonna get caught again what do we have here this outfit i can't believe my eyes it's magnificent glorious masterpiece oh yeah i made it myself [Music] i actually think it's delicious come on move over to the right you're so going down liz no yes and done mine's almost done there's still one left may the best woman win it's on obviously well who's gonna make the first move you can cut this tension with a knife come on let go i saw the candy first dimmy over my dead body that can be arranged i can't believe it i won this is so unfair i beg to differ [Music] now i'm left with nothing what a rotten saturday night [Music] wish i could turn it around actually maybe i can just have to put my cooking chops to work let's do it fill up a bowl with lemon-lime soda [Music] then add some drops of food coloring [Music] stir it so it blends in yep really stir it around there [Applause] good time for the gelatin once it's all in stir it up so it absorbs a bit once it looks like this it's off to the fridge take an ice cube tray and pour the mixture into each spot there you go put the lid on and inject the rest so that it fills up the entire ball yup all the way after some time in the fridge they'll look like this for the next step onto the stick they go like little jello lollipops come on wait till lizzy sees these enjoying that sucker of yours i decided to make some myself oh i'm about done with this one [Music] she's so bossy it's lollipop time looks good huh tastes even better i'm such a good cook show off [Music] hey ellie look yeah medicine i have a glue stick too no look at it with the cap off your glue is red mine's just clear no ellie look it's not glue i can pull so much out it's so stretchy and fun cool i wish i had some slime to play with oh you can stretch it so thin snack time ew you ate the slime [Music] delicious madison stop eating that you'll get sick don't worry ellie it's not slime look i just took a glue stick and removed all the glue perfect no more glue now for some gummy bears just gonna melt them with my blow dryer ooh they're getting all gooey this is fun [Music] okay now it's ready for the next step i need the glue stick and the melted gummies time to pour this in oh it's like one big glob fill it all the way to the top done now for the cap looks just like regular glue look madison i made my own look at this stretchy gummy filling watch me squeeze it through my fingers time to eat it hey let's smash them together i think it'll stretch forever let's take a bite [Music] oh what's going on over there oh nothing it's just our glue glue that doesn't even make sense well this girl's night sure is going well [Music] who's this [Music] what alex wants to call it quits what did i do i'm the best girlfriend ever he texted me see i can't believe this is over i don't deserve this [Music] thank goodness i have ice cream [Music] it's okay you just need to stuff your face all right take a bite okay uh how long has this been frozen bella nothing's going right in my life i can fix this melt ice cream melt ah i think i know what will work some water oh that's hot which is exactly what we want just submerge the ice cream in the hot water should do it vicky's gonna have some relief in no time [Music] yes that's some creamy goodness right there here you go vic eat as much as you want okay this is the full fat stuff here you have some too [Music] this ice cream will have you better in no time [Music] no food or drink in this room oh look at how much food people had to throw away man i can't believe i got caught with my snacks i guess i gotta just throw them away like everything else wait don't do that i know how you can sneak your food in uh what are you talking about oh you're so cute let me show you come closer and i'll tell you how i did it first you'll need one of these containers of tissues or wipes you'll need to take all of the wipes out of course then all you have to do is put your snacks inside i like to hide oreos inside just stuff in as many as can fit and then you're done just close it up bon appetit all right let's get into class with our hidden snacks [Music] you
Channel: 123 GO Like!
Views: 13,060,946
Rating: 4.4290004 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, hacks, tricks, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, 123 go, 123 go like, 123GO!, tutorial, how to, know how, food hacks, diy food, sneak food, pop it, kitchen hacks, cooking hacks, diy sweets, diy candy, candy hacks
Id: TcskULZA3-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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