WoW: Shadowlands Rewind | Asmongold Reacts

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shadowlands rewind this guy makes great videos all of them all kangan this video was really [ __ ] good I love this video dude he hasn't made a video in 440 days true it's been a bit my bad and subscribing I'll link it to you guys you guys better watch here we go pay attention now pay attention now listen the [ __ ] up solo you're going to ask someone else listen red is red diamond John T your green chose take your [ __ ] Moon Zolo your [ __ ] square go now Zolo get this burnout three two one goes not gonna do it that's what we [ __ ] really boys there's no way we can wipe dude oh no keep going no no no no no no no no no no no no no intervene intervene no no no intervene intervene you've got inner no no no seriously if I die and I don't spawn here I'm gonna be quite sad that's fine girl what no [ __ ] way time to blast I cannot watch lorgox without thinking about the 8.2 Nash Guitar World quest incident I cannot watch him without thinking about that the Nash guitar incident s I'm still right here it's fine there's THD this guy is famous uh for every every wrong opinion about the game was actually originally created by THD so like if so like for example like if if you don't like Titan forging he likes it Islands the best system in the game infinite grinding best thing random legendaries I'm not sure but those are probably the best thing too yeah THD is a [ __ ] grinder and he's not afraid to let people know we're in combat if they one shot is here I'm actually just gonna cry I wonder what's gonna happen [Music] you can't be serious there's a bro imagine being peekaboo a multiple rank one AWC competitor I think he won AWC one time and you just got farmed by a 1600 rated moonkin 1600 rated mooncan like just you're done there's a copy on my wall oh [ __ ] oh no he's being cockroach somebody get Crusaders some scissors soon get ready to soak Jack circles he's good he's good what what it's been an honor what the [ __ ] [Music] that was really good that was really good what's good all right what was this oh I see it now Branson who's that okay getting out of that stuff good smart no way that's a tank he's a goblin get me out dude what a little [ __ ] [ __ ] Goblin are you [ __ ] kidding me bro oh bro I remember this dude there's something going on with these runs every once in a while I think this was the same guy this dude one of these guys was inspires of Ascension for like 10 hours this guy had been in [ __ ] Ender on the last boss for 20 22 hours straight [Music] wow now you can go to sleep dude there he is stop damage guys stop damage guys no more damage guys stop damage please guys stop damage you never stop going big dick damage never I don't want to stop damage don't do it [ __ ] you the way you do this is everybody else stops damage but you don't you never stop damage if it like is a reflex Shield that damages the raid you're helping the healers out if it's [ __ ] like you never stop damage never stop attacking where's pool off he's probably just chilling he'll be back when he's back dick all the time never stop damage There It Is God damn right oh no I have pineapple on top of my free computer and volume right now and you're trying to get a conduit energy or out of conduit energy oh well I guess I'll go then come on four George the Cannons the DPS is here baby oh we got him great he's dead well [ __ ] I mean I didn't know it was going to be that easy damn you just give him a walk in the hole hey yo we saved this we saved this [ __ ] planet look at that am I salaried they're paying me and Gaber gummies they're paying me in gamer gummies what the [ __ ] oh oh no oh [ __ ] I'm sorry do not ever do that oh here we go wait what trigger forward you guys can tell what happened because in one second the shaman got deleted yeah what is that ferocious bite yep yep totally normal 33 000.7 seconds this is normal absolutely so many oh my oh no [Music] what the [ __ ] would you rather [ __ ] Garage on remote locks probably a murloc have you heard the sound they make imagine what they can do with their mouths I mean I I can't argue against that he'll do a frontal he sure did [Music] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this this is like this is like a McConnell stream or something okay I killed him holy [ __ ] is this after Mitch Jones started doing the arcano sphere [ __ ] yeah this was the Arcane dream I remember this yeah we love Grandma so much don't we she's so sweet [Laughter] that is so nice of her to let her daughter-in-law do that to her oh [Music] there it is they lost the race by the way thank you watch your feet they quit they made the right decision to quit by the way they they absolutely 100 made the right decision we'll see that the day is still young uh probably go out and [Laughter] this is it dude all right you just keep taunting him and uh Roger Brown was one of the first guys that got azeroth's Champion back in wait what the [ __ ] the chip oh yeah this was on the beta dude look at this look at this interview spicy one man look at this not you know the most trustworthy name here I'm not even sure that I should actually translate this one Lively what does it say s [ __ ] good one actually good one holy [ __ ] wow I like how he's the broomhead okay he's trying to pretend like oh I wonder who this is I wonder who he's talking about dude I was I was so [ __ ] hung over it was called I'm not even I was so [ __ ] hungover like this [ __ ] was awful like I wait hold on hold on 2018. I'm 20. foreign no I was totally [ __ ] sober I basically the problem is I had a lack of sleep going into this yeah yeah so yeah true [Music] oh [ __ ] they're doing it he was playing Final Fantasy Jersey Mike's listening I'm dying now guys oh my God okay so what's he doing I'm confused [Music] yeah you know what that doesn't make sense you're right yeah that actually doesn't make a lot of sense yeah I never thought of it that way true [Music] in real life stay alive ignore seeds oh my god let's go dude come on come on I watched this [Applause] snowboarding [Music] that was crazy when they killed this [ __ ] it was like it was at like four in the morning or something which like for them I guess like noon or something God damn Echo it's so cool to see Echo still popping off and doing well right because a lot of the guys from Echo were like old limit players and you know I'm sure like whenever everything that happened uh you're not old limit sorry old method players uh and yeah it's just that I'm sure like that was like really really [ __ ] shitty for them and the fact that they've still come back and they just got the most recent world first with a Jailer that is [ __ ] impressive man there's method minus scope I think there's minus a number of the other parts of leadership they had yeah as they are racing to the Finish Line there it is [Music] there it is this was such a big deal [Music] with this Vendetta but there's no crowd control on brains and it's closing it out North America's Champions method damn [Music] secure but the map looks different the winners of the European region can they finish Sean Lee here can they drop him sap out of the blockchuddling his team shot increased Pizza is it gonna be enough with the pre-fate Flop comes out but it's not the silence for follow-up and Kawhi will remain your North American Champions dude I really hope that in Shadow or sorry in in dragonflight uh we get some better Arena like I hope that they like really tone down a lot of the like random effects and like extra [ __ ] so we can all appreciate Arena again like back in the day in Wrath and BC man I really hope that's what happens thank you Echo literally want everything done related yeah smart enough to make it that exciting yeah it's there it is there it is fine are gonna be our season two there it is a global champions hey there it is big congratulations of course to Echo that is a dominating victory for Echo I'm sure dragonflight will have plenty of memes as well Echo who abused the misdirect bug hey you playing a win or are you playing for fun because they play in a win you play for fun all you want wins a win yeah they should have got if that's it they shouldn't have got disqualified but they didn't so then they won that's a video Franc makes great videos he'll make about one a year so uh we'll subscribe and uh make sure to like the video you guys should do the same this guy does great videos I feel like this guy like actually loves wow he loves the wow Community he's like such a authentic guy you know for the uh for the community and to just like put up all the content especially to like give a spotlight on some of these guys winning the tournaments right because like obviously like the meme videos are really cool they're funny but it's also the guys that like won the tournaments and everything like that I think that's [ __ ] badass man that's great I like it a lot Skype comment you made even Shadow ends look fun I'm impressed sir keep up the good work yeah exactly [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 290,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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