Asmongold Reacts to The Fall of Rooster Teeth

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the fall of Rooster Teeth I've seen some stuff about Rooster Teeth recently I'm curious to see what's going on with them if you're anything like me you're two things one raised by the internet and two subscribe to mogulmail on YouTube thank you so much for doing that right got me yep right now wow amazing yeah I didn't grow up without a dad for most of my childhood so a lot of the people that I would watch growing up were kind of father figures in a way and occasionally I like to indulge and go down memory lane take a nostalton the red versus blue listen as somebody as somebody that really liked Halo I actually didn't like red versus blue because they never shot each other like I liked watching Halo 2 montages with Nickelback and stained in the background and just like [ __ ] headshots happening on lockout like I don't want to hear like a bunch of some [ __ ] sitcom like I'll just go watch the office Georgia blast trip through the creators that really raised me including Mr phantasma just to listen to the noises they made maybe 15 of you people actually know who this is what's up my nuggets but if you did that's a whole Nostalgia blast that you just went through and for a lot of you guys that might be Rooster Teeth yeah all right Rooster Teeth has been around for well over a decade almost two decades I'm pretty sure they've created a bunch of Ip that you might know Achievement Hunter fun house death battle they were an absolute Mainstay in the gaming space well they were a huge [ __ ] Rooster Teeth wasn't just a Mainstay they were in industry massive absolutely [ __ ] massive I watch fun house all the time I'm gonna be honest boys like I never watch any of this [ __ ] [ __ ] I watch Rooster Teeth way back in the day I'm talking about the 2000s I never watched any of this other [ __ ] internet [ __ ] [ __ ] until I started making my own videos like I was all about watching wow videos and making my own videos but it hurts even harder when you look back and you see that the people that you were raised by or grew up with are up to no good which I don't think that's a bad thing at all I think that that's in some cases healthy because a lot of people have this notion that whenever they're uh you know that they grow up they like they romanticize people to a degree that a person cannot be a part of like a person cannot ever rise to the ideal that an individual can create for them in their mind and I think that it's good to sometimes see people that you think are great people you know you know get a little bit of a glimpse behind the curtain because I think that a lot of guys I mean this is the case especially I'm sure like with girls too is they'll see people with these perfectly manicured lives and they'll think you know wow like I'm a loser but it's like the old this is like super cliche but people say like oh well you're comparing their a real to your be real and and it's like that's effectively what's happening and I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing I think growing up and seeing the flaws and the people that you used to look up to and being able to appreciate them for what they were but not to think that the person themselves is some sort of infallible being I think that's actually very healthy is what came out over the past couple weeks with Rooster Teeth Now You're a bit of an old story but I haven't seen many people talk about it I know yeah that's the thing it's like whenever I saw this I wanted to watch this because like I saw some stuff about this on Twitter but like I don't know exactly what's been going on maybe I do and I just didn't put the two together so I thought I'd put it on all your Radars Rooster Teeth outside of all the original Ip Ruby whatever it is the content they've created they've also created a terrible workplace culture what a song came out through a twit logger from one of their former employees one of those by the name Caden now Caden sent this whole twit longer hold on she goes over extensively all the things that were bad but the TLD are is gross enough all right when you're looking at the when you're looking at the tldr and that alone makes you Gas makes a jaw drop you know they're up to no good uh you can read through a few of the lines here but uh it includes uh such things as calling her thugs because it was a nickname for the effler uh things like over working under paying General terrible HR uh and and a whole cohort of worse I think a lot of people are gonna go and I I know whenever some of these topics come up you know this is some person who is trans or there's some sort of like problem and and there's like a um there's like a strain of discrimination in in this case it seems people will try to throw out the whole case and not take it seriously because they don't really care that much about these words or something like that I think that it's very important that we don't throw the baby out with the bath water here even if you take all of the things that you could say were um transphobia the uh EF slur Etc you're still talking about unpaid contract work bad work environment Etc I think it's very important to keep that in mind not really old school yeah I mean this is like all the way back in 2013 is this something to cancel Rooster Teeth over I don't know I mean I probably don't think so maybe the people that work there changed maybe they're not working there anymore I'm not going to really like lose any sleep over something that happened in 2013 however you know it seems like this is a uh you know multiple uh you know in the 2020 position producer and director getting paid forty thousand dollars a year next lowest paid person was 70k this person seemed seemingly has been being taken advantage of things now before I move on I do have to mention this because this is going to be a lot of the counterpoints that will be made is that Kaden uh was not herself the greatest victim as many victims are uh and said some slurs uh of her own specifically this doesn't matter like it this again it it's like I I don't know why people always go and do this like yes it's very true that like the the slurs and [ __ ] like this like I feel like these are that these are the sprinkles on the Cupcake yeah the sprinkles are important we see the sprinkles but there's also the whole [ __ ] cupcake people like are honing in on this because it's some sort of specific thing it's not that big of a deal uh said the n-word uh and a clip came out of that yeah sure and although that is not a good thing and that's not something I supported at all it doesn't uh um it doesn't cancel out uh the the terrible workplace uh that that she was at uh and if there's a lot of nuances to these kinds of things I I'm not really going to like I'm I'm not a big fan of going back through somebody's history like I mean you guys know me I've said millions of horrible things for many years like I never really deleted a lot of it either because I figure [ __ ] I might as well you know this is who I was I'm honest this is this is me this was me and you know this is me now uh I don't have a problem with that at all I don't really care a lot about that I care about what people are doing now that's what really matters the most you don't believe me yeah a toxic workplace could have been a catalyst or a behavior I mean or she could have just been saying something like it's like the nuances of saying a word versus calling somebody a word versus calling somebody of the group that the word is being used to discriminate against that word itself like all of these things are different Shades of Gray I I would say each one is consecutively slightly worse than the other well then look at all the all the all right I am about to show about 20 different employees at Rooster Teeth oh my God all dropped a twit longer hey this is wow crazy the amount of people who came out the woodwork uh and the first one starts with Mika who said that um she didn't name drop it back in 2020 saw the n-word written on a whiteboard okay crazy here's a twit longer from Autumn who said that the HR swept a lot of the stuff under the rug uh here's a twit longer from Aaron uh which goes into it a little bit more we got something from uh Andy saying you owe me so much money uh Chad says I'm still employed Kate inside because you know I got to pay the bills out of the day which I respect uh Gabriel makes sense the list goes on and on and I think Alana Pierce who worked at Rooster Teeth for a bit said it best so she worked with her son house right I'm pretty sure I don't feel like I've ever been shy about this I've said so like multiple times repeatedly maybe just like I've never publicly Associated the two but it's a very easy to do okay I think I repeatedly said that 2018 was the worst year of my life so bad and it was because of working conditions at Rooster Teeth I fell apart um it was terrible I've spoken about this publicly I made a video on this channel about it about how I literally developed eczema a skin condition that I now deal with all the time because I was so stressed out and frazzled and I know somebody in real life that actually had this exact same thing happen with like developing this same skin condition through stress so yeah it [ __ ] sucks she's developing right yeah yeah she works for uh I honestly don't even know makes God of War I don't know PlayStation she works for whoever makes [ __ ] god of war um just like overwhelmed and like in a terrible Place yeah if the workplace conditions are so bad that your employee develops eczema from stress verified by a dog this is probably not a good situation doctor that that's a major problem now I'm not the greatest boss in the world I'm not going to pretend I am I have like over a dozen employees and I will remind slime every day that I see him and that we are both alive that he is bald which you know maybe HR needs to worry about that but but this is just a whole new level well yeah but Japan though right and so that's kind of cool and and that's really what it comes down to is that people are willing to put up with a lot of little bits of [ __ ] but the moment that they don't get their paycheck now the twitlongers are coming out that's a fact but for it to have been swept under under the rug for that long with with 419 employees oh they need to hire one more person went away from greatness crazy that's crazy that many employees points not until 2022 that we're all finding out about this now maybe it was known from you know people behind the scenes but but at least this is when I found out about yeah Rooster Teeth of course because of all the backlash released a statement about a week ago I remember I I [ __ ] saw this statement and like this statement got ratioed in the original definition of a ratio where it has more [ __ ] comments than likes that used to be what a ratio meant that you got more comments than likes and now here we are yeah the classic ratio 10 days ago as an almost 20 year old company that started in the early stages of online videos and grew with internet culture we made mistakes all right they were around before uh you know a PC culture before Society uh decided hey oh people say that [ __ ] all the time back in the day uh absolutely like let's not pretend like that's not what happened that's absolutely what happened people said this [ __ ] constantly I don't think Rooster Teeth is in any way like uniquely responsible for this sure it's just bad never it's being said to employees it's totally different and they should also pay them you know we won't say slurs unless we're in a league chat that's okay not really addressing a lot of the things and so a lot of people yeah who get like who gives a [ __ ] like the slurs are like yeah it's bad that you said that a lot of people said [ __ ] like that back then like let's move on and talk about the real [ __ ] why weren't the people getting paid like that's what really matters like it's easy it's very easy to apologize for saying the n-word 10 years ago oh wow How brave and [ __ ] socially aware you are how incredible yes of course but paying people that's what [ __ ] matters weren't super happy with that all right does it doesn't address the issues that were brought up and you can't opine on how much internal work you've done when it's still an issue so this is never a good look but they had to drop it let me see uh you can apply how much internal work you've done your company has changed or you can't bring yourself to include an apology to the employee you call the store for years on end in your statement I don't think like I feel like this is what happens whenever any company does a public statement is like people always try to find holes in the statement and be like ah but you didn't say this but you didn't say that which to be fair I kind of just did myself but I think that like apologizing to her by name in the statements was this something that they should have done maybe maybe not but I don't think that them not doing it means that they're bad people still an issue so this is never a good look but they had to drop a second apology and this one it's always good it listen whenever your first apology doesn't go over very well the one thing to do the best thing to do is to apologize again that'll that'll get them every time yeah they'll be like oh well now we understand yeah you double yeah go again you just [ __ ] go and apologize again never [ __ ] do that like I was being sarcastic never [ __ ] do that be like listen like [ __ ] up that is what it is right if people don't want to take it it is what it is I think a little more sincere talks about the changes very concrete changes they're going to make so it doesn't happen in the future uh and they go through this thread they say they took the upper management uh and and are basically making a bunch of changes over the past uh a week uh and presumably through uh out the rest of the year to make sure that they have a better I mean this is kind of like really what they're saying upon investigation we confirmed Caden's work was paid in full according to our agreements yes I know that but like weren't the agreements like uh it don't use the like the the clear indication with this is that a person at the same position shouldn't be getting paid like 40 percent less than than their than their uh their co-workers you know assuming that there's not like 40 percent less than the next lowest person so it was never a notion of at least in her circumstance and this is kind of why not um I I think that really if you're if you're doing the same job you should probably be paid the same amount I I think that in general that's true now obviously there's a lot of circumstantial things like sales and things like this where you have large commissions Etc but with this I don't think that was really the case and I think that if you're paying one person 40 000 the other person seventy thousand and that's the next lowest I feel like that's very very low and it probably was manipulative in certain ways yes you should have worked two full-time jobs exactly well if she was 40 less good at her job if she was 40 less good at her job then she was a director and manager on leading teams and they probably should have fired her and got somebody else I'm gonna be honest uh out the rest of the year to make sure that they have a better workplace uh for anyone who works there and then there's also some apologies from the creators who were involved in in the bullying of Caden uh or the bad workplace overall and people that you probably know people like Gavin Free I think it's always really it's always a lot better to keep apologies really short because like every extra sentence that you do with an apology think of it as like you're making a Target and you're making the target bigger and bigger and bigger with every sentence every sentence the target becomes bigger whenever I've I have never done a twit longer for an apology for anything or anything like that if I make a mistake I said yeah I [ __ ] up I was being an [ __ ] it is what it is my battle try to do better that's it take it or leave it drones yeah and Jeff who uh went private so he can't really show it but there was an apology uh that you guys can all take a look at I think the biggest takeaway that I have for you I find it also to be very kind of uh annoying whenever a person who was involved in the bullying of another person then goes on private because of what I am assuming and to be bullying online no no now you're going to go private I wish they could have gone private at their work maybe if they could they wouldn't be putting up the twit longer is one this always backs up my point to root for the worker never the workplace especially when the workplace is I don't agree with that um I think that it's important to root for the truth and to root for who's right in a situation I I don't really agree on categorically always defaulting to the worker being right in the workplace being wrong now I think that's just as wrong-headed as the opposite now I think that in both cases I think a really good example of this actually that Ludwig covered this too and talked about on Twitter was the Bayonetta thing is that the uh the the voice actress for Bayonetta uh you know the way that she represented the the facts was misleading and it was misleading in a way that made the company that paid her look very bad and because people automatically she lied I think that it was more that she lied by Omission but I don't know all the facts about this so don't don't don't quote me on that but what I do know is that she did misrepresent things one way or another things were misrepresented and whenever that happened the Ludwig and a lot of other people took her side now I would have too I just didn't get around to it so although I did not make this mistake I would have so I don't want to try to act like I'm above them I agreed with them I liked a lot of their tweets whenever they did this because I too was like oh well [ __ ] these guys right because I thought she was telling the truth but it's always very important to hear both sides because there are cases of people that are trying to go out of this you know to get to get some sort of attention clout or something like that and that's why it's important to look at the actual evidence and to not just blindly take sides and unfortunately we had to learn that lesson recently with the Bayonetta thing so it sucks whenever people do that because it it takes somebody like Ludwig or like myself which you know I think that he and I both feel that we are trying to do a good thing and it misuses you know that good that good intention it sucks gets so big even here at Mogul moves all right if you see a tweet from Aiden saying hey Moga moves working me to the Bone take aid inside not my side even if you like me a lot yeah and then of course it's never somebody uh there's a really there's a very intelligent person in chat I'm sorry I'm gonna [ __ ] do it um somebody said except whenever you're amarath then we believe you I guarantee you if that if that voice actress had a phone call recorded of her boss at that company yelling at her the same way that amarath's husband yelled at her nobody would give a [ __ ] if some of the facts were wrong I understand that you're upset that a girl told her story and now you're and you you're you think like oh every single time the girls are lying not every girl is Amber Heard okay now not every guy is Chris Brown either but listen listen to the [ __ ] facts and think for yourself and stop letting your biases do the thinking for you but many are actually that's factually incorrect uh the vast majority over 90 percent of accusations are not proven false so the idea that uh the the majority a lot of them no this is not true at all I think that if you want to be if you want to be on the safe side of things you should believe accusations yeah this is just and this is just a factual number now [ __ ] you get it so wrong well it's simple how do you prove a negative well it's very simple The Proven negative in these cases you saw it with the Johnny Depp trial that proved a negative right there there's many ways to do that's a stretch um no it's just it's just statistics like I know that I know that everybody everybody loves numbers until they disagree with them but these are what the numbers are bad to repeat this sentence don't believe anything does the proof well no I'm Jesus Christ um I I think that I think it's okay to believe something without proof but it's bad to act on it does that make sense so like it's okay to take what somebody is saying and be like wow this is bad you know we should take this accusation seriously without saying let's get out the pitchforks and let's get out the [ __ ] cross and we're gonna nail them up right now you see what I'm saying so again and also by the way proof was her getting screamed at over the phone and also the the leaked text messages I mean let's be honest the Bayonetta thing did not have that so I I think this is just another false equivalence because you probably have some level of resentment towards amaranth and you're trying to bring this horse into the race stop it they're not the same the people that you watch online that even if they raised you even if you grew up on them even if they were a father figure to you yes are not people that you actually know you only know them through the lens that they are available to be seen in like me yes true he threw these Mogul man except me by the way I'm your real friend who else you have such great takes how are they so balanced in but yet observant of both sides to which I would reply on the goat but the reality is I only give you the takes that I think are good and I only upload the ones that I think were the most eloquent see I don't do that and that's one of my problems is that whenever I have an opinion and everybody hates the opinion that I have and they're like asthma and please stop saying this we hate this opinion I said really where's the [ __ ] megaphone we're gonna make another video about it right now yeah this is one of my features yeah exactly yeah I have no problem sharing unpopular opinions probably to a fault there are a bunch of drafts that are either misspoken or maybe just bad takes all together that I just never uploaded and you'll never see and maybe we had a conversation there'd be more of a back and forth and you'd see a lot of the flaws that I have but why would I try to express those flaws to a million people yeah it's always going to get lost in translation and people are going to think that you're wrong and also like there are times whenever like for example if Ludwig had made the video about Bayonetta I think that maybe she did I don't remember exactly the the voice actress you know people could go back and look at that and be like oh wow you were [ __ ] wrong but the reality is that sometimes whenever you're presented with evidence things look one way and then more evidence emerges and then things look another way and I don't think that's flip-flopping that's doing the opposite that's being consistent by making your judgments based off of evidence when I myself am not confident on them right I'm only going to upload things that I'm actually confident on when I talk about uh and that I that I feel like I have a level had a take on I don't uh so so anyway just a fresh reminder that the people that you watch online aren't people that you super dough uh and that they they can disappoint you like anyone else in your life like even your family can uh but glad Rooster Teeth is making changes hopefully they're very serious about it uh and to all the people who work their routine absolutely I mean like you got to pay people for the work they do you can't treat people like [ __ ] and um I mean that's really all there is to it I mean if you do something like that you treat somebody badly they will get you back it might not be today it might not be tomorrow but in a year three years five years they'll get you they [ __ ] time I I am sorry for that uh anyway that's all from mogulmail thought I'd give you a little update hopefully I didn't shatter your childhood dreams and see you later goodbye have a good rest of your day see you later goodbye goodbye now I'm leaving goodbye yeah I mean I think that's fine like again A lot of people do you know they're not going to upload information or things that make them look bad whenever you have an opinion there are sometimes never I have an opinion about things that kind of goes against the norm and I have no problem uploading that and then you know farming all the hate from it it's always unpleasant when these kinds of things happen whenever people get really mad at you and they're talking a bunch of [ __ ] about you Etc but sometimes you just have to take it on the chin and accept that there are people who just disagree with you and you have to have your opinions and that's all there is to it one's a good guy yeah I think he's in general a good guy I like him and uh that's why we watch a lot of his videos if you guys want to want to watch this one and give it a like and everything like that make sure to do that I'm going to link it for you guys right now [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 322,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: xk1xvzpTHns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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